Term Paper on "Hospital Merger"

Term Paper 3 pages (1407 words) Sources: 1+

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John Hopkins Hospital Merger

The Perspective of Human Resources

The purpose of this work is pertaining to the acquisition of a hospital that provided service to a limited community within the region served by John Hopkins (JH). The larger unit, JH has all its departments and functions fully managed with an executive vice president as the head of the unit. Included are VPs of Finance, Information Systems, Administration, Compliance, Employment Services provided so there would be no need to retain all the staff of the community hospital. Due to the acquisition the community hospital would be delegated as a department within the JH organization and the previous CEO has been named executive VP who will report to the CAO of JH. The board of JH determined that it would not be cost effective to maintain any of the employees of the community hospital.

Reassignment must be accomplished in relation to filling the positions of nurses, doctors, and support staff for the purpose of full maintenance of all services at the community hospital. Staff is comprised of approximately 3,000 employees. The management at JH felt that with efficient assignment of staff that it could operate the community hospital profitably and prevent any potential layoff of its own staff. This was a concern since the community hospital has significant debt that JH is required through the terms of acquisition to settle. Furthermore JH had problems itself in the maintenance of cost and had considered laying-off staff. This absorption of debt would place JH in fiscal jeopardy of some type were financial affairs not efficiently managed.

The decision has been made by managem
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ent to restructure the use of staff to ensure that all abilities are fully utilized. The staff's morale was negatively affected by this decision. As stated in the article of James Hauden and Donald MacLean:

the purpose of change management is not to create a great change management plan...it is to engage people in your business so they can think and act differently about it...all the people in the company must realize how they must personally change at a deep intrinsic level to make the transformation a reality. (Hauden & MacLean, 2002)

If JH wants to change to be a success then John Hopkins must, through HR change management take the lead and show that they are willing to sacrifice and will require the staff to do likewise. This work will address the following from the above change initiation which is a hospital merger.

Supervisory training - What (new) skills will managers and supervisors need after the change is implemented? Why? What (new) skills will managers and supervisors need after the change is implemented? Why? How will they obtain these skills and competencies?

Employees relations policies and procedures - What, if any HR policies and procedures will need to be implemented/changed? Why? What are implications of not changing these policies and procedures?

Develop action steps, responsibilities, due dates, deliverables and so on, for each planned intervention.

Organization - Are there clear lines of responsibility for all activities, including the role of HR?


How-to-guide entitled "Managing Organizational Change" written by Queensland Health in 1998 advises manager on the planning phase of organizational change in relation to the planning and implementation. The reaction of the staff within the organization to the process of change greatly influences the success of the change and the outcomes of the organization's management initiative. Therefore, the emotional aspects of the employees and the resulting interactions are something that the manager must calculate in the change management planning equation. It is vital that the employees of the institution or organization possess 'ownership' in the upcoming changes. It is up to the manager to see that this takes place through appropriate equitable processes...that focus on the need for constant open communication with employees and their representatives." (Queensland Health, 2005)

Upon having determined that change management will take place the realization that "variables are predictable and can be allowed for in the planning process, whereas other variables are difficult to predict or include in the plan." Three listed 'keys' in changing paths within an organization are stated to be:

The path of change as planned by the change agent to achieve the future… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Hospital Merger" Assignment:

This change initiative pertains to the acquisition of a hospital that provided service to a limited community within the region served by Johns Hopkins (JH). The larger unit, JH, has all its departments and functions fully managed with an executive vice president as the head of the unit. This includes VPs of Finance, Information Systems, Administration, Compliance, Employment Services (HR), as well as a Physician in Chief and General Counsel. JH provides all the services that the smaller community hospital provided so there would be no need to retain all the staff of the community hospital. The community hospital, because of the acquisition, would become a department within the organization of JH and the previous CEO would become an executive VP who would report to the CAO of JH. Because the board of JH determined that it would not be cost efficient to maintain any of the 150 employees of the community hospital, to staff this hospital HR is required to make reassignments of its nurses, doctors, and support staff to fully maintain the services at the community hospital.

JH has a staff of approximately 3,000 employees. The management of JH felt that with efficient assignment of staff JH could operate the community hospital profitably and prevent any potential layoff of its own staff. This was a concern since the community hospital had significant debt levels that JH is required to settle and JH itself had problems maintaining cost and considered laying off staff. This absorption of debt would place JH in some form of fiscal jeopardy if financial affairs are not managed efficiently. Hence, management decided to restructure the use of staff to ensure full utilization of everyone’s abilities. This decision negatively affected the morale of the staff. As James Hauden and Donald MacLean state in their article (Hauden & MacLean, 2002),

…the purpose of change management is not to create a great change management plan….it is to engage people in your business so they can think and act differently about it….all the people in the company must realize how they must personally change at a deep intrinsic level to make the transformation a reality.

In other words if JH wants the change to be a success then JH, through HR management, must help the staff believe that the change is best for all. It will likely require some concessions on everyone’s part. Management has to take the lead and show that they are willing to make sacrifice and will require the staff to do likewise.

I need to address the following from the above change initiative which is a hospital merger.

Supervisory training–What (new) skills will managers and supervisors need after the change is implemented? Why? How will they obtain these skills and competencies?

k. Employee relations policies and procedures–What, if any, HR policies and procedures will need to be implemented/change? Why? What are the implications of not changing these policies and procedures?

Develop action steps, responsibilities, due dates, deliverables, and so on, for each planned intervention.

p. Organization—Are there clear lines of responsibility for all activities, including the role of HR?

Please include 4 Peer review resources. These preferably should be from a database of some sort.

How to Reference "Hospital Merger" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Hospital Merger.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/john-hopkins-hospital-merger/6088811. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Hospital Merger (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/john-hopkins-hospital-merger/6088811
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). Hospital Merger. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/john-hopkins-hospital-merger/6088811 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Hospital Merger” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/john-hopkins-hospital-merger/6088811.
”Hospital Merger” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/john-hopkins-hospital-merger/6088811.
[1] ”Hospital Merger”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/john-hopkins-hospital-merger/6088811. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Hospital Merger [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/john-hopkins-hospital-merger/6088811
1. Hospital Merger. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/john-hopkins-hospital-merger/6088811. Published 2005. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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