Term Paper on "Hydrothermal Vents: A New Way to Monitor"

Term Paper 8 pages (2749 words) Sources: 1+

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Hydrothermal Vents: A New Way to Monitor the Earth's Core

Deep sea-thermal vents are an important part of life on our planet. These unique areas of the ocean provide an oasis for life on the sea floor that are supported by thermal and chemical processes situated deep in the earth's interior. It is thought that life on earth may have begun in one of these life giving deposits of biological activity. The following will explore hydrothermal vents and their contribution to the many biological beings that make these extreme conditions their home. It will support the thesis that by examining their reactions to continuously changing conditions in their environment we can gain clues as to changes that are occurring in the Earth's core.

What Are Hydrothermal Vents?

Hydrothermal vents are found in some of the deepest places in the ocean, far beyond the reach of normal submarines or divers. The closest analogy is to geysers on land. A hydrothermal vent is nothing more than a geyser that occurs on the ocean floor. It occurs when two oceanic plates pull apart and the erupting lava spews out onto the sea floor, creating a volcano-like structure. As hot fluid Flows into the very cold water it cools down quickly. The cold minerals settle around the vent opening and create chimney formation. Some of these chimneys can be quite tall, as high as 6 kilometers in some places (ONR 2006).

For the most part, the ocean floor is a sparsely inhabited area of the planet. However, hydrothermal vents are teeming with life. Hydrothermal vents are home to some extremely fascinating creatures to such as tube worms, giant clams, eyeless shrimp and spider crabs (ON
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R 2006). Cold seeps are other areas that are similar to hydrothermal vents, but the waters in them are closer to the temperature of the surrounding waters. Cold seeps support a similar array of life. Life around these geothermal fountains is dependent upon the chemicals in the surrounding water. The most common chemicals in the water include hydrogen sulfide, methane, iron, manganese, and silica (ONR 2006). This creates an extremely harsh environment to support life.

Hydrothermal vents are typically only active for one or two years. However, during their brief lifespan they support an abundance of life. There are nearly 300 species that live around these fleeting habitats (ONR 2006). These creatures live in a world of darkness as sunlight cannot penetrate to these depths. Plants at these depths do not depend on photosynthesis as the basis of the food chain. Chemosynthesis is the basis of life around vent areas. This food chain is similar to terrestrial food chains where larger animals prey on smaller ones. The most simplistic life form, and consequently the bottom of the food chain, is chemosynthetic bacteria. Larger animals eat the bacteria and the bacteria continue to live inside of their body. Some animals, such as tube worms, do not have a mouth or a digestive tract. They depend on the bacteria that live inside their bodies to provide nutrients directly to the organism's tissues (ONR 2006).

What Can Life in the Vents Tell Us?

Water spewing from hydrothermal vents can reach 750 " F. In some areas (ONR 2006). The water does not boil because pressures on the ocean floor are too great to prevent it. Rising pressure increases the boiling point of water. Deep ocean water is often only a few degrees above freezing. This makes for an environment of many contrasts and extremes. Life in this area of the world is a life of extremes and microhabitats. Vents are classified into black smokers, and white smokers. Black smokers are the hottest of the hydrothermal vents. They spew iron and sulfide, which combine to form iron monosulfide (ONR 2006). This compound is what gives a black smoker its black color. White smokers are much cooler and often contain barium, calcium, and silicon, which account for the white color. The Pacific Ocean tends to house more black smokers. The Atlantic is often associated with steep-sided white smoker chimneys (Kelley, Karson, and Blackman 2001).

Understanding the mechanisms that drives hydrothermal vents can give us many clues, not only about the creatures that live there, but about the geologic processes that drive them. Hydrothermal vents occur as hot, acidic hydrothermal fluids mix with cold; Alkaline oxygenated seawater (Reysenbach 2006). This basic oxidation-reduction action causes a number of minerals to precipitate and form porous sulphide/sulphate deposits. The fluid PH around actively vending sulfide structures is generally below 4.5 (Reysenbach 2006). Some vents may be more acidic than others.

