Thesis on "Innovation in History Impact and Change Youtube Creation of a New World Community"

Thesis 8 pages (2320 words) Sources: 10 Style: MLA

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Innovation in History -- Impact and Change: YouTube - Creation of a New World Community

YouTube is to video browsing what a Wal-Mart Supercenter is to shopping: everything is there, and all you have to do is walk in the door. -- John Cloud, Time Magazine, December 16, 2006

The epigraph above is reflective of the positive commentary being published about YouTube in recent years. Although YouTube is only a few years old, it has already over 100 million video clips viewed and 65,000 new videos are uploaded on the site every 24 hours by people all over the world. YouTube has created instant groups of like-minded people around the world who share ideas, political views as well as being a rallying point for people concerned about causes they have in common. Some of the things that people rally around are as simple as a 60-second clip of humor. A lot of film is about music. Never before in history has the average individual been empowered to share this medium instantly, unedited and uncensored with free access to all. There has been a lot of political reaction to this innovation as well. It has been blocked by countries such as China, Morocco and Thailand who are concerned about some of its content. Although there are other video-sharing Web sites available, YouTube is a revolutionary step in human communication that represents a very good topic for an Innovation in History analysis. To this end, this paper provides an overview and history of YouTube, a description of how users create and upload videos to the site, and how the site has transformed from its relatively frivolous origins to become a serious contender among media heavyweights. A summary of the research and important fin
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dings are presented in the conclusion.

Review and Discussion

There are several video-sharing Web sites available, including Google Video (http://video. google. com/?hl=en&tab=wv), Yahoo Video (, and MySpace (, and the number of such sites continues to grow. The most popular of such video-sharing Web sites, though, is YouTube ( (Bromley 2008). According to Haridakis and Hanson, just 15 months following its launch in February 2005, YouTube enjoyed 20 million visitors a day who watched 100 million videos, representing 60% of all videos that were watched online in 2006. Founded by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim, former employees of PayPal, the site became enormously popular in an amazingly short period of time (McGivern 2006). In this regard, Haridakis and Hanson add that, "The most popular clips are viewed by millions of users, providing a new form of appointment television -- one that is built around the calendars of individual users and not rigid network program schedules. The audience is now an integral part of the media distribution chain" (Haridakis and Hanson 2009:317). Just over a year from its inception, YouTube was purchased by Google, Inc. In November, 2006, making the young founders multimillionaires in the process and the site has expanded beyond the sharing of personal videos to include a wide range of professionally produced productions as well. For instance, health organizations such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Red Cross maintain educational videos on YouTube (Akagi 2008). Moreover, YouTube has quickly transformed from its original format to gain respected status among mainstream media as well (Wollheim 2007). For example, some of the videos posted on YouTube have been publicized and reviewed by mainstream media including the Wall Street Journal, Sports Illustrated and the New York Times (Wollheim 2007).

Fortunately for its tens of millions of users, YouTube has also resolved the copyright infringement issues that have plagued the site since its inception. In this regard, Wollheim (2007) reports that CBS, NBC, Sony Music, and Warner Music have all reached agreements with the site's owners following negotiations concerning copyright infringement. Likewise, following intense negotiations between YouTube and United Kingdom PRS for Music, a consortium of music royalty advocates, YouTube agreed to pay copyright owners for delivering their videos. According to a recent newspaper article, "During the six-month standoff, PRS for Music, representing 60,000 songwriters, composers, and music publishers, served YouTube with notices to take down hundreds of promo clips and block music videos from the website" (Youtube Makes Deal with UK Music Group 2009). Although the site's new owner, Google, has aggressively marketed YouTube in other countries, countries such as Iran, Morocco, Thailand, and Turkey have sought to prevent their citizens from accessing the site for both cultural and political reasons (Wollheim 2007). Accordign to Haridakis and Hanson (2009), "YouTube is one of the new forms of social network-oriented online communication that have emerged in the past few years. It exemplifies a social environment in which everyone has the potential to be both a consumer and purveyor of content and illustrates the speed with which social networking innovations can achieve widespread penetration and utility" (317). Indeed, the community aspects of the site are highlighted by the YouTube fact sheet (2010) which emphasizes, "Everyone can participate in the YouTube community by watching, sharing, and commenting on videos. People can see first-hand accounts of current events, relive their favorite TV moments, find videos about their hobbies and interests, discover new artists and filmmakers, and even uncover the quirky and unusual" (2). With more than 20 million visitors a month viewing 100 million video clips each day, YouTube has become a community forum of choice in which people from around the world can watch and discuss the 65,000 new videos that are posted each day (Naim 2007). Although the majority of the posted videos are created by young people with their peers in mind, a growing number of videos posted on YouTube are of a more serious nature. According to Naim, "YouTube includes videos posted by terrorists, human rights groups, and U.S. soldiers in Iraq. Some are clips of incidents that have political consequences or document important trends, such as global warming, illegal immigration, and corruption. Some videos reveal truths. Others spread disinformation, propaganda, and outright lies. All are part of the YouTube effect" (2007:105).

