Term Paper on "Integrated Marketing Communication IMC and Customer Satisfaction Strategy"

Term Paper 5 pages (1548 words) Sources: 4

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The advertising strategy at the Assemblage is going to be focused on two main components. The strategy is going to be focused on an introductory message. The restaurant and its concept need to be introduced to consumers so the advertising needs to focus on that component of the message. The Assemblage's preliminary advertising should convey the concepts -- the definition of the Assemblage concept relating to both the food and the social aspect of the clientele. This message is critical because the Assemblage concept is going to be one of the key drivers of business for the restaurant. This concept differs from other casual dining concepts in substantive ways and it is important that the marketplace appreciates these differences.

The Assemblage's advertising strategy is going to be focused on multiple forms of media. The New York market is an expensive market for broadcast media -- television and radio -- but it is also a market characterized by a high degree of specialization. It is this specialization that the Assemblage will focus on initially. The advertising will be focused on food and entertainment magazines and periodicals, and their related websites. These periodicals, such as Time Out New York, are read by the core target market and therefore offer better return on investment than any form of broad-based media.

In addition, the Assemblage will have a strong emphasis on Internet advertising. This form of advertising, driven by Google ads and social media, will drive traffic to the Assemblage's website and to its social media sites. This traffic will receive messages and personalized content that focus on the different promotions and events at
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the Assemblage's flagship location. The Internet advertising will be focused on increasing awareness of the brand and the restaurant's product/service value proposition to the target market. Increasing awareness of the restaurant is going to be the focus of all initial advertising efforts. The introductory theme of advertising will be continued each time the Assemblage expands beyond the core New York market, so it is important that the company develop consistency in its advertising messages with respect to the introductory message.

2) Advertising effectiveness will be measured in a couple of key ways, each relating to the classic doctrine of AIDA -- attention, interest, desire, action (Hall, 2001). In a general sense, advertising effectiveness will be measured in terms of the traffic that the flagship restaurant receives. This method of measurement is very general, since it can be difficult to attribute any given customer to the advertising program specifically. However, the advertising program forms the core of the initial marketing campaign and therefore the general effectiveness of the marketing campaign -- and by extension the marketing campaign -- can be measured by traffic that the restaurant receives.

The effectiveness of the Internet and social media aspects of the advertising campaign can be measured by the quality and quantity of interactions between consumers online and the company. Such quantitative measures for this part of the advertising campaign are page impressions, click-throughs, Facebook fans, Twitter followers and the number of such Internet followers/fans that express interest in the Assemblage's events. These metrics are valuable because they directly gauge the effectiveness of the online advertising campaign in building a customer base and engaging that base in direct interaction. When these measures are applied to specific events, they also measure the willingness of these online contacts to spend money at the Assemblage, which can even be used in conjunction with other measures as a proxy of effectiveness in building the brand among consumers.

3) the promotional strategies that may be applied to advertising are going to be related to lifestyle marketing. The key message will be that the Assemblage is a component of a sophisticate lifestyle that revolves both around fun and around a quality dining experience (Michman, Mazze & Greco, 2003). Lifestyle marketing will help to build the brand image of the Assemblage in line with the desires of the target market and in line with the company's premium offering in the industry.

Another promotional strategy that will be used in the company's advertising is the message of building an evening around a visit to the Assemblage. This strategy will incorporate a number of different facets. The first of these facets will be that the consumer will benefit from spending multiple hours at the Assemblage, and with a larger group of people than ordinary. The message will convey that the Assemblage is central to the fun that the consumer intends to have.

4) Customer satisfaction at the Assemblage will be measured a number of different ways. The most important element of measuring customer satisfaction is that the customer will be solicited directly for this information. The information solicited will be focused on purchasing decisions -- under what circumstances does the customer go to the Assemblage, what does the customer buy, and how much does the customer spend? An attempt will be made at the restaurant to collect email or social media contact information from each customer, and then this information will be used to contact the customer and garner answers to the different questions that the customer has.

In addition to asking the customer directly, customers will be solicited through online means with open-ended questions to discuss their level of satisfaction. By using open-ended responses, the customers are more likely to give responses that are honest and will be meaningful to the company. Open-ended responses can result in open-ended answers, which may highlight customer satisfaction issues that are previously unknown to management.

