Research Proposal on "Immigration in Denmark"

Research Proposal 6 pages (2354 words) Sources: 20 Style: APA

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Immigration and Crime in Denmark…

Immigration in Denmark

Immigration and Crime in Denmark, Anti-Immigration and Real Crime Changes, associated with Middle East Immigration to Denmark"

Immigration and Crime in Denmark, Anti-Immigration and Real Crime Changes, associated with Middle East Immigration to Denmark"

Immigration to Denmark has had a remarkable upswing over the last twenty years. Many of the immigrants to Denmark are from the Middle East. The sentiment of the nation at least according to the media and public has been a growing sense of anti-immigration sentiment and one of the reasons that some of these opponents to immigration give is the rise in crime associated with Middle Eastern immigration and all immigration in general. This proposal will look at real crime rates in two source countries (Turkey/Iran) and in Denmark to attempt to discover is there is any merit in this argument, or if it can simply be connected to a general population growth or diversity conflicts. According to the CIA world factbook on Denmark there is a net migration rate to Denmark of 2.48 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2009 est.). (CIA World Factbook "Denmark") This proposal will first introduce the general anti-immigration movement in Denmark, and a few reasons given for it. It will then discuss the political development of the situation, i.e. The Right wing majority turn in representation and finally will propose a real comparison of crime rates between Denmark and the two largest origin nations, Iran and Turkey.

Introduction to anti-immigration sentiment

Individuals immigrate to Denmark for a nu
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mber of reasons, the most important of which is the Danes have one of the best standards of living in the world and as Danish population expansion is relatively flat there are serious concerns about the fact that many Danes are retiring with not enough new workers to fill the jobs they are leaving. Though Denmark has not joined the EU its currency value is to some degree dictated by the Euro and the nation is highly invested in European trade and interconnectivity. For the most part the economy is strong, after a significant upturn in 2004 but has been seriously challenged by the international recession, housing boom end, increased borrowing costs, lower export demand, reduced consumer confidence, and decline in investment and the nation like all others is poised to continue to slow/stagnate for a while before any recovery becomes evident. (CIA World Factbook "Denmark") In general in times of economic crisis all immigration policy is questioned, even with the retiree job vacuum unemployment will likely rise as trade continues to decreases. On the heals of an already vocal minority challenge to immigration, for many reasons, the stress of the economy will likely also hamper efforts to come to terms with any of the reasons given for anti-immigration challenges. Yet, the real question here is not why exactly the population, notorious for isolationism is becoming increasingly uncomfortable with immigration, and especially middle east immigration, but that Danes see and are responding to a real social fear, i.e. crime as it is evident and perpetrated by Middle East immigrants. To look at this issue one must clearly address public perception and sentiment and then seek out real crime statistics. ("Taking on the Islamists;," 2007, p. A21)

Political Shift to the Right as a result of Immigration

There is a clear and alarming trend in the nation of Denmark as right wing political leaders have recently taken a majority in parliament. This has challenged many moderate political leanings of the past and has resulting both positive and negative changes with regard to immigration policy. It is interesting that sentiment in Denmark became so strong regarding middle east immigration that the whole of the political system turned around, and sought out candidates with obvious agendas associated with anti-or at least controlled immigration.

Real Crime Rate Comparisons

Finally this work will propose a crime statistic comparison between Turkey, Iran and Denmark and discuss noted changes between former rates of crime in Denmark (and types of crime i.e. violent or property and attributed to terrorism) and current crime rates, post 20 years of active immigration from the Middle East. ("Taking on the Islamists;," 2007, p. A21)

Works Cited

Adler, Leonore Loeb, and Uwe P.Gielen, eds. Migration: Immigration and Emigration in International Perspective. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003. Questia. 21 May 2009 .

This work provides information on general immigration trends and information specific

to Denmark.

Barrell, Ray, Catherine Guillemineau, and Iana Liadze. "Migration in Europe." National Institute Economic Review (2006): 36+. Questia. 21 May 2009 .

This work will provide general information regarding European immigration trends and possible results and offers limited specific information regarding Denmark and immigration.

Beale, Sara Sun. "The News Media's Influence on Criminal Justice Policy: How Market-Driven News Promotes Punitiveness." William and Mary Law Review 48.2 (2006): 397+. Questia. 21 May 2009 .

This work will offer general and specific information about how media coverage influences crime reactions and social policy as it is associated with immigration and other knee jerk social concern issues.

Bering, Henrik. "Denmark, the Euro and Fear of the Foreign." Policy Review (2000): 63. Questia. 21 May 2009 .

This work discusses Denmark's historical isolationist policies and discusses how the nation can overcome these fears to adopt and deal with reasonable legislation and social polices to answer immigration questions.

Bresler, Robert J. "Immigration: The Sleeping Time Bomb." USA Today (Society for the Advancement of Education) July 2002: 13. Questia. 21 May 2009 .

A general discussion of media response to immigration and how it builds negative public opinion, in Denmark and elsewhere.

CIA World Factbook Denmark

Information regarding demographics of Denmark.

