Term Paper on "Women's Issues"

Term Paper 5 pages (1500 words) Sources: 5 Style: APA

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Iraqi Women

Regardless if one is for or against the War in Iraq, the hope is that the lives of the Iraqi people are improved and some form of democratic nation is built that provides for equal rights. The previous situation of Muslim women in Iraq was restrictive at best. What has been the impact over the last five years? It appears by the research noted below, that women's rights may not be high on the political agenda and women still have to accomplish a great deal before they can have an equal voice..

Iraqi women, even the most conservative, are beginning to reconcile the tenets of religious laws with the desire to be part of a new political and economic government. Zainab Salbi, who runs women's centers across Iraq through her U.S.-based nonprofit organization Women for Women International, states that even a group of Shiite women sought funding in their hometown of Karbala for a women's center with both a prayer space alongside a room for computer terminals and English lessons for women (Hunt, Posa, 2004).

Yet in a 2004 report by Hunt and Posa in Foreign Policy, the authors note that despite the fact that President George W. Bush's administration points to the advancement of women as a "centerpiece" of its Iraq strategy, "good intentions have seemingly substituted coherent policy." The U.S. Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), received millions of dollars from the administration for women's professional training in order for them to be represented in the new government. However, after President Bush ended major combat operations in May of 2003, the CPA began using Iraqi women as a bargaining chip in political negotiations with religious factions.
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By failing to include a representative number of women in Iraq's government, the U.S. sent a message to other countries in the region that "women's political engagement is not, in fact, the pillar of democracy the West portrays."

In this 2004 report, it is noted that prior to the 2003 invasion, the U.S. created a government-in-waiting led by an exile group with only three women appointed to the 25-member Iraqi Governing Council; Minister of Public Works Nesreen Berwari was the only female named for the Cabinet of Ministers. At that time, although over 80 women served on city, district, and neighborhood councils in Baghdad, far fewer served in the 18 Iraqi provinces, and none had been appointed a provincial governor. Further, no women were appointed to the 24-member constitutional drafting committee, which produced the document that served as the interim constitution.

In order for Iraq to grow and prosper, it will need entrepreneurs to advance the economy (Looney, 2005). A large proportion of those involved in today's informal economy, as in past years, are women and children, a result of their impoverishment and ongoing exclusion from the formal economy. However, on the whole, the educational background of women continues to hinder them in their business efforts. All women face the challenges of Ba'athist ties during the previous regime and the power of a number of religious groups against them for pursuing activities outside the household and areas where they would like to pursue a career. Many older women who are educated are finding that their knowledge base significantly deteriorated during the period of sanctions and they need additional training before resuming work in their desired employment area. Younger women may also need basic education before they can expect to achieve higher levels in the economic structure.

It does not appear that the situation for women is changing very rapidly. Article 14 of Iraq's constitution, which was approved in a nationwide referendum, hedges about the state of women, as well. It states that Iraqis are equal before the law "without discrimination because of sex." Yet it also stipulates that no law can be passed that contradicts the "established rulings" of Islam. Since this is a catch-22 for women, the new document was condemned by critics both inside and outside Iraq as a fundamental setback for women, who make up a majority of Iraq's population.

To the contrary, Coleman (2006) argued that "The centrality of Islamic law in the document does not necessarily mean trouble for Iraqi women. In fact, sharia is open to a wide range of understanding, and across the Islamic world today..." She sites examples of how progressive Muslims are looking for ways to reconcile the rules in order to accommodate the women's role in the new Iraq. The constitution does not specify who is to determine which version of Islam will prevail in the country's new legal system.

Kandiyoti (2007) similarly compared the situation in Iraq with other Middle Eastern countries and found that gender issues become politicized in new and unproductive ways in situations where armed interventions usher in new blueprints for governance and 'democratization'. Relying on analyses from constitutional and electoral processes in Afghanistan and Iraq, Kandiyoti's studied how the nature of emerging political settlements in environments of high risk and insecurity may jeopardize stated international promises to a women's rights agenda. The distinction between stated aims and observed outcomes becomes particularly acute in contexts where security and the rule of law are significantly compromised, where Islam becomes a stake in power struggles among contending factions and ethnic/sectarian constituencies are involved in struggles of representation in defense of their collective rights.

In the meantime, a study by Freedom House, "Discrimination and Intolerance in Iran's Textbooks," examined about 95 different school textbooks that are mandatory for first- through eleventh-grade students in Iran. Freedom House is an independent non-governmental organization that supports worldwide freedom, with democratic political systems where the governments are accountable to their own people; the rule of law prevails; and freedoms of expression, association, belief, and respect for the rights of minorities and women are guaranteed. Freedom ultimately depends on the actions of committed and courageous men and women.

Authored by Paris-8 University sociologist Saeed Paivandi, it is the most comprehensive look to date at the books being used in Iranian schools. "The discourse of the textbooks has not been written with the concept of equality of all human beings, as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights," the study concludes. "In the textbooks' reasoning, human beings cannot be equal with one another on this earth, in the same way that, on the day of reckoning, they will be subject to divine judgment for their identity and actions." Based on the analysis of the Iranian textbooks, Paivandi concludes that different people have different places in society; those who are not high on the status ladder will be victimized by prejudice.

