Thesis on "Individual Rights PPT Individual Rights and National"

Thesis 4 pages (1203 words) Sources: 1+

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Individual Rights PPT

Individual Rights and National Rights for the Island of Tagg

The Island of Tagg is on the threshold of a new period of its history, where independence and progressivism will have the potential to realize full fruition and to correspond with a global historical narrative proceeding toward greater preservation of democratic representation, resource equality and individual freedoms. The balance of ideologies which in their extremity have proven vain or exploitive such as unrestrained free-market capitalism or aggressively draconian communism are considered in the counsel here offered to the Elders of the Island Nation. These leaders have the opportunity to adopt this counsel to produce a Tagg that is forward-thinking and evolutionary in its selective demonstration of philosophical and practical justice.

Slide 2: Theoretical Background:

In the construction of this identity, Tagg must be informed by many of the progressive ideologies which have proceeded it. To the point, as this account offers recommendations concerning the priorities of a code for individual rights, it will do so on the shoulders of great thinkers:

With respect to the need to form a democratic order of representation, we are informed by Thomas Paine. In his inflammatory pamphlet, Common Sense, he remarks that "government, like dress, is the badge of lost innocent; the palace of kings are built on the ruins of the bowers of paradise." (Paine, 65)

In consideration of the need to balance government with a protection of individual rights, the Elders are to be extensively informed in the key historical do
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cuments which merged these philosophical principles. Drafted in the image of the American Declaration of Independence, though perhaps more ambitious and sweeping even in its trajectories, the French Declaration of the Rights of Men would dictate a universal principle arguing that all men are born equal and that any distinctions made between men according to the social conditions must be terms agreed upon by all parties. The constitutional document underscoring the spread of liberal ideology throughout Europe, this is also a core premise in the construction Tagg's practical orientation.

Where the distribution of resource and economy are concerned, the account advices consideration of Marxist principles. David Lovell text from 2004 argues, "the 'scientific' part of Marxism, the social and economic analysis linked with an argument about historical inevitability, has proved flawed; the humanistic and visionary parts (of which there are only glimpses, formerly downplayed) still hold out hopes for insight into our contemporary condition." (Lovell, 630) Indeed, it is through the ambitions of Marx's social vision, which this article points out shared numerous formative parallels with utopian ends regarding the way in which society's reformation should be manifested, that we may begin to correctly ascertain how well we have pursued politically and economically the distribution of natural rights.

Slide 3: Goals:





Administration of Justice

Individual Protections

Environmental Rights

Economic Rights


Slide 4: Government

Tagg will hold popular elections for all branches of its government. The Elders will henceforth be recognized for their ceremonial and dignitary roles, and will likewise serve as advisors to executives of the state. However, beyond this, the role of the Elders must be relegated behind a fully democratic system which is based on term limitations and regular elections.

Government is to be structured with reference to the three-branch system which shapes such nations as the United States. However, in contrast, all three branches are to be governed by elections that are fully funded by publicly available funds. The absence of private funding for electoral campaigns will be intended to diminish the threat of crony capitalism, of nepotism, of private exploitation of… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Individual Rights PPT Individual Rights and National" Assignment:

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Justice and the Island of Tagg

Prepare a Power Point presentation for the Elders of the Island Nation on the issue of justice as it will apply to the Statement of Individual Rights and to the Island Nation itself. Your presentation should include a chart or other method of illustrating the difference between just and unjust laws.

The focus of this exercise is the evaluation of laws in a society that are just and those that are unjust. Use these examples to support your presentation to the Elders.

In short, you are going to make a policy recommendation for adoption by the Elders on the philosophy of justice as a principle for the nation. You might think of whether the notion of justice is to further the goals of the Island Nation (the informal approach taken thus far) or whether there is a greater good that reflects the readings you have done and some you might do from authors like John Locke. Or, is justice merely a concept of achieving fair ends irrespective of the long term consequences?

There is no right or wrong answer, but your paper should communicate a thoughtful and well-analyzed answer. You have in your hands the ability to effect policy for this nation.

Prepare a script for your presentation of no more than 4 pages in length, double-spaced, and typed in 10-12 point font (Arial, Courier, and Times New Roman are acceptable). Be sure to cite any sources you use in APA format.

How to Reference "Individual Rights PPT Individual Rights and National" Thesis in a Bibliography

Individual Rights PPT Individual Rights and National.”, 2009, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Individual Rights PPT Individual Rights and National (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Individual Rights PPT Individual Rights and National. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Individual Rights PPT Individual Rights and National” 2009.
”Individual Rights PPT Individual Rights and National”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Individual Rights PPT Individual Rights and National”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Individual Rights PPT Individual Rights and National [Internet]. 2009 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Individual Rights PPT Individual Rights and National. Published 2009. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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