It has been found that the chemical conditions around the vent not only depend on geologic process, but that the chemosynthetic creatures that surround them may also play an important role in the environment that exists. It has been discovered that a thermoacidophilic creature plays an important role iron and sulphur cycling around the vent (Reysenbach 2006). Each event represents a unique biologic system. This research changes the way we think about the interaction between the environment and creatures. It appears that this relationship is much more interdependent than we first thought. We typically think of biology as being entirely at the mercy of the environment, but this research demonstrates that the environment may be dependent on biology as well.

Studying the return of life to hydrothermal vents of the Galapagos rift allowed scientists to study firsthand re-speciation of the vents. Using Atlantis II they were able to witness and record the ecological succession at a vent that had experienced a cataclysmic destruction of life (Lutz, Shank, and Evans 2001). Life at vents is often anaerobic (Kelley, Karson, and Blackman 2001). These first life forms were not dependent upon solar energy for their survival. Being able to observe the beginnings of life gives scientists a better perspective on how life may have begun on the planet.

Primary species found near the vents are tube worms, muscles, and shrimp. Mercury levels in species taken from different vents show various levels (Martins, et al., 2001). Studying levels of certain chemicals found in the bodies of these creatures can give us important clues as to the processes that drive each vent field. Muscles from around hydrothermal vents areas show higher concentrations of total mercury when compared to species from adjacent unpolluted coastal sites. However, shrimp from the same areas show lower levels of mercury. Species for the study were collected from vents near Asia and from nearby coastal areas (Martins, et al., 2001). This indicates that chemical concentrations in the animal's are not only a factor of how much is in their environment, but is also reflective of processes that the animals have to process out these chemicals. The ability to process certain chemicals around the vents could have a dramatic effect on the environment around the vent.

Life in an Alien World

Life at the vents is dynamic and constantly changing. From one small area to the next conditions can change dramatically. Yet, a number of simple creatures have learned to carve out their existence in the microhabitats around vents. The diversity of life around the vents is surprising, with nearly 300 species identified thus far (Herring 2006). The number and types of species found around hydrothermal vents give us clues as to the chemical constituents and processes that take place in and around them. One process that has allowed creatures to survive in what would be inhospitable to other creatures is the development of symbiotic relationships. These relationships help fill the gaps where one species could not survive because it lacked something that it needed to live in that particular area. Many times, if the creature cannot produce the chemicals or the processes that it needs, it will enlist the help of another sea creature to provide what it is missing. Both animals get something that they need to survive. One of the more common symbioses to develop is between invertebrates such as tube worms and chemosynthetic bacteria (Dechaine and Cavanaugh 2006). The development of symbiotic creatures is known as co-speciation. This means that in order for these creatures to develop both of them had to evolve simultaneously.

A considerable amount of academic energy has been spent classifying the flora and fauna of hydrothermal vents communities. A majority of academic research found in journals has to do with the classification of various hydrothermal vent communities. Classifying species from this unique environment can be complicated because the lines between plant and animal are not as clearly distinguishable as with terrestrial species. Tarasov and associates (2005) divided hydrothermal vents into deep and shallow water environments. They found that plant species change drastically when one approaches 200 meters in depth. Deep-sea valley communities are different than surface communities. They can be distinguished by their lack of diatoms and algae mats (Tarasov et al. 2005). Algae require light to form. There is also a significant decrease in the phytoplankton population. At this break in depth one begins to see large sulfide structures that are… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Hydrothermal Vents: A New Way to Monitor" Assignment:

This paper needs to be in Times New Roman 12 point font double spaced with 1 inch margins (8 full pages). A Works Cited page needs to follow with 10 references singlespaced. 5 references need to come from scientific journals. The other 5 need to come from advanced textbooks and review journals such as Discover, Nova, and Scientific American. These three are considered review journals NOT scientific journals. I understand that your professional *****s will know what scientific journals are. NO Wikipedia or other online sources. These are not allowed on this paper.

The following is a copy of our outline for citing. I'm sure this is basic but there is a section discussing how to cite within the paper which is a little different from regular papers.

PART 1. What to cite

Some examples of what to cite…(this is certainly not exhaustive)

when you are describing an experiment or results.

when an author came up with an idea

when an author has a particularly good explanation that you use

when you quote an author (rarely necessary)

when you paraphrase an author—this is much better than quoting

when you are piecing together what others have done

When not to cite…(this is not exhaustive either)

when you are describing your own conclusions, but perhaps you are making conclusions based on cited results (see above)—this is your own thinking. If you cite someone else in these cases, you are improperly taking credit away from yourself!

when what you are discussing is common knowledge in biology (organisms are made of cells, there are 4 types of biological molecules, etc)—information found in most introductory textbooks.

note that if you read something with a citation in it, you are reading one author’s interpretation of the original. Therefore, you do not cite the original, but you cite what you read. If you want to cite the original, read it and make your own interpretations. If they are the same as the second author’s, you might need to cite both sources.

