Term Paper on "Ralph Ellison Invisible Man"

Term Paper 5 pages (1450 words) Sources: 4 Style: MLA

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Invisible Man

Musically-Inspired or Inflected Narration, Description, Motif Use and Structural Arrangement within Invisible Man (1953) by Ralph Ellison

Ralph Ellison, the African-American musician-turned-author, and best-known of his first novel Invisible Man published initially in 1953, was classically trained in musical composition at the Tuskegee Institute. Still, Ralph Ellison is much better-known, and remembered almost entirely today for his groundbreaking first novel. Within this work, whose storylines are, arguably at least, as beautifully; intricately, and complicatedly-yet-invisibly [double-meaning intended] blended as might perhaps be the instrumental/melodic mix within a deftly and delicately-composed symphony (see Heise, 2003).

Within Invisible Man (1994), a young, black, nameless (the author's lack of name for his novel's main character underscores his 'invisibility') ex-college senior is seen coming-of-age (uneasily, unevenly); after being transplanted, due not to his wishes but because he suspended (expelled, it turns out) from college. Arriving in the Harlem of Ellison's mid-1930's/early 1940's setting, the young man at first savors his new freedom, as described in sensual detail, to go where he wants; eat how much he pleases, and be himself (he thinks).

But in almost no time he starts to realize, taking his first of a series of increasingly hard and ever-surprising knocks Harlem itself gives him. Successive, escalating blows to his current non-initiated self-hood begin when he learns from a prospective boss's son who, taking what pity he can, informs him that the supposedly glowing recommendations he carries actua
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lly say not to hire him. In 1952, Saul Bellow stated, of Ellison's then-new Invisible Man, that this novel describes, uniquely:

the vast mass of phenomena, the seething, swarming body of appearances, facts, and details. From this harassment and threatened dissolution by details, writer tries to rescue what is important. Even when he is most bitter, he makes by his tone a declaration of values and he says, in effect: There is something nevertheless that a man may hope to be. This tone [is]... The tone of the very strongest sort of creative intelligence... [I]n a time modern imaginative writers make the... quest is for... middle-of-consciousness for everyone. What language is it... we...speak... The stature we can... claim the main address of consciousness? ("Man Underground")

Ellison's hero's prospects improve when the same boss's son points him toward a first job. But the first day at this new, physically demanding work, the barely-ex-college senior is knocked unconscious and wakes up in a hospital bed, imaginary musical sounds and peculiar accompanying images seeming to pipe their way through IV tubes at some point stuck inside him: "I saw a military band arrayed decorously in concert, each musician with well-oiled hair, heard a sweet-voiced trumpet rendering "The Holy City" as from an echoing distance, buoyed by a choir of muted horns; and above the mocking obligato of a mocking bird. (p. 230).

The latter is hardly the whistling (or other sound) of a happy tune. From here, moreover, heavier counterpoints to all he anticipates and first hopes to experience appear, fade, and then revisit him. This is his funhouse-like coming-of-age - off-kilter, out of sequence, off-key: all confounding but real.

It is the asynchronous; discordant sotto voce of Harlem. But now, half-waking, alone and confused; to anesthesia-induced sound-images, Ellison's protagonist resolves to re-start his progress toward... he knows not what anymore. This portion of Invisible Man especially is the first to suggest the extensiveness or influence on his later fiction of Ellison's musical background: descriptively; structurally, in imagistic ways, and atmospherically at once. More overt references to musical instruments, song lyrics, classical compositions, and jazz and blues performers will from here on also appear within and throughout the story (see Heise, 2003)

In ways like these, then, musical sounds; references, and motifs, implicit or explicit, underscore continually the nameless Invisible Man's actions, emotions, plans, and at times crazily-shifting moods. This is how Invisible Man seems to possess an intricate, tightly woven but always surprising (e.g., pretty melody followed by cacophony followed by a shrieking falsetto pitch; and then by percussion punctuation (running from place to place; being let down (emotionally and/or physically); dropping finally beneath the earth) (Heise, 2003).

Such varied sounds juxtaposed against intervals of silence could be compared to orchestra pieces. i.e., for instance, a lengthy but straightforward overture or prelude; succeeded by livelier, more dense and deep yet mainly sad-sounding, slowed-down movements that, in staccato notes; pauses, and trebling… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Ralph Ellison Invisible Man" Assignment:

Thomas Heise compares Ralph Ellison*****s novel *****Invisible Man***** with symphony. Indeed, like a symphony the novel has many *****universal themes***** and *****echoing motives***** such as the motives of betrayal and disillusionment, hope and journey. However, the main theme of the RE symphony of IM seems to be the *****agony of growing up***** in the racist America. T. Heise observes that *****Heavily symbolic***** and same time *****clearly realistic***** the novel questions so-called *****American Dream***** which proclaims that *****through hard work and determination one can rise through the rungs of American society*****. The narrator of the novel, the young, gifted and educated African-American, who calls himself *****Invisible Man***** *****¦bla.. bla.. bla.. That's the type of essay I was trying to wright.This passage - all I could handle. I was trying to do it myself, but...

So... dear authors of my essay. The thesis I was trying to through inn was on symbolism and racial issues. The articles I've read are : Thomas Heise "cultural Conversations in the Works of Ralph Ellison". Norma Jean Lutz "Biography of Ralph Ellison". These are from the book "Ralph Ellison" Bloom's BioCritiques. Publisher=***** house.2003 www.*****house.com

Also I looked through "The Craft of Ralph Ellison" by robert G. O'meally.Published by Harvard University Press 1980.

I will need to present the copies of the articles I have used in the paper. Please, if it is possible, could you send me the links or names of the articles and the authors you are going to use, so I'll be able to get the copies.

I hope, the writing of this paper, will be less painful experience that mine.

Thank you


How to Reference "Ralph Ellison Invisible Man" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Ralph Ellison Invisible Man.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/invisible-man-musically-inspired-inflected/571140. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Ralph Ellison Invisible Man (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/invisible-man-musically-inspired-inflected/571140
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Ralph Ellison Invisible Man. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/invisible-man-musically-inspired-inflected/571140 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Ralph Ellison Invisible Man” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/invisible-man-musically-inspired-inflected/571140.
”Ralph Ellison Invisible Man” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/invisible-man-musically-inspired-inflected/571140.
[1] ”Ralph Ellison Invisible Man”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/invisible-man-musically-inspired-inflected/571140. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Ralph Ellison Invisible Man [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/invisible-man-musically-inspired-inflected/571140
1. Ralph Ellison Invisible Man. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/invisible-man-musically-inspired-inflected/571140. Published 2007. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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