Research Paper on "Laboratory Medicine in Resource Limited Settings"

Research Paper 18 pages (4818 words) Sources: 30

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Improving the Quality of Medical Laboratory Services in Resource-Limited Settings

The critical nature of emergency medical services in Saharan and Sub-Saharan Africa is paramount as development during the 21st century is poised to arouse Africa to harness its power to become a global economic player. The Aforementioned emergency care is akin to emergency medical response teams that can arrive on-site with an onsite laboratory where blood testing, transfusion (if blood packs are obtained), where diagnosis of communicable diseases via laboratory testing is essential.

However, there are many issues associated with the availability of on-site diagnosis or locality over a large geographic region where a stand-alone facility with microbiology laboratory and diagnostic department is available. Economic constraints limit the development of such a network within the context of establishing the facilitation health structures. Tangential to the lack of resources for laboratories, are the high infection rates in African hospitals where at the highest, 25% of the wounds become infected (Loefler, 1998).

Poverty is the most cited reason for the lack of these services as, according to Loefler, "...shortage of facilities, equipment, dressings and drugs, notably antibiotics." (Loefler, 1998) Supporting variables include overcrowding in populated areas where stand-alone facilities exist, insufficient environmental hygiene conditions conducive to the spread of disease, and insufficient maggot control leading to a large infestation of flies throughout (Loefler, 1998).

Research from Onwujekwe, Ojukwu, Uzochukwu, Dike, Ikeme, Shu, characterized the afor
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ementioned and observed the following.

"The relationship between the socio-economic status (SES) of a household and its sources of malaria diagnosis and treatment was explored in south-eastern Nigeria. One aim was to see if, as seems likely, the poorest people generally seek care from 'low-level' providers, such as traditional healers and community-based healthworkers, because of their severe budget constraints. Interviewer-administered questionnaires were used to collect information from 1197 randomly selected respondents from four villages where malaria is holo-endemic. An index was used to categorize the study households into SES quartiles. The self-diagnosis of presumptive malaria and the use of patent-medicine dealers for treatment were very common among all the SES groupings. Compared with the other interviewees, however, the least-poor were significantly more likely to rely on laboratory tests for diagnosis and to visit hospitals when seeking treatment for presumptive malaria. The most poor, in contrast, were significantly more likely to seek treatment from traditional healers or community-based healthworkers. Thus, even though the use of low-level providers was so common, there was still evidence of wealth-related inequity -- in terms of the probabilities of the good diagnosis and treatment of malaria. Improvements in the quality of malaria diagnosis and treatment by the providers patronised by the most-poor villagers would help to redress this inequity, at least in the short- to medium-term. (Onwujekwe, Ojukwu, Uzochukwu, Dike, Ikeme, Shu, 2005)

A case in Uganda as described by Dennis Burkitt, a physician of British descent:

"First described Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) among Ugandan children in 1958 (Burkitt 1958, 1985). Within the intervening 44 years, the disease has provided scientists with valuable insight into the pathogenesis of cancers, including the possibility of a link with a virus (Ambinder 2003). BL affects the body's lymph system and results in tumours composed of lymphocytes." (Onwujekwe, Ojukwu, Uzochukwu, Dike, Ikeme, Shu, 2005)

"Burkitt's tumours arise and grow rapidly. But in poor countries where it is endemic, many affected families can hardly afford even the cost of basic laboratory diagnostic tests, and this readily treatable condition can be a cause of considerable distress and early death in affected children. Our aim is to present an overview of some of the challenges encountered by children and their families in accessing care for BL in south-eastern Nigeria and the impact of this on the disease outcome for the children." (Onwujekwe, Ojukwu, Uzochukwu, Dike, Ikeme, Shu, 2005)

The effects of BL depend on the site of the tumour in the body. In African BL, the jaw is the commonest site, where it causes visible swelling of the cheek and loosening of the teeth (Ong et al. 2001). In non-African BL, the tumour commonly arises in the abdomen where it causes swelling and discomfort (Cavdar et al. 1994). Diagnosis is by biopsy from the suspected disease site. Common tests include a complete blood count (CBC), a platelet count, a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy, and lumbar puncture. Further tests may include radiographic examinations such as CT scan to identify occult masses, but the extensive X-ray procedures are not usually needed." (Onwujekwe, Ojukwu, Uzochukwu, Dike, Ikeme, Shu, 2005)

