Literature Review on "Improve Student Motivation. This Is Accomplished"

Literature Review 11 pages (3181 words) Sources: 10 Style: APA

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improve student motivation. This is accomplished through conducting a literature review and comparing the finding with each other. Once this occurs, is when we can see how these tools can be used in a modern day educational environment.

Over the last several years, the issue of student motivation has been increasingly brought to forefront. Part of the reason for this, is because American students are falling behind many of their counterparts in developed and developing nations. Evidence of this can be seen by looking no further than the below tables (which is illustrating where the U.S. ranks for 12th grade students in comparison with other nations in science).

versus Developed and Developing Nations for Academic Performance for Science








New Zealand








Czech Republic


United States





South Africa

("The Third International Mathematics and Science Study," 2010)

These different figures are significant, because they are illustrating how many American students are unmotiv
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ated to learn some of the most basic concepts.

Research Questions

As a result, a new approach must be taken that will effectively reach out to students. To determine this, we will conduct an annotated bibliography by: reviewing various scholarly journals, studies and books over the last five years. This will be accomplished by focusing on a number of different research questions to include:

What tools are most effective in motivating students?

How can these ideas be applied to specific lesson plans?

What are the views of different players on this issue and how can they be applied to individual teaching philosophy?

Once these questions have been answered, is when we will be able to see those specific tactics that can be utilized to effectively motivate students. This is when there will be an improvement in achievement scores.

Annotated Bibliography

To decide which strategy is most effective requires comparing different sources with each other. Once this occurs, is when we will be able to answer the different research questions and show how this can improve the quality of overall of education that students are receiving. This is when we can begin applying these tools inside specific educational environments.

What Tools are most effective in Motivating Students?

Anderson, G. (2009). Achieving Teaching Excellence. Charleston, SC: Anderson Publishing.

In the piece of literature that was written by Anderson (2009), he is discussing how all teachers must use a host of different tools in reaching out to students. The reason why, is because the attention span of students is shorter than it used to be and many already think that material is boring. The combination of these factors can mean that educators will have barriers that they will have to overcome when reaching out to everyone. (Anderson, 2009, pp. 15 -- 16)

To achieve these objectives, Anderson believes that there are specific tools that can be used when reaching out to students. The most notable include: making the subject more interesting, establishing goals, providing informative positive feedback, encourage participation and showing interest in your students. These different elements are important, because the combination of them can be used as a basic approach to reach out to students. This is when there can be change in the total amounts of learning comprehension inside the classroom. The information from this source is useful, because it is providing us with a foundation for understanding how to motivate students. (Anderson, 2009, pp. 15 -- 16)

Barkley, E. (2009). Student Engagement Learning Techniques. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.

Moreover, the piece of literature that was written by Barkley (2009), is discussing how different behaviorist strategies must be used to motivate students. The reason why, is because this approach will give them real time feedback about the most appropriate behavior. The way that this is accomplished is by having the educator provide the students with a series of different rewards for following certain actions that are considered to be acceptable (i.e. participating in the discussion, paying attention and applying what they learn). To achieve these objectives there are a number of tools that are used the most notable include: offering praise, rewards and selection from key assignments for the individual doing their very best. At the same time, there must be an emphasis on having negative reinforcement. This is when the student will not receive any kind of attention or support for activities that are not constructive to the class (i.e. acting standoffish or truculent during the discussion). Once this occurs, is when students will participate in the class on a regular basis. Over the course of time, this can lead to changes in achievement scores by helping to encourage the student to become involved in constructive activities. The information from this source is useful, because it is illustrating how this technique can establish a system of expectations in class. (Barkley, 2009, pp. 84 -- 88)

Shindler, J. (2010). Transformative Classroom Management. San Francisco, CA: Josey Bass.

