Questionnaire on "Healthcare the Term Health Care"

Questionnaire 8 pages (2539 words) Sources: 8

[EXCERPT] . . . .


Next we asked her a very important question regarding leading and management in a work environment. "Managerial abilities and leadership skills are needed by managers and leaders in diffrent proportion to control, direct and lead others." But does she see a similarity between them? Yes, she does. Dede believes that one cannot be successful manager of anything if one does not have the required leadership skills, it requires constant motivation and incentives to keep a team moving, "consider my example, I have to manage this organization for which so many employees work for, it is not easy at all!, but a manager has to be goal oriented and understand his team to be a good leader." How does it affect the final outcome? "If the process if conducting the method is not right then the outcome will not come as desired as well," the more whole hearted, motivated and positive input, the more result generating will be the outcome.

Our final question was regarding management and risk control situations, how does she deal with it if circumstances arise? "Sometimes tough situations arise, in such cases instead of losing my head and playing the blame game, we sit together assess the situation and make new plans." According to her during a trying time, one need to relax and get things in perspective first, if managers lose their heads then there will be no helping the situation. Things need to be brought in perspective, plans and their back plans need to be drafted and methods of implantation need to be analyzed. "Planning is not just everything, before executing a plan one must go through every aspect of its practical implementation" says Dede.

These are the various
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questions we asked from the CEO of Sharp organization Dede Alpert, and through them we can assess the leadership qualities one must possess to run an organization smoothly, while keeping various contingency theories in mind for any unexpected turn. We will now analyze this discussion in relation to various researches and theories.

In the light of the discussion we can safely say that leadership development can be described in many ways, which includes retaining knowledge from any educational source, enhancing one's skill and abilities, these traits can be accounted for a very effective leader. There are certain things that categorize as leadership qualities, and the way an effective manager or a leader conducts things is termed as leadership behavior (Knott, Muers & Aldridge. 2008). Some researchers have made an effort to look at the behaviors of leaders and create models to help in our understanding and practically implementing various leadership behaviors. These models are often referred to as the various styles of leadership (Greenfield. 2007).

There are several ideas about leadership styles that have been brought forward by researchers, but most theories revolve around the main idea which by research, people agree upon that even though leadership styles can be divided into various subcategories, they generally root from two main categories. One category involves a group of task-oriented behaviors, in which the leader helps his employees in understanding what is it that is expected of them, and executes his daily activities and that of the group towards achieving the desired results (Greenhalgh, Robert, MacFarlane, Bate, Kyriakidou. 2004). An assessment of this theory concludes that such a style is referred to as transitional leadership. The other set of behaviors is referred to as people-oriented style, where the leader provides a more supportive, constructive and a more involved role in building a positive environment in which his employees can work thus providing room for maximizing their productivity and produce quality work. Researchers conclude this theory as participative leadership; it is very closely linked to evolving leadership theories (Karp & Helgo. 2008).

There is also a school of thought that argues that leaders should not admit their mistakes in front of their employees, presumably because there is a belief that by doing so, they lose credibility and power. The reality in this case is that leaders should be able to admit their mistakes to their followers. In fact this ensures trust and loyalty by proving the leader to human in the eyes of followers. More importantly, by admitting mistakes, employees learn that you are serious about being honest, open, responsible and accountable, and this is crucial to creating trust and loyalty (Kottter JP .1996).

In times of change there is the tendency to either stick doggedly to what has always worked in past or to throw it all out and start new. Neither extreme is the answer. Change and innovation is a tension that a leader needs to manage -- thoughtfully (Hardy. 2007). Ones default thinking is to view the world in terms of what has worked before so we often fail to address the changing world around us. As a result we tend to lose our influence on our teams and lack behind in work and innovative ideas that can take the company forward. At the same time, to overhaul everything without regard to its basics -- our adaptations to changes and innovation can bring new life to our work and with technology ruling every sector in today's world it is impossible to say that the changes adopted will in any way be harmful for the organization, as long as it is not abused.


DDI (2006) Health Care Global Comparison: Leadership Forecast 2005|2006. DDI, Pennsylvania.

DDI (2007) Leading the Past: Preparing the Future. DDI, Pennsylvania.

Fischer (2007) Culture and cultural analysis as experimental systems. Cultural Anthropology. 21(1) 1-65.

Greenfield D (2007) The enactment of dynamic leadership. Leadership in Health Sciences. 20(3) 159-168.

Greenhalgh T, Robert G, MacFarlane F, Bate P, Kyriakidou O. (2004). Diffusion of Innovations in Service Organizations: Systematic Review and Recommendations. The Milbank Quarterly. 82(4): 581-629.

Hardy B (2007) Linking trust, change, leadership and innovation. Knowledge Management Review. 10(5) 18-23.

Herald D, Fedor D, Caldwell D, Liu S (2008) The effects of transformational and change leadership onemployees' commitment to a change: a multilevel study. Journal of Applied Psychology. 93(2) p. 346-357.

Karp T & Helgo TIT (2008) From Change Management to Change Leadership: Embracing ChaoticChange in Public Service. Journal of Change Management. 8(1),… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Healthcare the Term Health Care" Assignment:

Decide you want to interview a health care leader. State his/her position and brief description of their work agency. After the interview write a 8 pages paper. The paper should focus on the questions below and a discussion section where

you compare the interview with the literature(be sure to use references). The paper must use APA (6th edition) format.


1-Can you please present yourself?

2-What is your leadership style and ideas?

3-How do you see your leadership fit in the new Millennium?

4-How do you view error?

5-How do you view change?

6-What place do innovation and creativity have in your organization?

7-How do you cultivate a sense of responsibility and accountability in you employees?

8-What is do you think about cultural diversity in the health care industry?

9-Do you see any similarities or differences between leading and managing, and

between process and outcome?

10-As a leader how do you handle work chaos, Complexity and crisis?

B-Discussion section where you compare the interview with the literature(be sure to use references)


If available I like you to include in the discussion section references, a book called : Quantum leadership: A resource fo health care Innovation and an other book by Katzenbach, J.H. and Z. Khan (2010).Leading Outside the Lines: How to Mobilize the (In)Formal Organization, Engage your Team, and Get Better Results. Booz & Company, Inc.

Please include a reference page in the document.


How to Reference "Healthcare the Term Health Care" Questionnaire in a Bibliography

Healthcare the Term Health Care.”, 2011, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Healthcare the Term Health Care (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Healthcare the Term Health Care. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Healthcare the Term Health Care” 2011.
”Healthcare the Term Health Care”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Healthcare the Term Health Care”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Healthcare the Term Health Care [Internet]. 2011 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Healthcare the Term Health Care. Published 2011. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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