Essay on "Information Systems Have Changed"

Essay 7 pages (2729 words) Sources: 14 Style: Harvard

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Information systems have changed the way we collaborate and work in significant ways.

The technology system has had effects on everyday life. The innovative aspect of the working system with collaboration has encouraged the wiring of the globe to help maximize accessibility. The paper addresses the revolutions in the technology system beyond recognition. The paper also analyses how the technology system has managed to revolutionize the field of company practices through the encouragement of collaborative efforts across the principal involved functions and units. The technology system is also in the verge of leveraging functional nature of knowledge and experience with the specified diversity in the workforce. The paper also tackles how the technology system has managed to improvise business to become speedy. It is significant following the contribution of the technology system with the specification to progress speed. Most of the relevance associated to the press originates from the fact it operates on a rule of conduct characterized by use of legitimate language that has in turn promoted readers understanding and interpret information.


It is confirmable that the new technologies have enabled changes in the way make communications, collaborate and work in significant ways leading to the realization of more in the industry (Babus-Ka & Groen, 2010, p 16). The Information systems have managed to foster social learning following the collaboration of sociotechnical aspect with the specifications of the environmental collaboration in nature. This encourages the essentiality of the information systems. Now that, the global concept of the moder
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nized technology has introduced an increment in interconnection, the global workforce is facing considerable competition due to the availability of the associated factors (Babus-Ka & Groen, 2010, p 16). The consideration of the technological systems has enabled the demand for accountability in specified fields inclusive of companies expecting to hire expertise capable of tapping into varying sources. This enables the fueling of rejuvenated energy with innovation deemed necessary. Social learning as a social technically related aspect, it formulates the ingredients meant for success and perfect innovation (Babus-Ka & Groen, 2010, p 16).

The technology system with the sociotechnical concept

According to Babus-Ka & Groen, the information system has enabled a strategized revolution on how to lead a successful life. It has turned around the ways to analyses through thinking. Way of acting and relationship formations. Information systems have significantly contributed to the extension of normal life in the perspective of sociotechnical (O'dell & Hubert, 2011, p 112). The rate of adjustments to the technological aspect has increased with a drastic pace. Business processes has managed to change increasing the organizations efficiency. The technological system has also managed to change and open lines of positive communication (O'dell & Hubert, 2011, p 112). This has opened routes for businesses to have effective communication with collaboration. Collaboration is proving to be the business future competitiveness with companies becoming innovative and connecting to the potential cycle better. O'dell & Hubert claims that the overall act is faster with the market structure flattened following the improvisation of the internet economy (O'dell & Hubert, 2011, p 112).

According to Lowry, technology system has managed to improvise business to become speedy. It is significant following the contribution of the technology system with the specification to progress speed. The introduction of the improvised technology system has managed to revolutionize the working structure with significant aspects (Lowry, 2007, p 313). The availability of Emails-mails meant for interaction has managed to make replacements for the faxes, memos, and phone calls (Lowry, 2007, p 313). The introduction of more improvised gadgets has enabled the possibility of connecting to the entire set up business network hence enabling quicker response. Automated tasking and workflows of the specified systems have also managed tried cutting down on the bureaucracy of the respective organizations with operations stream lining. Matching speed with the technology system contributes responsiveness and flexibility for the respective interactions (Lowry, 2007, p 313).

Axelrod says that the technology system with the specifications of the sociotechnical has managed far-reaching technology collaboration. The technology system that has enabled the introduction of geographically dispersed aspects for virtually meeting from any place globally (Axelrod, 2002, p 29). Video conferencing as a result of information system which has also instant messaging present. Additionally, following the introduction of the social sites for networking, majority of the businesses connects to the larger business network. The resulting product id a greater productivity with a dice blend abilities, talents, and viewpoints (Axelrod, 2002, p 29).

Axelrod says that the technological system has encouraged innovation. The involved user-friendly advancements have enabled the development of designable tools associated with application software that contributes substantially to the solution of common problems with efficiency improvement (Axelrod, 2002, p 29). The accessibility of the technology system has managed to introduce considerable changes to connection during work and collaboration. The technology system has introduced differing devised creative ways of connecting to clients and work inclusive of blogs, e-mails and the recent sites with twitter included (Axelrod, 2002, p 29).

According to King et al., collaboration is when two or more people, in one way or the other work together to accomplish the same goal. This teamwork always requires feedback; those in the work teams review and revise their works in turn to ensure it strives towards achievement of the common goal (King et al., 2006, p 137). To ensure maximized collaborations, the following requirements play a pivotal role, executive support systems, management information system, decision management system, knowledge management system, transaction-processing system, and office automation systems among others (King et al., 2006, p 137).

