Case Study on "Humanistic Theory in, Julie"

Case Study 6 pages (2134 words) Sources: 1

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Humanistic Theory

In case study, Julie is being affected by a host of different social problems that are helping contribute to her overall levels of anxiety. According to the humanistic theory, the basic challenges that are facing Julie have not been addressed. This means, that certain elements must be taken into consideration, in order for her to have a complete understanding of herself (as a person). The most notable include: her issues of intimacy, trouble getting along with others and a sense of frustration she will constantly feel. This is important, because it shows how some of her basic needs have been met such as: physiological and safety. Yet, when you move beyond these issues, the requirements of having complete self-awareness have not been addressed to include: love / belonging, self-esteem and self-actualization. This helps to provide a greater understanding of Julie's symptoms, by identifying specific issues and factors that could be contributing to her depression. ("Humanistic Theory," 2010)

To help Julie create lasting change, the mental health professional would work with her, to figure out what will make her truly happy in life. One way to do this would be to begin, having Julie discuss her goals and what she wants out of life. This is important, because opening an effective line communication can help to provide a greater understanding, as to how these different needs can be addressed. Once this takes place, it will allow the therapist to create change by understanding Julie better. For example, a trained therapist could be discussing why Julie wanted to become a teacher and the passion that she would have for education. This is important, because it will he
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lp create foundation for change. As you are directing the conversation towards what Julie wants out life. In many ways, one could argue that this is the key to effectively understanding the issues surrounding the client.

To foster change, the therapist must redirect the overall conversation towards the underlying needs that Julie may have. During the session this would take place, with a discussion about the distance that she feels in her relationships and how the lack of love / belonging is contributing to her sense of anger as well as detachment. As this more than likely, is a stumbling block that is having ripple effects on her underlying amounts of self-esteem and self-actualization.

The different techniques that would be used include: positive unconditional regard and away point. Positive unconditional regard is when the therapist is building a relationship with the client, helping to establish a foundation of trust. ("Positive Unconditional Regard," 2010) Away point is when you are directing the conversation away from the challenges that the client is facing. Instead, it is being redirected into areas that are more positive and beneficial for the individual. ("Away Point," 2010) in the case of Julie, these two techniques are being used to establish a change in her overall state of mind. This is important, because she is more likely suffering from feelings of anger and depression. When you are redirecting the conversation, it is helping to make her feel better and more empowered.

Once this takes place, you would then use reframing to change the person's thought patterns. This is when you are helping them to translate the underlying events in a different way. In Julie's situation, this could be used to redirect her thoughts about the underlying meanings of the past. At which point, you can begin to give her alterative thoughts that are more empowering, as the underling meaning of the events have been changed. ("Reframimg," 2010) This is important, because one could look at the events that took place in Julie's past and argue that the overall meanings that she is trying to them, are making her current situation worse. As the underlying levels of frustration and anger that she is feeling are affecting her love life as well as her relationships with coworkers.

When you apply these techniques to the Humanistic approach, they will address intimacy / belonging issues that Julie is wrestling with. As the problems that she had in the past are contributing, to the situation that she is currently facing. If you redirect and reframe the emotional intensity, this could help Julie to begin to feel a sense of belonging along with love. At which point, she would have increased amounts of self-esteem and can truly begin to experience self-actualization.

