Essay on "USA Intervention of Central America"

Essay 5 pages (1427 words) Sources: 4

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S., the American foreign policies for many years are looking to soften the historic reputation in the region by deferring negotiations to Central American diplomats. One case which led to the U.S. intervention was as a result of the Independence of Panama in 1903. Panama was itself part of a country called the Great Colombia following the independence from Spain. The Colombia government had negotiated with the U.S. To allow them build a canal that was to be used as a bridge between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans; however, this did not succeed because the U.S. was mainly supporting a separatist movement in Panama. Following the establishment of the Republic of Panama, the French engineering magnate by the name Philip Burnau decided and sold his concession to the building rights for the U.S. government. As a result, the U.S. demanded control of the canal, which led to tension that, killed more than 20 Panamanians and about 10 U.S. soldiers (Burbach & Flynn, 2009).

The other case which led to the U.S. interventions of Central America was as a result of the 1965 issue. In 1965, the U.S. marines landed in the Dominican Republic, where they supported the Dominican military while clashing with the forces from the Constitutional (Leonard, 2009). The U.S. intervention with the Dominican was significant in that it gave the Dominican military a psychological boost, as a result, allowing them with a free reign to gain control of the countryside, despite the fact that the rebels were left to pent-up in the capital. This led to the establishment of the interim government and a newly held presidential election. During this period, the U.S. succeeded in preventing the democracy as well as, liberty from taking
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the firm hold in Dominican Republic (Leonard, 2009). This on the other hand, established a conservative anticommunist government, under the ageing leadership, Balaguer who was elected as the president. Likewise, the U.S. government saw their interventions with the military as a failure, where they criticized the military for overestimating the communist threat along with underestimating the gravity of the situation in the Dominican Republic prior to the rebellion (Burbach & Flynn, 2009).

According to Burbach & Flynn, (2009), they both argued that the establishment of Dominican Republic had led to torture, repression, death, an increase in poverty as well as, malnutrition for vast emigration, mass of the population, vast emigration, slave labor conditions and outstanding opportunities for the U.S. investors, whose control over the economy had reached the new heights. Consequently, there were various themes which came up as a result of the U.S. military intervention of Central America. First, the intervention was to defend the lives as well as, the rights of civilian populations; however, the military tactics were noted to have often left behind massive civilian (Burbach & Flynn, 2009).


It is still evident that the U.S. foreign intervention in Central America is up-to-date taking place. For example, time has greatly changed but foreign powers are still active in meddling in the affairs of Central America. Furthermore, the France is said to continue holding a colony on the mainland of South Africa and United States, while the Britain on the other hand, up-to-date still control the island in the Caribbean. Moreover, it is also evident that communism which was practiced by the U.S. government is barely kicking; this has made the U.S. government to gain power of modifying its foreign policy position regarding the Americas as well as, other countries across the world. In addition, if the U.S. will continue to intervene with Central America, then this will help in maintaining its power as well as, answering the domestic concerns as in its intervention in the Panama and Dominican Republican.


Burbach, R., & Flynn, P. (2009). The Politics of intervention: the United States in Central America. New York, N.Y.: Monthly Review Press; .

Frater, J. (2012). 10 Cases of American Intervention in LatinA America. Listverse. Retrieved December 15, 2013, from

Leonard, T.M. (2009). Central America and the United States: the search for stability. Athens: University of Georgia Press.

Stepan, A. (2007). The United States and Latin America: Vital Interests and the Instruments of Power. Global. Retrieved December 15, 2013, from READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "USA Intervention of Central America" Assignment:

Argumentative essay on US Intervention in Central America. Does not matter what position taken. The sources need to be internet, book and other acceptable publications. Make sure pages are number per MLA.

How to Reference "USA Intervention of Central America" Essay in a Bibliography

USA Intervention of Central America.”, 2013, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

USA Intervention of Central America (2013). Retrieved from (2013). USA Intervention of Central America. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”USA Intervention of Central America” 2013.
”USA Intervention of Central America”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”USA Intervention of Central America”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. USA Intervention of Central America [Internet]. 2013 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. USA Intervention of Central America. Published 2013. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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