Constant, Amelie, and Klaus F. Zimmermann. "Immigrant Performance and Selective Immigration Policy: A European Perspective." National Institute Economic Review (2005): 94+. Questia. 21 May 2009 .

This work offers a European perspective to the performance of immigrants in the market place and how this reality should build social policy regarding immigration.

Deangelis, Richard A. "A Rising Tide for Jean-Marie, Jorg and Pauline? Xenophobic Populism in Comparative Perspective." The Australian Journal of Politics and History 49.1 (2003): 75+. Questia. 21 May 2009 .

This work discusses the ideologies of Xenophobia that may in some part be at work with regard to popular sentiment regarding immigration and immigrants.

Einhorn, Eric S., and John Logue. "Can the Scandinavian Model Adapt to Globalization?." Scandinavian Studies 76.4 (2004): 501+. Questia. 21 May 2009 .

This work discusses the nature of the Scandinavian business and social model and how it will in the short- and long-term be adjusted to resolve issues of globalization, including immigration policies and social concerns.

"Euro Area: Investment, Immigration and Income per Capita." National Institute Economic Review: 21+. Questia. 21 May 2009 .

This work will discuss the economic impact of immigration in Denmark on a European scale and in reference to per-capita income and other economic trend making statistics and situations.

"Europe's Real 'Haider' Problem." The Wilson Quarterly Summer 2000: 115. Questia. 21 May 2009 .

This work will specifically discuss the right wing trend of extremism with regard to public sentiment about white-supremacy and other issues exacerbated and built by massive immigration.

Givens, Terri, and Adam Luedtke. "The Politics of European Union Immigration Policy: Institutions, Salience, and Harmonization." Policy Studies Journal 32.1 (2004): 145+. Questia. 21 May 2009 .

This work discusses how Denmark's immigration policies compare to those of other nations in Europe and if there is a difference why.

Hollander, Paul. "Danish Lessons." New Criterion Oct. 2007: 31+. Questia. 21 May 2009 .

This work will discuss how lessons can be learned from Denmark's immigration policy changes and what many see as alarmist political shifts that will have a much larger effect on social policy than simply immigration.

"Immigration Has Unsettled the Country, Says Minister." The Daily Mail (London, England) 18 Apr. 2007: 16. Questia. 21 May 2009 .

A discussion of the manner in which the political leaders express issue regarding immigration in the UK, as a comparison to Denmark.

"Is the Aging of the Developed World a Ticking Time Bomb? The Developed-World Populations Are Aging and Shrinking, Producing Huge Fiscal Economic, Political and Social Stresses Given the Unfunded Liabilities of Public Entitlement Programs. Does This Phenomenon Represent a Global Crisis? If a Crisis Looms, When Will It Unfold Who Faces the Greatest Risk, and What If Anything Can Be Done? Twenty Important Experts Offer Their Views." The International Economy Wntr 2004: 6+. Questia. 21 May 2009 .

This work is a discussion of the economic and labor changes that are a result of the aging of the European populations, including Denmark.

Juhasz, Gabor. "Exporting or Pulling Down? The European Social Model and Eastern Enlargement of the EU." European Journal of Social Quality 6.1 (2006): 82+. Questia. 21 May 2009 .

This work offers a brief discussion regarding the reluctance of Denmark to fully join the EU.

Keyser, Jason. "Denmark Struggles to Handle Immigration Flux: Social Programs, Cultural Identity Feel Rising Strain." The Washington Times 30 May 1999: 10. Questia. 21… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Immigration in Denmark" Assignment:


I need a master*****s thesis proposal (3 pages) and a partial annotated bibliography (3 pages, 15-20 references) by May 21, 2009. Please include, whenever possible, web links to these references so that I may read them. Once the proposal and bibliography are completed, they will be reviewed by my advisor. The proposal may need to be edited and the specifics of the topic may be altered if I receive such recommendations from my advisor. Once the proposal is approved, I will need a complete master*****s thesis (I will complete the order for the thesis with ***** at a later date). So, if possible, I*****d like the same ***** for the entire project.

So that you may refer me to a ***** with a flexible schedule: I will need a 1st draft of the bulk of a thesis, which will also be subject to editing, (approximately due August 1st, 2009) and then the complete final thesis (approximately due September 1st, 2009). Again, work on the thesis should not begin until the proposal is approved.

Thank you!

Topic (note: the ***** may adjust the topic in accordance with facts drawn from the reference material and data):

For the last several years, many people from the Middle East have immigrated to Denmark. Recently, Denmark's native residents have started to become politically nationalistic and anti-immigrant. I'd like my paper to compare crime rates, laws and related cultural aspects in the Middle East and Denmark, determine if crime has risen in Denmark in recent years and, if so, determine who commits these crimes. I'd like the paper to explore cultural perceptions and difference and determine how these (and perhaps an increase in crime rate, if any exists) have pushed the native Danish towards anti-immigrant political parties.

How to Reference "Immigration in Denmark" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Immigration in Denmark.”, 2009, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Immigration in Denmark (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Immigration in Denmark. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Immigration in Denmark” 2009.
”Immigration in Denmark”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Immigration in Denmark”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Immigration in Denmark [Internet]. 2009 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Immigration in Denmark. Published 2009. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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