Article Critique on "Humor Stress and Cognitive Appraisals"

Article Critique 5 pages (1416 words) Sources: 1

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Humor, Stress, Cognitive Appraisals

There have been a number of scientific studies that seem to buttress the argument that "laughter is the best medicine." Humor seems to activate the brain's reward centers, producing a number of neurochemicals that flood the brain. In addition, humor seems to have a relative effect upon cognition, the ability to handle stress, and an individual's sense of self when faced with new or extraordinary stimuli.

Type of Article -- The article under review, Coping Humour, Stress, and Cognitive Appraisals (1993), is an investigative study that describes the relationships between humor and the way the mind cognitively deals with stressful events using humor as a mitigating or coping mechanism.

Major Underlying Theories

Humor contributes to the Mind/Body Balance -- Easies pain and anxiety, reduces stress, allows students to concentrate on curriculum and tasks as opposed to worrying about performance.

Humor maximizes brain power -- Advertising proves that 60 seconds of humor will result in a message that is retained; why not switch the ad message to the academic message.

Humor enhances creativity -- Creativity is the ability of the brain to bring together diverse ideas and generate new ways of looking at old things. The creative process flourishes when individuals are put into the mind set of divergent thinking and allowing humor to diminish anxiety.

Humor facilitates communication -- Tennse situations are alleviated, humor generates trust, humor allows for an approach that says, "I am just like you."

Humor supports t
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he Change Process- While the brain craves order and familiar patterns, there are many times in public school that change occurs. Most of us experience unexpected change, which sometimes handicapps us. Change is good, laughter and tears are closely related; using emotion to help drive change affects numerous regions of the brain at the same time, fostering growth.

Hypothesis -- The authors believe that humor is particularly valuable as a coping mechanism when humans are faced with stressful situations. This hypothesis is based on past literature reviews and the supposition that humor actually evolved within the human species as a way to cope with cognitive and social stressors.

Method -- Research involved 44 female university students who participated in all three phrases of the study. The subjects were all enrolled in an introductory psychology course at a predominantly female college. They were all volunteers, mean age of 19, with a range of 18-30. Each participant filled out three self-report measures:

CHS -- The Coping Humor Scale is a 7 item scale that provides a measure of the degree that individuals maintain a sense of humor in stressful situations -- or how they use humor to cope with stress.

WCS -- The Ways of Coping Scale is a 67 item self-report inventory that focuses on the 8 major domains of coping strategies humans typically use.

PSS -- The Perceived Stress Scale is a 14 item measure that looks at cognitive and emotional aspects in relation to global stress levels -- focusing on the ways the individual's life can be unpredictable, uncontrollable and overwhelming.

The participants were all tested during three time periods: 1) one week prior to the course midterm; 2) immediately post-exam; and 3) one week later. By the final assessment, individuals had received their exam score.

Findings -- Previous studies have shown strong correlation between humor and stress; witness the dark humor of those in highly stressful careers (pathology, law enforcement, morticians, etc.). However, of particular relevance in this research is the actual proven relationship between cognitive function and coping mechanisms with humor. Individuals with a higher sense of humor have a stronger sense of self, they are able to perform better on tests, they are able to discriminate cognitively to a greater degree and their recovery and ability to perform in stressful situations is far greater than those with lower thresholds. These same individuals make initial cognitive appraisals about potential stressors in a more positive manner -- one that allows for solutions rather than impotence.

Validity -- Prior to the exam, scores on the CHS were not significantly correlated with the individual's expected marks or other judgments. Regression analysis indicated that the higher the individual's humor threshold, the less stress they felt about their performance on exams. Once the performance was known… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Humor Stress and Cognitive Appraisals" Assignment:

Article Critique


Background -

The purpose of this assignment is for students to develop *****˜disciplinary specific literacy*****. Students will need to demonstrate an understanding of the different kinds of articles and reports used to report psychological research. In addition, students will need to demonstrate an ability to engage critically with the content of the articles, using knowledge of psychology and research methods.

What you need to do - Students are required to select one of the articles (see below).

Allen, R.S., Hilgeman, M.M., Ege, M.A., Schuster, J.L., &

Burgio, L.D. (2008). Legacy Activities as Interventions

Approaching End of Life. Journal of Palliative Care, 11 (7),



Kuiper, N.A., *****, R.A., Olinger, J.L. (1993). Coping

Humour, Stress, and Cognitive Appraisals. Canadian Journal

of Behavioural Science, 25 (1), 81-96.

Students are required to prepare paragraph responses* to the following questions.

1. What type of article is this?

2. Identify the major theory/or theories underpinning this research.

3. Did the researchers have any hypotheses? If so, please specify.

4. Provide a brief summary of the method used in this study (e.g, participants, measures, procedure and design).

5. Without referring to specific statistical terms, provide a brief description of the main findings reported within the Results section of the report.

6. Are the Author*****s claims, as presented in the discussion, valid; that is, are claims made on the basis of the *****˜actual findings*****?

7. Describe the extent to which support for the theory or theories underpinning the research was evident from the findings in this study.

8. What limitations of the study did the researchers specify and are these adequate? For example, are there additional limitations to this study?

9. What implications, if any, does this study have for the *****˜real world*****?

10. Briefly describe how you would address limitations when conducting future research.


This critique is worth 35% of your final mark for this unit. Marks will be awarded on the

basis of accuracy of the content of answers, including evidence of critical engagement with

the article chosen. Additional marks will be allocated on the basis of presentation (e.g.,

referencing, paragraph structure, grammar,spelling).


The following marks (shown in parenthesis) will be awarded for content correctness in response to each of the following questions:

1. What type of article is this? (1)

2. Identify the major theory/or theories underpinning this research. (3)

3. Did the researchers have any hypotheses? If so, please specify. (2)

4. Provide a brief summary of the method used in this study (e.g, participants, measures, procedure and experimental design). (3)

5. Without referring to specific statistical terms, provide a brief description of main findings reported within the Results section of the report. (3)

6. Are the Author*****s claims, as presented in the discussion, valid (i.e., are they valid on the basis of the *****˜actual findings*****?). (3)

7. Describe the extent to which support for the theory or theories underpinning the research was evident from the findings in this study. (3)


The following questions will be marked according to the extent to which students demonstrate adequate engagement and critical analysis of the article.

8. What limitations of the study did the researchers specify and are these adequate. For example, are there additional limitations to this study? (4)

9. What implications, if any, does this study have for the *****˜real world*****?(4)

10. Briefly describe how you would address limitations when conducting future research.(4)


Other marks will be awarded for referencing, paragraph structure and presentation (grammar and spelling).

- Referencing using APA Style (2)

- Paragraph structure, grammar and spelling (3)

Marks will be deducted for:

- 3.5 marks will be deducted for assignments that are excessively over or under the word limit prescribed (i.e., greater than 10%).

- Late submission (5% per day including Saturdays and Sundays). That is, after 7 days no marks will be available.


How to Reference "Humor Stress and Cognitive Appraisals" Article Critique in a Bibliography

Humor Stress and Cognitive Appraisals.”, 2012, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Humor Stress and Cognitive Appraisals (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Humor Stress and Cognitive Appraisals. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Humor Stress and Cognitive Appraisals” 2012.
”Humor Stress and Cognitive Appraisals”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Humor Stress and Cognitive Appraisals”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Humor Stress and Cognitive Appraisals [Internet]. 2012 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Humor Stress and Cognitive Appraisals. Published 2012. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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