Executive support system; this system works in helping senior management to make strategic decisions in an organization (King et al., 2006, p 137). The bases for its operations include, information gathering, analysis, and summary of key internal and external objectives. Some if not all organizational staffs work towards achieving the same goal by following the guidelines from the executive support team who uses this system, executive support systems, to come up with such guidelines (Lowry, 2007, p 313).

According to Kegan, management information system, its main purposes include, running internal affairs of an organization. It works towards the establishment of the internal sources of information by checking and borrowing data from the transaction systems (KEGAN, R. (2001), p. 215). The borrowing of data shows collaboration between two sections run by different persons hence it involves mutual working between two or more parties towards achievement of the same goal (KEGAN, R. (2001), Pg. 215).

Decision support systems; this section works towards key decision making for management in situations of immense value and priority for an organization. Uncertainty in the outcomes of the decisions is always noticeable (Guimara-es & Carric-O, 2010, p 5). This implies that the results of these decisions are unclear before their occurrence. Tools and techniques play a crucial role in decision support system as they help in gathering of relevant information, analysis of the same and finally making decisions (Guimara-es & Carric-O, 2010, p 5). Decision support systems most of the times involve the use of complex databases and spreadsheets in creating it question models. The question models try to lay foundation, background, and issue that require making of decisions (Guimara-es & Carric-O, 2010, p 5).

According to O-Sterle et al., knowledge management system helps in the creation and sharing of information in any organization or business firm. Employees work towards discovering and deployment of new techniques in their work (O-Sterle et al., 2001, p 87). Employees always collaborate in creating this new knowledge and how its application in the firm. Creation of new knowledge and mastering of knowledge is evident in businesses such as law firms, consultancy firms, and accountancy firms among other businesses (O-Sterle et al., 2001, p 87). The knowledge found in categorical section for instance, word documents, spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, internet pages and blogs among other areas. For maximum collaboration, the firm always deploys networking or intranet usage (O-Sterle et al., 2001, p 87).

Transaction processing systems; as the name points out these systems main aim involves execution and processing of routine transactions in a firm (Fortune and Peters, 2005, p 123). It works towards achieving efficiency, timely analysis, and record keeping. A business transaction system may include the following, billing systems, production and purchasing systems, stock control systems, and payroll systems among others (Fortune and Peters, 2005, p 123).

According to Fortune and Peters, office automation systems, these are systems working towards improvement of production within a firm. The employees' coordination and productivity is in increment by the systems (Fortune and Peters, 2005, p 123). Examples of the system include software ranges available in the market that improve employees productivity levels in office, for instance Microsoft office XP among or system that allows employees to work even when, not in the office (Fortune and Peters, 2005, p 123). All these systems work towards achieving the same goal and using the same means that are collaboration among employees (Fortune and Peters, 2005, p 123).

Information systems have formed the… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Information Systems Have Changed" Assignment:

-+ - % 10 word count criteria: 1800 min word count ��*****" 2200 max word count

-No Wikipedia research

-This essay is equal to % 100 pass mark that*****s why it is so important

- the resources need to read and get idea. these are the resources(readings and the lectures (powerpoint slides)) that we covered during the cources.


- Extended Abstract ��*****" answer generalises the structure beyond given information; higher order principles used to bring in new and broader issues

- Makes a clear and insightful argument to respond to the essay question. Articulately and consistently uses two principles to discuss the topic, demonstrating an ability to an***** and make value judgements about the validity of abstract concepts. Should show an excellent understanding of the question and the topics from the course. Has a strong argument and will link the two principles with each other as well as with the question. Needs to be structured well. Should show good citations and writing skills.


- For your essays you will need to draw upon two concepts that have been and will be covered in the lectures (the printing press, virtual/network organisations, sociotechnical systems, tacit/explicit knowledge etc. are just a few examples). It is up to you to decide which these two concepts will be. There is no right or wrong concept for essay topic, although you may find that some of them are more helpful compared to others.

- We*****'ll be more than happy to see you using relevant other references of good academic quality. You are encouraged to do further research. Just make sure that the papers you draw upon are of good quality and high standards rather than documents you find on the web (a recommended list of journals can be found in the course outline). The references we provide meet these criteria and thus we expect from you to show that you have read and understood them. It doesn*****'t however mean that you should use only these.


How to Reference "Information Systems Have Changed" Essay in a Bibliography

Information Systems Have Changed.”, 2012, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Information Systems Have Changed (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Information Systems Have Changed. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Information Systems Have Changed” 2012.
”Information Systems Have Changed”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Information Systems Have Changed”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Information Systems Have Changed [Internet]. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Information Systems Have Changed. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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