Although there are a growing number of video-sharing sites available, one of the key differences between YouTube and other social networking sites is the fact that YouTube does not require any community tagging for the videos uploaded by its users. Instead, the individuals who post the videos provided the requisite tags (Godwin-Jones 2007). In fact, YouTube does not provide any specific guidance or recommendations concerning what content tags should be applied by its users. In this regard, Godwin-Jones advises, there are some distinct disadvantages to this approach for serious researchers: "This makes searching for particular kinds of video clips or specific content very much a hit or miss enterprise. Searching on 'Teaching English,' for example, returns hundreds of results, most of them clips of teachers in action or class profiles, but the hit list also includes commercials that could be used in teaching English, as well as clips from commercial providers of language instruction" (16). The videos posted for educational purposes, like the other clips on YouTube, differ widely in their production values and the quality of the video and audio they contain. For example, Godwin-Jones notes that, "Some of the clips uploaded are just slideshows or videos shot with a static camera; others, however, are quite sophisticated in the use of lighting, captioning, camera angles, and transitions. Many come with a music soundtrack, often using commercially available songs" (2007:16). In addition, students and teachers alike are using the site for classroom projects and as a way of generating interest in a topic, with many educational videos from language classes being posted (Godwin-Jones 2007).

Part of the popularity of YouTube compared to other social networking sites is the ease of use that is involved. According to Godwin-Jones, "Uploading video clips to YouTube is a quick and easy process and works in similar ways on other video sharing sites. Video clips can be in avi, mov, or mpg formats (MPEG4 is recommended) and be a maximum of ten minutes long. At least one content tag is required, along with a specification of the language used in the clip, presently restricted to a choice among English, Spanish, French, Japanese, Chinese, or German" (17). Videos can also be posted using a personal digital assistant or digital cameras with Internet access, and videos can also be posted directly to YouTube using a Web camera (Godwin-Jones 2007). After a video is posted to YouTube, it is converted to a Flash video format that the site uses for all of the clips it receives; the URL for the posting is provided to the individual uploading it, together with HTML code that can be used to paste into a Web page in order to display the video on one's own page. This ease of use combined with the proliferation of video recording devices, including cellular telephones, has resulted in an explosion of video content being posted to YouTube and accounts for much of its popularity today (Godwin-Jones 2007).


Quoted Instructions for "Innovation in History Impact and Change Youtube Creation of a New World Community" Assignment:

The topic of this research paper is some innovation in history that has had lasting change or impact.

The topic chosen is YouTube - and how it has created new global communities around the world. Not from the perspective of new technologies, because the technologies already existed - the networks, the communications, etc. Rather, by creating a common addressable place where everyone in the world who has access to a computer can access, was a simple idea, but one that has had revolutionary impact in a number of different ways - connecting people - making people film directors - publishers - etc.

The research paper should be 2500 words excluding the annotated bibliography which should be divided into primary and secondary resource sections and ideally have at least 5 primary and secondary sources. As YouTube is so new, it will not be possible to have 5 primary sources. There should be 5 secondary sources.

One of the most important sources is the Kansas State University Anthropolgy class study on Digital Enthnography = under Dr. Michael Wesch. Each student focused on a different aspect of the impact of YouTube and presented their findings. Dr. Wesch also gave an talk at the Library of Congress on the topic that is an interesting start point on the overal subject of this research.


