Essay on "Isabella, a 29-Year-Old Woman"

Essay 6 pages (2281 words) Sources: 6

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Isabella, a 29-year-old woman, presents to her GP with a primary complaint of difficulties in sleeping. She also is concerned about her work-related stress and general well-being. She is diagnosed by her GP with insomnia. However, there are other considerations, such as features of her anxiety and limitations of the metrics used to evaluate her, that suggest additional diagnoses may be warranted. Because of the importance of an accurate diagnosis in determining treatment, Isabella should be evaluated further for the possible diagnoses of generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder.

This answer to question 1 will discuss Isabella's complaints and test results as well as suggest additional diagnoses.

Isabella is a 29-year-old woman who sought help from her general practitioner for difficulty in sleeping and for concerns about her work performance and general well-being, perhaps secondary to sleep difficulties. She gave a verbal report to her GP and also completed the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales questionnaire (Lovibond, 1995).

According to Isabella's verbal reports, she has difficulty falling asleep and has found it difficult to relax and finds herself worried about work problems in her non-working hours. Her insomnia and other problems have led her to complain about decreased work performance, and therefore she is seeking help.

In addition to her insomnia, Isabella reports that most of the time she is tired and irritable. She has difficulty concentrating and making decisions. Not only does Isabella think that her work performance is decreased due to her problems, but she also reports that her well-being is suffer
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Isabella's general practitioner diagnosed her with primary insomnia associated with work stress. The main reason for this diagnosis, as opposed to an anxiety disorder or depression diagnosis, was Isabella's result on the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales questionnaire (DASS) (Lovibond, 1995). Isabella's scores on the Depression and Anxiety scales were in the normal range, whereas her score on the Stress scale was in the severe range.

There are several alternate diagnoses that Isabella's GP may have made, other than primary insomnia associated with work stress. One alternate diagnosis is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). This seems to have been ruled out due to Isabella's score on the Anxiety scale of the DASS, but several other considerations suggest that GAD should not be ruled out in Isabella's case. First, she has reported that she has always worried a lot about her school and work performance, and about her family and minor things. These worries have persisted throughout and beyond childhood, and her insomnia is only a recent phenomenon. It is possible that the insomnia is secondary to a GAD that manifested more fully when Isabella received her promotion.

A second reason that GAD or another disorder should not be ruled out in Isabella's case is that it is possible that the DASS is not a completely accurate evaluation scale for depression, anxiety, and stress disorders. The GP did not use additional self-reporting metrics for evaluating Isabella's case, and it is possible that different tests would have yielded different results. For example, one study found that only medium-sized correlations exist between results of different tests for depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (Einsle, 2010, p. 584). An additional potential problem with self-report tests is lack of accurate reporting by patients due to perceived stigma. One method to gain better insight into patients' conditions is to use multiple screening tests, as has been reported (Janeway, 2009, p. 36). In Isabella's case only one self-report screening test was used, which may have led to inaccurate conclusions.

A third reason that GAD or MDD/dysthymia should not be ruled out is that Isabella reports difficulty in concentrating and making decisions. These are features of MDD/dysthymia (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders IV, 2000) and are not assessed by the DASS (Lovibond, 1995). Difficulty in concentrating is also a feature of GAD (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders IV, 2000). These symptoms may be secondary to insomnia, but they may also be due to an underlying depression or GAD.

Several considerations make GAD a more likely alternate diagnosis than MDD/dysthymia. Isabella complains of all six of the diagnostic symptoms of GAD, whereas she lacks some important symptoms of MDD/dysthymia, such as persistently low mood and lack of pleasure in previously enjoyable activities (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders IV, 2000). Moreover, Isabella clearly exhibits excessive worry and anxiety, likely not due to an underlying mood disorder, an essential feature of GAD (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders IV, 2000).

Question 2:

This answer to question 2 will discuss and evaluate several major theories as they relate to Isabella's case.

