Term Paper on "HR Department to the Staff"

Term Paper 12 pages (3842 words) Sources: 10 Style: APA

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Strategic HRM is very essential to the overall success of the business strategy of an organization (Smith et al., 2004).

The organizational concerns of Strategic HRM are broad; and they relate to the effectiveness and performance of an establishment, their current resources matched against the requirements of the future, the boost in the capabilities of the workforce, and the management of change. It also takes into account the requirements of the human and the maintenance of process capabilities. It is also the charisma to make the staff do things effectively. In essence, strategic HRM examines every people-centered issue that is affected by, or can affect, the organizations strategic planning (Smith et al., 2004).

It is, however, difficult to mark out the relationship amid strategy and human resource management, and the theoretical analysis gives the impression to be easier than practical experience. Researchers have discovered that 80% of managers in the senior category of HRM claimed to have great HRM strategies but only a few are able to describe what the strategies really are. In other words, practitioners and academicians have discovered that it is difficult to explain the meaning of strategic human resources in practicality. Researchers accept that the dominant theme in HRM is strategy. They also say that the concept is, however, misunderstood, and writers do not help the situation since they present unclear and unsophisticated explanations thereof. And the problem gets worsened the by lack in case studies which normally presents an insightful study of the strategy in practice. On the part of practitioners, the difficulties in SHRM are easily handled by the top manage
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ment personnel, but are not fitting for the lower-cadre managers (Smith et al., 2004).

Strategic human resource management has been defined as connecting human capitals with the organization's strategic objectives and goals with the aim of improving performance in business and developing a culture which boosts flexibility and innovation, thereby placing the company at a competitive advantage. Strategic HR has to do with the acceptance of the functioning of Human Resource as a partner in the strategic planning and generating of the organization's strategies together with the execution of the said strategies through activities championed by the HRM; activities such as selection, appointment, training and development, recognition and rewarding of personnel. However, strategic HR is mindful of their partnership role in the process of strategizing; and they understand that the term HR Strategies points to specific actions in the HR department which the firm plans to undertake in order to achieve its entire goals (Smith et al., 2004).

HRM Goal

Researchers note that organizations like supermarkets use measures like recruiting, wage setting and promotions to confine fundamental aspects of HR practices. With regard to promotional practices, they evaluate the per centum of workers employed in the 2 ndquintile that advance to a higher quintile within four years as well as the growth in wage of workers beginning from the 2 ndquintile over the span of four years. Hiring patterns are determined by the rate of blending of all full-quarter employees in the organization and by the proportion of accessions (recalls and new hires) in the 4th and 5 thwage quintiles within the organization. Wage policies are evaluated using the deviation and mean of log real earnings of full quarter workers in the organization (Ordanini and Silvestri, 2008).

The major aim of human resource management is to create and improve understanding of the manner in which management operates and affects business performance. Human resource is among the most important areas of most businesses - particularly in economies that have arising shift towards industries that are service-based. Human resources constitute a large percentage of costs of many businesses. It is the people (employees) who always drive a business. Management of these important resources, thus, is an essential part of attaining business success (Ordanini and Silvestri, 2008).

Organizations are responding to the increased use of technology and competition as well as economic pressures. This has alrtered the methods of people management in several ways. There have been (Ordanini and Silvestri, 2008):

• More flexible operational structures

• Flatter and slimmer organization structures whereby team working and cross-functional operations have been emphasized

• Devolution and decentralization of decision making

• More emphasis on the right production initiatives and total quality (Ordanini and Silvestri, 2008).

As a study on employment in Britain had the following findings (Ordanini and Silvestri, 2008):

An increasing demand for qualifications and skills which particularly regarding professional and managerial workers, office and technical staff as well as skilled manual laborers;

A rise in job insecurity, especially for male workers (Ordanini and Silvestri, 2008);

Arise in the number of female and part-time workers - the rise in work for women has been brought by expansion of part-time jobs;

The emergence of the philosophy of managing people (human resource management): This accentuates the importance of communication, paying for performance, development of commitment and investment in training;

More emphasis on work that is flexible to offer rapid response;

A related rise in the number of employees on atypical contracts (use of self-employed subcontract employees, short-term and part time employees);

A decline in career prospects brought by promotion: This was as a result of the flatter business organization;

A decrease in the trade unions' power, partially because of legislative and structural reasons. This occurred because of the emergence of the service industry and the drop of large scale manufacturing;

Insufficient evidence that involvement in industry had risen with the reconstitution of employment in the preceding decade (Ordanini and Silvestri, 2008);

A tendency of organizations to move towards individualizing employment relationships with less dependence on collective bargaining (Ordanini and Silvestri, 2008);

A widespread view that the strain level (fatigue and tension) had risen because of long working hours and greater work intensity (Ordanini and Silvestri, 2008).

Specific Goals of HRM

Traditionally, the specific goals of human resource management are motivating employees, retaining desirable workers and attracting job applicants. Conventionally, motivated people have been seen to produce higher quality work from than that produced by people who are not well motivated. Today, another goal has being added: retaining workers (Millmore, 2003).

