Research Proposal on "International Relations I Believe That Arms Treaties"

Research Proposal 4 pages (1339 words) Sources: 6 Style: MLA

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International Relations

I believe that arms treaties lessen international tension, to the extent that their constituent nations follow them. In this past year, Russia has voted to exit arms treaties, the result of which has been increased tension in Europe (Euronews, 2009). At present, many nations are seeking treaties with respect to the curtailment of nuclear weapons development in nations such as Iran. Such a treaty would likely reduce tensions in the Middle East, if Iran were to hold to its terms.

It is important that nations hold fast to the terms of such treaties. The nuclear non-proliferation treaty, for example, was signed in 1968, but neither the U.S. Nor the U.S.S.R. ceased production of nuclear weapons. As a result, tensions over nuclear war increased until the late 1980s when the U.S.S.R. began to adopt more open policies.

While the NPT was certainly a good idea, in the context of the Cold War it was not likely tenable. Governments have a vested political interest, in most countries, in maintaining high levels of military spending. Pearl and Smith (2008) demonstrate that military spending is "an unambiguous way to improve the esteem of one's country in the international community." Thus, high levels of military spending are popular with many nations. While arms treaties are valuable for ensuring a nation's security, political support often hinges on high levels of defense spending and in the case of some countries like the U.S. And Russia, occasional truculence on the global scene.

This can threaten the effectiveness of treaties, but when the countries involved actually adhere to the terms of arms treaties, those treat
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ies are effective in reducing international tension. It is only when the treaties are broken that they fail in this regard.

2. Barber (2002) argues that Islamic response to science and modernism is unlikely to be favorable. Enlightenment, he posits, is "inherently universalizing." Corporations, brands and cultures begin to merge and the sense of national identity is lost. The world will be brought closer together, but it must inherently do so under common values, common languages and common goals. This was once the foundation of the nation-state, the unification of like-minded and closely-related peoples.

Today we see that enlightment has spread to the point where national identity has begun to erode. The notion that this is "objective and impartial," however, would be patently rejected to any Muslim. The terms of the enlightenment are dictated by its participants. Thus, the Islamic world, however, has responded to an enlightment with a decidedly Sino-American slant with its own version of this enlightenment. Islam has, in most of its nations, embraced a move towards a global economy but has done so on its own terms. Muslims have proven willing to adopt certain marques and customs from around the world, but have made every effort to promote a competing version of this enlightenment.

Hence we see the rise of Gulf-based airlines, Islamic banking, and increased economic unity among Muslim nations. These nations are willing to participate in the global economy, but when it comes to participating in the enlightenment, they have determined to become a force unto themselves rather than lose their religion-defined sense of identity.

It is no surprise that jihadists have an underswelling of support in the Muslim world. Their means may not be appreciated but they provide the military voice to a vast, disparate people who wish to simultaneously join the enlightenment but also preserve their own values and heritage.

3. Realism and idealism are opposing approaches to the definition and pursuit of national objectives abroad (Graebner, 2009). Realism is defined as placing the value of a policy on its ability to achieve specific means. It is associated with the use of force in the international context. Idealism relies more on vision and utilizes diplomacy as an international relations tool.

For much of its history, the United States had more success under realistic policies than under idealistic. However, in the latter part of the 20th century, that has changed. The United States continues to… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "International Relations I Believe That Arms Treaties" Assignment:

Write a one-page journal on all of the follow questions

1. Have arms treaties historically lessened tension in the world? Why or why not do you believe they have or have not? Discuss the complexities associated with domestic political support for arms spending and high military budgets. Can the current military budget be justified?

2. What do you think a Muslim would say about the *****unswerving embrace of objectivity and impartiality***** of science and modernism (enlightenment) in general?

3. Should America follow a realist or idealist foreign policy? Isolationist or internationalist? Do these terms have any real meaning in 2007?

4. What is the *****tragedy of the commons?***** How does it serve as a metaphor for the fate of the earth?

How to Reference "International Relations I Believe That Arms Treaties" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

International Relations I Believe That Arms Treaties.”, 2009, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

International Relations I Believe That Arms Treaties (2009). Retrieved from (2009). International Relations I Believe That Arms Treaties. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”International Relations I Believe That Arms Treaties” 2009.
”International Relations I Believe That Arms Treaties”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”International Relations I Believe That Arms Treaties”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. International Relations I Believe That Arms Treaties [Internet]. 2009 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. International Relations I Believe That Arms Treaties. Published 2009. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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