Term Paper on "Job Motivation and Job Satisfaction"

Term Paper 17 pages (5232 words) Sources: 40

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Job Motivation and Job Satisfaction

Benefits of Job motivation and job satisfaction

Management Theories that Support Motivation and Job Satisfaction

Classical Management Theory

System Theories

Human Relations and Neo-Human Relations Theories

Job Motivation and Job Satisfaction: The Subjective Nature

Cultural Influences and Job Motivation and Satisfaction

Individual Circumstances, Job Motivation, and Job Satisfaction

Job motivation and job satisfaction

Job satisfaction is a significant phenomenon in all organizations. This is because it represents, among other positive aspects, a practical summary quantifier of efficacy at work (Bockerman & Ilmakunnas, 2012, p. 244). When discussions over this feature crops up, the factor of job motivation, in many instances appears considering the relationship that the two phenomena have and the imperative roles they play in organizational settings. Business entities with much focus on success critically consider these two aspects and incorporate them actively in their management functions. According to (Jehanzeb, Rasheed, Rasheed, & AlamzebAamir, 2012, p. 272) job motivation and job satisfaction generate numerous benefits for the organization, the stakeholders included (Adeyinka, Ayeni, & Popoola, 2007, pp. 1-4).

All kinds of fields, for example tourism industries, can closely relate to the benefits that the two phenomena present. The authors indicate that the relationship between rewards, job motivation, and job satisfaction
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of workers are purposefully noteworthy to business accomplishment, whether in the public or private organizations (Urosevic & Milijic 2012, pp. 45). The different approaches that explain this association exists as advanced by different theorists and scholars in the field of management with some of them being considerably, generalized. However, recent trends in management recognize that some of these generalized theories do not present a true reflection of the actual happening in the organization. The substantially subjective nature of job motivation and job satisfaction explain this. Different variables, as discovered affect these features among individual at different levels. Some of these dynamics include unidentified domestic circumstances, and individual relationships externally to work and cultural pressure among other factors.

Job motivation and job satisfaction

Kleinbeck, Quast, Thiery and H,,cker, (2013, Chapter 8) in the publication "Work Motivation" illustrate that productivity, an element which organizations incessantly search, requires multiple input, motivation being one of them. Motivation relates to the sequence of energetic factors generated both within and outside human being's individuality and acts as an initiator to work related conduct (Latham, 2007, pp. 3-4). Additionally, motivation determines the form of work related conducts in individuals in addition to the provision of the parameters of intensity, duration, and direction of such behaviors. Davidson, & Davidson (2011) the competitive nature of the business world makes motivation indispensable. The authors reiterate that, having in-depth knowledge on the aspects and factors of motivation to workforce in organizations institutes the start point of business success (Urosevic & Milijic 2012, pp. 45).

According to Levesque (2008. p.2), many employers use the philosophy of wanting their employers not to play at work but to get their tasks accomplished. They need to see task accomplished and goals reached makes organizations sometimes, to overlook the important factors of how the process of working goes and how these activities influence the workers (Gray, C, 2008, pp. 2). However, it is possible for both workers and their employers to make work feel like play and derive job satisfaction together with productivity from the environment. All organizations, through the management and other leaders, ought to implement strategies that support motivation among workers (Kleinbeck, et al., 2013, Chapter 8). It is however, imperative to understand that motivation emanates from within an individual. In light of this, it is proper that individuals identify the things that motivate them in working better (Levesque, 2008. pp. 2-5).

Job satisfaction emanates from a myriad of factors with motivation forming the core of those elements (Greenway, 2008, p. 95). Job satisfaction refers to the level of contentment that individuals derive from their jobs. Like motivation, the aspect of emotion runs through job satisfaction and relates to some form of pleasurable emotional feeling that workers possess concerning their jobs. According to A, A.A. And Aktas (2005, pp.480-483), job satisfaction emanates from motivation. Likewise, making employees satisfied and at ease, helps motivate them. Greenway (2008, p. 5), explains that, job satisfaction constitutes the most important constraints whose capacity to affect labor turnover, workforce performance and productivity in diverse industries is very massive.

As A, A.A. And Aktas (2005, p.483) reiterate, the tourism industry and other sectors in economies benefit from job satisfaction in an unimaginable way. Moreover, sectors, which have diverse characters of tasks, require to continually assess their operational aspects and outcomes with the view of enhancing business productivity. Doing such appraisal help organization realize that factors like job satisfaction and motivation are pertinent to organizational success and lack of these features affect business processes (Nedeljkovic, Hadzic & Cerovic, 2012, pp. 105-107). The matter of the fact is, organizational development and job satisfaction go together (A, A.A. & Aktas 2005, pp.480-483).

