Term Paper on "International Development Studies Economic Development and Culture Change"

Term Paper 5 pages (1827 words) Sources: 1+ Style: MLA

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International Development Studies: Economic Development & Culture Change

According to Sen, democracy is associated with the freedom of thought and action and, deriving from this, the freedom of the individual, political freedom, freedom of the press etc. In this sense, this concept of freedom (individual, political etc.) also infringes on the concept of economic development because a free economic agent will find it more motivating to commit himself to entrepreneurship etc. In this sense, entrepreneurship has always been considered as the engine of economic growth and development, so, in this sense, democracy, supporting freedom, also supports economic freedom and economic development.

The U.S. is obviously the best example of the impact of democracy on economic growth. U.S. democracy has constantly encouraged individual freedom and this manifested itself in the growth of the strongest economy on Earth. On the other hand, the former Soviet Union promoted a political system that did not encourage any forms of individual freedom and the economic system was a centralized one. This meant no entrepreneurial initiative and the implosion of the regime.

According to Sen, because democracy encourages economic development and growth, the development of society in general may lead to an abandonment of traditional culture and values in favor of new forms of culture, specific of a superior level of economic development. This may include, for example, the preference for videogames over the traditional reading or national traditions.

2. Global institutions of development, such as the International Labor Organization, the World Bank, the Inte
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rnational Monetary Fund or even the World Trade Organization, came into being with two different purposes. First of all, they came into being so as to regulate the mechanisms determining global actions, such as global trade and global financial transactions. In terms of development, this was beneficial for developing countries because it ensures that the mechanisms they were part of were regulated by mutually agreed and defined procedures. This ensured a fair contribution to the global mechanisms.

Second of all, these global institutions actually provided direct financial and technical assistance to Third World countries. In this sense, these institutions ensured that they dictated the terms of development for poorer nations, because the economic assistance came only in the case of the implementation of economic reforms and economic processes sustained by these organizations.

Their legitimacy came from the fact that (1) they relied on the Western developed countries who virtually created and implemented their policies, as well as ensuring the largest contributions to the societies' funds and (2) they were legitimized by the developing countries because of the financial aid they received.

3. Development favors universalization because of a global propagation of economic wealth. Additionally, economics is a universalizing discipline because it describes global, universal processes and the interconnection between individuals at all levels. On the other hand, contextualization is also important because it addresses specific sectors which might have otherwise be omitted, at a microlevel.

Sen advocates that freedom encourages and supports development because it is a determinant of individual initiative and social effectiveness. In this sense, development appears as the main result of freedom in economic terms, because of the stimulation of private initiative and economic evolution.

4. My development program would be concentrated on measures to stimulate education and increase the rate of alphabetization, computer and Internet usage etc.

In this sense, traditional economic indicators such as the GDP will only be necessary so as to determine the basic evaluation coordinates for the development of the society. For the purpose of evaluating the development program, we will have to use indicators such as number of persons having access to the Internet, number of persons having access to a computer (all these calculated to 100 or 1000 inhabitants), percentage of alphabetized people, number of colleges and universities to every 1000 inhabitants etc.

Obviously, the pros of such indicators would be that they directly target the area we were interested in improving: education and educational services. On the other hand, these indicators are limited only to this area of activity: while the GDP indicator, for example, reflects the way the entire society is moving in terms of economic development, the indicators we have mentioned are limited to the sector that is being analyzed.

5. The concept of utopia refers to the creation of an ideal state and of an ideal society. While this was the general concept in the time of Thomas More and his "Utopia," in the present day it has transformed to include a global peace and absence of any forms of military conflict, a general precipitation towards a war of ideas and markets rather than conquests and conflicts.

In my opinion, one word would be best to describe why utopia is the cornerstone of present day development: aspiration. Indeed, a utopia, even if, in its original form, is just a creation of overoptimistical ideas, is the foundation for the evolution because it gives the society something perfect towards which it can match its actions. In this sense, all development - related actions will aim to reach the initially utopian targets. Partially, some of these will be achieved and will thus commit to the society's development.

Part 2

Prince Henry the Navigator was an important figure of the Portuguese Empire in the 15th century. The geographic missions he sent explored the Western African Coast, including the discovery and claim for Portugal of natural trading outposts such as Cap Vert or the Azores. He tried to discover a new road from India, so as to trade spice in a less Muslim dominated area.

1492 - the Americas are discovered by Christopher Columbus, in search of a new road to India. Spain becomes the richest and most powerful country in Europe and is able to finance its European wars, due to the consistent supply of American gold.

