Term Paper on "Effect of Illegal Aliens on California's Healthcare System"

Term Paper 15 pages (3925 words) Sources: 5 Style: APA

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The Pew Hispanic Center estimated in March 2005 that the illegal alien population in California was 2.4 million in 2004. The impact on business, public schools, criminal justice system, and health care has been enormous. Statistics show that 63 California hospitals closed in the ten-year period between 1993 and 2003 because half of their services were unpaid because of services required under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA). (Cosman, 2005; paraphrased) These statistics show that many clinics and general practitioners do not have a hospital dedicated to their area of service. Because of the diseases that the illegal alien immigrants are bringing to the United States, it is imperative that private practitioners develop some type of initiative to respond to preventative care for these individuals. Failure to do so will result in epidemic disease rampages across the population in the United States.


The objective of the research proposed herein is to attempt to find a method of addressing the rising needs of healthcare for illegal aliens in the State of California.


The research proposed herein is of a qualitative nature and is to be in the form of surveys/questionnaires, which will serve to inform the direction of focus group studies involving a random sampling of healthcare providers in California in order to pinpoint the primary needs of healthcare of the population of illegal aliens in the state.


The work of Longley (2004) entitled: "
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Illegal Immigration Costs California Over Ten Billion Annually" states the fact that California "bears a huge cost to provide basic human services for this fast growing low-income segment of its population. A new study from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) examines the costs of education, health care and incarceration of illegal aliens and concludes that the cost to Californians is $10.5 billion per year." (Longley, 2004) it is stated that approximately $1.4 billion alone goes "toward providing health care to illegal aliens and their families..." (Longley, 2004) According to Dan Stein, President of FAIR: "California's addiction to 'cheap' illegal alien labor is bankrupting the state and posing enormous burdens on the state' shrinking middle class tax base. Most Californians, who have seen their taxes increase while public services deteriorate, already know the impact that mass illegal immigration is having on their communities, but even they may be shocked when they learn just how much of a drain illegal immigration has become." (Longley, 2004)

According to a report of the Federation for American Immigration Reform entitled: "Restoring Common Sense to America's Immigration System: Illegal Immigration and Public Health" the impact of immigration "on our public health is often overlooked. Although millions of visitors for tourism and business come every year, the foreign population of special concern is illegal residents, who come most from countries with endemic health problems and less developed health care. They are of greatest consequence because they are responsible for a disproportionate share of serious public health problems, are living among us for extended periods of time, and often are dependent on U.S. health care services." (FAIR, nd)

According to Dr. Laurence Nickey and reported by FAIR "Contagious diseases that are generally considered to have been controlled in the United States are readily evident along the border..." (FAIR, nd) One of these diseases is Tuberculosis, which "is considered by most Americans to be a disease of the Third World..." (FAIR, nd) However this disease has infiltrated the United States infecting a great number of individuals in recent years.

FAIR further reports: "Immigrants are often uninsured and underinsured. Forty-three percent of noncitizens under 65 have no health insurance. That means there are 9.4 million uninsured immigrants, a majority of whom are in the country illegally, constituting 15% of the total uninsured in the nation in the mid-1990s.6 the cost of the medical care of these uninsured immigrants is passed onto the taxpayer, and strains the financial stability of the health care community. Another problem is immigrants' use of hospital and emergency services rather than preventative medical care. For example, utilization rate of hospitals and clinics by illegal aliens (29%) is more than twice the rate of the overall U.S. population (11%)." (FAIR, nd)

The work of Meredith King (2007) entitled: "Immigrants in the U.S. Healthcare System: Five Myths that Misinform the American Public" the lack of health insurance coverage for the immigrant population "means that individuals are more likely to wait for their health problems to worsen before seeking care. And the statistics on immigrant children illustrate this point. While immigrant children visit the emergency room less often than U.S.-born children, because they are often sicker when seeking care their emergency room expenditures are more than three times higher, suggesting that access to primary and preventative care could have prevented illnesses from worsening and ultimately reducing medical costs." (King, 2007)

