Term Paper on "Illegal Immigration"

Term Paper 7 pages (2475 words) Sources: 6 Style: APA

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Illegal Immigration

During the past recent years, humanity has been confronted with major changes that affected all features of life. Including the technological advancements, the social emancipation and the search for equality, a more increased focus onto the customer and the employee in the detriment of production operations or larger focus on the human rights across the globe is not sufficient to getting the best idea into the mutations. The largest and most important modification derived from the international expansion of numerous thoughts, practices, concepts, and resources. All these modifications are organized under the term of globalization and refer to changes in the social, political, economic, technological and even cultural fields. The concept of globalization has often been assimilated with Americanization, revealing as such the great importance and power held by the United States in the international context. But this Americanization has functioned in two distinct directions. First of all, it allowed American corporations to internationally expand and increase their profits on a global scale. Secondly, and most importantly in the current discussion, is the fact that the success registered by the United States has drawn the interest of millions of foreigners who entered the country in search of a better life. All these people represent the immigrants in the U.S. And they are both praised for their economic and social impact, as well as blamed for the negative outcomes.

It is generally imputed to the immigrants, mostly the illegal ones, that they steel the jobs of the native born American population, they increase crime rates and they always consume more financia
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l resources in governmental services (medical care, education for the children of the illegals and incarceration) than they ever pay back in taxes. But even if there is some truth to the statements above, fact remains that the American population is retiring or becoming more educated and the immigrants only come to fill the gap and take the low paid and underskilled jobs that Americans no longer want. In other words, while there is a perceived negative economic impact of illegal immigration, with a large portion of our workforce reaching retirement age and with more educated Americans unwilling to perform unskilled labor, immigrant workers are essential for the country's sustained economic growth

2. Short History of U.S. Immigration

The United States' history of immigration begins in the days not too long after the Columbus "discovery" of the Americas. Immigration has always been a controversial subject with each generation of immigrants fearing the effects of the next group of immigrants" (Gurucharri). The first immigration movements occurred in the early seventeenth century and were basically motivated by the search of a better life in a new country, with a more prosperous future and more stable economic conditions.

At the end of the nineteenth century, the immigration phenomenon increased in importance and came to be considered a federal matter. The first Office of Immigration was established in 1891 through the Immigration Act. The wave of immigrants to the United States continued to increase up until the twentieth century. All immigrants (entering the country to flee the oppressive rulers, wars and industrial revolution in Europe, which introduced mechanized work and caused them to lose their jobs) were allowed to enter the country and considered legal citizens. The Black Tuesday and the Great Economic Depression of the 1929-1933 had a direct impact on immigration as it significantly reduced it. "For the first time, more people were leaving than arriving" (Gurucharri). In the 1940s however, with the World War II, immigration increased once again and the American authorities were forced to impose the first restrictions.

3. In Support of the Thesis

The general perception relative to the illegal immigration to the United States is rather negative and supported with financial evidence. For instance, in the High Cost of Cheap Labor: Illegal Immigration and the Federal Budget, the Center for Immigration Studies found that in 2002, the "households headed by illegal aliens used $10 billion more in government services than they paid in taxes [...] if illegals were given amnesty, the fiscal deficit at the federal level would grow to nearly $29 billion" (Conservative Forum, 2004). The study also indicated that the average budget financials consumed by an illegal household adds up to $2,700 and this would increase over $7,000 if the immigrants were given amnesty. The explanation forwarded for this statement is based on the fact that most illegal immigrants occupy low paid positions and even if considered legit U.S. citizens, they would still be unable to significantly contribute to the state budget; but once they are given amnesty, they are able to get increased access to the federal services, hence the large difference and deficit.

Other organizations however state that the illegal immigrants often contribute to the state budget, but they do it in an illicit way as they are undocumented. "But some officials and pro-immigration groups argue that undocumented immigrants generally benefit the American economy. According to the National Council of La Raza, a Washington-based Latino civil rights and advocacy organization, the majority of undocumented immigrants pay income taxes using individual taxpayer identification numbers or false Social Security numbers. 'Many do this because they want to make a contribution', says La Raza spokeswoman Luisa Grillo-Chope. 'They are in the country and they know that their [money] goes to improving schools and that kind of things. Also, many are in low-paying occupations, so they would probably be eligible for a refund'" (Preston, 2006).

