Thesis on "Internet in Basic Terms"

Thesis 5 pages (1553 words) Sources: 5 Style: APA

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In basic terms the Internet refers simply to a large network of computers. The ordinary Internet or Interent1 however does not supply the necessary speed, security and other assets that can be found in a more closed and controlled networking environment. Therefore, Interent2 was created about ten years ago to cater for a more selective range of internet users. This network began with a specialized and internal internet between various universities in the United States.

Internet2 is similar in many respects to Internet1 or the commercial internet. "Like the commodity Internet, Internet2 comprises servers, routers, switches, and computers that are all connected together. Routers decide which way to send information, and servers handle Web site requests and store information for retrieval." (Russo)

One of the aspects that make Internet2 different is that it has fewer users and has much faster connections that can transport higher volumes of data much more efficiently. (Russo)This paper will provide and overview of Internet2, as well as a discussion of the various advantages and comparative aspects of the network.


Internet2 is "...a broad name used for a number of different experiments that are being done in the research community." (Reddy & Goodma, 2002, p. 12) Its development is related to the Next Generation Internet law, which recommended studying "...what the world would be like if we had 100 times the current speed or 1,000 times the current speed." (Reddy & Goodma, 2002, p. 12) Internet2 is therefore a "...generic name for a network 100 times the speed, and the Internet3 or Super
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net is 1,000 times the speed." (Reddy & Goodma, 2002, p. 12)

Internet2 is documented as having being initiated in 1996 by 34 universities cooperating in order to develop a next-generation Internet that would be up to a thousand times faster than the ordinary or public Internet. (Van Horn, 1998) in general parlance, Internet2 is essentially defined as a network that has been especially designed" provide next-generation production services as well as a platform for the development of new networking ideas and protocols." (Russo)) as a network of this type, Internet2 was created for and especially aimed at the research and education community in the United States. In more technical terms, this network was intended to provide the research and academic community with a "...dynamic, innovative and cost-effective hybrid optical and packet network." (Russo)

3. Infrastructure and applications

Interenet2 differs from Internet1 in a number of important ways. Besides the aspect of increased speed it also is an area where new development tools and programs have been created. For example, one of these tools is commonly known as "Quality-of-Service" guarantees. In essence, Quality-of-Service would "....allow applications to request a specific amount of bandwidth or priority for themselves. This would allow two computers running an application like tele-immersion to communicate at the high speeds required for real-time interaction." (Van Horn, 1998, p. 413)

These advantages and advanced applications refer to the high speed possible on Internet2. In terms of its infrastructure, Internet2 is described as an advanced hybrid optical and packet network. This means that the actual physical structure of the network is comprised of a number of "...robust, logically different, but related networks, each on its own overlaid infrastructure." (Internet2 Network)

These included an advanced IP network, and a dynamic circuit network. (Internet2 Network) Furthermore, it is also supported by IPv4, IPv6, multicast, and other advanced networking protocols. (Internet2 Network) This means that it can support new and more efficient applications, such as real-time video conferencing.

There are many other applications that are accessible via this network. For example, the Internet2 Middleware Initiative which includes" audio and video frameworks, storage systems, security network quality of service, and multicast..." (Internet2 Announces New Initiative to Accelerate Advanced Network Application Development) More specifically, this refers to aspects such as digital libraries with streaming high-fidelity audio and video content as well as virtual laboratory and three dimensional Immersion environments. (Hanss)

3. Advantages and disadvantages.

One of the central advantages of Internet2 is that it is not congested by commercial traffic as is often the case with the ordinary Internet. (Cole, Ray & Zanetis, 2004, p. 3) as such, it is therefore perfectly suited for the high-speed connectivity. (Cole, Ray & Zanetis, 2004, p. 3) This is an important aspect for education and research institutions.

The main advantages of Internet2 are evident for the following quotation.