King states that it is generally held belief by most that immigrants use the emergency room services greatly however "...the metropolitan areas of Miami-Dade, Phoenix, and Orange County, California - all urban areas with large immigrant populations - have much lower rates of emergency room use than do areas with smaller immigrant populations..." (2007) King further points out that uncompensated health care "received by documented and undocumented immigrants in hospitals is reimbursed by the federal government. State and local governments or charitable entities that are disproportionately affected by uninsurance, such as those delivery health care services in areas with a high density lower-wage and service-sector jobs, often have a smaller tax base with which to address the health care needs of uninsured residents." (King, 2007) Those who are covered with health insurance experience a shift in cost as well. King states that in 2005 "health insurance premiums for a family of four were $922 or higher and individual health insurance premiums were $341 or higher due to the cost of health care for the uninsured." (2007) it is important to note the statement of King that "Cost-shifting is a consequence of the entire uninsured population, not just the uninsured immigrant population." (2007)

The work of Derose, Escarce and Lurie (2007) entitled: "Immigrants and Health Care: Sources of Vulnerability" states that: "Immigrants have been identified as a vulnerable population, but there is heterogeneity in the degree to which they are vulnerable to inadequate health care. Here we examine the factors that affect immigrants' vulnerability, including socioeconomic background; immigration status; limited English proficiency; federal, state, and local policies on access to publicly funded health care; residential location; and stigma and marginalization. We find that, overall, immigrants have lower rates of health insurance, use less health care, and receive lower quality of care than U.S.-born populations; however, there are differences among subgroups."

The work of Berk, Schur, Chavez and Frankel (2000) entitled: "Health Care Use Among Undocumented Latino Immigrants" states that by using data available from a survey conducted in 1996/1997 of "undocumented Latino immigrants in four sites" the reasons for these individuals coming to the United States and state findings that the reason for their coming is primarily for jobs. "Their ambulatory health care use is low compared with that of all Latinos and all persons nationally, and their rates of hospitalization are comparable except for hospitalization for childbirth. Almost half of married undocumented Latinos have a child who is a U.S. citizen."

Thompson in the November 17. 2007 report entitled: "Individual Health Care Mandates and the Problem of Affordability" states the fact that California is in the middle of a debate concerning a model bill "combining a tight affordability rule with an individual mandate. Seeking common ground with Governor Schwarzenegger, who vetoed an earlier health care reform measure in part because it did not require all residents to obtain health care coverage." (Thompson, 2007) the proposal, which will help achieve affordability "includes robust expansions of public programs and sliding scale premium subsidies for lower income residents, amount to the largest public program expansions in the country since the beginning of Medicare and Medicaid in the 1960s. The expansions include covering all children, regardless of immigration status, up to 300% of poverty, covering all parents who are legal residents up to 300% of poverty; and covering single, childless adults up to 250% of poverty." (Thompson, 2007) Further created is a new purchasing pool for the state of California "for residents to obtain health coverage, similar to the Massachusetts Connector with subsidies for Californians with incomes up to 450% of poverty in the form of advanceable tax-based credit to ensure total insurance costs do not exceed 6.5% of family income." (Thompson, 2007) Thompson states: "This revised proposal by legislative leadership, despite the problems of individual mandates, presents a promising model for ensuring affordability by tying total costs to a percentage of income and protecting families from undue health care expenses. The Assembly Health Committee passed the proposal by a party-line 10-5 vote on November 15th. Floor votes are expected after Thanksgiving." (2007)

In a report in the Washington Times published… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Effect of Illegal Aliens on California's Healthcare System" Assignment:

Dear *****,

I recently ordered a paper from you written by foxamyc, outstanding work I must say, if possible I would like for this ***** to work on the research proposal also. The research proposal can be on any topic so the specific topic listed above is not set in stone ( I had to put something in there), in this email I'm providing three examples. Since I did a article critique on health care I would like to also do a research proposal on the same topic.