Quotations, Paraphrases, and Others’ Ideas or Works

These are essentially the three things that you must cite in Biology. Other’s Ideas or Works means what it seems to mean. If you get an idea about something from a textbook, paper, website or elsewhere besides your own head, you need to cite that source. This includes figures and tables that you might reproduce in a paper or presentation.

Most people are familiar with Quotations and Paraphrases. A quotation is the exact words of another author, whereas a paraphrase could be described as a quotation that has been rewritten. Quotations must be noted with quotation marks and they must be cited immediately after the quoted material.

How much is a quotation? Exactly how much material constitutes a quotation varies. Usually 3-4 words is not a quotation unless it is a unique turn of phrase that the original author created. A clause is likely to be a quotation, and a sentence or more is definitely a quotation. There are gray areas, of course, but it is best to avoid them.

What are paraphrases? Rather than quoting material from another author, it is best to think about what the author has said and reproduce it in your own words. This is called a paraphrase. For example, the original author might write:

The shifting-balance model of evolution has been misused by many scientists. Rather than using it as a testable hypothesis within evolutionary biology, they use it as a proven axiom against which all other theories of evolution are tested. (made-up statement by DPJ)

You might like the ideas expressed above. You could write it entirely as is, in which case it is a quotation. However, it is better to paraphrase it, meaning that you should write what it means in your own words. For example, one might say as a paraphrase:

Many biologists mistakenly regard the shifting-balance model of evolution as though it has been proven, rather than as an hypothesis that should be tested.

How do I decide to quote or paraphrase?

The short answer is to paraphrase whenever possible, and avoid quotations unless they are absolutely necessary.

In general, *****s are tempted two quote for two different reasons. One is good, and the other is not. The good reason to quote is when the original words and phrases, in addition to the thoughts, are extremely important to the *****s’ argument. This is perfectly acceptable, but it is a relatively rare occurrence.

The second reason that people quote is because they don’t have the ability to say what the original author said in their own words. This is a pretty poor reason to quote, but unfortunately, it is also why many people do quote. This is a lazy reason to quote, and it is unacceptable. When confronted by *****, a students will commonly claim that “the author said exactly what I thought,” or “she summed up everything I was thinking,” or that “this was the only way to say it.” What the ***** hear is “I really don’t know exactly what the author was saying, so I couldn’t put it into my own words.” Some students will be tempted to write a paper that has several quotes strung together to make a point. If you do this, you are not really writing a paper, but instead you are making a list of what other people think on a subject. Although you are putting thought into creating this list, it is not necessarily the type of thought that your professor had in mind when making the assignment.

So, again… avoid quotations whenever possible!

Part 2: How to cite

Although there are precise formats for citing sources (MLA, for example), it is most important that you give credit to the cited material and tell the reader how to find that material than that you follow exact conventions. In fact, some of your ***** may not require a specific format as long as you have done the above and it is reasonably easy to find your sources. In other courses, it is necessary to follow a format.


The citation formats below are commonly used in Biological writing, and you should use them in your biology papers unless told otherwise by your professor. They vary based on the type of source (most are journals, books, or compiled books). You should find these formats used in many of the journal articles you read in biology, but they are not universal, since each journal has its own peculiarities.

In the text of your paper. Cite at the end of an idea from someone else by telling the last names of the authors and the date of the publication. The following examples are quotations taken from Hahn and Sytsma (1999), with notes below in italics.

Climatic factors have also been implicated as a causal basis for some of the biogeographic lines as several of the lines straddle transitions from one climatic zone to another (Morley 1988).

Notes: 1. no comma between the author’s name and the date.

2. no page number, even if the source is a book. .

Among these lines, perhaps the most famous is Wallace’s Line (Wallace 1863, 1876; Simpson 1977; Witmore 1981, 1987).