Two potentially competing theories involve the etiology of the development of her symptoms. According to one theory, Isabella's insomnia and stress are due to an organic/endogenous disorder, whereas according to another theory, her insomnia is due to a reactive disorder. In the second case, the insomnia and stress would likely be caused by work problems due to her recent promotion.

Of course, these two theories are not mutually exclusive. It is possible that an underlying organic change underlies a reactive insomnia. For example, it has been found that in comparing two neurological diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis, disease type independently predicts whether depression will manifest (Holden, 2011, p. 1). Direct neurological manifestations of the disease, which would be classified as organic/endogenous, partly cause the depression associated with the disease. An organic/endogenous etiology may also underlie Isabella's insomnia and stress problems, even if they are partly due to an increased work load.

An additional theory regarding Isabella's insomnia, alluded to above, is that it is caused by another primary disorder, such as major depression, dysthymia, or an anxiety disorder. It is clear that the DASS does not evaluate some key components of major depressive disorder (MDD), as described by DSM IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV). For example, the DASS questionnaire does not directly address loss/slowing down of motor function, as does the DSM IV questionnaire for major depression. Also, the DASS does not ask the patient about loss of/low energy or loss of/low concentration, as does the DSM IV questionnaire. Finally, the DASS questionnaire does not address social support networks, which are important in assessing the possibility of MDD. From these observations it may be concluded that MDD or dysthymia should not be ruled out in Isabella's case.

A key reason that these concerns about the underlying disorder in Isabella's case is important is that the diagnosis is important for determining her treatment(s). While a diagnosis of insomnia due to work stress might warrant treatment with a medication to aid sleep, such as zolpidem (Ambien) or a benzodiazepine, these medications may not be ideal if MDD or an anxiety disorder underlies or is comorbid with her insomnia. If there is an anxiety disorder underlying or comorbid with Isabella's insomnia, then benzodiazepine treatment may be ideal. However, if MDD or dysthymia underlies or is comorbid with her insomnia, then an antidepressant medication, such as a selective serotonin reuptake-inhibitor (SSRI) may be the best treatment. Regardless, it must be noted that there is evidence that early, mild presentations that may be sub-clinical according to DSM IV have a strong potential to become severe disorders, and it may be cost-effective to treat these milder presentations aggressively (Kessler, 2003, p. 1117).

In summary of the first part of the theoretic appraisal of Isabella's case, it is clear that more than one assessment questionnaire should be used to determine her diagnosis. There are clear limitations of the DASS questionnaire in that they do not evaluate some key components of depression, such ability to concentrate and energy level. Moreover, even if Isabella's case is a mild case of MDD or GAD, it is possible that the case may worsen in the future (Kessler, 2003, p. 1117). Therefore, any treatment should be aimed to prevent exacerbation of her condition.

An additional consideration to be taken into account is that Isabella's insomnia may be cormorbid with another condition, a condition possibly undetected by her verbal reports and the DASS questionnaire results. The two most likely possibilities are MDD/dysthymia and GAD. An important distinction is whether a potential cormorbid condition is MDD/dysthymia or GAD. This is because treatment options differ depending on the diagnosis. If a comorbid condition is MDD/dysthymia, then treatment involves antidepressant medication and/or cognitive-behavioral therapy. On the other hand, if a comorbid condition is GAD, treatment likely involves benzodiazepines and/or cognitive/behavioral therapy. As argued in the answer to question 1, GAD is a more likely diagnosis than MDD/dysthymia, but more evaluation (through DSM questionnaires, other anxiety / depression questionnaires, verbal report) is required to determine which, or both, of these conditions are involved in Isabella's case.

Given the information provided, it seems that cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is recommended in this case. This would not only provide therapy for Isabella, but also help determine what type, if any, pharmacological interventions should be made. It would also make Isabella's diagnosis more clear. One general theory is that CBT may… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Isabella, a 29-Year-Old Woman" Assignment:

Read the case description of Isabella, a 29-year-old woman, below. Write a 2000 words

essay, answering the following questions:


Comment on Isabella*****s diagnosis. Would you suggest a different diagnosis? Why? In your

answer, discuss both Isabella*****s verbal reports and her questionnaire scores.