Before starting the research proposal I must submit a outline for the professor's approval, the outline must have a clear topic sentence, thesis, and hypothesis. Is it possible to receive this prior to the proposal being written? Below I'm including all the information presented to me by my professor.


This activity will require you to submit a proposal for a research study. This activity takes the place of a final examination for the course, so the effort and detail must demonstrate mastery of the concepts taught in this course. This paper should address the breadth, depth, and application of research design to a topic of business interest. It must be at least 15 pages in length.


Remember that a research proposal describes a plan of work aimed at learning something new or solving a problem. It must have the following sections:

1.Problem Statement

2.Related Research/Literature Review


4.Research Procedure (Methods)-Population and Sample

-Research Design

-Instrumentation and Data Collection

-Planned Method of Analysis

-Time Schedule

5.Resources Needed



-Needed assurances/clearances


The paper page-length must be at least 15 pages. CSU requires that students use the APA format in writing course papers. Therefore, the APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed. Your paper must contain at least five references, and may include Internet sources, books, and professional journals or resources related to the profession.


You should submit an outline of your proposal to your professor. Your outline must have a clear topic sentence, thesis, and hypothesis. Your professor may approve, amend, or reject your outline; so do not begin writing your study proposal until you have received your professor*****s approval.


You may write your three integrated scholarly activities on any topic. The following are examples of legitimate scholarly business research and what is expected for this course.

1.In the wake of Enron and WorldCom business scandals, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 2002 was adopted to ensure accurate accounting of business practices. Some hail Sarbanes-Oxley as exemplar legislation needed to curb the abuse of corporate dishonesty and misuse of power. Others argue that Sarbanes-Oxley is bad for business, creating far too much governmental oversight than what is needed.

a.Develop a research question and hypothesis, then write a research proposal to test the effect of Sarbanes-Oxley.

b.Write a review article covering the breadth and depth of Sarbanes-Oxley*****s effect on business ethics.

2.In 2003 the United States Supreme Court's decision in Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger reshaped affirmative action in higher education admissions. Not since the 1978 case of Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, where the court ruled that a school could take race and ethnicity into account (but couldn't use quotas), has there been a ruling on affirmative action in education. The Court decided in the two separate but parallel cases to uphold the University of Michigan's law school affirmative action policy, which favors admission of minorities. But in a 6-3 vote, the justices struck down the affirmative action policy for undergraduate admissions, which awards 20 points for blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans on an admission rating scale.

a.Develop a research question and hypothesis, then write a research proposal to test the effect of these cases on business.

b.Write a review article covering the breadth and depth of Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger impact on affirmative action in business.

3.The Pew Hispanic Center estimated in March 2005 that the illegal alien population in California was 2.4 million in 2004. The impact on business, public schools, criminal justice system, and health care has been enormous.

a.Develop a research question and hypothesis, then write a research proposal to test the effect of illegal aliens on California*****s health care hospital system.

b.Write a review article covering the breadth and depth of the impact of illegal aliens on California*****s health care hospital system.

p.s. Does ***** also do PowerPoint slides? Thanks for your help.

Best Regards,

R. Hughes

How to Reference "Effect of Illegal Aliens on California's Healthcare System" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Effect of Illegal Aliens on California's Healthcare System.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/illegal-aliens-california-healthcare/78643. Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Effect of Illegal Aliens on California's Healthcare System (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/illegal-aliens-california-healthcare/78643
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Effect of Illegal Aliens on California's Healthcare System. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/illegal-aliens-california-healthcare/78643 [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Effect of Illegal Aliens on California's Healthcare System” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/illegal-aliens-california-healthcare/78643.
”Effect of Illegal Aliens on California's Healthcare System” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/illegal-aliens-california-healthcare/78643.
[1] ”Effect of Illegal Aliens on California's Healthcare System”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/illegal-aliens-california-healthcare/78643. [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Effect of Illegal Aliens on California's Healthcare System [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/illegal-aliens-california-healthcare/78643
1. Effect of Illegal Aliens on California's Healthcare System. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/illegal-aliens-california-healthcare/78643. Published 2007. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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