Thesis on "India Healthcare a Change Toward Universal"

Thesis 8 pages (2503 words) Sources: 8 Style: MLA

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India Healthcare

A Change Toward Universal Healthcare in India

With a population of roughly 1.1 billion people, India is the second most populous nations on the Earth. And a condition directly pertinent to this disposition is its distinctive struggle to meet the needs, demands and ambitions of such enormous citizenries. Widespread poverty, inequality, social unrest and political upheaval are all conditions which persist both in remote rural regions and concentrated urban centers, representing a genuine challenge to India's ascendance as a major playes in the world community.

In parallel, the enormity of potential represented in such labor force, consumer interest and resource authority increasingly has coincided with a heightened openness toward internationalization of corporate investment trade interactions and the general progress of development. On the global scale and within the meteoric economy of India, a greater interest for all parties to engage in genuine and unencumbered economic interdependence is promoting a new scheme for a powerful but still developing nation. Here within, ambitions have been raised with respect to the service of basic human needs as well as complex infrastructural development. Both of these are directly implicated in the work of the certified nursing professional in India, whose interest in the improvement of health conditions, standards of treatment and efficiency of system all are implicated in the discussion over Indian healthcare reform.

As with a great many other parts of the developing world, India must contend with a serious and persistent public health crisis that is dictated by extreme pove
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rty and a dire shortage of available facilities, physicians and nursing professionals. For all, there is a significant imperative to see the healthcare system through a substantial overhaul. Given the thrust of the global health scheme, the research conducted here endorses a universal healthcare coverage system which seeks to provide all citizens rich and poor with access to proper attention, treatment and resources. The discussion here considers the dire state of India and the prospects for change in light the push for wider healthcare coverage on a global scale and the amount of foreign direct investment (FDI) which has been inserted into the Indian economy by private enterprisers. The case study examines the massive healthcare needs in India; the condition enabled by the scale of FDI arriving in India; the thrust of the global community toward a philosophy and practice of universal healthcare; and the proposal of certain avenues to achieving this in India such as the integration of telehealth solutions.

Global Trend:

The process of globalization has delivered a great deal of attention to the economic prosperity of the developing sphere. In nations such as India, there is a concerted effort to seize on the connection between trade proliferation and the capacity to bring greater developmental evolution to such nations. The premise that an improvement in access to unfettered trade with partners of varied economic scale will ultimately produce a consensus on political values, social organization and humanitarian behaviors. The area of healthcare is a particular area where this has become an important impetus. The perspective of such groups as the World Health Organization (WHO) is that with the greater fluidity of global capital must also come a set of assumptions with respect to the responsibility of governments and private enterprises alike. Namely, the WHO has regarded universal healthcare as being a necessary goal and outcome of the deconstruction of trade barriers.

According to its own report, the in 2008 the "WHO defines primary health care as being 'universally accessible to individuals and families in the community by means acceptable to them, through their full participation and at a cost that the community and country can afford.' The organization's report -- titled 'Primary Health Care -- Now More Than Ever' -- calls for a move toward universal coverage to reverse a trend over the last 30 years in which disparities in the levels of health care have actually widened." (CNN Health, 1)

This is the global pattern which drives the interest of healthcare professionals in India, with certified nurses in particular standing to benefit significantly from the ambition to fund the hiring of more qualified nurses; the intent to improve resource and facility quality and availability; and the degree to which the general health of the population would improve under these conditions. Accordingly, "universal coverage, the report says, would lower the risks of disease outbreaks for everyone, not just the impoverished. Currently, the most common means of paying for health care is out of pocket, which WHO says is the 'most inequitable method for financing health care services.' The report says more than 100 million people fall into poverty in a given year because of health care bills." (CNN Health, 1) Given India's already stifling problems of poverty and epidemic, these outcomes have to be considered as top social, economic and political priorities.

Case Study:

Today, the demand for a nationalized or universal healthcare system in India may be regarded as a far-fetched and fantastical ambition. Given the depth of the economic, ecological and human services challenges represented in a population that is as economically aggrieved as it is massive, there is a tendency to dismiss a universal healthcare policy as either unrealistic or inconsistent with Indian policy-patterns. The former perspective is driven by a political culture of inequality and the latter by an ignorance of Indian philosophical history. Indeed, India had proposed a universal healthcare system no less than half a century ago with the desire to elevate the countries significant pockets of poverty. Thus, "in 1946, a very forward looking Health Survey and Development Committee, headed by Joseph Bhore, outlined a universal health care plan. Anticipating that large sections of the population may be unable to pay for health care, the committee recommended that no person should be denied medical care because of an inability to pay for it. It also recommended that health workers be on the public payroll, limiting the need for private practitioners." (Rao, 1)