Treaty of Tordesillas 1493 - the treaty that divided all the world outside of Europe between Spain and Portugal, thus deciding the global areas of influence. The colonization would follow, from now on, the procedures of the treaty.

Enlightenment - period of philosophical and existentialist rebirth in the 18th century. The ideas that were launched during this time impacting the French Revolution and the spread of equality ideas in Europe.

Glasnost - a set of policies introduced by Mikhail Gorbatchev in the Soviet Union in the 1980s and that introduced a progressive reduction of governmental control on such things as the press or the Sovier society in general. Some consider it brought down Communism, which could only function as a regime in a closed, illiberal society.

Colonies - territories that belonged, politically and economically, to another state that exercised control over it.

A third world - group of countries that are considered less economically and technologically developed. These would include countries in large parts of Africa, Asia etc.

A emerging nations - group of countries that have substantially developed in economic terms in the last decades.

Developing - developing countries are countries with a general low standard of living and still undeveloped, though growing, economies. These would be the equivalent of the third world countries.

Backward - undeveloped economical environments and societies in terms of technology etc.

A village vs. bush environments

Bandung conference of 1955 - conference organized by countries in the third world to promote the fight against colonialism and imperialism and mutual cultural cooperation between the participant states, as well as global peace.

Nonalignment - current during the Cold War period that included third world countries not involved either on the side of the U.S. Or the Soviet Union and who promoted ideological independence for themselves.

Decolonization - process begun after the Second World War during which the former European colonies in Africa and Asia gained their independence from the European overrule.

Newly Industrialized Nations (NIC) - countries that are neither yet fully economically developed, no underdeveloped. These are countries who have implemented successful economical and technological process and who have managed impressive economic growth rates in the last years.

Marxism - ideology that promoted economic equality and placing all factors of production in common, for all the population to benefit from it.

Capitalism - economic ideology that promotes the freedom of the market and where the factors and means of production are almost entirely privately owned.

Commodity - a homogenous good or product, as in the general capitalist notion.

International Labor Organization (LIO) - a specialized agency aiming to promote and sustain international labor principles and social justice, as well as the recognition of human and labor rights.

Non-governmental Organization (NGO) - non-profit organizations interested in promoting and sustaining different causes rather than in gaining a profit for themselves.

Underdevelopment - economies that have not yet managed to reach their economic or technological maturity and where the living standard is generally below the poverty line.

Postmodern - generally, this concept acknowledges ideas that have moved beyond and have extended modernism, including the replacement of rationality etc.

Sustainable development - economic development and growth that is corroborated with environmental protection and a… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "International Development Studies Economic Development and Culture Change" Assignment:

PART ONE (essays):

Please answer the following five questions in 5 separate short essays. Each essay must be at least 4 FULL paragraphs. Each essay should answer to its corresponding question in a clear and thorough manner. Please note that there are multiple questions/parts within each of the 5 essays, so please make sure to answer ALL parts of the question (for instance, in question #1, there are 5 questions/ parts you have to answer, and all of them have to be addressed in the essay for question #1). Please DO NOT use any outside books or resource materials; all the answers to each question can be found in the books/videos mentioned within that specific question. For example, in question #1, you may only refer to Amartya Sen’s book, “Development as Freedom;” trust me, it has all the answers to the question. Same thing for question #2; you may only refer to the books called “International Development and the Social Sciences” by Cooper and Packard and “Globalization and its Discontents” by Joseph Stiglitz. Then for questions 4 and 5, you have more options (in terms of the number of books and/or videos you may draw your answers from, but once again, please stick to the readings/videos named only). You do not need to use quotes from the texts; when you find the answers to the questions in these texts, please paraphrase the point the author was trying to make and answer the question in your own words (in accordance with what the text was saying, of course). Please state what chapter and page(s) you found each answer, so I can find what parts of the books you pulled your answers from.

If you have any questions about this order, please e-mail me directly as soon as possible at: some1special_82@hotmail.com

Thank you very much and have a good day! Here are the questions for the 5 short essays:

1) Using the book called “Development as Freedom” by Amartya Sen, explain how a working democracy is fundamental for both opportunity and economic growth. Describe one nation that exemplifies these relationships and describe another nation that would appear to contradict it. How might Sen’s insistence of the centrality of democratic processes be a difficult proposition in some cases (e.g. where democracy and culture might collide) and how might he explain this problem?

2) Using the book called “International Development and the Social Sciences” by Cooper and Packard and the book called “Globalization and its Discontents” by Joseph Stiglitz, explain how the modern global institutions of development came into being and discuss how the West has historically dictated the terms of development for other nations. How have these institutions been able to command respect, authority, and legitimacy over time? Mention how institutional knowledge is created and perpetuated by these institutions.

