Thesis on "Irish Dance"

Thesis 4 pages (1330 words) Sources: 6 Style: MLA

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Irish Dance

Many of us know about the role dance plays in our society and culture. Dance is not only limited to physical movements but goes way beyond the dictates of the body. It seeps into every society's history and culture. Dance, when understood to be a social variable, can be seen as having a bi-directional relationship with culture because not only does it influence culture but culture is influenced by dance as well.

The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the relationship of Irish dance and Irish culture, putting thrust on the way Irish dance influences the culture of the Irish people. Before building and eventually strengthening this idea, I believe it is fitting to first provide a brief understanding of the Irish dance for us to be able to understand the intersection of dance, culture, and society of the Irish people.

Irish Dance: A Brief History

According to King, we can trace the history of Irish dance to the early centuries of modern history, by which the Celts' entrance in the land brought with them various kinds of folk dances that were then incorporated in the ritual activities of the Druids. Druids' ritualistic activities are known to be occultist in nature (par 1). The Druids dance as part of their ritual ceremonies to honor the oak tree and the sun (Arthur Flynn in "The History of Irish Dance" par 1).

The Norman invasion during the 12th century marked another hallmark in the history of Irish dancing. During this era, the invasion brought along new cultural components to Ireland which also marked the foundation of modern Irish dancing (ibid par 3). This infant modern dance became an a
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venue by which Irish people where able to express their natural love for fun and entertainment. The "cake dance" for example, is perhaps what was then known as the "Irish Dance Competition" usually performed after Sunday services where men and women compete by demonstrating complex dance steps and maneuvers -- the prize being a freshly -- baked cake (hence the name of the dance) (ibid par 4).

Moving on to the 18-19th century, we can see the proliferation of "Dance Masters" who travel in the different parts of the land, stay in a particular community for about 6-8 weeks to teach the basic forms of modern dance. By the early 20th century, we can see the standardization of Irish dance via pre-set forms and movements (ibid par 5-6).

Irish Dance

Now that we already have an idea of where Irish dance came from and the factors that contributed to how it is today, I will now present what Irish dance actually is. According to Kingsland, Irish dancing is usually divided into three main types: step dancing -- which was a product of 17th century repression of education of Catholic children. The Dance Masters continued on by secretly teaching students "steps" (defined as 8 measures or bards of music). These dance masters have a set of dance steps and sometimes they compete, and those knowledgeable with most steps win. The second type of Irish dance is known as the Ceili dance which bears the origin of informal tradition of dances which changed over time -- i.e. numerous forms of this type have been noted such as round dances, line dances, and progressive dances (pars 1-5). The word 'ceili' is known as a "gathering with music, song, and dancing participation by all those attending" (ibid par 6). The third type, Set Dancing took form from the combination of step and ceili dances. Moreover, "[The set] is social dancing usually in the form of square "sets" comprised four couples one on each side of the square" (ibid par 7).

Irish Dance and Culture

Having discussed the fundamentals of Irish dance, we will now put in more breadth into the discussion by looking into the influence of Irish dance to the Irish culture. Here, I am proposing a discussion of Irish dance with particular elements of culture for a narrower… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Irish Dance" Assignment:

this paper must be written in MLA format, it has to include parenthetical citations for everything that is used in the paper from one of the sources, and the sources need to be emailed to me along with the paper, if possible, with the sections used in the paper highlighted, this paper must have a strong thesis that relates to how irish dance has influenced irish culture and must contain an MlA formatted header with my last name "halper" along with the page number.

How to Reference "Irish Dance" Thesis in a Bibliography

Irish Dance.”, 2010, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Irish Dance (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Irish Dance. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Irish Dance” 2010.
”Irish Dance”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Irish Dance”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Irish Dance [Internet]. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Irish Dance. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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