Term Paper on "Internet Websites"

Term Paper 5 pages (1607 words) Sources: 1+

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Internet Websites

Significant emerging technologies

There are an increasing number of new and innovative technologies that are emerging in the world. Many of these technologies have an important impact on the predominant modes of commerce and communication, as well as the way we perceive and relate to reality and the world around us. This paper will attempt to explore some of the most significant new technologies in the context of their importance and significance to aspects of the human life and experience.

A term that is continually bandied about in the computer and online networking world is "ubiquitous." There is an increasing sense of the ubiquitous nature of computing and the Internet. This term implies a number of important aspects, not least of which is the fact that aspect such as mobile online communications is becoming more and more a part of everyday life and experiences.

Personal Area Networks

In this regard there are a number of technological innovations that relate to the move towards the concept of a ubiquitous communications environment. This is particularly the case with regard to the new range of technologies relating to mobile computing. There is an increasing convergence between mobile technologies and the concept of ubiquitous computing. This implies that there need to be advances in wireless network technology and devices as well as "...development of infrastructures supporting cognitive environments, and discovery and identification of ubiquitous computing applications and services."

One of the most ambitious technologies in connection with this need is known as
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PANs and BANs. Pan or Personal Area Networks and Body Area Networks are networks that can be customized or "tuned" to the requirements of individual users. These types of networks are considered by some pundits to be an integral part of the future of communications. The intention is that personalized networks "...bring BANs, PANs, WLAN, sensor networks, ad hoc networks, home networks, vehicular networks and the Internet together onto one platform under one broader vision of future (4G) communication networks." The idea behind these networks is integration and connectivity that will facilitate the seamless use of all types of personal devices, as well as network enabled controllers, in an unobtrusive manner. It will function as a personal distributed environment which is ad hoc, intelligent and behaves as a user-friendly virtual intelligent personal assistant to the person who owns it."

One of the problems in realizing this ideal is that there is still a lack of technology at present that can deal in a transparent way with the mobile demands of this technology. There is still a long way to go in terms of creating new architectures, protocols, algorithms, platforms, middleware, etc.


The above ideals lead to other new and emerging technologies. Another technology that has been touted recently as having important potential for future of communications and entertainment is MIMO. MIMO is a technology that will enhance Wi-Fi performance, with potentially impressive results in terms of communications and reception. MIMO or multiple-input, multiple-output is seen by some as one of the most important radio technologies to have been developed in recent years. In essence the technology makes use of."..multiple transmitting antennas, multiple receiving antennas and a great deal of digital signal is processing to greatly improve throughput, range and reliability."

The idea behind this technology is simply that a different signal is sent on the various antennae and with the interaction of these signals with different objects in the environment, multipath reflections of the data are created. While multipath has often been seen in the past as an obstruction to clear reception, yet MIMO harnesses this aspect, through increased signal strength, to improve range and reliability.

One of the problems that obstruct the full development of MIMO is the IEEE 802.11n standard. This standard in WLANs is however in development.

3. Ubiquitous computing, XML and middleware central problem in making technology ubiquitous is standardization.

XML is however seen as one of the ways in which different technologies may be able to interact and share information. It is hoped that standard XML-based Web services can be developed so that PCs and mobile devices can provide an interactive common experience. In essence XML is a language used to define tags as well as the structural elements that exist between them.

This also means that "...as there are no predefined tag sets all the semantics of an XML document will be defined by processing applications or style sheets."

In simple terms, XML facilitates the description and structuring of data which plays an important role in the exchange and interchange of data on the Internet.

Pundits predict that in the future XML applications will meet the needs for the exchange of large amounts of structured data, leading to a more accessible and " ubiquitous" Internet.

This also relates to the need for appropriate middleware that can facilitate interactive connections between different devices. Xavier Aubry, director of international business development at Appear Networks, has stated that: "What's missing in today's Wi-Fi network is an intelligent middleware, or context-aware software."

