Essay on "Implications of the Invasion of Iraq for International Law"

Essay 3 pages (1044 words) Sources: 3 Style: MLA

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Invasion of Iraq for International Law

Over the last 150 years, international law was often seen as a way for different nation states to be able to collectively deal with a host of challenges. This is when James Kent (a prominent political scientist) said, "A comprehensive and scientific knowledge of international law is highly necessary, not only for lawyers practicing in commercial ports. But, to every person who is animated by liberal views and a generous ambition to assume stations of high public trust." As a result, these kinds of theories were given more importance after the end of World War I and the realization that the current structure was ineffective. This would lead the creation of the League of Nations as a way to effectively deal with a host of disputes. (Slomanson 290)

However, it was ineffective in addressing the challenges facing the international community by allowing the conditions to exist for Germany to re militarize (resulting in World War II). Since this time, there have been various treaties enacted that are designed to create a new standard that will hold all nations accountable for their actions. To enforce these different regulations was the creation of organizations such as the United Nations. They have the responsibility for ensuring that anyone who is in violation of these standards is held accountable for their behavior. (Slomanson 1 -- 45)

In the late 1990's and early 2000's, is when Iraq was considered to be in violation of international law when it came to WMD programs. As they had claimed, that they did not have anything beyond the scope of international guidelines. This created suspicion in the international community
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, as no one knew for sure if Saddam Hussein (the President of Iraq) was telling the truth. The reason why, is because he had been continuing to allow UN inspectors to have limited access on suspected facilities. At the same time, he was continually taking a defiant tone when it came to these programs. This created suspicions that Iraq was secretly building a nuclear bomb and that they had re developed the programs for chemical / biological weapons. (Tirman 101-124) (O'Connell 1 -- 19)

In the United States, this raised concerns that Iraq could pass materials from these kinds of programs to terrorist organizations. To prevent this from happening, the U.S. And Great Britain went to the UN Security Council outlining the different reasons for an invasion. The most notable include that Iraq has continually violated the directives of 16 UN Security Council Resolutions. In 2002, the Security Council had unanimously passed one final resolution called 1441. This specifically asked Iraq to comply with their directives and those of previous resolutions. (Tirman 25 -- 39)

However, the problem is that the world community was largely divided about the legality surrounding the invasion itself. This is because, there are a host of questions as to if the U.S. had justification to engage in such actions. Evidence of this can be seen with the large number of multi-agreement treaties that the U.S. had signed as a part of their membership in the UN. Under these basic… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Implications of the Invasion of Iraq for International Law" Assignment:

Hello, how are you?

I need to answer the question *****"Critically discuss the implications of the invasion of Iraq for international law*****"

The paper is 3 pages total. it have to be sited at least 5 scholarships and/or cases.

I attach the link to access my book that we use in class, there will be 3 chapter from which you can take related information. (I am not sure if this one related to the topic, but check any way)

if there will be any problems please let me know, i will give you my username and password. this is very important to use this book, this is the only book that you should be using and all the citation (5 minimum) have to be from this book.

Also use cases related to the subject as a source as well.

One more time, please use this book as the main source and don*****'t forget to put page numbers.

If you have any questions or problems with the website, please let me know as soon as possible.

thank you

How to Reference "Implications of the Invasion of Iraq for International Law" Essay in a Bibliography

Implications of the Invasion of Iraq for International Law.”, 2011, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Implications of the Invasion of Iraq for International Law (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Implications of the Invasion of Iraq for International Law. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Implications of the Invasion of Iraq for International Law” 2011.
”Implications of the Invasion of Iraq for International Law”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Implications of the Invasion of Iraq for International Law”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Implications of the Invasion of Iraq for International Law [Internet]. 2011 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Implications of the Invasion of Iraq for International Law. Published 2011. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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