Research Proposal on "Intergovernmental Relations: Issues in Public Policies"

Research Proposal 11 pages (3046 words) Sources: 15 Style: APA

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Intergovernmental Relations: Issues in Public Policies

This objective of this work is to examine intergovernmental relations specifically as related to issues in public policy and to answer the question of 'what changes need to be made in the public administration and political systems in order for them to be more communicative and inter-related?'


The issue addressed in this study is focused on the needed changes to public administration and political systems in order for them to be more communicative and inter-related. It is reported by the Australia South Africa Local Governance Partnership in the work entitled: "Intergovernmental Relations - a Key to Good Service Delivery" that intergovernmental relations or IGR is "the set of processes and relationships between elected members and officials which affect and effect service delivery and which can be generally taken to consist of communicating information, consultation and engagement." (ASALGP, nd) Intergovernmental relations is the "basis by which elected members and officials of government entities deal with each other where cooperation is necessary to assure legislative compliance, policy implementation and service delivery."(ASALGP, nd) Not only does IGR contribute to delivery of services but it also "can be a major factor in efficient and effective service delivery. In many cases problems with service delivery can be attributed to failures of IGR." (ASALGP, nd) Intergovernmental relations (IGR) is "about improving the delivery of outcomes through effective systems, processes and procedures that ensure cooperation of different role players around policy formu
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lation, planning, monitoring and support and delivery. A narrow structural approach leads to people getting bogged down with structure which collapse if difficulties are experienced." (ASALGP, nd)


It is reported by the Australia South Africa Local Governance Partnership in the work entitled: "Intergovernmental Relations - a Key to Good Service Delivery" that constraints to quality intergovernmental relation practices include the following constraints:

Lack of a shared focus on key national development priorities

Perpetuation of previous hierarchical relations between spheres

Insufficient sharing of information

Absence of a focus on cross cutting issues

Lack of capacity

Erratic and unfocussed participation in coordination structures

Inadequate enforcement and performance management

Instruments not being used as intended

Lack of a shared spatial area of focus (ASALGP, nd)

It is related by the ASALGP that both elected and non-elected officials play a role in IGR which may take many forms including "protocol dealings, liaison meetings, intersphere planning, approval processes or formal input on a service proposal." (nd) Stakeholders in IGR include "all spheres of government, parastatals (major service providers such as those involved with water and electricity provision) as well as community groups and the public." (ASALGP, nd)

Characteristics of quality IGR are stated to be the following:

Effective and efficient Service Delivery

Inclusive decision making and consultative processes

Absence of disputes between spheres of government

Mechanisms to resolve disputes between spheres of government

Capacity within all spheres of government to develop and progress IGR as equal partners

Mutual respect for decision making process and time frames

Understanding of roles and responsibilities

Good alignment of IDP's with National and Provincial plans and strategies

Good public participation, quality ward committees which enhance decision making and the development of mandates

Meetings with purpose, agenda/minutes and decisions actioned (ASALGP, nd)

Characteristics of poor IGR are stated to include:

Poor or no service delivery

Unilateral decision making by spheres of government on matters affecting other spheres

Disputes between spheres of government

Absence of mechanisms to resolve disputes between spheres of government - legal options pursued

Unequal partnerships

Unfunded mandates

Non-inclusive decision making (gender, minority groups)

Unreasonable time frames to respond - especially by province of local government

Large budget under/over expenditure

Duplication of services

Meetings cancelled at short notice or ineffective, no agenda/minutes, no responsibility for actioning decision. (ASALGP, nd)

The ASALGP states that IGR is achieved "through processes and relationships as well as structures by communicating information, consulting and engaging to assure policy formulation, planning, monitoring and support and delivery." (nd) Communicating information is stated to be "a one way process without the need for a formal of structured response." (ASALGP, nd) Consultation is stated to involve "bi lateral contract involving exchange of ideas of information, and a formal or informal response." (ASALGP, nd) Additionally stated is that consultation "necessitates respect and consideration of the other party (ies) and can contribute significantly to building better relationships." (ASALGP, nd) Engagement is described as the "formalizing of relationships between and within spheres of government through mechanisms that include structure and process. In some cases it can take the form of a partnership agreement or in others through negotiated informal, formal or legal/statutory agreement relating to the provision of services, agreed performance measures, outcomes and feedback." (ASALGP, nd) the question is asked of how important meetings are in assisting and promoting good IGR. Stated as the answer is that meetings are "a very important part of building and establishing relationships and fostering consultation and communication." (ASALGP, nd) Meetings must be:

1) Structured to ensure sufficient notice is given to participants so that they can ascertain views to take to the meeting;

2) Based on mutual respect and equal regard for views of all participants to ensure quality decision making;

3) Arranged so that the purpose and desired outcomes of the meeting are is clear and participants have sufficient mandate to contribute meaningfully;

4) Arranged so that someone has responsibility for minuting the decisions and allocating responsibility for actioning the agreed outcomes. (ASALGP, nd)

The following table labeled Figure 1 in this study lists the practices of the 'poor or no IGR' level, the 'Embryonic IGR' level, the 'Emerging IGR' level, the 'Developing IGR' level and the 'Mature IGR' level.

