Research Paper on "International Relations Treaty of Westphalia the Region"

Research Paper 13 pages (4305 words) Sources: 10

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International Relations

Treaty of Westphalia

The region in north western Germany known as Westphalia gave its name to the treaty that ended the Thirty Years War, which was one of the most harmful disagreements in European history. The sequence of wars in 1618 began when the Austrian Habsburgs attempted to force Roman Catholicism on their Protestant subjects in Bohemia. This war put Protestant's in opposition to Catholic's, the Hold Roman Empire in opposition to France, the German princes in opposition to the emperor and France in opposition to the Habsburgs of Spain (Cavendish, 1998, p.1).

The Treaty of Westphalia of 1648 conveyed a conclusion to the Thirty Years' War, which had covered Europe in blood in clashes over religious conviction, explained the values of power and fairness in many sub-contracts. Because of this became the establishment of the new system of states in Europe (the Treaty of Westphalia, 1648 the Benefit of the other, 2010). The united name of the Treaty of Westphalia came from the two treaties that were made in October 1648 by the kingdom. One was with France at Munster and the other was with the Protestant domains of the empire at Osnabruck and Sweden. Talks had started at Cologne near the beginning of 1636, at the direction of Pope Urban VIII. These talks were sustained by the seigniory of Venice, but the reluctance of Richelieu to end the development of the French arms, and because of the rejection of Sweden to talk with the papal they were unsuccessful. In 1637 the representatives of the emperor started talks at Hamburg with Sweden, by way of the intervention of Christian IV. These were discarded by Sweden, and the deliberation
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s lingered on without consequence. On the foundation of a reprieve, from which those Protestant estates that were still associated with foreign authorities were to be barred in the interim, at the diet of Regensburg in 1640, the new emperor Ferdinand III put forth to expand the tranquility of Prague to the entire empire. These labors had no effect, even though his objective was by resolving the inner dealings of the empire to bar the German princes from contribution in talks with foreign authorities (Treaty of Westphalia, 2006).

The 1648 Westphalia Peace was only successful for the reason that of a financial strategy of defense and directed public credit, dirigism, meant to generate autonomous nation-states, and intended by France's Cardinal Jules Mazarin and his great protege Jean-Baptiste Colbert. The most effectual defense against the broadminded free trade plan of innermost banking maritime authorities of the British and Dutch oligarchies was thought to be Colbert's dirigist strategy of fair trade (the Treaty of Westphalia, 1648 the Benefit of the other, 2010).

The Comte d'Avaux, who was the French representative at Hamburg, who planned in 1641 that the talks at Cologne and Hamburg ought to be relocated to Munster and Osnabruck, which were two cities in the Westphalian circle, put forth a proposal that was thought to be more sensible. The government of the emperor completed the suggestion of a beginning treaty. The rejection of the second power to meet the papal nuncio along with a disagreement as to superiority amid France and Sweden, led to the idea of having one gathering place impractical. It was agreed, nevertheless, that both gatherings ought to be looked upon as one congress, and that neither ought to end tranquility exclusive of the other (Treaty of Westphalia, 2006).

Numerous months passed before all the delegates arrived, and the resolution of many matters of preference and manners lead to even more postponement before the date picked for the gathering of the two meetings was accomplished. England, Poland, Muscovy and Turkey were the European authorities who did not show up. The war went on throughout the discussions, which were affected by its destiny. Count Maximilian von Trautmansdorff was the head delegate of the emperor. It is thought that the termination of peace was mainly because of him. Beneath Henry of Orleans, duke of Longueville, the French envoys were only there in name. The marquis de Sable and the Comte d'Avaux were the actual representatives of France. John Oxenstierna represented Sweden and also by John Adler Salvius, who had previously represented Sweden at Hamburg. France and Sweden brought forward proposals of tranquility on June 1, 1645. These were talked about by the domain of the kingdom from October 1645 to April 1646. The resolution of spiritual matters was affected between February 1646 and March 1648. On October 24, 1648, the agreement was signed at Munster by the associates of both meetings and amendments were swapped on the February 8, 1649 (Treaty of Westphalia, 2006).

The consequences were a result of the support given by both France and Sweden in their requests for indemnification, the allowance of which required reimbursement to the German states involved, and secondly by the fortitude of France to deteriorate the authority of the emperor while intensifying the Roman Catholic states, particularly Bavaria. Sweden established western Pomerania and Rugen. They also established the domains of the diocese of Verden and the archdiocese of Bremen, with an insurance of 5,000,000 thalers. The human rights of the Free Towns were conserved. Sweden consequently gained power over the Baltic, becoming an estate of the empire with three distinctive voices in the diet (Treaty of Westphalia, 2006).