Imagine a videoconference with digital video quality and no audio delay, courtesy of an Internet connection at 700+ Mbps-400 times faster than most broadband connections available to home users today. As futuristic as this scenario sounds, it's actually already a reality -- the reality of Internet2. (Cole, Ray & Zanetis, 2004, p. 101) cardinal advantage of Internet 2 is that in the first instance it is not open to random public usage. The community control of the system and network, as well as the control of the fundamental infrastructure, provides for a greater degree of stability. As one pundit summarizes, the Internet2 Network provides the necessary scalability for member institutions to efficiently provision resources to address bandwidth-intensive requirements of their campuses such as, collaborative applications, distributed research experiments, grid-based data analysis and social networking.

Internet2 Network)

Furthermore, it is much more cost effective when compared to Internet1. While speed is an advantage, security is another issue that highlights the difference between this network and more publicly accessible systems. Internet1 is continually plagued by identity theft and virus attacks, among others; whereas Internet2 is more secure due to its controlled structure. Related to this is the issue of dependability. Internet1 is often subject to various 'crashes' within the system. This system fragility if avoided in Internet2.

There are many other related advantages. For example, it facilitates advanced research more effectively and aspects such as real-time videoconferencing at schools and universities. However, there are some disadvantages. One of these disadvantages is that it has much less input and interaction than the normal Internet. This means that it is not open to the same amount of diverse views and discussion as Internet1.

This also relates to certain misconception about Internet2. One of the most common misconceptions is that it will replace Internet1 at some stage. This is not the intention. "Internet2 will not replace current Internet services for members, other organizations, or individuals. Member institutions have pledged to use existing Internet services for all network traffic that is not related to Internet2." (Van Horn, 1998, p.413)

4. Internet2, business and the future central aim of Internet2 is to "...accelerate the diffusion of advanced Internet technology, in particular into the commercial sector." (FAQs about Internet2) in other words, the technologies and the applications that are tested and developed using this network will have a long-term impact on subsequent innovations and developments that can affect the business and educational community. One of the aims is to develop new and more effective applications that can be used in the commercial environment. However, it should also en noted that the experts stress that there is no easy or envisages transition of Internet2 technology or the commercial Internet. Nevertheless, Interet2 has already resulted in a number of interesting and useful developments that bode well fort he future. An example is the Globalization Initiative originating from the University of Missouri and the Missouri Research and Education Network (MOREnet). (Cole, Ray & Zanetis, 2004, p. 104) This project has, created a global learning community using advanced technologies and Internet2 to develop and foster school/community relationships, promote cross-cultural learning, and facilitate comprehensive school improvement programs. (Cole, Ray & Zanetis, 2004, p. 104)

Pundits note that we are a still in the early stages with regard to the potential of Internet technology. The results of the experience of Internet2 are seen as a precursor to advancement and development that will in eventuality benefit… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Internet in Basic Terms" Assignment:

1. Research Topic " Internet 2"

Consist of Introduction, body and conclusion.

Paper needs to include all listed below!

- What is internet 2

- Why was it created?

- Its infrastructure

-New applications, multimedia, protocols, remoto applications, speed and programs found on "Internet2"

-The differences, advantage and disatvantage between "internet2" and "internet".

- Advantages and disatvantages "internet 2" can have on a business

- Misconceptions about "internet2"

-impact Internet2 has and will have on information system.

-The advantages internet2 can have on businesses,e-commerce, private sector and society in the future .

2.Research question stated, literature reviewed was revelant, comprehensive and organization of ideas.

3. The paper will use a minimum of 5 (2 books and 3 websites). The books can be found in library or internet and must be "published books".

4. All work used most be cited and quoteted in APA formad.

5. Topic developed logically ,clearly and original.

How to Reference "Internet in Basic Terms" Thesis in a Bibliography

Internet in Basic Terms.”, 2008, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Internet in Basic Terms (2008). Retrieved from (2008). Internet in Basic Terms. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Internet in Basic Terms” 2008.
”Internet in Basic Terms”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Internet in Basic Terms”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Internet in Basic Terms [Internet]. 2008 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Internet in Basic Terms. Published 2008. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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