3) In the book called “International Development and the Social Sciences,” the authors (Cooper and Packard) mention that disciplines such as economics are universalizing disciplines while the fields of history and anthropology contextualize. In the context of development, explain what they mean by this. Why does development tend to favor “universalization” and why might contextualizing be important to development? Then, describe which approach economist Amartya Sen might advocate for drawing from Development as Freedom.

4) If you were charged with the task of evaluating the successes or failures of your own development program (please invent your own development program and briefly describe it), what indicators would you use (real or imagined) and why would you use them? Would you use traditional indicators (e.g. GDP) or would you use qualitative measures such as “quality or life” indicators and what would be the pros and cons of these approaches? Draw from any of the readings below to support your argument.

5) Drawing from any of the following readings or films, describe the concept of utopia, its origins, and why it’s the cornerstone to understanding present day development:


Andrew Apter

The Pan-African Nation: Oil and the Spectacle of Culture in Nigeria

University of Chicago Press (2005)

(Only the Introduction and Chapter 1)

Frederick Cooper and ***** Packard, eds.

International Development and the Social Sciences: Essays on the History and Politics of


UC Press (1997)

(Only pages 1-41)

Clifford Geertz

Peddlers and Princes: Social Development and Economic Change in Two Indonesian


University of Chicago Press (1963)

(Only Pages 1-27)

Amartya Sen

Development as Freedom

Anchor Books, Random House Inc. NY (1999)

Joseph E. Stiglitz

Globalization and its Discontents

W.W. Norton & Co. NY & London (2003)

(Only pages xi-xiv; pages 3-11; chapters 1-6)


J. ***** Evans

The Best of All Possible Worlds. Pp. 1-19

America: The View from Europe.

Stanford Alumni (1976)

(Only pages 1-19)

***** Blundell

The Traveling Seminar: An Experiment in Cross-Cultural Tourism and Education in

Taiwan. National Association for Practicing Anthropology (NAPA) Bulletin. American

Anthropology Association, 23:234-251 (2005)

Lance Morrow

Welcome to the Global Village. Time Magazine. May 29th. P. 41 (1989)


1) “The Renaissance and the Age of Discovery The Renaissance and the New


2) “The On-going Story”

PART TWO (vocabulary):

Please define the following terms or dates, which were pulled from the readings above. The definition you give must not be a dictionary definition, but the definition that came up in the reading. Also, please mention the significance of the term or date as was stated by the authors. This does not have to be long; a couple of sentences will be fine.

Example: 1453 - Constantinople fell to the Ottomans ending the Byzantine Empire that existed since Emperor Constantine. The city of Constantinople fell from Christian rule and was renamed Istanbul. From this date commerce eastwards was restricted and the West had to explore other avenues to reach Orient trade. This stimulated further division in the world between Islam and Christianity. The price of spice soared. And pathways utilizing the Atlantic to reach the East became increasingly justified for navigators.

Once again, thank you so much, and good luck to you! Here are the terms and dates:

Prince Henry the Navigator


Treaty of Tordesillas 1493




third world

emerging nations



village vs. bush environments

Bandung conference of 1955



Newly Industrialized Nations (NIC)




International Labor Organization (LIO)

Non-governmental Organization (NGO)



sustainable development

globalization in the economic sense

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

African Festival of Arts and Culture (FESTAC)



“unfreedom” ref. Sen

“individual capacities” ref. Sen

“agency” ref. Sen


***Please note: if you need any of the articles, I can fax or e-mail them to you, but the books and videos you will have to find for yourself. So, if you need me to e-mail any of the articles to you, let me know ASAP because you have only a couple of days to work on this. Thanks!***

How to Reference "International Development Studies Economic Development and Culture Change" Term Paper in a Bibliography

International Development Studies Economic Development and Culture Change.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2006, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/international-development-studies/886782. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

International Development Studies Economic Development and Culture Change (2006). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/international-development-studies/886782
A1-TermPaper.com. (2006). International Development Studies Economic Development and Culture Change. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/international-development-studies/886782 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”International Development Studies Economic Development and Culture Change” 2006. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/international-development-studies/886782.
”International Development Studies Economic Development and Culture Change” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/international-development-studies/886782.
[1] ”International Development Studies Economic Development and Culture Change”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2006. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/international-development-studies/886782. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. International Development Studies Economic Development and Culture Change [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2006 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/international-development-studies/886782
1. International Development Studies Economic Development and Culture Change. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/international-development-studies/886782. Published 2006. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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