"The study was retrospective and covers the period January 1987 to June 2004. Included in this report are children under 15 years of age who had clinical and histopathologic diagnosis of BL and complete hospital records (sociodemographical and medical). Some cases of jaw tumour were not confirmed by histopathology because the parents had no money for this and other laboratory tests." (Onwujekwe, Ojukwu, Uzochukwu, Dike, Ikeme, Shu, 2005)

"Facilities for laboratory confirmation were available but nine (22%) of the parents could not afford the fee. One of these parents had their child treated on the basis of clinical assessment only, but eight (19.5) children could not receive any treatment because the parents could not afford the cost. Frustrated by this experience, the parents either absconded or let against medical advice. Seven (17.1%) other cases had monotherapy (only cyclophosphamide), as the parents had only enough to buy this." (Onwujekwe, Ojukwu, Uzochukwu, Dike, Ikeme, Shu, 2005)

"Availability of diagnosis facilities and necessary chemotherapeutic agents at affordable cost are vital for effective management of BL. In this report, although laboratory facilities were available, they were not accessible to all the patients. Nearly a quarter of the parents could not afford the costs of confirmatory laboratory tests. One child was treated without histopathological confirmation would expose misdiagnosed cases to adverse effects of these agents with no clinical benefits at all." (Onwujekwe, Ojukwu, Uzochukwu, Dike, Ikeme, Shu, 2005)

The research clearly indicates a lack of not only a cohesive system but also a comprehensive system offering laboratory medical care with immediate access from the urban environment to elemental wild environment. Parasitical inhabitation within human tissue is a related medical issue that requires laboratory and diagnostic work. According to Chappuis, Loutan, Simarro, Lejon, and Buscher, 2005:

"Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) due to Trypanosoma brucei gambiense or T. b. Rhodesiense remains highly prevalent in several rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa and is lethal if left untreated. Therefore, accurate tools are absolutely required for field diagnosis. For T.b. gambianse HAT, highly sensitive tests are available for serological screening but the sensitivity of parasitological confirmatory tests remains insufficient and needs to be improved. Screening for T.B. Rhodesiense infection still relies on clinical feastures in the absence of serological tests available for field use. Ongoing research is opening perspectives for a new generation of field diagnostics. Also essential for both forms of HAT is accurate determination of the disease stage because of the high toxicity of melarsoprol, the drug most widely used during the neurological stage of the illness." (Chappuis, Loutan, Simarro, Lejon, and Buscher, 2005)

"Quantitative buffy coat. The quantitative buffy coat (QBC; Beckton-Dickinson), initially developed for the rapid assessment of a better discrimination from white blood cells. After high-speed centrifugation of the blood in special capillary tubes containing EDTA, acridine orange, and a small floating cylinder, motile trypanosomes can be identified by their fluorescent kinetoplasts and nuclei in the expanded buffy coat." (Chappuis, Loutan, Simarro, Lejon, and Buscher, 2005)

"The QBC is a very sensitive technique that is very appreciated by most field laboratory workers. It also allows the diagnosis of concomitant malaria, which is very useful for patient care. With a 95% sensitivity for trypanosome concentrations of 450/ml, the QBC can detect more patients with low parasitemia than the mHCT when fewer than eight capillary tubes are used. It is as sensitive as the mini-anion-exchange centrifugation technique." (Chappuis, Loutan, Simarro, Lejon, and Buscher, 2005)

Table 1:


Unit costs/details (local currency, Naira)

Total cost per child treated (Naira)

Cost per child treated (U.S.$)

Laboratory tests at first diagnosis: haematology, histopathology, biochemistry, X-ray, ultra sound

CBC = 350


Histopathology = 500

X-ray = 600

Ultrasound = 500

Biochemistry = 500

Laboratory tests during follow-up


Cost of cytotoxic drugs (for 6-course treatment regimen): vincristine, cyclophosphamide, methotrexate

Cyclophosphamide (1000 x 6) = 6000

13 500

Vincristine (900 x 6) = 5400

Methotrexate (350 x 6) = 2100

Other patient costs: bed fee, drips, infusion sets, including cross-match and screening blood for transfusion (1 unit)

Drips (@ 80 x 6) = 320


Infusion sets (@ 40 x 7) = 280

Bed fee (@ 50 x 28) = 1400

Blood transfusion (cross-match, screening for hepatitis B and HIV) = 2100

Total direct cost per child treated

21 300

US $163.8

Table 1. Direct costs of treating a 7-year-old with Burkitt's lymphoma in Nigeria


According to Nicoll, Walraven, Kigadye, Klokke:

"The diagnostic process carried out by clinicians in any country should be supported by reliable laboratory services. In many small hospitals… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Laboratory Medicine in Resource Limited Settings" Assignment:

I am a middle-aged (51 year-old) Portuguese medical microbiologist, with large experience on clinical and laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases and public health planning in epidemics.