For the long-term, education may be the best way to advance the status of women. Although reliable literacy figures are difficult to obtain, most observers agree that Iraq has one of the worst gender literacy gaps in the world. As it has been seen with Iran, with its female literacy rate of more than 70%, educated women undoubtedly become effective advocates for their own rights. America should therefore strongly support female education in Iraq at all levels, primary and up, as well as adult-literacy programs the U.S. should also start moving a large portion of its reconstruction dollars to Iraqi businesswomen. Economic empowerment is a productive way to increase their status Despite the tremendous amounts of American aid that has flowed into Iraq, the U.S. mission in Baghdad has so far fought having an adviser on gender issues in Iraq -- where programs to support women are actually implemented. As a result, its many gender initiatives have not been nearly as effective as they could have been.

Finally a report in 2007 on that most recent status of women (Al Ali), states that the international community, including the U.S. And UK governments, have increasingly backed "gender mainstreaming" in post-conflict reconstruction and peace-building as stated in UN… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Women's Issues" Assignment:

Humanities 301- Middle East Online


Early in the term, each student will select a topic related to a current problem in the culture being examined and will perform research to examine recent, accurate, relevant, sufficient information on the topic. The aim of the paper is to describe and analyze this problem and propose a solution that is reasonable and acceptable to the culture being studied.

Paper Requirements

*****¢ This paper will be 5 (five) pages of text. That is 5 not 8 or 10! (Excessively long papers will be penalized).

*****¢ This paper will include a minimum of 5 separate sources.

*****¢ This paper will include APA-style parenthetical citations within the body of the text as well as a reference page at the end of the paper. Footnotes, endnotes or any other non-conforming method are NOT acceptable.

*****¢ Any papers handed in without citations will be given an F.

The thesis statement will state both the problem and include an indication of the proposed solution.

Following are broad guidelines for developing this research paper.

*****¢ Introduction  captures attention of reader by placing thesis in context; clearly states the thesis; provides a roadmap to guide the reader through the body of the paper.

*****¢ Body  presents the problem, proposed solution, and implementation of the strategic plan in a balanced way including an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the plan.

*****¢ Conclusion  summarizes the key ideas, reinforces the thesis, and effectively disengages the reader.

Before submitting the final copy of the research paper, each student may submit a draft of the problem section of the paper. The final draft of the paper should be five (5) typed, double spaced pages of text and is due when assigned in the syllabus. This is highly recommended.

Evaluation of the Research Paper: Students are expected to follow the guidelines presented in APA Handbook for grammar, paragraphing, and appropriate format for using parenthetical citations and a works cited page. Students are expected to use APA-style documentation and format. The research paper must included parenthetical citations and appropriately documented Works Cited page.

Tips for Writing: Research papers are expected to have more *****˜formal***** language than other types of writing. To that end, please avoid the use of personal pronouns (I, we etc.) and *****˜can you imagine***** type beginnings in your sentences. Spelling and grammar are extremely important. If you aren*****t sure, look it up and remember spell check will not help if you are having trouble with homonyms (there, their; to, too, two etc). If you feel you need more assistance, most Davenport campuses have programs set up to help with writing. Call your local campus to find out more.

IDS 485 *****“ MIDDLE EAST


This research paper is an assessment of your research skills as well as your writing skills. Please read the research paper instruction carefully.

Your research papers must focus on a specific problem in the contemporary Middle East. This has to be a problem from a Middle Eastern point of view *****“ not from an American point of view. This is a problem-solution paper not a history paper. You will identify and examine a problem and then present solutions.

I have listed a number of possible paper topics. Some of these are quite general and you will have to focus them on a specific group or country. You are welcome to choose a different topic as long as it is a contemporary problem in the Middle East.


*****¢ The construction of the *****wall***** between the West Bank and Israel

*****¢ Israeli settlements in the West Bank

*****¢ The political independence of the Palestinian territories

*****¢ Israeli military occupation of the West Bank and continued incursions into Gaza


*****¢ Water rights between Israel and neighbors

*****¢ The damming of the Euphrates River


*****¢ Diversification of the oil economy

*****¢ Economic development in non-oil states

*****¢ Free trade


*****¢ Political destabilization of Saudi Arabia

*****¢ Egypt or Turkey and internal terrorist networks

*****¢ The Kurds in Turkey *****“ terrorists or freedom fighters?

*****¢ The Iraqi insurgency *****“ freedom fighters, foreign fighters or something else?


*****¢ Political rights in various countries

*****¢ Access to health care

*****¢ Access to education


*****¢ Democracy vs. autocracy

*****¢ Democracy in Lebanon

*****¢ Hezbollah and/or Hamas *****“ the transformation of resistance organizations into political parties.

*****¢ The changing political balance between the Shia and Sunnis throughout the Middle East.

*****¢ Iran *****“ problem child or leader for the Middle Eas

How to Reference "Women's Issues" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Women's Issues.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2008, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/iraqi-women-regardless-one/7961463. Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

Women's Issues (2008). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/iraqi-women-regardless-one/7961463
A1-TermPaper.com. (2008). Women's Issues. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/iraqi-women-regardless-one/7961463 [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”Women's Issues” 2008. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/iraqi-women-regardless-one/7961463.
”Women's Issues” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/iraqi-women-regardless-one/7961463.
[1] ”Women's Issues”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2008. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/iraqi-women-regardless-one/7961463. [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. Women's Issues [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2008 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/iraqi-women-regardless-one/7961463
1. Women's Issues. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/iraqi-women-regardless-one/7961463. Published 2008. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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