"Innovation suggests creative new approaches to any facet of life. Students might explore innovation in artistic or musical forms, for example, by looking at the rise of jazz. The important aspect of any National History Day research project is to situate the topic in the historical context. What was happening in the society that supported the rise of jazz at this particular point in time? Another way to extend the topic would be to follow the impact of jazz on society through time, e.g., on the African American community or subsequent music forms. "

Changes in political, social or religious institutions or arrangements might also be considered innovations, as new ways to respond to problems facing society. For example, the establishment of the United States of America, the *****Cultural Revolution***** in China, the development of

settlement houses in America and Europe, or the Protestant Reformation could all be topics for NHD this year. As always, the theme is broad enough to include topics from any period of history and from any part of the world. Whatever topics they choose, however, students must remember to address the theme and place their projects in history."

Possible Project Ideas

October 29, 2009

Idea #1 The selling and spreading of political movements on YouTube. In years gone by, people have had to spread their ideas through mediums of speeches, radio, monuments, even paintings. In most recent decades, political campaigning was mostly through television. In the most recent election in America, the internet and YouTube in particular played a major role and many people were surprised. Throughout the world, YouTube is the major medium now for all kinds of political and religious movements to spread their messages. Instead of hearing the message interpreted or presented by others, you hear the message on YouTube unedited. There are many examples and much commentary about the millions of people persuaded now through YouTube instantly about political views.

Idea #2 YouTube: A new world communities. Through all the great bandwidth, networks and servers around the world, YouTube has turned into a huge global forum where anyone with internet access can communicate with anyone else face to face regardless of distance. Members communicate regularly from every part of the globe and are celebrating together, playing music, laughing, learning, building causes across many boundaries. With the innovation of YouTube, the course of history has been changed. People are connected by this new form of communication in new movements who never before would have met or united. It is eradicating international boundaries.

Idea #3 *****“ The story of the phenomenal invention of YouTube. YouTube is only four years old and it is a simple story of the ideas of three guys who worked at PayPal had an idea. But it is an important history to understand because it happened so quickly *****“ and it involved $165 billion dollars as it was sold to Google and so many millions of people around the world. It changed the way people communicate. It is the story of a new business model that changed who is behind the camera and who is front of the camera and it created a new economy at the same time that did not exist before making $15 million dollars a month in advertising.

Idea #4 *****“ Anonymous People: how YouTube enables the world to speak powerfully and anonymously. Through YouTube, people now have the ability to publish any kind of artwork, film, political statements, literature, pictures anonymously. People can use their own names or false names. They can be who they are or they can be someone entirely different. No one will know. People can reach the audience of the whole of the world in an instant. In history, this capability has not existed before.

Idea #5 - YouTube*****s Transformation of the Film Industry. Prior to YouTube people could watch television, go to the cinema, or to some extent watch film on the internet. With YouTube, you can watch any movies, TV program, documentaries, sports event, someone*****s home movie made in Timbuktu at any time you wish. In addition, you can join and converse with communities of people who are interested in the same category material including the film maker. The price is pretty record breaking in history as well: it*****s free to anyone with access to the internet. This also means that a person in any part of the world could obtain an education on-line.

Final Topic Choice

Wednesday September 9, 2009

The short list of possible topics I chose for the project on Innovation in History were Ebay, iTunes or MP3s players, Fast Food and YouTube. I think that each of these inventions has had an impact on history. In looking closely at iTunes, the references about this amazing musical invention was more about an evolution of many different types of technology that suddenly became the MP3 player. Apple*****s creation of the iTunes was ingenious, but difficult to pinpoint on its own as an invention without giving credit to a lot of the MP3 components that led up to it at the same time. Also, there is not much history written about the social or cultural impact of this invention. Because there will be more technology to follow, what it*****s legacy will be is not so clear. The creation of EBay was one person*****s idea. In reading more about this, it was more one person*****s idea developed into a something like an on-line garage sale market place that became successful. It is not clear how much innovation was involved, how much it changed history or how many reference sources could be used to make up a strong research project.