Lastly, customer satisfaction will be measured using basic industry statistics -- return customers and same store sales (All Business, 2010). The percentage of customers than return and the frequency with which they return can be measured through direct survey, and these figures can be used as a proxy for customer satisfaction under the assumption that it is only satisfied customers that will return time and again. Same store sales is a similar measure, since customers that are satisfied are most likely to return to the same location and therefore that location will see its sales increase if customers return for multiple visits -- the more new customers that the location sees will be an indicator of the number of return customers that the same location sees. This measure is valuable because same stores sales can be measured from the first location onward as the chain grows.

5) Once gaps between customer expectations and customer experiences are identified, they must be addressed. There are two elements to this. The first element is operational. The Assemblage aims to deliver on its promises to its customers, and will take whatever steps necessary to deliver on these promises. Therefore, if there is a gap between customer expectations and service/product delivery the company will address these gaps be closing them on the service end. If gaps exist, the attitude will be taken that the gap exists because of a service or product deficit. The casual dining segment is highly competitive -- if we do not meet the expectations of our customers they will take their business elsewhere. Therefore, we need to take steps at the managerial level to ensure that our customers enjoy the Assemblage experience that we promise them.

The second element of bridging the gap between expectations and actual experience will be with respect to the customers that provide us with feedback with respect to service or product failures. Those customers are providing our management with valuable information that will save the company thousands of dollars in lost business by giving us the opportunity to correct these deviations. As such, we shall reward customer commentary with vouchers for future business. This will bring the customer back and allow the Assemblage to show that any deviations from what was promised were a temporary error.


Quoted Instructions for "Integrated Marketing Communication IMC and Customer Satisfaction Strategy" Assignment:

The marketing objective of introducing *****The Assemblage***** a startup based restaurant is going to be twofold. It is important to build brand awareness for the Assemblage, as the brand is being launched into the US market beginning in New York. The second marketing objective is going to be to create an association with the Assemblage brand of fun times. The ultimate vision is to see the consumer immediately think of the Assemblage when they decide that they are looking for a fun time with friends.

The Assemblage is going to operate in the casual dining segment. There are a number of key reasons for this. The first reason is that this segment is one of the largest in the American restaurant industry. The industry is worth an estimated $75 billion annually. The industry has strong penetration of two key target markets ***** under 35s and higher income earners. We believe that these two markets are among the largest spenders at restaurants and we wish to court these audiences. The economic slowdown has reduced capacity in the industry and we feel that this reduction is temporary so we want to move in to fill this gap. This is possible because the industry is highly diffused with literally hundreds of concepts competing for business. While there is a high degree of brand loyalty, we believe that consumers in this segment are also more willing to explore new options than are consumers in, for example, the fast food segment.

The economy is already showing signs of life, with GDP figures improving in each of the past three quarters. We believe that as economic recovery takes hold, the industry will recover rapidly. During the downturn casual dining segment lost 1.6% of revenues, or $1.2 billion. Thus, we see at least $1.2 billion in growth over the next year or two, which means significant opportunity for an innovative concept.

Using the above information. Prepare a 5 page report, addressing the following:

1. Discuss the company*****s advertising strategy and how it aligns with its marketing goals.

2. Discuss how the effectiveness of the advertising will be measured.

3. Discuss the promotional strategies that may be used in addition to advertising.

4. Develop an approach to measuring customer satisfaction with The Assemblage*****s product/service.

5. Discuss how gaps in customer expectations and experiences will be addressed.

How to Reference "Integrated Marketing Communication IMC and Customer Satisfaction Strategy" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Integrated Marketing Communication IMC and Customer Satisfaction Strategy.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2010, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/imc-advertising-strategy/52844. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Integrated Marketing Communication IMC and Customer Satisfaction Strategy (2010). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/imc-advertising-strategy/52844
A1-TermPaper.com. (2010). Integrated Marketing Communication IMC and Customer Satisfaction Strategy. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/imc-advertising-strategy/52844 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Integrated Marketing Communication IMC and Customer Satisfaction Strategy” 2010. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/imc-advertising-strategy/52844.
”Integrated Marketing Communication IMC and Customer Satisfaction Strategy” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/imc-advertising-strategy/52844.
[1] ”Integrated Marketing Communication IMC and Customer Satisfaction Strategy”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2010. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/imc-advertising-strategy/52844. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Integrated Marketing Communication IMC and Customer Satisfaction Strategy [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/imc-advertising-strategy/52844
1. Integrated Marketing Communication IMC and Customer Satisfaction Strategy. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/imc-advertising-strategy/52844. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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