Notes: You can have multiple citations for one idea. Separate the authors by semicolons. A comma separates multiple citations by the same author. If an author has more than one publication in a year, make one a, one b, etc. (Steele 1998b), and continue to use this format throughout the paper and in the bibliography .

Palms are well represented in the flora of Southeast Asia and several genera of palms span Wallace’s Line (Dransfield 1981, 1987; Baker et al. 1998)

note: If there are two authors, write (Jensen and Gensel 1997); if there are three or more authors, use et al. (Latin for ‘and others’). “Et” is a word—no period after; “al.” is an abbreviation—period after. All the authors are listed in the bibliography

Huxley (1868) presented yet another line that was similar to Wallace’s 1863 line, but ran to the west of the Phillipines.

note: You can cite the author (Huxley) directly as a person who did something, rather than just his or her idea.

Citing quotations. A quotation is when you take the actual words of the original author and place them into your paper. If you quote a phrase in the context of a sentence, you need to put quotation marks (“ ”) around the quoted words to show that they are not yours “This is the form for short quotations in your paper. They should be part of your text” (authors’ names, date, pages). If the quotation is long (generally more than two typed lines long), it should be indented, single-spaced, and not placed in quotation marks.

Long quote Long quote Long quote Long quote Long quote Long quote Long quote Long quote Long quote Long quote Long quote Long quote Long quote Long quote Long quote Long quote Long quote Long quote Long quote Long quote Long quote Long quote Long quote Long quote Long quote. (author’s name, date, pages)

If you quote, be sure you write all the words exactly as the original author, including errors. If you want to drop out part of the quote, use an ellipsis to note the break: “Charles Darwin argued that natural selection…and that it was one of the most important ideas in biology” (made-up quote by DPJ). If there is an error in the quotation, you are not allowed to correct it, but you may note that it was not yours. You do so by using the Latin “[sic]” to note it, as follows in this made-up quote: “The people dispersed, and went to they’re [sic] own rooms.” “Sic” means “crazy”, and is used disparagingly. If you like the original author, don’t point out her flaws.


Citing communications with individuals. Often you will find material from a lecture or discussion with a professor that is related to your paper, and you want to cite it. If the material is general knowledge, there is no need to cite. If it is specialized, it may be found in your textbook, and you can cite the textbook. If on the other hand, it is something that the professor thinks and is not in the books, you can cite the communication with her. It would be as (Chen, pers. comm.), which means it was part of a personal communication with Dr. Chen.

Citing Tables and Figures. These are part of experimental lab reports, but they could be in other papers, as well. When you have these, they are not part of the text, but rather they stand alone, so you need to have a citation within your text to them. Charts are called Tables, and they are generally cited as “Table I,” “Table II,” etc. Graphs, histograms, diagrams, and pictures are all called Figures. They are cited as “Fig. 1,” “Fig. 2,” etc. Of course, these are not in your Literature Cited section.

If you take or modify a figure or a table from a journal source, then your text cites it as Fig. 1, Table I, whichever is appropriate, and you should have a citation to the original source after the title of the figure or table. The original source is then listed in your Literature Cited section.

Part 3. Literature Cited Section/Bibliography

Literature Cited vs. Bibliography vs. Annotated Bibliography. These are all different things, but similar. A Bibliography is a list of sources on a particular topic, whereas a Literature Cited section is only those sources that are cited in a paper. For example, you may read 35 sources as you write a paper. Your Bibliography would be all 35 sources. However, if you only cite 12 of them in the paper, your Literature Cited section contains those 12 sources, and no more. Sometimes people will make a bibliography and then they will add 1-4 sentences about each source telling its use, its main points, etc. This is called an Annotated Bibliography.

Most Biology papers should include only a Literature Cited section.

The methods of writing a reference vary depending on the source. Here are some of the formats you are to use, depending on the sources. When you find something different, first try to create something that is consistent with what is listed below. Then ask your professor if you have done it correctly. Keep in mind that the main purpose is to be sure the readers can find the original source of your material.

Journals: These are the most important sources in science writing.

Hahn, W.J. and K.J. Sytsma. 1999. Molecular systematics and biogeography of the Southeast Asian genus Caryota (Palmae). Systematic Botany 24:558-580.

notes: There is a ½-inch hanging indent. The reference is single-spaced (with a double-space between this and the next reference.