In making a favorable case for the illegal immigrants, one should look at three primary facts:

The native born American population is aging and the numbers of retirees exceeds by far the number of new entrants on the workforce

The illegal immigrants mostly occupy low-paid positions which, due to increased education and greater focus on career, Americans no longer desire to occupy

Finally, the illegal immigrants have a greater contribution to the U.S. economy than they are often given credit for.

Retiring Americans

The main argument in regard to why illegal immigrants should be accepted and viewed as a benefit for the U.S. economy in terms of the aging population is given by the generation of Baby Boomers. These represent the generation with the highest natality rate in the history of the country. The generation has supported the United States through its hard times and has constituted a solid and reliable workforce. However, they are aging and some of them have already reached the retirement age. And their current and future retirement throws America in an unprecedented situation when they will not have sufficient workforce, negatively affecting as such the country's economy. In this line of thoughts, the illegal immigrants are able to fill in the available positions, replace the retired baby boomers and carry on their legacy of continuing the support the state's economic growth and development. "Some proponents, for example, have said that enabling the 12 million existing illegal workers to remain in the United States will safeguard the size of the country's labor force. This is particularly important as Baby Boomers retire, and active workers have to shoulder such hefty costs as their Medicare expenses" (Wharton University of Pennsylvania, 2007). Some statistics which reveal the importance of illegal immigrants to filling the positions left void by the retiring baby boomers are presented next:

85% of the entire population in older than 25 only 28% of the population over the age of 25 holds at least the high school diploma one baby boomer between 45 and 54 spends an average of $2,695 per year on medical bills, revealing as such high budgetary expenses and the need to finance these expenses; social services costs will also increase and the numbers of social workers will decreases relative to the served individuals when all baby boomers retire in 2006, 7,918 individuals were turning 60 years per day, meaning 330 per hour (U.S. Census Bureau, 2006)

Higher levels of education second important argument in regard to the benefits derived by the illegal immigrants for the U.S. economy and the general population materializes in that they are most often uneducated. In other words, since very few of the illegals possess a high school diploma, not to mention a college diploma (however, large numbers of the legal immigrants have superior education and are highly specialized), they often occupy the lowest paid and unskilled positions that the Americans often refuse. It has been said that the illegal aliens occupy the positions initially destined for the unskilled and little educated native born Americans, but the fact of the matter is that the number of these American citizens significantly decreases. The native born Americans get better education, they take more classes and know more languages.

The current state of U.S. education shows both promises and challenges. In the long-term, since the early 1970s, there has been improvement in the scores of 9- and 13-year-olds on national reading and mathematical assessment [...] Other measures of progress indicate that high school graduates are taking more courses and completing more advanced… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Illegal Immigration" Assignment:

a 2,000- to 2,500-word research paper on Illegal Immigration. you will be required to use five to seven references to support your thesis. In addition, you should select a dynamic topic that allows you to conduct research on multiple sides of the issue. The final paper should be formatted according to APA guidelines.

My Thesis is "While there is a perceived negative economic impact of illegal immigration , with a large portion of our workforce reaching retirement age and with more educated Americans unwilling to perform unskilled labor, immigrant workers are essential for economic growth."

I plan on supporting my thesis with statistical date presented in a logical manner. I will also support my argument by showing that there are a greater number of Americans leaving the workforce than entering it. I will also support my argument by showing statistical date that supports the facts that more Americans are becoming more educated than in the past, therefore more unlikely to take unskilled jobs that many illegal immigrants are willing to take. I will also show that even though there are cost associated with illegal immigrants (medical cost, etc) that their contribution outweighs the cost.


How to Reference "Illegal Immigration" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Illegal Immigration.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2008, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/illegal-immigration-during-past/89282. Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Illegal Immigration (2008). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/illegal-immigration-during-past/89282
A1-TermPaper.com. (2008). Illegal Immigration. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/illegal-immigration-during-past/89282 [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Illegal Immigration” 2008. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/illegal-immigration-during-past/89282.
”Illegal Immigration” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/illegal-immigration-during-past/89282.
[1] ”Illegal Immigration”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2008. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/illegal-immigration-during-past/89282. [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Illegal Immigration [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2008 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/illegal-immigration-during-past/89282
1. Illegal Immigration. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/illegal-immigration-during-past/89282. Published 2008. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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