Research Proposal on "Ireland Future Issue and Suggestions"

Research Proposal 3 pages (1143 words) Sources: 1+ Style: Chicago

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Ireland Future Issue and Suggestions

Foreign Direct Investment

Ireland is known for having drawn numerous advantages from Foreign Direct Investments. These advantages were seen especially in the areas of manufacturing and exports in the sense that they had a positive impact upon the employment rates. In order to attract foreign investment however, the country invested in a series of local reforms regarding taxes and grants. It has been suggested that too much attention has been given to this approach to the country's development. It has been suggested that the investments should concentrate more upon the local development and that the government should focus on aiding the local enterprises. The truth is that the global financial crisis which started from the United States is affecting a large number of economies around the globe. One of the consequences is the intensification of the competition to obtain more favourable FDI. Ireland was one of the few countries in which the government decided to support the banks when they ran out of liquidities. As a result people continued to maintain their trust in the banks and also ask for loans. Should Ireland decide to invest in order to obtain further FDI, it should probably concentrate upon the big European economies, such as France and Germany, in order to make sure it will get a positive response back. Furthermore, taking into consideration the fact that the international crisis is a financial one, the investments should not focus on financial operations, but on areas which have a potential to grow regardless of the further development of the crisis (such as the protection of the environment for example). Ireland being a small coun
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try also represents an advantage under the circumstances of the crisis. The young workforce, with medium to superior education, together with the tax regime represent strategic elements which will contribute to attracting FDI.

Issue II: Unemployment

Another issue that Ireland will surely have to deal with in the following years is represented by unemployment. Since the country's economy is sustained by the multinationals which provide working positions, many of them coming from the U.S.A., it is safe to assume that the financial crisis affecting these entities will lead to an increase in unemployment. The ones who feel the consequences of this fact are the young people who don't have work experience. "Young men under 25 are twice as likely to experience joblessness than the female force over next year" (CIPD 2008). The more unemployed young people, the harder the work that the already employed will have to perform in order to support the others. This will have the country threatened with a lower life standard which will surely affect its competitiveness level. Under these circumstances the government will no longer be able to invest in innovation, technology and science, but be constrained to invest in order to support the unemployed and the retired. These are huge costs for the economy and could better be avoided now through the investment in training and in local economy branches which are most likely to generate working places. As far as immigration is concerned, on the one hand, workers coming from other countries might represent a competition for the locals. On the other hand, they might be the ones most affected by unemployment under the circumstances in which a superior education becomes a fundamental criterion.

Issue III: Monetary Issues

The fact that Ireland is part of the European Union may… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Ireland Future Issue and Suggestions" Assignment:

The basic question is this *****“ How should Ireland as a country deal with the following four issues throughout the next 2-3 years*****¦ will NOT be able to suggest how these issues should be solved*****¦..rather you are suggesting how the country of Ireland can best navigate the issues that it will undoubtedly face as it progresses through these difficult financial times

As you format your submission, be sure to use subheadings for each issue*****¦.in other words be sure to identify *****Issue I*****, *****Issue II*****, etc*****¦.remember it is to be 3 pages long, double spaced, with sized 12 font, etc*****¦..use Chicago style and add the endnotes and the reference page to the end of your submission

the issues are:

(1)-Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) *****“ Your primary issue may focus on the decrease in FDI, or perhaps the Shift in FDI*****¦.You may also want to discuss the increase in International Competition for FDI as the Economies of various nations are impacted by the Global Financial Crisis.

(2)-Unemployment *****“ Your primary issue may focus on the increase in unemployment *****¦ for both domestic workers and those from other nations that have immigrated to Ireland over the last decade or more. You may also want to discuss the phenomenon of the increase is youth unemployment, and how this will affect the youth of Ireland, given their history and current situation. In addition, you may want to include a discussion of immigration, emigration and standard of living as these are all impacted by employment issues. Finally, it was discussed that the education levels of workers is relevant.

(3) Monetary Issues / Monetary Policy *****“ Your primary issue may focus on the Deficit, both domestically and the International Financial Crisis, how that deficit impact government policies to include, but not be limited to housing, social services, etc. In addition, the issue of monetary policy may include discussion of international competitiveness, as well as the impact of the Treaty and current trade issues, including the issues Ireland is facing as a member of the EU. Finally you may discuss Currency issues within the topic of monetary issues and policy, again, both with regard to domestic issues and internationally, as Ireland now shares currency.

(4)Sustainable Development *****“ Your primary issue may focus on the environment, or the tourism industry in Ireland. It also may include a discussion of natural resources such as Oil. In addition, you may want to discuss what the future holds with regard to the investments that Ireland makes now, with its industries and population

How to Reference "Ireland Future Issue and Suggestions" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Ireland Future Issue and Suggestions.”, 2008, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Ireland Future Issue and Suggestions (2008). Retrieved from (2008). Ireland Future Issue and Suggestions. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Ireland Future Issue and Suggestions” 2008.
”Ireland Future Issue and Suggestions”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Ireland Future Issue and Suggestions”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Ireland Future Issue and Suggestions [Internet]. 2008 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Ireland Future Issue and Suggestions. Published 2008. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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