Term Paper on "International Business Report on the Revolutionary High"

Term Paper 9 pages (3009 words) Sources: 10 Style: Harvard

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International Business

Report on the revolutionary high technology product and entering the market of INDIA

This report will concisely present the advantages and disadvantages of expanding on the Indian market. This expansion is analyzed on three different levels: either manufacture at home and export from Australia or establish a licensing agreement with a high technology firm in India to manufacture and market the product in the host country and the third option is to establish a joint venture with a high technology firm in India to manufacture and market the product locally. All three levels rely on exact and updated data which will back up the main information presented in these pages. In deciding which option to adopt, the local environment, as well as the international entry mode (political, economic/business and cultural aspects) were considered. Moreover, this report will include a solid justification for the recommendation in regard to the merits of the entry mode and entering the Indian market.


In the last period, our company has been focused on creating a revolutionary high technology product that can perform the same functions as existing products. The main advantage of our product is that its manufacturing costs are 50% cheaper in comparison with those of other existing products. Moreover, due to the extreme importance of our product, several patents protect its unique design.

Having this in mind, and analyzing the impact of the product on the Australian market our company decided to expand its borders. When discussing on expanding, we were faced with the situation of having to deci
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de between two countries, India or China, both being considered markets with huge growth potential. Furthermore, there are several ways by which this expansion can be done and each of them is properly analyzed. Moreover, this report will present the results of our investigation and will bring to front our solution in which regards the expansion: the country and the way by which it should be done. This report has as main sections the following: an analysis on the country of our choice (what country we have chosen and why), an analysis of the international entry mode (fully explaining each of the three possibilities and presenting our suggestion as a conclusion) and recommendations.

The Country

Due to the quality of our product and its Australian market position, we have considered to expand our company in one of these two countries: India and China. Although, as it has been mentioned before, both countries present a huge market potential for our product, after conducting our research, we have came up with the conclusion that India is the best solution, due to the fact that:

Our product is a technological-intensive good. That is, it is a highly technological product and its unique design is protected by several patents. It is a wide known fact that India is the number one country in the production of software while China is the number one country in which concerns the production of hardware. That is, when it comes to technological factors, India's skillfulness out passes that of China's.

Moreover, another very well-known fact is that China is the "copy-machine" of the world. That is, it counterfeits most of the original products found on the market. Although we have all the patents required to grant the uniqueness of our product, we do not want to risk it being falsified. It is a matter of brand recognition and, furthermore, of protection and attention given to our customers, by offering them only high quality products. If our product had been a labor-intensive one, then the situation would have been different because China has a cheaper labor force. Furthermore, the reputation of our brand is influenced by the place where it is produced. Unfortunately, when it comes to technological products, "made in China" is not a reliable source of production due to the country's name of "number one falsifier in the world."

India is the largest democratic country in the world, its political system encouraging foreign investment. India's constitution defines its state as a "sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic." India stopped being the Crown's Jewel in 1947 and since then, it managed to preserve its independence and to greatly improve on the following fronts: reducing poverty, improving health conditions, reducing the illiteracy rate. However, the economic sector found its most outstanding performance in the technological area where, India surfaced as a "global player in information technology, business process outsourcing, telecommunications, and pharmaceuticals."

Moreover, in only 60 years it has turned into one of the fastest growing economies of the world with an average growth rate of 8% in the last three years. It what concerns the purchasing power parity terms, India ranks number four in the top of the largest economies. However, India has two important problems (they have been taken into account before suggesting this country): the fiscal and the trade deficit. While against the fiscal deficit measures have been taken, there are still some development programs that should be put into practice. When discussing trade deficit, it is large and widens, making India somewhat vulnerable to an external crisis. The good thing is that India has important exchange reserves with low level external debt and has great exports of services.

The "cultural environment" is closer to that of Australia than China's. When we refer to the cultural environment we mean that India has been part of the United Kingdom, Thus, its principles are similar to Australia's, not even mentioning the fact that in India everybody speaks English, while in China this does not happen. So, if there are problems, they will be solved more easily. Moreover, we will be able to transmit the exact information without having the fear that we are not getting our message through. Furthermore, I believe that Indians will tend to empathize with Australians, as they share the same British cultural background.

An Analysis of the International Entry Mode

Basically, there are three types of expansion that have been considered: Firstly, expansion through the manufacturing of our product at home and its export from Australia. Secondly, extension by establishing a licensing agreement with a high technology firm in India to manufacture and market the product in the host country. Finally, the development of our company made by setting up a joint venture with a high technology firm in India to manufacture and market the product locally.

