Term Paper on "Ways to Improve Ethical Behavior of Those in a Public Office or Organization"

Term Paper 10 pages (3551 words) Sources: 6 Style: APA

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Improve Ethical Behavior of Those in a Public Office or Organization

Ethical Behavior

Improving organizational ethical behavior:

Over the years, organizational ethics has come to be acknowledged as a key ingredient for which companies are given better market valuation and respect. However, until recently, only a handful of companies regarded ethics to be valid theme for enterprise planning and strategic thinking. The apex management of majority of enterprises devoted bulk of their time developing their organizational and functional strategic plans, their growth strategies, as also their brand strategies. In this quest for profits and enhancing market share, ethics and regulatory compliance took a backseat which was the lookout of the legal department. This has changed, and organizations are painfully cautious that in the coming years, organizational ethical behavior will need serious thought, at the Board as well as the Executive level. Extensive organizational misbehavior and criminal activity such as the Enron issue has triggered the making of a formal ethics strategy a high priority for all organizations, regardless of their size or scale of operations. A lot of bigger organizations have created position for an Ethics Officer who regulate and offer the first line of defense against moral damage in corporations. ("Strategy for an Ethical Organization.," 2003)

To improve ethical behavior, every organization has to frame an 'ethics strategy' covering the following points (i) an ethics strategy must involved with ensuring that all corporate activities are ethical, legitimate, and within the confines of all regulatory guidelines. (i
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i) Since actions, whether they are correct or otherwise, emanate from character, an ethics strategy must give a direction to guarantee the present development of an individual and organizational character. This is normally done through the establishment of an 'ethics program' in order to train employees. (iii) Besides, an ethics strategy must provide for supervising and regulating organizational activities to lower and check ethical and legal infringements. This has come to be acknowledged as a more and more important as some latest case law has lined that board members in their individual capacity can be held liable for ethical lapses, where ethical plans and programs are not in place. In an effort to frame an ethical strategy, a good point to begin is with the regulatory needs since these in their own potential are the standard ethical standard of every organization. ("Strategy for an Ethical Organization.," 2003)

Whereas regulatory procedures have, for certain period, dealt with current issues like sexual harassment, discrimination on grounds of race and gender, HR practices, advertising, packaging and labeling, a lot of new regulatory factors have been put in place and crafted to check illegal activities. These cover (i) the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations -- FSGO of 1991 that refers minimal ethical requirements and provide for considerably lowered penalties up to 95% in criminal cases in which federal laws are infringed upon in case ethics programs are present. Minimal penalties gave a powerful impulsion for setting up of ethics program. (ii) the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 2002 that instituted reforms in accounting and needs vetting as regards the disclosure of financial reporting of documents. (iii) the expected New York Stock Exchange rules which will need every listed company to have and communicate, internally as well as externally a Code of Conduct, in the absence of which their shares will be de-listed. Besides, organizations should monitor new and revised regulations from regulatory bodies like the FDA, FTC, BATF, IRS and ERISA. After dealing with these regulatory obligations, organizations can introduce an 'ethics program' consisting of several ethical training modules designed to train and create ethical character on personalized basis across the organization. Ethics programs and training constitute an urgent foundation to guarantee an ongoing and intense response to ethical matters as they crop up for employees on the job. ("Strategy for an Ethical Organization.," 2003)

Ethics Program: Although fundamental regulatory adherence solves a lot of problems, the ethical-legal landscape has become so intricate recently that several employees do not have correct perception regarding right or wrong, legality or otherwise of a lot of issues. Spheres like antitrust, price discrimination, managerial conduct, export, intellectual property violation, whistle blowing remain outside the purview of most employees. An ethics program must have the following constituents to be regarded as effective (i) Statement of values: The building and communication of a statement of organizational values is regarded to be the needed guidance. (ii) Code of Conduct: This is an ethics policy that connects an adherence to ethical behavior across the organization, and describes the manner in which these values are to be used in situations. (iii) Executive Leadership and a System: A proposal and systems for the communication monitoring and enforcement of the Code of Conduct that covers (a) ensuring that the ethics program get the needed attention it deserves (ii) Communicating benchmarks and methods to every employee of the organization (iii) discussing ethical matters, and dilemmas for enhancing ethical decision-making. At this point, ethics training gains importance to inculcate current ethical behavior across the organization. (iv) monitoring, auditing and reporting systems that spot and check unethical or unlawful actions for creation of secured and effective systems in which employees are able to look for guidance (v) communicating that unethical behavior has a hefty price tag attached to it as fines are very heavy (vi) enforcing standards continuously and taking disciplinary proceedings accordingly. ("Strategy for an Ethical Organization.," 2003)