Characteristics of the Various Levels of IGR

Source: (ASALGP, nd)

Stated as guidelines for effective meetings with decision marks are the following guidelines which follow upon the meeting having been secured in the adaptation for ensuring an effective meeting and effective outcomes from the meeting:

1) Once advice of the meeting appointment has been received confirm the date, time and place in writing along with the names and positions of those in the party attending.

2) Also confirm the matter/s to be discussed at the meeting and attach any background papers you think may be useful. Carefully consider whether you should provide all documents that you will be speaking to- if you do, the decision maker may decide a meeting is not necessary and that they will consider the submission alone.

3) Keep the numbers in your delegation small, usually 4 or less is ideal, too many people will mean either most attend and say nothing or if they all wish to contribute differing points-of-view may emerge.

4) Decision makers are very busy people, especially senior people such as Ministers/MECs and you should assume that the meeting will start later than suggested and may finish earlier than suggested. Tailor your presentation to ensure that there will be sufficient time.

5) as a rule elected members should address elected members, officials should address officials (the anointed should talk to the anointed and the appointed to the appointed). It is poor protocol and reflects badly on the elected members if a delegation including elected members and officials is led by the officials in addressing a Minister/MEC. In some cases where a highly technical matter is to be discussed it may be appropriate for the Mayor to lead the discussions and then invite the Municipal Manager to outline the technical matters but care should be taken to show that the elected members are aware of and understand the issue.

6) Carefully plan who will talk at the meeting, in what order and what they will say- a meeting can easily be ruined by poor planning and preparation.

7) Remember that the purpose of the meeting is partly to brief the decision maker on the issue but more importantly to secure the views of the latter. Too often delegations use all the meeting time outlining their submission and then leave without the decision maker offering a view.

8) Ensure someone takes notes of the meeting, particularly any assurances about action or further contact. If the decision maker requests further information note that and ensure that it happens, similarly if the decision maker promises to provide something make sure it is noted.

9) as soon as possible after the meeting write back to the decision maker thanking them for the meeting, confirming the outcomes and any agreements to provide further advice or documentation. If you undertook to provide a report confirm that you will do so and ensure that I happens. If the decision maker undertook to provide some further comment or feedback politely confirm your understanding that they will do so. Too often time drags by after a meeting with both sides convinced the other was going to take a course of action. (ASALGP, nd)

The work of Agranoff (2008) entitled: "Toward an Emergent Theory of IGR Governance at the Dawn of the Network Era" states that the network is… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Intergovernmental Relations: Issues in Public Policies" Assignment:

Intergovernmental Relations: Issues in Public Policy

Issue : What changes need to be made in the public administration and political systems in order for them to be more communicative and inter-related.

The paper should be organized as follows:

Section 1.0 -- Statement of Intergovernmental Relations (IGR) issue

Section 2.0 -- Literature review noting the scope, dimension, and gravity of this Interovermental issue.

Section 3.0 -- Discussion of up to 3 Alternative IGR policies that chould resolve/mitigate the IGR issue.

Section 4.0 -- Your selection and justification of the "best" IGR policies to resolve/mitigate the IGR issue

Section 5.0 -- Endnotes

Section 6.0 -- Bibliography

(note sections 5.0 and 5.0 do not count towards the 15-20 page paper requirement)

How to Reference "Intergovernmental Relations: Issues in Public Policies" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Intergovernmental Relations: Issues in Public Policies.”, 2008, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Intergovernmental Relations: Issues in Public Policies (2008). Retrieved from (2008). Intergovernmental Relations: Issues in Public Policies. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Intergovernmental Relations: Issues in Public Policies” 2008.
”Intergovernmental Relations: Issues in Public Policies”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Intergovernmental Relations: Issues in Public Policies”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Intergovernmental Relations: Issues in Public Policies [Internet]. 2008 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Intergovernmental Relations: Issues in Public Policies. Published 2008. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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