Term Paper on "Human Services Sociology"

Term Paper 4 pages (1146 words) Sources: 3 Style: APA

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Human Services Sociology

The Sociology of Human Services Management

The management of human resources in a support services setting has some additional complications that might not be encountered in other industries and settings. In addition to maintaining the values of the organization and the quality of service that is provided, managers at an organization or office that offers services to the support of needy individuals and families in the community must also usually contend with budget constraints and staffing shortages, leading to different considerations of employment and handling personnel difficulties, with an eye towards the greatest benefit that can be provided to the community and the clients that the organization/office serves. This is made clear in the following case studies.

Case Study #1: Tom Martin

The fact that the current complaint about Mr. Martin's unwanted romantic/sexual advances towards his client is the third time such an incident has been reported -- even though none of the incidents were substantiated -- means that direct and immediate action must take place. The frequency of Mr. martin's alleged conduct would certainly qualify under the legal definition of sexual harassment, and indeed any romantic relationship could be considered inappropriate due to the nature of the work relationship that exists between a counselor and his clients (DOT 2009). The authoritative position of the counselor in the counselor/client relationship, as well as the instabilities that the client might be facing, make the development of a romantic relationship an almost de facto abuse of power, just as would any position of autho
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rity in a work environment (DOT 2009).

As these issues have arisen before, it is likely that Mr. Martin would feel somewhat defensive about the allegations raised in the interview. For this reason, the subject must be broached very carefully; it is very often the case that someone guilty of sexual harassment does not believe that their actions were either illegal or created discomfort, and the interview must progress with this understanding (DOT 2009). It will be necessary for Mr. Martin to fully disclose his actions and intentions -- he has already admitted to an attraction -- and the sacrosanct boundary between counselor and client must be addressed. Given the severity of the issue and its repetition, Mr. Martin would be considered for release, and subjected to a lengthy period of probation and education at the very least.

Case Study #2: Janice Wellington

Ms. Wellington's case demonstrates a lack of confidence brought on by a lack of experience, for the most part. It not only makes common sense but has also been empirically proven that workers, especially those who provide mental health services in one form or another, engage much more easily and effectively with individuals to whom they can relate (Stuhlmiller et al. 2003). Furthermore, it has been shown that education efforts focused at providing a greater understanding and familiarity with a wider array of difficult-to-relate-to patients yields huge results in improving the care provided (Stuhlmiller et al. 2003). Ms. Wellington would benefit from such education, which would boost her confidence in dealing with adults and most likely lead to fewer distractions -- letting the mind wander from issues it doesn't want to deal with -- meaning her paperwork would be more complete.

During the interview, care must be taken not to further reduce MS. Wellington's confidence. Confidence is a major factor in competence in such settings, and effective and sincere praise from the interviewer and from clients… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Human Services Sociology" Assignment:

I will send you a paper that I had to do at the beginning of class. My professor said I needed to have more of my references in my paper. Other then that this is the way she wants it done.

Determine which recommendation and strategies for each staff Case Study situation:

1) *****˜Reinforce*****, which may include additional supervisory support, staff development, and increased responsibilities; 2) *****˜Refer*****, which may include additional supervisory support and monitoring, re-training, a corrective plan of assistance, and/or a referral for outside assistance; or 3) *****˜Release*****, which may include legal and ethical considerations, instituting a corrective plan of assistance, possible probation, or termination. Include which of these actions you would recommend for each of the cases and why.

Describe some of the communication and interviewing skills that would be important in each of these situations. What issues and dynamics are present? What self-disclosure will be necessary to elicit from the staff person, and what boundary issues need to be addressed? What behaviors need to be discussed, assessed, and changed? What goal setting, contracting, and evaluation needs to occur? What ending and transition issues are present in each of these case studies?

Write a 4-7 page APA format paper that would hypothetically provide a rationale and explanation for your decisions based on your readings and other information and address any of the seven tasks of endings and transitions found on pages 282-289 of the text that are relevant to your decision for each case. Include at least three citations other then the text to support your conclusions.

POST ASSIGNMENT TO THE Individual forum.

Appendix A (Scenario #1) Use for: Week 5, Due Day 6 (Sunday): Human Service Manager Exercise Paper *****˜Reinforce, Refer, Release*****

Family Support Services Center

Staff Member: Tom *****

1. Demographics

a. Age: 32

b. Gender: Male

c. Marital Status: Divorced

d. Race/ethnicity: Caucasian

e. Years with Agency: 4

2. Staff Member History and Current Assessment

a. Employed as an individual counselor for adult clients.

b. Considered an adequate but not outstanding counselor.

c. Two previous client complaints that could not be substantiated.

d. A review of Tom*****s previous case files shows four female clients who terminated counseling with no explanation.

e. Female client of Tom has informed supervisor that he had made inappropriate sexual comments, bought her presents, had one out-of-office *****˜date*****, and implied that he could help get custody of her children back from protective service with a favorable treatment report.

f. Tom initially denied these accusations when they were presented to him but does admit that he is attracted to client.

Recommendation: _____________________


Appendix A (Scenario #2)

Family Support Services Center

Staff Member: Janice Wellington

1. Demographics

a. Age: 28

b. Gender: Female

c. Marital Status: Single

d. Race/ethnicity: Hispanic

e. Years with Agency: 2

2. Staff Member History and Current Assessment

a. Employed as a child and family counselor.

b. Displays good therapeutic skills.

c. Client records indicate that she is well liked by her clients.

d. Client case logs are not always complete or submitted in a timely way.

e. Janice states that she does not feel confident and knowledgeable with some of the situations she is exposed to.

f. She further states that she is more comfortable working with children than with the entire family during counseling sessions.

Recommendation: ______________________


Appendix A (Scenario #3)

Family Support Services Center

Staff Member: Michael Thompson

1. Demographics

a. Age: 44

b. Gender: Male

c. Marital Status: Married

d. Race/ethnicity: African American

e. Yeas with Agency: 16

2. Problem Presented/History of Problems and Assessment

a. Currently employed as a substance abuse counselor.

b. Recovering addict with 18 years of sobriety.

c. States that he is under a lot of stress at home and concerning financial obligations.

d. Has a good work record except for periods of repeated absence from work and periods of depression.

e. Has stated recently to co-workers that he is not sure he can relate to client*****s addiction issues as well as he has in the past.

f. Staff concern and suspicion that Michael may have suffered a relapse or is contemplating drug use.

g. The agency has an Employee Assistance Program and Policy.

Tomorrow is my last day of class. Didn't read my syllabus right. Didn't realize I had to do this paper. Thank you in ADVANCE. *****

How to Reference "Human Services Sociology" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Human Services Sociology.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2010, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/human-services-sociology/23698. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Human Services Sociology (2010). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/human-services-sociology/23698
A1-TermPaper.com. (2010). Human Services Sociology. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/human-services-sociology/23698 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Human Services Sociology” 2010. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/human-services-sociology/23698.
”Human Services Sociology” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/human-services-sociology/23698.
[1] ”Human Services Sociology”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2010. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/human-services-sociology/23698. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Human Services Sociology [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/human-services-sociology/23698
1. Human Services Sociology. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/human-services-sociology/23698. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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