Research Paper on "Issues of Illegal Immigration"

Research Paper 3 pages (1172 words) Sources: 3

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Illegal Immigration

It is generally believed that there are more than 11 million illegal immigrants currently living in the United States. (Yen) While they come from many countries around the world, the vast majority come from Latin America, and of those, the majority come from Mexico. Whether legal or illegal, immigration can provide definitive benefits to both the United States and the Latin American countries from where people emigrate from. For instance, "immigration increases the incomes of the U.S. residents by allowing the economy to utilize domestic resources more efficiently." (Hanson 19) It also increases the total number of laborers, which in turns increases the amount of resources that can be successfully exploited. Fruits and vegetables can be harvested more efficiently leading to cheaper overall prices for the consumer. But it is not only the United States that benefits from the productivity of the illegal immigrant, their home countries, particularly in Latin America, benefit greatly as well. Billions of dollars, earned by Mexicans who are illegally working in the United States, are sent back to Mexico each year; besides the petroleum and tourism industries, this is Mexico's largest influx of capital. While many see illegal immigration as a problem, it can have positive benefits to both the United States and the home country of the immigrant.

But there are those who see illegal immigration as a problem and point to the many negative aspects which accompany it. Many Latin American villages have been all but deserted, and local culture and society destroyed, by the emigration of the people to the United States. And the journey across the border is a dangerous one
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where criminal gangs take advantage of illegal immigrants, force them to transport drugs, and even leave them to die in the dessert. (Orrenius 2) Instead of positively impacting labor and wages, some claim that illegal immigration has a "negative wage depressing effect" which keeps wages in the United States artificially low. (Liu 3) Because of the problem with illegal immigrants, the United States is forced to spend billions of dollars monitoring and guarding the border, as well as tracking down illegal immigrants inside the United States. And since many illegal immigrants are used a "drug mules," many of those entering America illegally are also transporting drugs and other illegal substances into the country. And with the inclusion of drugs, there is the ever increasing problem of violence being associated with illegal immigrants as different drug gangs compete for access to the United States.

Those illegal immigrants who already hold jobs in the U.S. should be given legal status because of the fact that they are already in America and contributing to American society. If they have jobs then they already pay income taxes, as well as paying all the state and local taxes involved in the purchase of food, gas, clothes, rent, etc.. Secondly, if illegal immigrants who hold jobs and pay taxes are not given legal status, the American government will be forced to spend billions of dollars tracking them down, holding them, and transporting them back to their home countries. This will not only cost Americans money, but will disrupt the workplace of these illegal workers, their homes, as well as the local businesses that depend upon them for the purchase of necessities. And finally, many illegal immigrants have legal children who were born in the United States and are American citizens, if not granted legal status, the United States runs the risk of splitting families, or even forcing American-born citizens to… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Issues of Illegal Immigration" Assignment:

I will need a (3) three-page research paper on the topic below for my AMERICAN GOVERNMENT course.

Please follow exact descriptions, answering each part thoroughly.

The article *****Both Sides of the Border***** will be uploaded to you.

There is also a scoring rubric on how this research paper will be graded.


The issue of illegal immigration in the United States is an extremely controversial one. It is estimated that there are over 6 million illegal immigrants in this country today. Read the article titled *****"Both Sides of the Border*****" located on page 357 in your textbook and complete the activities and questions listed below.

1. What are the positive benefits of immigration for the United States and Latin American countries? (one fully developed paragraph)

2. What are the harmful effects of immigration for the United States and Latin American countries? (one fully developed paragraph)

3. In at least one fully developed paragraph (five sentences or more) explain your opinion on whether illegal immigrants who hold jobs should be given legal status. Be sure to provide at least two reasons that support your opinion.

4. In at least one fully developed paragraph, explain what the government has done in its efforts to keep illegal immigrants from entering the country.

5. Find a recent article regarding this topic (either on the Internet or at your local library) and summarize the article. Be sure to cover the following aspects of the article: who, what, where, why, and how. Your summary should be at least two fully developed paragraphs in length.

How your Essay will be evaluated:


Student provides answer to question #1 in the assignment, explaining at least two positive benefits of immigration. 10

Student provides answer to question #2 in the assignment, explaining at least two harmful effects of immigration. 10

Student provides an answer (in at least five sentences) for question #3, explaining his opinion on whether illegal immigrants who hold jobs should be given legal status. Student provides at least two reasons to support his opinion. 20

Student provides an answer (in at least one well-developed paragraph) explaining what the government has done to keep out illegal immigrants. 10

Student summarizes an article on this topic explaining (in at least two well-developed paragraphs) the who, what, where, why and how aspects of the article. 25

Logical progression of ideas 10

References listed and appropriately cited MLA format 5

Spelling 3

Sentence construction 3

Essay construction 4



How to Reference "Issues of Illegal Immigration" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Issues of Illegal Immigration.”, 2011, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Issues of Illegal Immigration (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Issues of Illegal Immigration. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Issues of Illegal Immigration” 2011.
”Issues of Illegal Immigration”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Issues of Illegal Immigration”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Issues of Illegal Immigration [Internet]. 2011 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Issues of Illegal Immigration. Published 2011. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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