To understand that change that is occurring; requires ensuring that each of the different issues affecting the patient on every level is being addressed. As far as Julie is concerned, her situation necessitates tackling the underlying intimacy issues that she has with her family. This is problematic, because it would allow her to feel left out (which only increased once she moved to the U.S.). For example, if you look at her family relationship, it is obvious that it is strained. As she feels that nothing she will do is good enough for her parents, while they overlook the same issues facing her brother. When you are addressing the underlying emotions and anger that are associated with this relationship, it is helping to change the thought process. This is tackling the levels of intimacy, by allowing Julie to feel that she has a friend. At which point, she can begin to implement these changes into her life. Over the course of time, this will help Julie to not feel as emotionally rejected from her family (through changing her thoughts and emotions). At which point, she will begin to feel better about her situation and will start to develop stronger relationships. This will have a ripple effect upon her family relationship. As she will be able to take charge of her own emotions, by not allowing issues that have affected her in the past to become a problem. When you put these different elements together, this will help everyone to understand how change is occurring, by seeing a transformation in Julie's underlying mental attitude. Once this occurs, it will have positive ripple effects upon the all other areas of her life. As addressing the different intimacy issues are the root cause of all her social problems. ("Humanistic Theory," 2010) as a result, understanding this change will be obvious, with the improvement in Julie's attitude that is being observed by the mental health professional.

The Alderian Theory

The Alderian theory helps us to understand the symptoms that are affecting someone, by examining if an individual feels that they are capable and appreciated. This is important, because when someone is feeling these emotions, is the point that they will begin to act in empowering ways. Those individuals, who feel that these emotions are not being addressed, will begin to act in an unproductive state (contributing to their underlying problems). At the same time, mental health professionals are concerned about the feelings of inferiority towards others and how they are relevant to the experiences of the past. Once this takes place, it will provide insights as to the personal thoughts affecting the patient and how these events would help to shape these views. In the case of Julie, she is being affected by: a lack of intimacy, feelings of not belonging at an early age and deep sense of resentment towards her family, According Adler, these different emotions that she is experiencing are tied directly to: incidents that would take place in her childhood and how these events would have an effect on future relations that she would have with family members. ("Theory and Application of Adlerian Psychology," 2007) When you put these different elements together, this provides, an effective way of understanding the development of Julie' symptoms. As it is creating a map of how the negative thoughts began to take place early on in her life. This would help contribute to the strained relationships that she would experience with: her family, friends and colleagues. As a result, one could easily argue that the combination of these events would help to change Julie's thought process and the underling emotions tied to them. This would have a direct impact upon her personality and all future relationships that she would have in her life.

To help create change, as the therapist would have to encourage the patient to begin talking about how the events of the past would shape who they are in future. During this conversation, they would discuss with the patient, the emotions that are tied to traumatic events and other issues that are causing these feelings of resentment. This is a process called understanding the unity of individual. The main objective is to examine how these events could have an impact upon the behavior of the individual in the future. ("Theory and Application of Adlerian Psychology," 2007) in Julie's situation the mental health professional, would want to understand how: the emotions from coming to U.S. At an early age and her strained relationship with family / friends would help her to feel like she is an outsider.… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Humanistic Theory in, Julie" Assignment:

Case study using Psychoanalytic and Humanistic theory. For each theory has to be 3 pages. I*****'ll be attaching case story about Asian American woman.This story will be used in both theory. How this theory would understand the development of a person*****'s symptoms? What causes the pathology? What would the therapist do with this person to try to help create change? How change is fostered? What techniques are going to be used? How you understand change occurring? Bellow is an example of incorporating theories into case:

- Ex.., Freud: based on his symptoms of smoking, it is indication of oral fixation. According to psycho sexual stages of development...According to Freud*****'s psychoanalysis, change occurs through insight. People learn about these unconscious processes and when they become conscious, people have more control over their ability to make choices. -How would I foster that? I would try to make myself like a blank screen, so the client can project the inter dynamics into the therapist through the process of transference, help interpret this transference, use dream analysis....

-Use the critical thinking, synthesize what ever says about this theory with the information you have about this client.

-Total 6 pages *****

How to Reference "Humanistic Theory in, Julie" Case Study in a Bibliography

Humanistic Theory in, Julie.”, 2010, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Humanistic Theory in, Julie (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Humanistic Theory in, Julie. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Humanistic Theory in, Julie” 2010.
”Humanistic Theory in, Julie”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Humanistic Theory in, Julie”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Humanistic Theory in, Julie [Internet]. 2010 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Humanistic Theory in, Julie. Published 2010. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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