In 1635, the elector of Brandenburg established the superior division of eastern Pomerania. He had a stake on the entire duchy because of the death of the duke. In 1680, he was paid by the diocese of Halberstadt and the deterioration of the archdiocese of Magdeburg, which came to him upon the death of the bureaucrat, Prince Augustus of Saxony. The elector of Saxony was permitted to keep Lusatia. As reimbursement for Wismar, Mecklenburg-Schwerin gained the bishoprics of Schwerin and Ratzeburg. Brunswick-Luneburg reinstated Hildesheim to the voting member of Cologne, and offered Minden to Brandenburg, but gained the exchange sequence to the diocese of Osnabruck and the church territories of Walkenried and Groningen. In 1623, the voting member of Bavaria was established in his control of the Upper Palatinate, and in his location as a voting member which he had attained. The son and successor of Frederick V, Charles Louis, who had been put under the forbid of the empire, established back the Lower Palatinate, and new voters, the eighth, was fashioned for him (Treaty of Westphalia, 2006).

The support of the ten regal cities in Alsace, along with privilege to garrison Philippsburg occurred when France gained the acknowledgment of the sovereignty over the bishoprics. Throughout the Thirty Years' War France had maintained to be combating in opposition to the house of Austria, and not in opposition to the empire. It was set that the direct belongings of the empire in Alsace should linger in satisfaction of their freedom, but it was added as a circumstance that the control of France in the land yielded to her ought to not be harmed. The intent of France was to obtain the complete rights of Austria in Alsace, even though Austria had never had possession of Lower Alsace. The Landvogtei of the ten free towns did not really involve ownership. This left the door open for disagreements. Afterwards, Louis XIV rewarded himself of this vague passage in favor of his destructive strategy on the Rhine. The sovereignty of Switzerland was at last officially documented, just like that of the United Netherlands in a detached agreement signed by Spain at Minster. Separately from these protective alterations, a widespread and unrestricted reprieve to all those who had been disadvantaged of their belongings was affirmed, and it was ordered that all worldly domains should be reinstated to those who previously held them in 1618. A number of exceptions were made in the matter of the inherited powers of the emperor (Treaty of Westphalia, 2006).

Even further significant than the land reorganization was the religious resolution. In 1552 by the verification of the treaty of Passau and the spiritual tranquility of Augsburg of 1555, and the expansion of their requirements to the Reformed Calvinist Church, acceptance was available for the three enormous religious societies of the empire. Inside these confines the governments were required to permit at least confidential reverence, freedom of principles and the right of migration, but these events of acceptance were not expanded to the inherited domains of the house of Habsburg. The Protestant alternative in the regal diet was not to be forced by the preponderance, but spiritual inquiries were to be determined by friendly accord. Protestant bureaucrats of church territories gained spaces in the diet. Spiritual equality was recognized in the regal hall and in the regal delegation and orders (Treaty of Westphalia, 2006).

The tricky question of the possession of religious territories was determined by a concession. The proclamation of compensation of 1629 was canceled. For the rest of the kingdom control was set down by the detail of profession on January 1, 1624. In Wurttemberg, Baden and the Palatinate these territories were… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "International Relations Treaty of Westphalia the Region" Assignment:

Expansion of topic - The Treaty of Westphalia represents an important watershed event in the history of international relations. It stands as the dividing line between the modern and pre-modern political order, introducing a new sensibility into the language of politics. Explain and assess the changes to the modern understanding of international politics as was brought by negotiated settlement.

Basically I*****'m looking for a well thought-out thesis and paper surrounding this topic that will teach me exactly what this is in time for my exam. I missed a month of school so I*****'m a little behind.

Please use at least three journal articles as well as the book *****"Peace and War: Armed Conflicts and International Order, 1648-1989,*****" by Kalevi Holsti.

Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1995.

How to Reference "International Relations Treaty of Westphalia the Region" Research Paper in a Bibliography

International Relations Treaty of Westphalia the Region.”, 2010, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

International Relations Treaty of Westphalia the Region (2010). Retrieved from (2010). International Relations Treaty of Westphalia the Region. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”International Relations Treaty of Westphalia the Region” 2010.
”International Relations Treaty of Westphalia the Region”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”International Relations Treaty of Westphalia the Region”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. International Relations Treaty of Westphalia the Region [Internet]. 2010 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. International Relations Treaty of Westphalia the Region. Published 2010. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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