Term Paper on "Italy-u.S. Relationship"

Term Paper 5 pages (1517 words) Sources: 1+

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Italy-U.S. Relationship

The relationship between the two countries got strained when American troops shot an Italian agent who rescued a hostage in Baghdad and went worse when Washington later criticized Italians for poor communications and not heeding warnings (Serjeant 2005). The U.S. expressed no intentions of disciplining the involved soldiers, although it would recommend improve warnings to drivers in th roadblock. An Italian newspaper quoted an Italian official as rejecting the testimony of the soldiers as contradictory and, "in some cases, totally untrustworthy." It was reportedly one of many incidents, which claimed the lives of Italian civilians caught by American military activity. The refusal of the U.S. government to punish the soldiers led to calls for the speedy withdrawal of U.S. troops in Italy. U.S. Brigadier General Peter Vangjel said that Italian agents kept their mission to free Sgrena from their U.S. allies, as they considered it a "national issue (Serjeant)."

Italians accuse the U.S. military of "tampering with the incident scene" and removing forensic evidence (Serjeant 2005). Its investigators believed not one but three American soldiers shot the Italian agent's car. Many sectors insisted that the roadblock should have been lifted long before this tragedy.

Italy's foreign minister demanded that the U.S. punish these soldiers, who claimed that the fires were shot because the victim's car was speeding and did not heed their warning to stop (BBC News 2005). Political observers pointed to a serious problem of jurisdiction in initiating criminal proceedings in this area, which is under U.S. control..

Italy in th
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e 20th Century

Italy underwent four stages of development in the 20th century: liberalism, the mixed economy, the welfare state, and the new economic constitution (Ferrarini 2005). Economic and financial development characterized the first stage, during which the role played by the State was limited to supporting industrial growth. During the second stage, the State acquired banks and industrial companies The public ownership of large sectors and the equity markets' limited role in financing industry reduced the importance of company law modernization. The result was the minimal protection granted to minorities and the great weakening of the role of join-stock companies in the capital market. The third stage was characterized by the establishment of disclosure rules for listed companies and of a securities regulator. A new stage of financial development rolled in the 90s as a consequence of liberalization in the EC and the world. But financial scandals showed that even recent reforms were unstable. Public and private enforcement has remained weak. Italy's history and experience failed to support a so-called "strong convergence" theory because of political forces and path dependency, which constrained economic evolution (Ferrarini).

Among the major events of the 20th century was the Fascist Regime under Benito Mussolini from 1922 to 1939 (Wikipedia 2005). Mussolini, the leader or il duce, eliminated all political parties and curtailed personal liberty under the guise of preventing revolution. He signed a pact with the Catholic Church, which led to the formation of the Vatican City state. At first in friendly terms with France and England, Italy changed and invaded Ethiopia despite the opposition of the two countries and due to the influence of the Nazi Party, headed by Adolph Hitler (Wikipedia). Italy became part of the Axis.

Another major event was the Second World War (Wikipedia 2005). Italy was first neutral until it declared war on France and Britain on June 10, 1940 when it appeared that the French would lose. It later proved to be a miscalculation and the military was a constant source of disappointment to Mussolini. It continued the war against the Allies, while secretly negotiating with them. Hitler distrusted the Italian prime minister and put in his German forces there under the pretext of fighting the allied invasion. Later, when Allied forces pushed the Germans to the north, Italy declared war against Germany. An anti-fascist resistance developed and grew and drove German forces before anglo-American forces threw them out in April 1945)Wikipedia).

Italy's Greatest Success in the 20th Century

Italy may have been overrun by barbarians, driven from the rest of Europe into the Dark Ages and trampled into a waste land by the vandals and Huns, its great historical monuments still stand tall (Backen 1996). Despite epochs of fragmentation, the people of Italy retained a sense of their great past. Its conquerors were unable to impose their culture upon Italy and eventually even became Italians themselves. Italy became the center of the world and the place where they wanted to be.

Italy's great past will also always be remembered, awakened and reinforced by discovering of ancient manuscripts and how these were instrumental to the collection and dissemination of human achievements in the way unmatched anywhere in the world (Backen 1996). This great period is known as the Renaissance or rebirth, which began in the 14th century, mainly in Florence. It spread over the Italian mainland and then throughout Europe. This glorious era contributed immortals like Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Galileo, Machiavelli, Bonatello, Brunelleschi, Dante Allegieri, Botticelli and Lorenzo de Medici. It was the fountainhead of European civilization (Backen).

Italy's Major Problems

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi enumerated the country's obstacle to success as fiscal policy and the brain drain (Meglio 2005). According to reports, two out of three Italians saw the government's policies as failing, with the surging of the cost of living and the struggle to overcome the Parmalat financial scandal. Berlusconi believed that high consumer price increases were the result of the decision to switch from lira to euro. President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi and European Commission President Romano Prodi argued, however, that the change in currency secured a brighter and more stable future the economy of Italy. Prodi added that the euro actually saved the country from the Parmalat scandal, which could have led to a financial collapse similar or worse than the one in Argentina.

