Term Paper on "Should Illegal Immigrant Labor Be Protected Under the NLRA"

Term Paper 12 pages (3790 words) Sources: 12

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Illegl Immigrant Labor Be Protected Under

Should Illegak Immigrant Labor Be Protected Under

Should Illegal Immigrant Labor be protected under the NLRA?

Should Illegal Immigrant Labor be protected under the NLRA?

Should Illegal Immigrant Labor be protected under the NLRA?

At the present, illegal immigrants have become a very hot subject in the news as far as what rights they keep in the workplace. As stated by the Federation for American Immigration Reform, as of 2005, about 10-12 million illegal immigrants reside in the United States. (Abraham, 2002) A lot of these illegal immigrants come into the workforce, with efforts to keep a lot of the same privileges as workers that are legal (Mello, 2005). This paper essay pursues to look investigate whether or not illegal immigrants should be protected under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA).

What is an Illegal Alien?

An illegal immigrant (alien) is anyone who a person that was born in another country but enters the United States of American without having the correct examination or the admitted paperwork. In other words they also stay way past their time that they are required to leave (Rodriguez, 2006). As outlined by the Center for Immigration Studies and after reading this definition, a person would be safe to say no, he or she is here unlawfully. These individuals normally sneak into the country without notice.

What is the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)?

The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) is what describes "employee" in a broad way, but as any worker, aft
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erward listing the exemptions. (Cimini, 2008) Unfamiliar prohibited workers are not discovered within the exemptions. (Rodriguez, 2006) The Supreme Court, in Sure-Tan v. NLRB, are the ones that made the point saying illegal immigrants did indeed fall within the definition of an employee for the reason that "unrecognized foreigners are not among the few groups of workers specifically excused by Legislative body…" (Mello, 2009). It could be proclaimed that illegal immigrants would need to be thought of as a group of people that land within the NLRA description of workers for humanitarian issues. However, this is not the case. Instead, workers that are considered to be undocumented would need to be looked at as employees for the sake of the normal lawful working class. (Lieberwitz, 2004) If immigrants that are illegal were not observed as being workers employees and not considered part of the haggling force up under the NLRA there would then be some sort of a lack of unity of everyone of the workers which would causing some sort of an impediment in real collective bargaining for the rest of the labor force. (Lieberwitz, 2004)


With such an increase that is drastic in illegal immigrants that are coming into the United States entering the U.S., Congress then had enacted the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) which took place in the year of 1986(Mello, 2009). The Act was put into action in order to lessen the commercial occasions obtainable to undocumented labors through employer supports. The Act is what barred the employers from meaningfully hiring illegal workers, failing to confirm employment admissibility, and meaningfully ongoing to hire undocumented labors (Abraham, 2002). Built-in in the Act was the need for a recently hired operative to thorough an I-9 procedure, and deliver employment eligibility confirmation to the company.

A system recognized as E-Verify was arrangement to confirm employment suitability. Employers can effortlessly enter into a "document" with the Social Security Administration and Department of Homeland Security (Mello, 2009). The memorandum permits the workers to get some kind of notice of a person's eligibility position. When introductory notice has been received a worker then is able to go ahead and try to challenge the notice. If verification cannot be established, the company may dismiss the operative and will not be criminally or civilly accountable (Rodriguez, 2006). Even with E-Verify in place there are unevenly 4.2 million unrecognized employees that are in the United States.

Most people recognized the fact that workers are here and working against the law, but does that provide the labors' rights under the employment law? A business decides to stop a union crusade and decides to fire some employees that have been participated in a lot of the union activities.

A lot of the workers happen to be workers that are undocumented. Most people want to know if undocumented workers really need to be covered up under the National Labor Relations Act (Gabriel, 2006). The National Labor Relations Act was originated in 1935 by Congress so that the rights of employers and employees will be protected, and also to endorse bargaining that is collective and to also limit particular private sector management and labor practices, which can injure the overall welfare of workers, industries and the United States economy (Cimini, 2008). Under Section 2. [§152.], of the NLRA, the tenure employee is described as "counting any type of worker," (Gabriel, 2006)who has stopped doing as a result of any present labor argument or for the reason that of any partial labor practice (Mello, 2005). There is no difference among illegal and legal worker.

In 1986, the Supreme Court gave a ruling in the case of Sure Tan v. National Labor Relations Board in favor, of the NLRB's protection to illegal aliens (Gabriel, 2006). If the case is looked into deeper into this case to get an understanding of why the Court concurred with the NLRB's provision of the workers. In 1976, Sure Tan workers selected to vote for Local Union 431 as their negotiating congresses. Hours when the election is over, the president of the company cursed the workers and put a demand on them so that they would notice the immigration status. After figuring out that several of the workers were illegal, the employer filed a request with the NLRB to void the whole election. The workers guessed that six of the seven voters were illegitimate foreigners, making them unentitled voters. Alongside with the request, the business likewise filed an affirmation confessing he knew the workers were unrecognized (Holt, 2007).