XML and other technologies may be able to supply this missing ingredient to make contact aware servers across platforms a reality.

4. Mind-Reading Computers

The ideal of a computer that could interact with and react to emotions may not too far from reality. In fact scientists are developing a computer which they claim is "emotionally aware." The computer words by analyzing facial expression as a way of ascertaining a person's emotions.

This technology been tested for use in helping individuals with autism.

Scientist at the Media Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, have developed a computer program based on the latest research in the theory of mind by Simon Baron-Cohen, director of the Autism Research Center at Cambridge.

This research provides the programmer with a taxonomy of facial expressions and the emotions they represent, which can then be used by the computer program to determine emotional states. Not only is this an exciting development in a medical and scientific sense, but it also paves the way for the ultimate sci-fi dream - real interaction between humans and robots..


As referred to above, Robots is possibly one of the most exciting technological trends and challenges in science. There is a wide range of innovative technologies associated with this topic. One of the innovations in robotics is technology that allows robots to make quicker decisions by "... responding to sensory data from their immediate environment rather than relying on complex sets of rules." The growth in the robotic industry is said to be "dizzying," with predictions that seven million service robots will be sold by 2008. Another aspect that is receiving attention is that way that robotic surgery is being used to help doctors and perform precisions operations.


All of the technologies mentioned above are cutting edge and are some of the ways that computers and science are redefining the way that we live and experience our world and environment. The idea of ubiquitous commuting that is mobile and "everywhere" is a means of streamlining and making communications, commerce and entertainment seamless and easily accessible. However the problem that most of these technologies in the communications field experience is a lack of concrete and accepted standards and software that will allow the process of integration and convergence between different devices to take place. Programming languages like XML may be a small part of the answer to this problem.

Robotics and computers that are able to interact with humanity are also another technological dream that is slowly becoming a reality. The problematics of actually creating robots that are intuitive and which can respond to humans in an intelligence way has made progress, but new and more innovative programming and learning techniques are needed before this world becomes a full reality.


Corcoran Elizabeth. The… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Internet Websites" Assignment:

Websites for assignment








Review each of these six web sites in search of what seem to be the seven (plus or minus two) most significant emerging technologies under discussion across these information sources. This will entail some analysis on your part, recognizing that different sources and different analysts may describe the same things in different terms or different things in the same terms. You may also wish to consult the background information, and any other sources including other web sites that seem to be helpful to you in terms of highlighting the most important technological developments. If you have questions about technical issues, as we said earlier, please consult the technical references provided or contact your instructors. It is important that you report the technology correctly, so be sure you understand what you're saying and don't just repeat what somebody else says.

For each of the seven (plus or minus two) technologies that you identify as being most important, please explain what it is, what it does, why you think it's important and what you think its applications and implications will be for individuals and organizations, and what you see as the major barriers to its rapid and widespread deployment. When you've finished summarizing the technologies in question, please conclude your paper (approximately 5 to 7 pages in length) with a paragraph or two outlining your overall expectations for technological change over the next few years and your evaluation of its prospective effects.

In this paper, as in the others for this course, there'll be a premium on clear explanation, careful citation of sources for information, evidence of evaluation of information based on more than cursory examination, and evidence of comprehension of both technical and social issues.

Please inlcude footnotes for any sources quoted.

How to Reference "Internet Websites" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Internet Websites.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2006, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/internet-websites-significant-emerging/96206. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Internet Websites (2006). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/internet-websites-significant-emerging/96206
A1-TermPaper.com. (2006). Internet Websites. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/internet-websites-significant-emerging/96206 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Internet Websites” 2006. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/internet-websites-significant-emerging/96206.
”Internet Websites” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/internet-websites-significant-emerging/96206.
[1] ”Internet Websites”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2006. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/internet-websites-significant-emerging/96206. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Internet Websites [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2006 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/internet-websites-significant-emerging/96206
1. Internet Websites. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/internet-websites-significant-emerging/96206. Published 2006. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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