These two notions would be progressive in their perspective and today reflect the practice in many parts of the world. However, this is not so in India, where a substantial and pressing need for coverage and access remains in many parts of the country. Certainly, the cause for such need is often interdependent or exactly common with the cause for the institutional obstructions to the germination of effective universal healthcare strategies. Political imbalance, wealth distribution failures and critical ecological circumstances are all relevant factors in understanding the national framework into which such a strategy would be integrated. With a staggering population of 1.122 billion people, India is regardless a nation of incredible poverty, suffering and imbalance. (Sood, 1)

Accordingly, it falls well short of currently accepted global standards in many of the primary indicator fields for the monitoring of national progress in the developing sphere of the world. Of particular urgency is India's performance in two central categories for the evaluation of development. India, as of the 2002, displayed a very high infant mortality rate, with roughly 63 infant deaths for every 1000 registered births. (Sood, 1) Naturally, given the absence of a fully encompassing nationalized medical infrastructure, particularly as such would enable access to attention for many poor, indigenous rural dwellers, it is likely that even a greater rate could be observed with a more complete data set. Equally as problematic, and certainly a root cause to many of India's seemingly insurmountable challenges, the nation suffers from a very disproportionate physician to patient ratio, with one physician in practice for nearly every 2000 civilians. With over three-quarters of its population still residing in over-populated and under-regulated rural villages, especially as is the case with its indigenous populations, India is a prime example of the developing world's resounding contention with problems of very seriously under-distributed infrastructural, technological, economical and medical resources. (Sood, 1)

Clearly, it is of a key importance that India continues to promote an improved development and distribution of its own infrastructural resources. As statistical evidence suggests, the nation is improving in many regards due to the increasingly intimate communicative and economic relationships devised by the globalization of human health resources. Yet, it is also beyond a doubt that India continues to suffer from a severe imbalance, with troublesome majorities of its population unable to access many of the most basic human needs. Thus, the notion of integrating a universal healthcare reality into a broader initiative to assist indigenous and impoverished peoples in a developing nation such as India must be underscored by a commitment to establishing long-term tactical changes in the living standards there accorded. Additionally, the process of integrating technological, informational and communicational opportunities for such demographics must be supported by an international patronage of programs designed to immediately institute access, even if only through temporal medical clinic facilities, for many of these demographics in severe need.

Unfortunately, today there is severe imbalance between the economic progress experienced by the larger state of India and the continued stagnancy of the general population's status. Even as India… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "India Healthcare a Change Toward Universal" Assignment:

Use India or China as country for case study (whichever best fits at your discretion)

Use either Home Health Aide or Certified Nursing Assistant role as profession being changed

Use either universal health care or availability of health care or no health care as global trend (whichever best fits at your discretion)

This assignment gives you an opportunity to explore how your professional field is evolving in response to one of the global trends that we*****ve examined in this course, and to learn about the status of your career field from the courses you took in your major. Thinking about the global issues that we*****ve covered and the world region that you*****ve been following this semester, you need to develop a topic that includes a specific global trend or issue that is changing how your professional field is practiced in another country


Write an 8 paper, divided into four sections:

1. Introduction: introduce your main topics and your main thesis regarding them

2. Global trend: identify your trend, explain its causes and its global scope, discuss any factors or responses that oppose the trend, and analyze its impact upon your professional field.

3. Case study: using one specific country, describe how this global trend is affecting your professional field or practice in that country. How do the local conditions in that country*****”politics, economics, culture, environment*****”affect how this trend plays out in your field?

4. Conclusion: based on your research, what can we say about the future prospects for this trend, as it plays out in your professional field and in your case study country?


A successful paper for this project will:

*****¢ Be well-organized and clearly written, with a thesis statement that guides the content of the paper.

*****¢ Integrate information from at least 8 published sources (articles found on Lexis-Nexis and ProQuest or on reliable web sites), from professionally-appropriate publications.

*****¢ Show a thorough understanding of the global trend involved.

*****¢ Include analysis of the political, economic, cultural and historical context of the case study country as appropriate.

*****¢ Show appropriate expertise in your professional field.

How to Reference "India Healthcare a Change Toward Universal" Thesis in a Bibliography

India Healthcare a Change Toward Universal.”, 2009, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

India Healthcare a Change Toward Universal (2009). Retrieved from (2009). India Healthcare a Change Toward Universal. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”India Healthcare a Change Toward Universal” 2009.
”India Healthcare a Change Toward Universal”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”India Healthcare a Change Toward Universal”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. India Healthcare a Change Toward Universal [Internet]. 2009 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. India Healthcare a Change Toward Universal. Published 2009. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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