The growing public awareness in general and unethical behavior in organizations has gone up in recent years. This rising importance on business ethics in part can be ascribed to the persistent stress between the business world and the general public. This growing stress has sometimes resulted in clamor by the public at large for increased deterrence and stricter regulation of the business world. With that in view, corporations must get on to the act together and institutionalize ethics in organizations. Institutionalizing ethics might appear cumbersome but it has far reaching impact. It implies getting ethics formally and explicitly into daily business life. It implies getting ethics into the company policy formation at the board as also the top management levels and through a formal code ethics into every routine decision making as also the work practices and at every levels of employment. Institutionalizing ethics is a crucial responsibility before the organizations if they are to efficiently balance the rising regular instances of deliberately unethical and sometimes illegal behavior in large and sometimes highly admired companies. As a matter of fact, the institutionalization and management of ethics is a problem confronted by all types of organizations for instance educational, govt, religious, business and the like. (Sims, 2003b)

Interrelatedness of organizational culture and ethics:

Since the bygone 15 years, "culture" has come to be a normal way of contemplating about and describing an organization's internal world which is a means of differentiating a particular organization's 'personality' from another company. It is important to note that an organization's culture socializes people and ethics constitutes an integral part of the culture of organizations. Thus creating and strengthening an ethical organization implies methodically analyzing and managing every aspect of the organizations culture such that they support ethical behavior. Nevertheless, sometimes an organization's culture ingeniously communicates its members that certain actions are acceptable, although they are unethical or unlawful. Unethical organizational practices continue to be ridiculously a common feature. Different individual and organizational factors contribute importantly in discouraging or nurturing responsible behavior on the job. For instance, the culture of an organization that frequently encourages infringement of ethical standards is a source of unethical conduct. Besides, organizations that accords a great deal of importance in managerial assertiveness and corporate success at any cost, competitiveness, and profit have increased chances to stimulate unethical actions. It has to be acknowledged that, seemingly nothing is more crucial to an ethical corporate environment that the moral temperament and pretext set by the top leadership of an organization. (Sims, 2003a)

Thus failure by the top rung leaders to recognize important organizational values, to communicate those values through personal example and to underpin them through establishment of suitable organizational polices proves an absence of ethical leadership which promotes an unethical organizational culture. Overall, organizations are reducing their scale, undergoing revamping measures, merging, and reinventing themselves. In some instances, midlevel management levels are diminishing. A lot of functions are going away for good and replaced through online automation and networked infrastructures. Knowledge workers equipped with technological and people skills should manage processes and also themselves in cyberspace with speed, efficiency and preciseness. (Sims, 2003a)

Business Ethics has been regarded as a management subject, particularly in the aftermath of the launch of social responsibility campaign in the 1960s. During that period, social consciousness campaigns increased the expectations of business to make use of their huge financial and social control to tackle social problems like poverty, crime, environmental issues, equal rights, public health and educational improvement. It was the collective consciousness who asserted that since businesses were raking in profits from the exploitation of the nation's resources, businesses owed… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Ways to Improve Ethical Behavior of Those in a Public Office or Organization" Assignment:

Using what we have studied, we arw to write a 10 page paper with the topic *****Ways to improve ethical behavior of those in a public office or organization.***** We are required to provide examples of managing ethics our paper. The 10 pages (body of paper) do not include the Title Page and References. The specific content of applications and setting of the paper is the discretion of the individual student. We must abide by APA. Citations should be parenthetical. Other specifics of the paper are: 12 pitch font of Times New Roman or Courier

10 pages in length and number the pages (body of paper)

1 inch margins all the way around

Place name and email address on each page of the paper

Double spaced

Title page and References are in addition to the body of paper.