The manner in which an organization manages its human resources is related to the organization's growth, survival, competitiveness, flexibility in adjusting to changing conditions and profitability (Millmore, 2003).

Centering on the bottom line is an important way through which human resource departments can gain respect and recognition in business organizations. The General Electric feature depicts particular ways by which HR departments can influence the bottom line (bettering the quality of life in the workplace, meliorating productivity, getting competitive advantage, ensuring adaptability to the workforce and increasing the legal compliance of the firm. The following are the overall goals of managing human resources (Millmore, 2003):

• Quality of working life: A high quality life in the workplace entails involving workers in the organization's decisions and responding to their needs.

• Workforce ability: It is important to have only the most talented workers in the organization. This will deal with many issues and keep the organization ahead of others.

• Productivity: This is an aim of all firms. HRM is able to do numerous things to enhance productiveness. The most productive business organizations treat their human resource departments in a manner that is different from less productive businesses. They concentrate on important current challenges prior to assessing new programs. They make sure that the department takes part in strategic decisions that affect the effective execution of business strategies.

• Gaining competitive advantage: This entails using human resource practices to have long lasting edge over competitors.

• Legal compliance: This is extremely vital for the success of any business (Millmore, 2003).

The Importance of Studying HRM

1. Students are able to have a profound understanding of the goals and knowledge needed to create and put into practice a complete range of human resource practices within their specific fields of interest (Phillips and Gully, 2009).

2. To better understand the relevant government regulations and underlying theory needed in the development and implementation a complete range of human resource practices that are consistent with the highest degree of professional and ethical standards (Phillips and Gully, 2009).

3. To offer an understanding of the HRM role in developing and achieving anorganization's strategic goals

4. To raise the students' self-awareness level, help them understand corporate social responsibility issues, increase their compassion towards diversity in the workplace and better their computer data analysis and communication skills (Phillips and Gully, 2009).

5. To provide learners with info on the Human Resource Management professional field and also give them an opportunity to interact with HR professionals through apprentices, internships, projects and assignments (Phillips and Gully, 2009).

Human resource is concerned with the well being of the employees. The major areas of its concern are (Phillips and Gully, 2009):

• Recruitment

• Human resource planning

• Performance… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "HR Department to the Staff" Assignment:


You must follow the format below for your term project report:

Title: The Importance of an HR Department to the Staff and the Organization

1. Abstract: The abstract is an "executive overview" of your paper. It should be a 50-to-l00 word summary that would be appropriate to give your manager so that he/she would know the essence of your project without reading the paper in its entirety.

2. Table of Contents: In this section, list each section of your paper, with the page number. The list should include:

a. Tables and Figures if you included more than two;

b. Appendices, if included;

c. Bibliography or reference section listing sources used


3. Introduction: In this section, state the purpose of the paper in succinct, declarative sentences. Convince your reader that the study will have a practical value and meaning for you and the study will be based upon the concepts studied in the course


4. Background and Significance: This section provides further justification of the need for your study. If your project examines a topic drawn from your work, you should include a description of your work environment, your position in the organization and how your position fits into the organization, both vertically and horizontally. Explain the applicable concepts from the course. If your project is focused on a particular organization, explain how these concepts apply to that organization. What is the organization doing well? Would it benefit by adopting some of the concepts you have been studying?

5. Discussion, Implications and Recommendations: In this section, you should provide a thorough discussion of your findings and the implications of your study. Be sure to include only the pertinent implications. You should also present your recommended action plan. This plan will vary based on the type of project you selected. For example, it may be a personal action plan for you to follow in your present position or in a position which would enable you to put the plan into action. If your project is a literature review, then your recommendations may be focused on what issues need further research. Be sure that the recommendations are realistic in terms of the appropriate HR concepts and, if applicable, the organization you have studied

6. References:(PLEASE USE ONLY SCHOLARLY SOURCES) You must draw on other sources such as HR and business journals, information from an organization. Be sure that you support the information presented with appropriate references. It is important that all references and quotes correctly are cited correctly. All sources, must be referenced in the Bibliography or References list. You must follow an accepted authority for style and form (e.g., APA style)

7. Appendices: Include a separate sheet and title for each appendix.

How to Reference "HR Department to the Staff" Term Paper in a Bibliography

HR Department to the Staff.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2013, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/importance-hr-department-staff-organization/5129915. Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

HR Department to the Staff (2013). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/importance-hr-department-staff-organization/5129915
A1-TermPaper.com. (2013). HR Department to the Staff. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/importance-hr-department-staff-organization/5129915 [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”HR Department to the Staff” 2013. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/importance-hr-department-staff-organization/5129915.
”HR Department to the Staff” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/importance-hr-department-staff-organization/5129915.
[1] ”HR Department to the Staff”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2013. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/importance-hr-department-staff-organization/5129915. [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. HR Department to the Staff [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2013 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/importance-hr-department-staff-organization/5129915
1. HR Department to the Staff. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/importance-hr-department-staff-organization/5129915. Published 2013. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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