Research Paper on "Intellectual Property in Cyberspace"

Research Paper 3 pages (1039 words) Sources: 1+

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Intellectual Property in Cyberspace

The focus of this paper is to provide the annotated biography of the three articles. Chowbe, (2010) argues in his article titled "Intellectual Property and Its Protection in Cyberspace" that advent of computer and it (information technology) has created a new world within the cyberspace leading to a changing dimension of IP (intellectual property). The protection of the IP such as trademark, designs, copyrights, and circuit design have become challenging in the face of the current digital environment. While IP is a valuable asset to the real owner, however, rapid development of it environment has created a room for the theft of IP assets, which is on the rise globally. The factor responsible for the theft of IP assets is that it is easily adapted to the electronic format making its digital contents very easy to store and disseminate. Based on the threats facing the IP within the it environment, the governments have made the laws and IP protective policies such as ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) guidelines and the Madrid Protocol to guide against the IP thefts. However, IP thefts are still on the rise, the author demands for more affirmative protective laws to guard against the abusive use of new invention to protect the real IP owners from economic loss.

Bowie, (2005) is his articles titled "Digital Rights and Wrongs: Intellectual Property in the Information Age" reveals what there are difference between rights and wrong of digital products. The author illustrates the actions of Joe who attempts to record the popular movie from MTV and Tom who attempts to copy other person's music from the internet. Although, Joe
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's action may sound legal while Tom's action sounds illegal, however the author argues that both Joe's and Tom's actions are illegal. Typically, 56% of college students, and 25% of non-students download music from the internet. Moreover, 80% of people who download music from the internet do not care whether the copyright laws have protected the music. According to the author, the traditional copyright law is to protect inventors and induce entrepreneurs' creativity. While the copyright protection justification is widely accepted, however, tradition copyright laws do not stopped people from downloading movies or music from the internet. Copyright laws have not stopped millions of people to download copyrighted music from the internet. In the face inability of copyright law to protect the music owners, the author suggests that organizations need to implement totally encrypted music making only the intended users to have access to the music.

Easterbrook, (2000) in his article titled "Cyberspace vs. Property Law" argues that the prospect of intellectual property in the face of cyber technology in the 21st century bothers many people. Many drug developers are forced to offer their products at low prices because their discoveries are in public domain. The challenges facing intellectual property is that a poem, book and music could be used without necessarily being used up. The copyright law, law of contract and trademark law are created so that producers of intellectual property can charge marginal costs to cover the total costs; however, most… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Intellectual Property in Cyberspace" Assignment:

Part 1 - Annotated Bibliography (1 page)

Please create annotated bibliography from the attached articles.

Part 2 - Reflective Diary - Intellectual Property in Cyberspace (2 pages minimum)

Please create record of reflections about experiences, attitudes, opinions, and feelings in relation to the information technology (IT) and cyber ethics. Provide thoughts, feelings, ideas, and emotions.

Please use attached articles and consider these ideas in regards of Intellectual Property in Cyberspace:

Consider the limits, if any, that should be limiting a user*****s right to link to other web sites.

What is the significance of the open code movement, and what are the benefits and drawbacks of open source code software?

Does trademark ownership conflict with free speech rights?

The historical basis for legal protections in the United States and supporting copyright, patent, and trademark laws.

The moral justification theories of labor-desert, personality, and utilitarianism.

The recent legislation of the Digital Millennium Act and the Sony Bono Copyright Term Extension Act.

Thank you.


How to Reference "Intellectual Property in Cyberspace" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Intellectual Property in Cyberspace.”, 2013, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Intellectual Property in Cyberspace (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Intellectual Property in Cyberspace. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Intellectual Property in Cyberspace” 2013.
”Intellectual Property in Cyberspace”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Intellectual Property in Cyberspace”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Intellectual Property in Cyberspace [Internet]. 2013 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Intellectual Property in Cyberspace. Published 2013. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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