The invention of fast food was a major innovation in food in the history of time created in America that found its way around the world. It definitely has had major impact on the culture of the way people eat, people*****s health, diet, and the whole food industry. There are many reference materials available about this topic that would be sufficient to build a research project around. It is a topic that makes one stop to think about how we got to where we are. We hardly recognize where our food comes from anymore because it is so unnatural. The price of a fast food meal full of unhealthy fat and hundreds of calories and sugar can be dollars less than the cost of something healthy which does not seem right. How did we get here? In the end I did not choose this topic not because it is not interesting to me, but because I work for a fast food place and a lot of what is said about the invention of fast food is negative and I don*****t want to be negative about a company that employs me.

The topic I chose is YouTube. There are not many references for this topic and it will not be an easy topic to research but I think it is actually one of the most important innovations we have had in the world for some time. YouTube is only a few years old but it has already over 100 million video clips viewed and 65,000 new videos are uploaded on YouTube every 24 hours by people all over the world. YouTube has created instant groups of people around the world sharing ideas, political views and rallying people around common causes. Some of the things that people rally around are as simple as a 60 second clip of humor. A lot of film is about music. Never before in history has common man been able to share this medium instantly, unedited and uncensored with free access to all. There has been a lot of political reaction to this invention as well. It has been blocked by countries such as China, Morocco and Thailand who are concerned about some of its content. I believe it is a revolutionary step in human communication that is a very good topic for Innovation in History.

You Tube: The Creation of a New World Community

Process Paper

Why I chose this topic:

Considering the time I spend on YouTube weekly watching movies, music, and learning horse training techniques, I already had an interest in this innovation and was keen to learn more. This topic is also a very relevant topic to my generation as the highest percentage of YouTube users are under 28 years old. As YouTube is only a few years old, I liked the idea that I would probably not have to go to the library and pour over lots of old books to do the research required for the project.

How I conducted my research:

I initially thought that YouTube would be a fairly easy topic because I am a first hand regular user and I thought I knew something about it. I found out quite quickly that it was more difficult that I imagined. First, there are only a few primary sources - the three founders of YouTube, primarily. Therefore, almost all sources are secondary. I found myself doing considerable web searching through irrelevant material. There are only a handful of books published with reference to the innovation of YouTube. Most of the information is in web media such as newsletters, articles, and documentary film. I saved as favorites all of these sites, printed the most important and went back and watched the most important films several times to do my research.

How I created and developed my exhibit:

For my exhibit I decided to write a paper as the explanation of how YouTube is an innovation of historical significance and something that requires thoughtful explanation. Photographs, diagrams, graphics and other means do not seem appropriate for me to be able to explain what I have learned about the ways YouTube has affected our history. I have been keeping index cards of the main points found in videos and a file of important points from published articles. Every time I use YouTube I am thinking about and looking at how it has changed history and making notes for my research paper on index cards. All of these put together will form my final project paper.

How my project relates to the theme.

My project relates to the NHD theme in its creation of global communities that have never before existed and otherwise would not exist without its invention. These communities might be made up of fifty-five people who happen to share the same interest living in far flung corners of the world. These communities might also be made up of millions of people who share a laugh at the same 2 minute home movie clip. This innovation also revolutionized the industries of publishing and film production. In an instant, YouTube made people everywhere film producers and published authors with a worldwide audience. YouTube also created a new timeline in history by creating instantaneous publishing of material and erasing time scheduling by enabling people to watch what they want, when they want 24x7, anywhere in the world. (494 Words)

Annotated Bibliography

Primary Sources

Steve, Chad and Jawed, *****The Real History of YouTube in 3 Minutes***** Available at November 22,


The three creators of YouTube give a brief history of their *****broadcast yourself***** invention in a garage in this film. They describe the timeline of their invention, each of their roles in the process, how they overcame stumbling blocks when no one visited their site, and their growth from streaming 3 million to 100 million videos per day. It ends with the sale of YouTube to Google for $1.6 billion and 65% of all traffic for video sites and explaining that YouTube is that but so much more. These are critical points of view to understand for this paper.

Secondary Sources

Barack, Lauren. "Library of Congress Shares Nation's Treasures on You Tube." Library. Print.

Lauren Barack is a freelance journalist living in Manhattan. Her work has appeared in Parenting magazine, Newsweek, the St. Petersburg Times, The Independent (London) and Variety, among other publications. Barack turned to journalism after a stint in comedy television.

Boutin, Paul. *****A Video History of You Tube.***** Web.

