Research Proposal on "Internship Period With the Price Water House"

Research Proposal 15 pages (4403 words) Sources: 0 Style: MLA

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internship period with the Price Water House Coopers, PWC. The report is also a requirement for the partial fulfillment of institutions requirement in the school learning process. The report focuses primarily on the assignments handled, working environment, successes and short comings that the intern did encounter when handling various tasks assigned to him by the supervisor.

Because the various parts of the report reflect the intern's shortcomings, successes, observations and comments, it would be imperative that the recommendations are also given. Therefore the report gives a number of comments and recommendations on the internship programme. It is hoped that this report would serve as a cardinal vehicle to the improvement of the internship program.








Previously, I had an internship in Price Water House Coopers, PWC in Korea July.1.03 to July.31.03 (200hr). I hereby want to give a report of my experience at the company during my internship for a period covering only 35hr of the 200hr. The reason why I wanted to be a part of this internship was because I believed this internship could provide me with a real world experience that relates to my major and my goal of running my own business in the future.

Price Water House Coopers

Price water house Coopers generally refers to the network of members of organizations and fir
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ms of one body called the Price water house Coopers International Limited. However, each organization operates independently as it is a separate authorized unit. This means that the firms do not operate as agents of the main body. The firm does not at all offer any services to people requiring their services.

The body also is not responsible for any mess done by their member organs. In the same way no particular firm also is responsible for the shortcomings and failures of another firm. This is the environment in which I did my internship with. The PWC firm in Korea operated differently from all other related firms in the entire world as expected. It executed its roles and functions as an independent entity.

I knew that there are other internships available but I believed that this internship with PWC could provide me with the experience that can help reach my goal; to start my own business. I was looking for an internship that could allow me to get a firsthand experience of what it takes to be a business owner; an internship that could challenge my abilities of running a business and can help me find out what are my weaknesses so that I can keep improving myself.

1.1 Work Chart (Log Book)




Finance and accounting department

This was the main area of my interest during the attachment. I helped with my little knowledge learnt in school by giving information necessary for the preparation of accounting and finance documents.

Other duties included auditing client's financial reports as to whether they were true according to the transactions available in the final details of their accounting period.

Helped in the preparation of reports of clients according to the analysis given by the department on work provided by clients.

It was also my duty during my internship to organize files and documents in cabinet as one of the key responsibilities of accounting and finance. Good organization was paramount as it would beat logic if well organized data was not well kept in respective places for easy access and retrieval. This promoted good business organization and work flow.

This was very helpful in my learning process as it formed a major part of my area of expertise.



General organization of the work place to make it as attractive as possible. Efforts being put in following the principles of better work place which meant better workforce and consequently better profits by the firm.

Housekeeping was very important in ensuring that the employees worked in a conducive clean environment which was not only healthful but also would promote the benefits of working in a trouble free environment.

Arranging the work place and putting everything in its place. This was ensure by having a place for everything and at the same time making sure that each and every thing was at its place.

The activities of housekeeping also worked to ensure that all items and equipment were found at places where they were accessible and promoted swiftness in their retrieval. More to these involved giving recommendations on better housekeeping procedures as appropriate.

This helped me learn on the importance of promoting the safety of workers in the organization. I learnt that the healthy and function ability of the organization depended entirely on the health of the workers.


Training sessions

I also participated during training of employees in the company. The company offers training sessions which aims at improving the productivity of the employees. It was a requirement as interns to take part in the process of learning through these sessions of training.

In the sessions, we were not let to just sit and watch things as they unfolded; we were expected to bring in our views on certain topics. This would form part of our recommendation basing the judgment on how we well understood the subject under discussion and its application.

Above all, Sung Hoon Kim, my trainer would actively involve the interns in the training sessions. This was done by allowing the interns to present items on the floor of their own interest but relevant to the company's organization and procedures.

The experience was challenging though helpful for we were able to know and establish our weak and strong points. It was also possible for us to relate theory to practice.



As interns we use to organize and prepare places for conferences. We were in the forefront of organizing for all conferences in the firm. The activities done here were very helpful as I came to realize later.

It was a learning process, as the firm's organization and structure was well learnt when it came to such times. In the process of preparing for this, it was easy to know who sat where and who could address where and when. It was therefore our responsibility and duty to provide these services as required according to the guidelines given.

Conferencing involved looking closely at all structures and ensuring that order was followed to the latter.

This helped me learnt that organization was very important as I also learnt that finance needed organization for its success.


Problem solving

This was also part of the internship program as interns were expected to be resourceful members of the organization in offering solutions to PWC's clients.

One major activity was providing a sharing service centre for one of the clients in their organization. Our role was to come up with the best economically feasible project that would enhance the functions of the clients without making them invest a lot of funds which would otherwise make the client suffer financially.

The intern is expected to see themselves as useful members and take the problems as though it was presented to them solely. This therefore calls for a lot of thinking and commitment in delivering good feasible solutions to the firm.

Problem solving procedures were training grounds for bringing meaning to professionalism which aimed at seeing results but not just staying at the office.

1.2 Main Roles / Work on Internship

Our group was working on a week to week basis, where we participated in an informal meeting at the conclusion of the week where we hoped to discuss what areas we liked and disliked and where we would like to work in the coming week. However we were provided with a rough timeline which specified four different departments over the period of my internship together with the other interns. It was not all about finance and accounting but included various discipline in the business world.

During the review of each week with the general manager, this timeline could bring varying results. When working in the accounting and finance I hoped to be successful because this was the area of my expertise, filling in accounts and monitor the processing of monthly reports. In the other departments, I would entirely engage myself in and every step of the proceedings at the departments because I knew very little as was required in those fields. It was more of learning in these fields than just working.

Housekeeping was another duty I had to perform where I would involve myself in organizing the work place for employees very satisfactory and hopefully to PWC standard. Conferencing was also very instrumental in helping me to learn the ins and outs of organizing varied types of function and conferences to the ability of PWC requirements. From time to time I would work closely with the finance and accounting head and monitor his management styles and customer service ability, as being a very young man… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Internship Period With the Price Water House" Assignment:

Internship paper

-I have a internship in (Price Water House Coopers PWC) in Korea July.1.03 to July.31.03(200hr) .but school requirement is only 35hr. so please write essay and journal based on 35hr in that period.

You can make a story what you want because; it is just internship experience paper.

1. Journal with an appropriate amount of daily/weekly entries listing both activities and reflections and their impact. Five entries (at least a half page each) is considered a minimum

a. Daily/weekly record of tasks worked on

b. How did your education (business college learn) fit in the day*****./week*****s tasks?

c. What did you learn from the day*****s/week*****s tasks?

d. Reflection at the end of the day/week

2. Paper of at least 10 pages, describing the agency and there of more defining experiences.

a. Describe the organization, where you performed your internship including its industry, mission, size, its products, the organizational culture, history, etc.

b. How did you get the internship? Family connection.

c. Who trained or ***** you? Use any Korean name such as Sung Hoon Kim

d. What activities, responsibilities did you perform?

e. How did your responsibilities relate to your manor? My major is accounting and finance.

f. Describe 3-5 defining moments in your internship.

g. How would you recommend the organization to others? Would you like to work there after graduation? Yes if it is can

h. Do you think required internships are a good idea for our business school students?

How to Reference "Internship Period With the Price Water House" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Internship Period With the Price Water House.”, 2010, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Internship Period With the Price Water House (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Internship Period With the Price Water House. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Internship Period With the Price Water House” 2010.
”Internship Period With the Price Water House”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Internship Period With the Price Water House”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Internship Period With the Price Water House [Internet]. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Internship Period With the Price Water House. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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