Research Proposal on "Beer a Male Beverage? Communications"

Research Proposal 5 pages (2036 words) Sources: 10

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This study also revealed the existence of distinct subgroups for types of beers, which undermines the industry practice of averaging taste ratings. This bodes well for the craft brewery industry and may explain why it continues to grow while the rest of the industry stagnates.

Nature and Design of the Project

The relevant social groups (RSGs) in any study of women and their place in the beer industry would be the male and female consumers and the brew masters. The research questions being asked would be whether there is any empirical support for beer as a male beverage, whether the male-oriented marketing strategies of major breweries have influenced beer formulations, and whether women consumers would become more interested in beer if the marketing strategies became more gender-neutral or targeted them specifically. The expected outcome of the research would be that beer is gender neutral, that beer formulations have changed to accommodate male consumers, and the marketing strategies have had a negative impact on women consumers.


The primary source of information for this study will be published academic research in the fields of marketing psychology, social psychology, and economics. This will be supplemented by reports and white papers published by non-profits and industry groups when available. Most, if not all, of this information will be located using the online databases provided through the university library system. Most of this material will be directly downloadable and the rest will be physically retrieved from the library stacks.

Works Cited

Bosman, Julie. (2006
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, May 1). Beer ads that ditch the bikinis, but add threads of thought. New York Times, C7.

Brewers Association. (2013). Beer sales. Retrieved 5 Mar. 2013 from

Companion, Carla. (2011, May 17). The state of women & craft beer. Retrieved 5 Mar. 2012 from

Griffin, Jennifer J. And Weber, James. (2006). Industry social analysis: Examining the Beer Industry. Business and Society, 45(4), 413-440.

Guinard, Jean-Xavier, Uotani, Bunsaku, and Schlich, Pascal. (2001). Internal and external mapping of preferences for commercial lager beers: Comparison of hedonic ratings by consumers blind vs. with knowledge of brand and price. Food Quality and Preference, 12, 243-255.

Hall, Christine C. Iijima and Crum, Matthew, J. (1994). Women and "body-isms" in television beer commercials. Sex Roles, 31 (5/6/), 329-337.

Kesmodel, David. (2010, Jun. 29). No glass ceiling for the best job in the whole world. Wall Street Journal, online. Retrieved 5 Mar. 2013 from / SB10001424052748704629804575324503844478326.html.

Miller, Carl. (2002). Beer and television: Perfectly tuned in. Retrieved 5 Mar. 2013 from

Powell, Jay R. And Compton, Senja V. (1991). What makes beer taste great? Research & Development, 33(2), 71.

Ricco, Ivette. (2009, July 1). Beers and broads -- I'll have another. Retrieved 5 Mar. 2013 from / beersandbroads.htm.

Saad, Lydia. (2012, Aug. 17). Majority in U.S. drink alcohol, averaging four drinks a week. Gallup, Inc. Retrieved 5 Mar. 2013 from

Spitz, Janet. (2010). CEO gender and the malt brewing industry: Return of the Beer Witch, Ale-Wife, and Brewster. Forum for Social Economics, 39(1), 33-42.

Tucker, Joe. (2013). RateBeer Best 2013 -- Award results. Retrieved 6 Mar. 2013 from

U.S. Census Bureau. (2012). Table 7. Resident population by sex and age: 1980… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Beer a Male Beverage? Communications" Assignment:

Subject: Interdisciplinary Studies: The Cultural and Chemical History of Beer

Areas of Concentration: Womens Studies and Communication

-Proposals should be 3 pages (standard margins, double-spaced, 12 point font) plus Works Cited page

A. Statement of the Problem

Succinctly state a beer-related topic to be researched. You must also include a section of broader research about beer that integrates your areas of concentration: Communication and Womens Studies.

B. Review of the Literature

Critically review (and briefly summarize 1-2 paragraphs each source) the existing literature which bears on the stated problem. The literature should relate to your areas of concentration: Communication and Womens Studies. You must have at least TEN documented sources, at least FIVE must be from scholarly sources textbooks or peer-reviewed academic journals (online peer reviewed journals are fine; no Wikipedia).

C. Nature and Design of the Project

Describe in detail what the project intends to do and where the project will be carried out. Research questions should be stated along with indications of expected outcomes. Include a SCOT model with at least 3 relevant social groups, 2 problems for each RSG (6 problems), and 2 solutions to each problem (12 solutions). Each problem and solution must be defined by your social groups and you must have evidence to support your claims.

D. Methodology

This section should describe the procedures and techniques for carrying out the project. You may use secondary (articles and analysis of existing data) and/or primary sources (interviews, surveys, observations conducted by you) and should include at least the following points:

1) the nature of the data/information to be collected,

2) the methods for collecting the data (including primary and secondary data)

3) the sources of information such as library materials

E. Works Cited

This listing will contain your TEN sources discussed above PLUS might contain references that have not been located or looked at yet but will likely be of use before the project is completed. Use a standard format from your area(s) of concentration - APA, MLA, etc.

How to Reference "Beer a Male Beverage? Communications" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Beer a Male Beverage? Communications.”, 2013, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Beer a Male Beverage? Communications (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Beer a Male Beverage? Communications. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Beer a Male Beverage? Communications” 2013.
”Beer a Male Beverage? Communications”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Beer a Male Beverage? Communications”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Beer a Male Beverage? Communications [Internet]. 2013 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Beer a Male Beverage? Communications. Published 2013. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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