As Ayub and Raffif (2011, p.333) demonstrate, the link between work motivation and job satisfaction constitutes among the extensively researched area of management. The speedy changes in the business world have created an environment where organizations cannot perform a business, let alone survive save, they implement these aspects of management practices (Thomas, 2009, pp. 7). Organizations cannot isolate job motivation and job satisfaction from each other since they are complementary (Ayub & Raffif, 2011, p. 334-335). Moreover, these features respond to diverse organizational dynamics, which include work conditions and productivity (Kleinbeck, et al., 2013, Chapter 8, A, A.A., & Aktas 2005, pp. 480-483).

Satisfactions the employees attain from their jobs rely on the behavior and insights of individuals at the place of work. These conducts and attitudes are factors of both extrinsic and inherent needs. As Ayub and Raffif (2011, p.333), continue to state that, motivation and job satisfaction for individual employees depend on the views that these individual hold with reference to their jobs and the organizations they work for. It is however unfortunate that in some regions of the world, researchers have long ignored these relationships. This is irrespective of the existence of an apparent association between the two factors of management. The few studies conducted on this subject, nevertheless, indicate that the degree of motivation within individuals in organizations by status, external figures of position and due regard for rank, has a positive link with the experience they have with job satisfaction

Benefits of Job motivation and job satisfaction

Saleem, Mahmood and Mahmood (2011, pp.217-218) in the article "Effect of Work Motivation on Job Satisfaction in Mobile Telecommunication Service Organizations of Pakistan," report that, human resource in the most vital factor of production and success in organizations. The fact that more often, than not, these individuals work in the face of neglect an unconcern in very disturbing considering that this is one the root causes of failure for business entities. The need of motivation and job satisfaction in organizing is apparent and thus, the features require experienced an upward trend as the businesses advance their regular operations. According to (Zaremba, 1978, pp. 26, 58), motivation and job satisfaction bring diverse benefits not only to the organization but also to the employees. This creates a cycle where each of the parties, being motivated, motivates the other and improves different aspects in them.

Motivation is the basic driving force and promotes better performance within the worker. This translates to organizational performance and success, improved image and enhanced capacity for achieving a competitive edge in the industry. (Saleem et al., 2011, p. 218). Organizational employees who are motivated, are able to willingly put their best in the tasks and thus attain job satisfaction, while, at the same time doing the organization business good. A slight motivation has, in reality, the capacity of catapulting organization to unimaginable heights (Furnham, 2006, pp.512-520).

The role of innovativeness, both at the individual and organizational levels, leads to massive development. Encouraging this is significant for organizations, which have to compete with their peers in the dynamic business arena. Zaremba (1978, pp. 26, 58) illustrates that motivation and job satisfaction evidently, breeds innovations among employees. Using examples of teachers in a school environment, the author notes that, there exists a positive link between job motivation and job satisfaction with innovativeness. Saleem et al., (2011, p. 218) reiterates that, the commitment that these features trigger among different individuals and different levels of the organization lead to the generation of new, practical and unique ideas whose potential to trigger organizational success cannot be undermined. Additionally, neglecting these virtues can threaten the organization as it makes workers resent work and thus work way beyond their potential.

According to Mahavir Singh (1998, p. 117), the manner in which job motivation and job satisfaction operate in team environments is overwhelming. Many research studies relate Complete job involves, the capacity of the worker accepting and meeting job demands together with team work as subject to motivation and job satisfaction Mahavir Singh (1998, p. 48-57). This scenario would work very well in instances where workers majorly derive motivation… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Job Motivation and Job Satisfaction" Assignment:

Assignment Title:

*****Motivation and job satisfaction are very subjective and affected by many variables including cultural influences, unknown domestic situations and personal relationships outside of work. Generalised management models cannot meet all individual circumstances.***** (Mullins 2011)

Discuss to what extent you agree or disagree with this statement. Your discussion must include a critical feasibility analysis of the key job motivation and satisfaction theories / management models as applied to different cultural, professional and social settings.


Any one of the following three books will be a satisfactory core text.

Buchanan, D. and Huczynski, A. Organizational Behaviour (6thed.) Prentice Hall. 2004

Mullins, Essentials of Organisational Behaviour.(3rd ed.) Prentice Hall 2011

Rollinson, D. et al, Organisational Behaviour and Analysis, (3rd ed.) Addison Wesley, 2005


How to Reference "Job Motivation and Job Satisfaction" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Job Motivation and Job Satisfaction.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2013, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/job-motivation-satisfaction/2661685. Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Job Motivation and Job Satisfaction (2013). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/job-motivation-satisfaction/2661685
A1-TermPaper.com. (2013). Job Motivation and Job Satisfaction. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/job-motivation-satisfaction/2661685 [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Job Motivation and Job Satisfaction” 2013. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/job-motivation-satisfaction/2661685.
”Job Motivation and Job Satisfaction” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/job-motivation-satisfaction/2661685.
[1] ”Job Motivation and Job Satisfaction”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2013. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/job-motivation-satisfaction/2661685. [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Job Motivation and Job Satisfaction [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2013 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/job-motivation-satisfaction/2661685
1. Job Motivation and Job Satisfaction. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/job-motivation-satisfaction/2661685. Published 2013. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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