Brain drain was the other major problem of Italy (Meglio 2005). A Time article wrote that Europe's "best and brightest scientific minds are leaving in droves for the United States" and this is costing Europe billions of euros and many jobs. Italian scientists agreed that the best place to go for substantial funding for research, top facilities, optimal support and continuous opportunities is the United States. Records show that approximately 400,000 European science and technology graduates now live in the U.S. They had to leave their homeland Italy for seek out jobs. Italy, like other EU countries, has been doing its best to lure their talented people back and develop laboratories and increase funding for their laboratory work. But at this time, attempts have failed.

Berlusconi, however, believed that these obstacles meant that a united Europe, with its collection of different cultures, beliefs and languages, still has a long way to go.

Despite its cultural supremacy in the world, Italy has remained subjected to foreign powers (Backen 1996). As a kingdom under King Victor Emmanuel who abdicated his throne after World War II, Italy has remained a nation for no more than 130 years.

Solution/s and Motivation to Solve Italy's Problems

Italy today is a prosperous country that has an advantaged location within the triangle formed by Milan, Turin and Genoa (Backen 1996). The "Italian look" is world-famous and has become the norm of excellence and good taste in consumer and industrial goods. Tourism is brisk in the country. More than 30 million tourists visit its historic sites and savor its popular foods. In this manner, Italy is a world power.

Italy is probably the most incredible history among all countries in Europe (Backen 1996). It contributed peerless and priceless treasure of art, architecture, literature, science, law, medicine, civic planning, engineering, music and religion. It has been the center of style and fashion and taste, the origin of most of the world's great ideas. It… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Italy-u.S. Relationship" Assignment:

Topic 1 is the country’s relationship with the United States. It is needed to research this relationship throughout the twentieth century and not just concentrate on what it is today, although it is also needed to be somewhat familiar with that (see below).

For Topics 2 and 3, first survey the country during the twentieth century and then choose two historical topics that you think are the most important to know to better understand that country. Examples might be wars or revolutions, independence movements, economic ups and downs, significant leaders, social upheavals or changes.

Please note that these are only a few suggestions; do not let them restrict you and instead use your own judgment as you look at this specific country.

As Topic 4, identify, define, and discuss what you have determined to be the greatest success that this country has experienced in the twentieth century. In choosing here, think of what would make its citizens especially proud to call this their homeland. The last one, Topic 5, what is believed to be the greatest problem facing this country today. Put this topic in its proper historical perspective by discussing how it came about and why it has not been resolved. This fifth topic is perhaps the most important of your entire research, because it will serve as the springboard for a United Nations debate.

This is somewhat different from a standard research paper. You should consider it to be a “talking paper” that you are submitting to a United Nations subcommittee, which is going to debate the fate of your country. Thus, the paper needs to include all five of the assigned topics so that readers will understand some of the important historical events that have transpired in this country during the century, what the relationship has been with the U.S., and the problems and promises that this country has experienced. The conclusion to the paper should be a strong argument for those who read it to want to help solve your topic 5 (the country’s greatest problem today).

Despite this different “audience,” it is expected that it will include footnotes (or endnotes) and a bibliography of your sources. All Internet sources must be fully cited, and not just include a clickable URL. Your paper should also conform to standards of good English grammar and organization. Be sure to include an introduction to help guide readers through the discussion. It is expected, but not mandated, that papers will run from 5 to 7 double-spaced typewritten pages in length (no larger than 12-point type font please); it must be submitted as a Word document.

This is some of what I wrote for my first topic. Maybe this will help in some of the research I did.

"Italy is a very interesting country. I chose Italy because of what I read in the small description that was provided. I found it interesting that Italy is a poor country because it lacks natural resources and does not have very much farmland. In this day I have a hard time believing that a country still has a hard time keeping up with the times, such as technology and economics. I want to research why and how this country continues to be very slow in making avenues to increase their economy.

I learned on this particular website that “Italy’s activity with the United Nations is three objectives: close attention to the defense of national interests; consolidation of the role of the European Union as a protagonist of international policy; and promotion of the greater interests of the international community in questions concerning peace and security, economic development and the protection of human rights” (http://www.esteri.it/eng/4_28_64_266_181.asp?). This site also says that Italy has provided new ideas to help their country improve with greater efficacy and consistency.

Therefore, I look forward to my first journey in the country of Italy. I will find many new facts to help me better understand why this beautiful country has remained poor but yet so well traveled my many people around the world."

Once you have written the paper I would like to know what are the topics that were chosen. Instructions above gives specifics on what to write about.

Here are some website that I submitted to my professor.














Please let me know if you should need anything else.

How to Reference "Italy-u.S. Relationship" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Italy-u.S. Relationship.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/italy-us-relationship/560985. Accessed 4 Jul 2024.

Italy-u.S. Relationship (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/italy-us-relationship/560985
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). Italy-u.S. Relationship. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/italy-us-relationship/560985 [Accessed 4 Jul, 2024].
”Italy-u.S. Relationship” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/italy-us-relationship/560985.
”Italy-u.S. Relationship” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/italy-us-relationship/560985.
[1] ”Italy-u.S. Relationship”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/italy-us-relationship/560985. [Accessed: 4-Jul-2024].
1. Italy-u.S. Relationship [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 4 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/italy-us-relationship/560985
1. Italy-u.S. Relationship. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/italy-us-relationship/560985. Published 2005. Accessed July 4, 2024.

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