By manufacturing the product at home and export it from Australia to India we would be saving money that would be otherwise spent with rents and employees and local taxes. It is also convenient because we would have to increase only our productivity and employ some extra personnel. The advantage would be that we would know the way things are done; we would be able to better supervise the production process and control the exports.

However, I consider that there are more disadvantages to this proposal than there are advantages. First of all, we would have to buy an export license which is quite expensive. Secondly, the transportation costs would be high because they would require either an agreement with a naval company or with an aerial one. Thirdly, being a highly technological product, it will most definitely be affected by the transport, thus we might be faced with a large number of defect products, which will bring other shortcomings. Finally, import tariffs and import laws are very restrictive in India as they try to sustain the development of the local companies.

Secondly, a licensing agreement with a high technology firm in India to manufacture and market the product in the host country has been considered. That is, we have to find a company and after making sure of its reliability, to give it the "legal right to use our patent or trademark." They would produce our products and sell it in India. Although we would have low transportation cost, no import tax to pay, we will have to question the quality of our products and whether they correspond to our standards. By giving a license agreement to a company, the enterprise becomes the "dealer" of your products, of your brand. Our name, our brand and our reputation will be at stake, in the hands of complete strangers. I strongly resent this as being an alternative. Besides having no control on the production process, there will be no way will be able to supervise everything from Australia. This implies that we will have to permanently have a person there, which will bring additional costs, not to mention that we do not have that right because of the nature of the agreement.

The third option we have considered is that of a joint venture. This is a type of a venture by a partnership or conglomerate designed to share risk or expertise. That is, we will have to find a partner in India and in association to manufacture and market the product locally. Although the costs will be influenced by rents, employees' salaries, etc. The overall gain will dismiss any possible… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "International Business Report on the Revolutionary High" Assignment:

You are the International Manager of an Australian company that has just invented a revolutionary high technology product that can perform the same functions as existing products but costs only half as much to manufacture. Several patents protect the unique design of your product. Your CEO has asked you to formulate a recommendation for how to expand into CHINA or INDIA (you are to select one of these two countries) as both are considered markets with huge growth potential for your product. Your options are to

(a) manufacture at home and export from Australia;

(b) establish a licensing agreement with a high technology firm in the country of your choice to manufacture and market the product in the host country;

(c) establish a joint venture with a high technology firm in the country of your choice to manufacture and market the product locally.

Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative as it relates to your country of choice (i.e. CHINA or INDIA) and suggest a course of action to your CEO. You must also consider the impact of the local environment of your host market on the mode of entry you recommend.

The CEO wants to see a REPORT which is extremely well written and is backed up by wide and relevant research, both current and historical. Your report must incorporate the following:

*****¢ An analysis (i.e. not just *****˜what*****, but *****˜how***** and *****˜why*****) of the international entry mode is required and how it relates to the political, economic/business and cultural features of either CHINA or INDIA. Students should be careful in determining the relevant environmental (political, economic/business, and cultural) issues for a high technology firm seeking to enter these two markets.

*****¢ A solid justification for the recommendation in regard to the merits of the entry mode and entering the country, which would convince the CEO that you are a well-informed international business manager, whose services and ideas are extremely valuable.

Your report should be structured in a way which is consistent with the CEO*****s requirements. In addition, you are required to consult a wide range (and large number) of academic and popular sources. These should include on-line and hard copy sources, such as: The Economist; Australian Financial Review; Business Review Weekly; as well as

more theoretical journals such as the Journal of International Business Studies; Strategic Management Journal; Harvard Business Review; etc.

Typical sources can also come from the various reports of the following institutions: World trade Organisation (WTO); World Bank; International Monetary Fund (IMF); International Labour Organisation (ILO); World Health Organisation (WHO); Department Foreign Affairs and Trade Australia); Australian Business Foundations limited etc. DO NOT RELY SOLELY ON GOVERNMENT SOURCES, ESPECIALLY THOSE ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB. THESE USUALLY PAINT AN OVERLY POSITIVE PICTURE OF THE COUNTRY. Your report needs to be objective and not biased.

How to Reference "International Business Report on the Revolutionary High" Term Paper in a Bibliography

International Business Report on the Revolutionary High.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/international-business-report/1791914. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

International Business Report on the Revolutionary High (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/international-business-report/1791914
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). International Business Report on the Revolutionary High. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/international-business-report/1791914 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”International Business Report on the Revolutionary High” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/international-business-report/1791914.
”International Business Report on the Revolutionary High” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/international-business-report/1791914.
[1] ”International Business Report on the Revolutionary High”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/international-business-report/1791914. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. International Business Report on the Revolutionary High [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/international-business-report/1791914
1. International Business Report on the Revolutionary High. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/international-business-report/1791914. Published 2007. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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