In the piece of literature that was written by Shindler (2009), he is talking about how the relationship between the teacher and student are critical for any kind of academic success. The reason why, is because the pupil will look to educators as someone in authority that will teach them about life. Depending upon the experience, this will shape who the student will become in the future and the kind of pursuits that are of most interest to them. In order to make this kind of relationship grow, educators must show that they care about the individual. This is accomplished by embracing several different principals to include: showing a positive attitude towards students, maintaining close relationship with them, focusing on the needs of the student, avoiding excessive personal praise and taking an interest in the activities of students. These elements are important, because they are showing how all educators must first let students know that they care about them. This is when they can be effective in reaching out to them and the way they understand the material. The information from this source is useful, because it is showing how all teachers must have a sense caring about their students in order to be able to relate with them. (Shindler, 2009, pp. 114 -- 115)

Guiloteaux, J. (2008). Motivating Language Learners. TESOL Quarterly, 42 (1), 55 -- 77.

Furthermore, Guiloteaux (2008) discusses how educators must use different tools such as: computers and understanding certain cultural characteristics to reach out to students. This is accomplished through having everyone work in a series of groups. During the process of doing this, they will utilize these kind of applications to enhance the individual's understanding of the material. As, this is giving everyone: another way of remembering key ideas and applying them in the future. While knowing about how different cultural traditions, will take into account the views of each individual and the customs they embrace. This reduces any kind of issues for misunderstanding and it improves the ability of educators to easily relate to them. Once this occurs, is when the student will see an improvement in their mental attitude. The information from this source is useful, because it is illustrating how any kind of motivational strategy must have educators using technology and understanding cultural factors. (Guiloteaux, 2008, pp. 55 -- 77)

Fan, W. (2010). The effects of parental involvement on students' academic self-efficacy, engagement and intrinsic motivations. Educational Psychology, 30 (1), 53 -- 74.

In this article, there is a discussion about the how parents can have an impact on the development of the child. As the author found that they are having an effect on the way they look at everyone around them and the underlying levels of support they are receiving. Once this occurs, is when there will be change in student perceptions about themselves and how they are seeing the current challenges they are facing. (Fan, 2010, pp. 52 -- 74)

Katz, I. (2010). Students Needs Teachers. Journal of Experimental Education, 78, 246 -- 267.

Moreover, the article that was written by Katz (2010), is discussing how there needs to be some kind of collaboration between the educator, parents and student. The reason why is because the ideas that are taught in the classroom can be applied at home. Once this takes place, is when there is a change in psychological perceptions about education and their role in it with the student becoming more actively involved. This is the point that there will be positive developments in the way they see themselves and the world around them. (Katz, 2010, pp. 246 -- 267)

How can these ideas be applied to specific lesson plans?

Bernaus, M. (2008). Teacher Motivation Strategies. The Modern Language Journal, 92 (2), 387 -- 401.

In the article that was written by Bernaus (2008), it is talking about the how the perceptions of the student will have an impact on the way various concepts are applied. This is because, these ideas will influence if they will listen to a… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Improve Student Motivation. This Is Accomplished" Assignment:

APA 6th edition

bibliography needs to be an annotated bibliography

Using annotated bibliography, craft a literature review in a narrative piece.

resources must be within 5 years. if its a book on theory time frame doesn*****'t matter

Instructor states this is not a book review rather a synthesis of the major themes you find,

support with intext citations. Utilize subheadings for each theme. Address all major players, on

both sides of the issues.

need to use these two:

The effects of parental involvement on students*****' academic self-efficacy, engagement and intrinsic motivations

by Weihua Fan and Cathy M. Williams

Educational Psychology Vol. 30, No. 1, January 2010, 53-74

Students*****' Needs, Teachers*****' Support, and Motivation for doing homework: A cross-Section Study

by Idit Katz, Avi Kaplan, and Gila Gueta

The Journal of Experimental Education, 2010, 78, 246-267

one page is the research question: craft your research question in a concise manner. This should include your central question and your subquestions. There should be 8-10 questions.

Any questions please feel free to call me 559 301 5074

How to Reference "Improve Student Motivation. This Is Accomplished" Literature Review in a Bibliography

Improve Student Motivation. This Is Accomplished.”, 2011, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Improve Student Motivation. This Is Accomplished (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Improve Student Motivation. This Is Accomplished. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Improve Student Motivation. This Is Accomplished” 2011.
”Improve Student Motivation. This Is Accomplished”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Improve Student Motivation. This Is Accomplished”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Improve Student Motivation. This Is Accomplished [Internet]. 2011 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Improve Student Motivation. This Is Accomplished. Published 2011. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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