Paul Boutin writes about networks for the NY Times and covers the iPhone, Apple social networks, and digital media for VentureBeat. He also contributes essays to Wired and does book reviews for the Wall Street Journal. He was a senior ***** and editor for Silicon Valley gossip site Valleywag from 2006 to 2008.

Cloud, John. "The Gurus of You Tube." Time. Print.

John Cloud is a staff ***** for Time magazine, where he has worked since 1997. Before coming to Time, he was a senior ***** at Washington City Paper. He describes the background of the founders and creators which is an important understanding of the innovators.

Douglas, Nick. *****YouTube*****s Dark Side: how the video sharing site stifles

creativity***** Slate. Print

Nick Douglas is a technology ***** and a humorist who is known for his sarcastic viewpoint in the world of tech journalism. He writes for Wired, Slate, and the Huffington Post and other on-line publications. Douglas has over 9,000 followers on Twitter which makes him one of the top 200 users on the site. He lives in New York City. Visit his website

Duffield, Katy S. Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, Jawed Karim: YouTube Creators

(Innovators). San Diego: KidHaven Publisher 2008

This book is written for young audiences to tell the history of the YouTube innovation. It covers the background of the founders working at PayPal and how they were just simple guys with an idea who stuck with their idea to make it work.

Haridakis, Dr.Paul. "Social media and presidential election: Scientists examine

impact of You Tube, MySpace." Web.

Dr. Paul Haridakis, professor and scholar in the impact of media on the US political landscape investigates the impact of social media*****s impact on the presidential election. Haridakis, focused on the role of You Tube in elections, an important perspective on the historical impact of YouTube. .

Giuffo, John. *****Ten Videos that made YouTube famous.***** Available at:

http// 9/19/2009

In November 2005, when YouTube first started posting videos it was mostly a place for posting and seeing homemade video clips. As the popularity of this website grew users began to put up all kinds of postings old and new TV shows, comedies, music video, political adds, and homemade documentary. This article shows YouTube*****s big success and how it gives everyone in the world a chance to share there videos without control, that anyone can make a video, post it online and become an overnight success.

Green, Joshua. YouTube: Online Video and Participatory Culture. Cambridge:

Polity Publishing 2009

In this book the author discusses how YouTube is the first mass platform for user-created video and how it relates to wider transformations in culture, society and the economy. The book talks about the public debates surrounding the site, demonstrating how it is central to struggles for authority and control in the new media environment. The author discusses how YouTube is being used by the media industries, by audiences and amateur producers, and by particular communities of interest, and the ways in which these uses challenge existing ideas about cultural *****˜production***** and *****˜consumption*****. It provided an important overall understanding of my topic.

*****Guardian column: The YouTube campaign.***** Available at:

campaign/. 01/28/2007

This column is about the U.S. Presidential Candidate and how they use YouTube to campaign for the White House. It states *****the revolution will not be televised. It will be YouTubed, It also states that more than 30% of voters under the age of 35 will be using the internet as their mane source of political news.

Jardoe, Greg. YouTube and Video Marketing: An Hour a Day. Indianapolis: Wiley

Publishing 2009

This book is a detailed guide to help people create and implement winning video strategies on YouTube with step-by-step instructions and key steps and techniques. It is written in the hour a day format to make it simple and straightforward to learn many tips on how to make videos and avoid mistakes based on the authors four years of experience. It includes case studies which demonstrate how to analyze marketing results and also has a long list of very current additional resources which were helpful is sorting through and finding relevant sources. .

Levy, Frederick. 15 Minutes of Fame: Becoming a Star in the YouTube Revolution.

New York: Penguin Group 2008

This is a book written by a Hollywood guru to advice users and video makers about how to make and share their videos about their most interesting, exciting and embarrassing moments to be watched by people from all over the world. It also explores YouTube*****s social and networking aspects and how people can connect with that through the films they make. It is a guide to help people get their material captured quickly on their phones and cameras and advice about what will make people want to watch their film for their moment of fame.

Miller, Michael. YouTube 4 You. Que Publishing: Washington, D.C. 2009

YouTube 4You appears to be a perfect book for a person to get very rapidly up to speed on YouTube. Like other work by this author, it is an impressive volume that is highly rated by its users.