As you can imagine, I got all my professional and research degrees (BMSc., PhD.) degrees the traditional way, working on the laboratory and studying a lot over many years and presenting original work ( a thesis and many papers published ). However, sometimes research demand and teaching workload do not leave me enough time for paper writing and publishing ; That*****'s where you come in _ to help me write and build a basic text which I can use or modify to submit for publication in my style.

In one of these assignements some years ago (2007) , I was supervisor of laboratory personnel and technical staff in Mozambique _ Africa, working on behalf of a famous medical aid organization _ at that time I enrolled on a local university and got an honorary postgraduate degree after passing a practical examination. But, besides the routine work and proof of practice, the college asked as well for a written part and I had ( and still have ) to present an essay on the quality of laboratory services in such a mission_ this is what I did not get ready yet and is where I do need your help :

I need an original dissertation or essay ( a kind of term paper ) of about thirty pages with relevant references and updated literature that may be used for presentation and cut or transforned into an article ( research paper ) to be submitted for publication in a medical journal. The topic ( title of work ) would be *****"Challenges for Improving the Quality of MedicaL Laboratory Services in Resource-Limited Settings*****" . So, it would be a dissertation on this subject, explaining in detail the contrast between importance of laboratory medicine for developing countries, mainly in Africa, and how difficult it is to practice this specialty in resource-limited settings, such as Mozambique, which may be shown as an example _ Since I have worked there, HIV and lab diagnosis constraints in Mozambique and neighboring countries that show a very similar picture could be used as a model to build an overview of the situation with examples of cases from these countries : Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe show a similar health structure where a laboratory network is almost absent and so these places share common difficulties. _ and the literature may be present and updated since nothing has changed in the last five years, from 2006/7 to today. One of the major points to be addressed is that strengthening laboratory medicine in developing countries must be seen as an integral step toward improving overall health-care systems. Training of laboratory personnel should be emphasized and defined budgets should be created within the ministries of health in these countries.

A coordinated approach using an international strategic laboratory plan could provide a vehicle for meeting this goal, which would contribute significantly to the prevention, care, and treatment of HIV disease and other infections common in the routine of these places. Better laboratories can also be important in the fight against other emerging or reemerging infectious diseases and would provide future capacity to support clinical trials for HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria programs. The increase in resources may present a challenge if efforts are not coordinated, resulting in the emergence of parallel laboratory systems that may lead to the collapse of fragile laboratory systems and undermine the goal of sustainability.

The key to achieving a sustainable laboratory-strengthening effort is for each country to develop a national laboratory plan that integrates the testing required for the prevention and treatment of all diseases of major public-health importance. Accurate and timely clinical laboratory services permit earlier HIV diagnosis, staging, identification of adverse drug events and opportunistic infections, and monitoring response to therapy. The rapid scale-up of HIV care and treatment in many resource-limited settings, however, has overwhelmed public health laboratory services already burdened with human resource shortages. Weak sample transportation and laboratory management systems have left many laboratories unable to support HIV clinical services with timely, consistent, and reliable service.

THESE are the main topics to be discussed _ Now let*****s see what are you offering me as an advantage , since according to the price I may contract you for a dissertation, an essay or a research paper ( scientific article ) or both*****¦ ( ? )

Please get back to me with an academic help proposition for this custom paper at an affordable price, considering I am also a teacher and health professional and don*****t earn much *****¦.. But please note that the work must be ORIGINAL , non-plagiarized and well-written, since it is going to be submitted to a medical journal for evaluation.

THANK YOU so much for your valuable help _ I shall now wait for your feedback . Best Regards and Happy New Year


How to Reference "Laboratory Medicine in Resource Limited Settings" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Laboratory Medicine in Resource Limited Settings.”, 2011, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Laboratory Medicine in Resource Limited Settings (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Laboratory Medicine in Resource Limited Settings. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Laboratory Medicine in Resource Limited Settings” 2011.
”Laboratory Medicine in Resource Limited Settings”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Laboratory Medicine in Resource Limited Settings”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Laboratory Medicine in Resource Limited Settings [Internet]. 2011 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Laboratory Medicine in Resource Limited Settings. Published 2011. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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