Term Paper on "Impact of Internet on Society"

Term Paper 9 pages (2380 words) Sources: 1+

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Internet on society

The Internet has had a profound and far-reaching effect on society and the social construction of reality. This impact is evident on many different but interrelated levels. One of the most obvious of these is communication and social interaction, which has been radically changed by the cyber world. The internet has initiated not only more convenient and intimate communication between people in society and between different societies, but it has also altered the way in which social interaction is conducted. For example, this can be seen in the advent of chat rooms and peer-to-peer networking.

Another area that has been affected is journalism, where a new and more open view of society is being conveyed. The very way in which perceptions of society are being created is also being altered by new technologies on the Web. Education is another important area which is presently undergoing change as a result of new technologies fostered by the Internet; while politics is becoming more transparent and accessible to the electorate.

However, while advocates of the Internet stress the positive aspects of technological change in a social context, many critics point to the negative effects that the Internet is having on society. For example, they refer to the increasing anonymity and depersonalization though communication via electronic media. Another factor is the problem of the digital divide and the inequitable distribution of Internet access and speed.

In essence, the Internet, coupled with the home computer, amounts to a new technological revolution in society. Throughout the history of society, radical technological cha
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nges have meant concomitant radical change in the construction of society and the way in which social interactions are conducted. New technologies that become ubiquitous tend to alter the underlying formations and elements of societies.

New technological artifacts often challenge existing social structures by introducing new rules for social relationships. Legal, ethical, cultural, and political infrastructures of society must adjust to the impositions of new technology. Regulatory agencies, legislators, legal institutions, and consumers must adapt to the prescriptions of new technology. Technological innovations also dislocate routine processes and create anxieties for people. Society is forced to redefine old rules or identify new rules for sustaining social relationships. (Ebo 1)

The above quotation emphasizes the fact that technological change alters and redefines societal processes. Generally, there are two broad sociological views on the impact of the Internet. The more positive and optimistic view sees the Internet as a new " cybertopis." This refers to the belief that the technological changes introduced by the Internet will result in the reduction of conflict and the optimization of understanding within and between societies. It will foster more democratic and more effective communication systems and will generally promote a greater degree of transparency and understanding in society. Societal decisions and political outcomes will be more open and debatable by the public. Networking via new technologies, such as Weblogs and peer-to-peer systems, will also create an environment where information is easily accessible, therefore creating a better environment for decision making.

On the other hand there is the view that criticizes the advent and implementation of internet technology. This view sees the dominant impact of the Internet as being essentially negative and the more obviously positive elements of the Internet as a gloss over more negative concerns. These two extremes will be discussed in this paper. However, as will become evident, the reality of the impact of the Internet on society often has both positive as well as negative aspects.

2. Positive and negative effects.

Many of the positive influences of the Internet on society and the individual have already taken place, according to many commentators. The first aspect that is often mentioned is the Internet as a provider of a plethora of instantly accessibly knowledge. This aspect also relates to other positive consequences.

For example, the easy and affordable access to immense swaths of information, coupled with instant means of communication and networking, has also affected commerce and trading.

The Internet is becoming a "ubiquitous cornucopia of knowledge," as well as moving towards "a global trading vehicle'. Companies are reducing costs by providing information on a "publish and subscribe model" and reducing the amount of paperwork, as well as enabling web transactions. The Internet is also encouraging people to communicate more remotely with friends and family across the world.

Jones, G. Ask the Expert)

One of the important aspects in modern business practice that coincides with the potential of Internet is relationship marketing. Simply put, this means that business, and particularly online ecommerce, is beginning to realize that building client relationships is an essential part of modern business. In this regard the Internet and technologies such as networking system and Weblogs provide an excellent area for creating and maintaining client relationships. "Instead of simply offering company information, an online brochure, and shopping cart to check out the purchases, a business blog builds a relationship with current and potential customers and clients." (Hurlbert, W. 2005)

One of the central areas in which the Internet has already had a profound effect, is the world of journalism and politics. Prior to the growth of the Internet and the proliferation of communication and networking technologies such as Weblogs, all perceptions about society and politics were filtered through a process of editing and " censorship" by companies and corporations. In other words, the perceptions of the world and current events were largely determined by and dependent on the ethics and impartiality of newspaper and media editors. However, the status quo has been dramatically altered with the recent popularity and growth of the Internet. With the development of Internet technologies such as RSS, Weblogs and others, new modes of interactive news reportage have become a part of the ordinary life. For example, the more recent popularity of Weblogs of blogs, which are essentially interactive diaries of events and opinions, allows for unedited and unimpeded news and event reportage. No longer are societal perceptions subject to "biases or hidden valences of editors or media corporates." (Smith G. 2004) good example of this is the breaking of the news about the Clinton scandal. This news was not first published by a major news corporation but by Matt Drudge whose Internet Weblog the Drudge Report offered news about the link between Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. One of the latest and most controversial uses of the internet to break journalistic barriers is Weblogs from the Iraq War. These blogs provide uncensored and subjective insight into the war that cannot be achieved through more linear and time consuming traditional formats. For example, the Weblog Baghdad Burning was, and still is, a blog that reports on the life in Baghdad under siege. These Weblogs and many others provide information to mainstream journalist which would have been difficult to obtain previously.

In sociological terms these developments have an important significance with regard to the construction and makeup of society. What open and independent reportage, for example, means is that the hegemonies and hierarchies of the past are being put into question.

The Internet deemphasizes hierarchical political associations, degrading gender roles and ethnic designations, and rigid categories of class relationships found in traditional, visually based and geographically bound communities. The management of identities and relationships in virtual communities is not moderated by the traditional elitist social contract that is involuntarily binding and unfairly maintained by regulatory institutions.

Ebo 3)

The structures and traditional biases and associations in society are being challenged by new societal formations based on Internet and Web interaction. In essence, the Internet is creating a new basis for political, legal and social interaction, which can have a long-term and profound effect on the future shape of society. From one point-of-view this is positive aspect; but from another perspective it is a potentially dangerous development as it tends to break down and disrupt social structure too quickly and without an evolutionary social development.

Another contentious area is the role of the Internet and the process of online interaction and communication in breaking down societal stereotypes and gender classifications.

The Internet is not inhibited by the inherent biases manifested in sexism, racism, and classism found in face-to-face encounters. Instead, the Internet presents a forum that encourages broad participation and emphasizes merit over status. Virtual communities allow isolated individuals to communicate in a manner that protects them from the social expectations and sanctions associated with physically defined communities (Turkle 1995). (ibid)

One of the most positive and least contested views is related to the importance of the internet in terms of education. There is a general consensus that the Internet, with its user-friendly and easy networking facilities, provides a good basis for educational reform and the reduction of division and inequalities in education through ubiquitous networking. The effect of the Internet on education is especially evident in the success of online learning. William Draves, one of the foremost authorities in online learning and President of the Learning Resources Network (LERN), states that online learning is on the increase. "In the… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Impact of Internet on Society" Assignment:

this is a research paper for Sociology

the topic is " the Impact of Internet on Society "

How to Reference "Impact of Internet on Society" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Impact of Internet on Society.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/internet-society/2205907. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Impact of Internet on Society (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/internet-society/2205907
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). Impact of Internet on Society. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/internet-society/2205907 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Impact of Internet on Society” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/internet-society/2205907.
”Impact of Internet on Society” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/internet-society/2205907.
[1] ”Impact of Internet on Society”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/internet-society/2205907. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Impact of Internet on Society [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/internet-society/2205907
1. Impact of Internet on Society. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/internet-society/2205907. Published 2005. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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