Describe and critically evaluate at least two major theories regarding Isabella*****s problem.

You should be able to answer question 1 in about 500-600 words, and your answer is worth

30% of the total mark for the assignment. You should be able to answer question 2 in about

1400-1500 words, and your answer is worth 70% of the total mark for the assignment.

Suggested readings:

American Psychiatric Association (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental

Disorders (4th Ed.) Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR). Washington D.C.: American Psychiatric


Depression Anxiety Stress Scales website:

The suggested readings, as well as your lecture notes and textbook, should be used as your

initial starting points for your more specific literature search using PsycInfo. In your answer,

you are advised to also consider the items that make up the DASS questionnaire.

Further information:

You may employ any structure (i.e., essay or report) that you find useful in communicating

your thoughts. Including an abstract and a reference section with your assignment is

compulsory. Follow APA guidelines in writing and referencing.


Isabella, a 29-year-old woman, presented herself to her GP complaining of severe sleeping

difficulties. She reports going to bed at about 11 pm most days, but not being able to fall

asleep for several hours. She finally falls asleep at about 1 or 2 am, but wakes several times

during the night and finds it difficult to go back to sleep. She reports being extremely tired,

tense and irritable most days. She finds it difficult to concentrate, and her mind often just goes

blank. She is seeking help now because she feels that these problems began to interfere with

her work performance.

Isabella reports having always been a high achieving person, ever since childhood. She has

always worried a lot about her school performance when young, and she believes this is the

reason why she has done so well academically. In addition to her school and work

performance, most of her life she has worried about the well-being of her family, her

popularity with friends and colleagues, her finances, and about such minor things as being

late, keeping the house tidy, or making everyday life decisions (e.g., which hairdresser to use

or where to do her shopping). She reports that she has experienced a lot of muscle tension,

irritability, and difficulty relaxing, for as long as she can remember.

Although Isabella*****s friends and family often tell her that she *****˜worries too much*****, she feels

that her worrying is useful in helping her cope. However, she also admits that her lack of

ability to relax and unwind, and her indecisiveness, have been detrimental to her well-being.

To check whether these complaints were related to an anxiety or mood disorder, the GP asked

Isabella to fill in the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS, Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995).

Isabella*****s scores were within the normal range both on the Depression and the Anxiety scale.

Therefore, the GP ruled out the possibility that Isabella*****s tiredness or sleeping difficulties

would be associated with an anxiety or mood disorder.

However, Isabella*****s scores on the Stress scale of the DASS were in the extremely severe

range. Indeed, she reports that her sleep problems first started in connection with increased

work stress. About 2 years ago she received a promotion in her law firm. Following her

promotion, she began to worry about her increased work responsibilities. Most days she was

unable to relax after getting home from work. She kept thinking about her many work-related

problems after going to bed, and when waking up in the middle of the night.

Considering Isabella*****s verbal reports as well as her scores on the DASS, the GP diagnoses

Isabella with Primary Insomnia associated with work stress.

Please answer the 2 questions above separately. I will email my lecture notes, please include references of my lecture notes and the DSM textbook. If there are any questions please do not hesitate to email me, thank you. *****

How to Reference "Isabella, a 29-Year-Old Woman" Essay in a Bibliography

Isabella, a 29-Year-Old Woman.”, 2011, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Isabella, a 29-Year-Old Woman (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Isabella, a 29-Year-Old Woman. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Isabella, a 29-Year-Old Woman” 2011.
”Isabella, a 29-Year-Old Woman”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Isabella, a 29-Year-Old Woman”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Isabella, a 29-Year-Old Woman [Internet]. 2011 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Isabella, a 29-Year-Old Woman. Published 2011. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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