Author’s first and middle names are just initials. Keep the authors in the order as in the article—this is important. Only the lead author (first author) has his name and initials reversed

ALL of the authors are listed here, even though you cited it as “et al.” in the text.

There are periods separating the important parts: authors, date, title, journal (and another at the end of the citation).

Only the first word and proper words are capitalized in the article title.

Scientific (species) and generic names are in italics (but the family is not). Do not underline, computers make italics easy!

The journal is not italicized, abbreviated, or underlined.

This is volume 24, pages 558-580. Do not use “vol” and “pp” in your bibliography.

Because this journal, as most, does not begin with page 1 in each issue, but with each volume (one volume=several issues), the volume number is sufficient. In the rare case that issue number is important, it would be written as follows: Systematic Botany 24(4):558-580.

The page numbers go to the end of the article that you have listed, not just the part in which you found the information.

Authored Books: There are two types of books. Authored books are written entirely by the author(s) on the cover. Compiled books have authors of individual chapters, but those chapters are put together by several editors, who are scientists themselves.

Graham, L.E. 1993. Origin of Land Plants. John Wiley & Sons: New York. 287pp.

notes: The title is not in italics. The publisher and publisher’s locality is listed. Often the publisher will list several localities, you may choose whichever is closest to you geographically. If it’s not a big, well-known city, be sure to put state or country, also.

List the number of pages in the entire book.

Graham, L.E. 1993. Chapter 5. Gaps between charophycean algae and land plants. In Origin of Land Plants. John Wiley & Sons: New York. 115-145.

note: This is a chapter citation in an authored book. Page numbers are important here.

Compiled Books: Do not cite the book, cite the individual chapters.

Benton, M.J. 1996. On the non-prevalence of competitive replacement in the evolution of tetrapods. In D. Jablonski, D.H. Erwin, and J.H. Lipps, eds. Evolutionary Paleobiology. University of Chicago Press:Chicago. 185-210.

note: Page numbers are just the page number of the chapter.

Web-pages. You are advised to not use web-pages as citations. They do not have the same control for quality that printed materials do, so you must take them with a grain of salt and be critical of their information.

Personal Communications.

Chen, N. Personal communication1. Molecular Biology Lecture. Date.

Chen, N. Personal communication2. Private Discussion. Date.

Arrange your references in the bibliography alphabetically. If the author published alone, in conjunction with someone else, or with a variety of people, put single-authored publications first, then follow alphabetically by subsequent authors. When one author or group of authors has several papers, put the oldest ones first. Be sure to write out all the names of ‘et al.’ authors in the reference. These references are in proper order:

Gensel 1998

Gensel 1999

Gensel and Andrews 1982a

Gensel and Andrews 1982b

Gensel, Andrews, and Jensen 1999

Gensel, Jensen, and Hueber 1926.

Jensen, Gensel, and Hueber 1920.

Entries in the Literature Cited section are single-spaced, not double-spaced, and there should be a blank line between each pair of entries.



Hahn, W.J. and K.J. Sytsma. 1999. Molecular systematics and biogeography of the Southeast Asian genus Caryota (Palmae). Systematic Botany 24:558-580.

How to Reference "Hydrothermal Vents: A New Way to Monitor" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Hydrothermal Vents: A New Way to Monitor.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2006, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/hydrothermal-vents-new-way/47670. Accessed 2 Jul 2024.

Hydrothermal Vents: A New Way to Monitor (2006). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/hydrothermal-vents-new-way/47670
A1-TermPaper.com. (2006). Hydrothermal Vents: A New Way to Monitor. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/hydrothermal-vents-new-way/47670 [Accessed 2 Jul, 2024].
”Hydrothermal Vents: A New Way to Monitor” 2006. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/hydrothermal-vents-new-way/47670.
”Hydrothermal Vents: A New Way to Monitor” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/hydrothermal-vents-new-way/47670.
[1] ”Hydrothermal Vents: A New Way to Monitor”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2006. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/hydrothermal-vents-new-way/47670. [Accessed: 2-Jul-2024].
1. Hydrothermal Vents: A New Way to Monitor [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2006 [cited 2 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/hydrothermal-vents-new-way/47670
1. Hydrothermal Vents: A New Way to Monitor. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/hydrothermal-vents-new-way/47670. Published 2006. Accessed July 2, 2024.

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