Also, like other work done by Michael Miller, this too is an impressing work. It is very clear that the author knows what he is talking about, and he is good in making difficult things easy to understand. Chapters 1 to 11 are great introduction 4 everyone and viewers, on how to create and share videos including legal issues!

Chapters 12 to 16, which is 4 Advanced Users goes beyond introduction and helps one you join the YouTube Community, adding your Blog, and even profiting from your videos as well as how to troubleshoot. This book was excellent, brief and to the point, with pictures and examples that helped me become proficient with YouTube usage.

YouTube Report 2009. *****YouTube is Part of Three Key Trends***** September 7, 2009


YouTube for Business is a 111 page analysis of YouTube Report 2009 data to help businesses understand how YouTube can affect their businesses positively. Each week a new chapter is delivered to study the impact and opportunities that YouTube has come to offer. This section is about increasing bandwidth around the world, user generated content, and social networking sites and gave me an important insight into how the communication network side of YouTube was enabled.

Pondera, Patrick. The YouTube Reader. Oslo: National Library of Sweden 2009

This book describes YouTube as epitomizing the possibilities of digital culture. With more than 70, 000,000 unique users a month and approximately 80,000,000 videos online, YouTube have the richest repository of popular culture in modern time. As the fastest growing site in the history of the Web, it describes YouTube*****s new opportunities for amateur video, political campaigning, entertainment formats, and viral marketing and clip culture that have far outpaced both cinema and television. The YouTube Reader is one of the first full-length books to explore YouTube as an industry, archive, and cultural form.

Savoie, Hillary. *****John McCain gets BarackRoll*****d: Authorship, Culture, and Community on YouTube.***** Available at 4/17/09

This cultural study by a doctoral student at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute analyzes the YouTube video *****John McCain gets BarackRoll*****d***** as an example of a new media of individual expression that can be used to support and create community action among large groups of people *****“ an important understanding of the new global communities created by YouTube. .

Susan Boyle phenomena: redefining beauty, grace, and success? By Ben Quinn.

Perf. Susan Boyle. Video clip.

The video clip of Boyle winning over skeptical judges and a cynical crowd with a rendition of *****I Dreamed a Dream***** from the musical *****Les Miserables***** has been viewed more than 40 million times. It is an important example of how quickly fame can be brought globally and overnight with this new innovation.

Wesch, Michael Dr. *****Digital Ethnography at Kansas State University.***** Available

at: 3/9/2007

The YouTube project at Kansas State University was a class project for the Spring 2007 semester of a class called Anthropology 522: Digital Ethnography. Each student in the class was responsible for creating their own 3 to 5 minute video of an agreed topic about the YouTube community. This project is critical to my research for this project as it has become the most famous and important study of YouTube in existence today.

Woog, Adam. YouTube: Great Idea Chicago: Norwood House Press 2008

The book begins with a brief history of video sharing on the Web and then goes on to discuss the three young men who came up with the idea for YouTube after working together at PayPal, and what getting the start-up off the ground entailed. Details of how the site works (and makes money) are explained as well as questions of copyright and censorship. The book was an important read because sets out ways YouTube has changed society, including its effect on the 2008 election.

YouTube Report 2009. *****YouTube is Part of Three Key Trends***** September 7, 2009


YouTube for Business is a 111 page analysis of YouTube Report 2009 data to help businesses understand how YouTube can affect their businesses positively. Each week a new chapter is delivered to study the impact and opportunities that YouTube has come to offer. This section is about increasing bandwidth around the world, user generated content, and social networking sites and gave me an important insight into how the communication network side of YouTube was enabled.

How to Reference "Innovation in History Impact and Change Youtube Creation of a New World Community" Thesis in a Bibliography

Innovation in History Impact and Change Youtube Creation of a New World Community.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Innovation in History Impact and Change Youtube Creation of a New World Community (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Innovation in History Impact and Change Youtube Creation of a New World Community. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Innovation in History Impact and Change Youtube Creation of a New World Community” 2010.
”Innovation in History Impact and Change Youtube Creation of a New World Community”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Innovation in History Impact and Change Youtube Creation of a New World Community”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Innovation in History Impact and Change Youtube Creation of a New World Community [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Innovation in History Impact and Change Youtube Creation of a New World Community. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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