Tension ascends in the legislation spoke to immigration and employment. Although illegal immigrants are looked at as employees for NLRA resolves, under the Control Act (IRCA)and Immigration Reform, it is unlawful for a company to hire undocumented employees. (Gabriel, 2006) The District of Columbia Court of Pleas relieved this conflict in Agri Processor Co., Inc. v. NLRB. The Court made the decision that IRCA did not explicitly make the statement that those that were her illegally were not workers under the NLRA. (Mello, 2009) The Court lectured that in IRCA, Legislature never designated an aspiration to adjust the NLRA. (Cimini, 2008) A decree could possibly supersede another decree, in restricted circumstances and only when "the concluding specifically opposes the initial act." (Rodriguez, 2006) IRCA never really expressed the contradiction of the NLRA nor did it oppose any suggestion of intent to restrict the NLRA description of workers (Abraham, 2002) Therefore, up under the IRCA it is not legal for a worker to employ a worker that is undocumented (Rodriguez, 2006). On the other hand, once an unrecognized foreign is employed, that workers that were undocumented keep the similar privileges as a worker up under the NLRA. This will have to be the circumstance to uphold an agreement that would among every one of the members of the negotiating unit. The idea of collective bargaining needs an agreement of attention among the workers.

Although the pressure was among the two laws that seems to have been lessened, the Supreme Court complex substances, ruling that an employer who dishonored the NLRA by illegally dismissing an illegal immigrant worker was not indebted to offer that person with a traditional restoration remedy. (Cimini, 2008) In NLRB vs. Hoffman Plastic Compounds vs. The Supreme Court held that an boss did not have to honor back pay to a worker that is illegal who had offered deceitful working documents to his company, for the reason that up under IRCA the illegal immigrant was never lawfully sanctioned to work. (Rodriguez, 2006) The Court argued that in the previous National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) never endowed back pay to workers that were discovered guilty of an act that was illegal (Holt, 2007) and with this being executed would more than likely inspire unlawful behavior. (Mello, 2005) Currently, the NLRB upheld the Hoffman choice in a case where the company meaningfully employed illegal immigrants. (Abraham, 2002)

Both the recent NLRB Hoffman and decisions are displaying that in some circumstances undocumented employees do not preserve the same privileges as workers do up under the NLRA. Unlawful foreigners are only secure as workers throughout occupation and not secure from the likely harsh penalties of a passable legal solution when they are the preys of illegal dissolutions for NLRA protected behavior. It is obvious that there appears to be an unstable point of chastisement that would be for a two way illegal action. If the government is not interested in wanting… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Should Illegal Immigrant Labor Be Protected Under the NLRA" Assignment:

MY TOPIC IS Should illegal immigrant labor be protected under the NLRA?


Outlining your paper first helps to identify whether all the important facets have been addressed and whether you have it organized efficiently. A good outline serves as the *****bones***** for your paper. Without these bones, the paper will collapse.

Example: The overview outline might be:




--Key Issues/constituents***** major concerns** about the topic





--advocacy group*****s

--Best practices for solving the key problems/issues


--Reference List

** There are a couple ways to organize this section. One is to state the first issue and give all the constituents***** views about it then move on to issue #2 and do the same. An alternative might be to discuss all the issues of a particular constituent group first then move on to all the issues of a second constituent group. There may be other, equally effective ways to structure this section. How the material is organized depends, in part, on the information you obtain through the research.

When formatting your paper you will use


1 Inch Margins (Top, Right, Left, Bottom)

12 pt. Times Roman or Courier Font

Double Space

Indented Paragraphs

Numbered Pages

Proper APA format must be used in all aspects of your paper. You will be evaluated on this.

The purpose of the paper is clearly stated. (Explicitly say *****The purpose of this paper is to __________.*****) This is also known as your thesis statement.

The focus and scope are clearly and reasonably defined. (State the key questions you are planning to answer.)


Organization (Outlining before writing helps to detect problems and makes the experience of writing a paper so much more pleasant.) *****¨Â 

The Introduction:

Tells the reader the purpose, scope, and agenda of the paper.

Indicates the relevance of the topic.

Catches the reader*****'s interest.

The Body

Contains substantial content and represents a significant literature review. In other words, the material extends substantially beyond the course readings.

Discusses issues thoroughly.

Examines all the major constituent groups***** perspectives.

Defines special terms.

Supports points well with logic, data, and/or examples.

Includes conclusions that demonstrate integrative, critical thinking.

The Conclusion

Shows the purpose has been achieved and recaps the key thoughts.

Gives psychological closure.


Delivery (Having someone else read a draft helps to detect errors.) *****¨Â 

Citations are given for non-original material, using APA format for the in-text citation as well as the reference list.

Technical aspects of writing (i.e., grammar, sentence structure, and spelling) are correct.

Academic style (i.e., appropriate diction, clarity, smooth transitions, and an audience-***** approach) is demonstrated.


How to Reference "Should Illegal Immigrant Labor Be Protected Under the NLRA" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Should Illegal Immigrant Labor Be Protected Under the NLRA.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2013, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/illegl-immigrant-labor-protected/6909280. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Should Illegal Immigrant Labor Be Protected Under the NLRA (2013). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/illegl-immigrant-labor-protected/6909280
A1-TermPaper.com. (2013). Should Illegal Immigrant Labor Be Protected Under the NLRA. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/illegl-immigrant-labor-protected/6909280 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Should Illegal Immigrant Labor Be Protected Under the NLRA” 2013. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/illegl-immigrant-labor-protected/6909280.
”Should Illegal Immigrant Labor Be Protected Under the NLRA” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/illegl-immigrant-labor-protected/6909280.
[1] ”Should Illegal Immigrant Labor Be Protected Under the NLRA”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2013. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/illegl-immigrant-labor-protected/6909280. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Should Illegal Immigrant Labor Be Protected Under the NLRA [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2013 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/illegl-immigrant-labor-protected/6909280
1. Should Illegal Immigrant Labor Be Protected Under the NLRA. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/illegl-immigrant-labor-protected/6909280. Published 2013. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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