Information of the class that may be helpful: The title of the class in which this paper is for is Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation. The following is an outline of the overall and week objectives of the class:

Overall Objectives

a. Differentiate among the various types of social and behavioral problems subject to policy analysis

b. Describe the purpose and goals of policy analysis and program evaluation

c. Explain the process and forms of policy-making

d. Summarize important policy analysis concepts

e. Illustrate basic policy problems using appropriate methods

f. Analyze and evaluate policy outcomes applying basic statistical methods and techniques to support policy recommendations

g. Identify and explain the process of policy argument development

h. Illustrate proposed answers to policy problems using an issue paper or policy memo.

Weekly Objectives

Week 1

a. Define public policy

b. Describe the basic concepts associated with public policy

c. List the reasons why public policy is studied

d. Describe public policy in a social, economic, political, governing, and cultural context

e. Identify rationales for government intervention

f. Define policy analysis

Week 2

a. Define gridlock and identify the reasons it happens

b. Define policy capacity

c. Describe the concept of federalism

d. Identify the purpose of the separation of powers

e. Describe the roles of policy subgovernments and issue networks

f. Explain the impact of public opinion on policymaking

g. Describe the role of interest groups in public policy

h. List reasons for the growth of government

i. Describe various models and theories of politics and public policy

j. Identify the major elements of the policy process model

k. Identify the instruments of public policy

l. Identify policy typologies

Week 3

a. Define policy analysis

b. Identify various types of policy analysis

c. Choose the appropriate policy analysis for any given situation

d. List the steps in the policy analysis process

e. Define problem analysis

f. Describe the process of finding information

g. Construct alternatives

h. Think creatively about policy action

Week 4

a. Identify evaluative criteria for judging policy proposals

b. Define effectiveness, efficiency, and equity

c. Use various methods of policy analysis

Week 6

a. Provide a background of economic policymaking in the United States

b. Identify goals of economic policy

c. Describe the various tools of economic policy

d. Describe the budget process and its effect on economic policy

e. Identify future economic issues and challenges

f. Provide a background of healthcare policy in the United States

g. Describe the evolution of health care policy

h. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the U.S. healthcare system

i. Describe the features of major government health care programs

j. Explain the issues surrounding rising health care costs

k. Describe the environment of managed care

Week 7

a. Describe the changing demographics of social security

b. Identify problems with social security

c. Explain the financing behind social security

d. Describe the concept of welfare

e. Identify welfare reform options

Week 8

a. Provide a background of education policy in the United States

b. Identify problems facing education

c. Identify education policy reform options

Week 9

a. Describe the evolution of environmental and energy policy in the United States

b. Identify major federal environmental policies

c. List common themes in environmental protection policy

Week 10

a. Identify how public policy affects citizens

b. Describe policy analysis and how policy choices are made

c. Evaluate public policy

d. Improve policy capacity

e. Identify forms of citizen participation in decision making

How to Reference "Ways to Improve Ethical Behavior of Those in a Public Office or Organization" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Ways to Improve Ethical Behavior of Those in a Public Office or Organization.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/improve-ethical-behavior/619210. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Ways to Improve Ethical Behavior of Those in a Public Office or Organization (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/improve-ethical-behavior/619210
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Ways to Improve Ethical Behavior of Those in a Public Office or Organization. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/improve-ethical-behavior/619210 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Ways to Improve Ethical Behavior of Those in a Public Office or Organization” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/improve-ethical-behavior/619210.
”Ways to Improve Ethical Behavior of Those in a Public Office or Organization” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/improve-ethical-behavior/619210.
[1] ”Ways to Improve Ethical Behavior of Those in a Public Office or Organization”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/improve-ethical-behavior/619210. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Ways to Improve Ethical Behavior of Those in a Public Office or Organization [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/improve-ethical-behavior/619210
1. Ways to Improve Ethical Behavior of Those in a Public Office or Organization. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/improve-ethical-behavior/619210. Published 2007. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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