Case Study on "Human Resources Outline"

Case Study 10 pages (3252 words) Sources: 7

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Human Resources

Outline what is human resource planning (HRP) and outline the three key steps in the process of human resource planning. What are the benefits of HRP for organizations?

Human Resource Planning is the practice of getting the correct number of people who have the right skills, knowledge, and talent in the right jobs at the precise time. This very simplistic definition involves a wide-ranging procedure that gives managers a structure with which to make staffing decisions that are supported by the organization's mission, budgetary resources and strategic plan. It allows an organization to define a set of desired workforce competencies upon which they can build (Building Successful Organizations Workforce Planning in HHS, 2001).

Many organizations have devised models that can be used for workforce planning. Looking past the variations that there are in language, the procedures are all very much the same. All of them tend to depend on an examination of current personnel abilities and identification of capabilities that will be needed in the future. This is done by matching up the current workers with future requirements in order to identify ability gaps as well as surpluses. This allows the organization to prepare devices for structuring the workforce that will be needed in the future and evaluating the processes that will assure that the workforce fitness model remains suitable and that the objectives are being met. This overall process is simple to summarize but not always so easy to carry out. It relies on a thorough and comprehensive look at the organization's work and workforce taking into account its strategic direction (Building Success
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ful Organizations Workforce Planning in HHS, 2001).

Human Resource Planning necessitates that there be a strong leadership in management. There must be a clearly articulated vision and mission along with visibly defined strategic objectives. There must be cooperative supportive efforts on the parts of the staff across all of the many different areas. Human resources, strategic planning and budget planning are all key forces that go into Human Resource Planning. Strategic plans are designed to lay out the organizations course and express goals and objectives that can be measured. The budget procedure sets funding objectives so that an organization can attain these objectives. The area of Human Resources supplies the tools that can be used for spotting skills that are needed in the workforce. These tools can also be used for developing, training and recruiting employees in order to build the labor force of the future (Building Successful Organizations Workforce Planning in HHS, 2001).

The focus of Human Resource Planning is on the demand for labor or the number of people that is needed by the organization and labor supply which is the number of qualified people that are available to the organization. HR planning involves acquisition or the entry of people into the organization, the development of people skills and the exit of people from the organization. Effective HR planning is critical to an organization's success because it matches the organization and it HR objectives with the people that it has and needs (Stone, 2009, p. 53).

The purpose of HR planning is to make sure that a predetermined number of people with the appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities will be available in the future when the organization needs them. HR planning systematically identifies what must be done to guarantee the availability of the human resources that are required by an organization to meet its strategic business objectives. The three key steps that are used in order to do this are analysis, action and outcome. In the analysis step managers review the organization's objectives and strategies to determine what jobs need to be done and by whom. In the action step, managers decide action plans to match people with jobs in terms of numbers, abilities, knowledge, skills and qualifications. During the outcome step the goals is to have the correct people in the right place, doing the right job, at the right point in time (Stone, 2009, p.54).

2. With reference to the case study, and to formulate an HRP plan for the organization, what further information would you need to know about: (a) the existing staff and student body; and (b) future students? What other information would you need to gather about University College and its new School of Business?

The further information that one would need to know about existing staff and student body would include the trends of both schools in regards to the number of students that have attended in the past along with the number of faculty that was needed during those trends. One would also need to know exactly what positions already exist at each school to make sure that there will not be any duplicates once the merger is complete. The number of expected future students for each school would also need to be known. There would furthermore be a need to look at the internal supply of labor in order to see if the right people that will be needed already work for one of the schools. In addition an observance of the cultures in both schools would need to be done in order to anticipate any issues with the mixing of these once the merger is complete. There would be a need to look closely at the School of Business in order to determine what needs that program is going to have and if there will be a need for any new programs or systems to be developed.

The area of training will also have to be looked at. With the merger of two schools there is always the possibility that there will be personnel that will be lacking in information that will be needed in order to make a combined program successful. Whether it is processes and policies or specifics in this case that are unique to the School of Business, everyone will be to be on the same page in order to achieve success. If there are current training programs available they will need to be looked at to see if they will continue to be needed or whether an entirely new program will need to be developed (Training Needs Assessment, n.d.).

If the following areas are looked at it can be determined if there are training or development needs that may have to be addressed in a merger. There may be a need for the expansion of employee or management skills in order to fill existing needs. These may be such things as reductions in placements, new employees, new supervisors, reassignments, managerial competency assessments, trainee or intern training plans and promotions. Employee associations and organizational troubles such as production problems, performance problems, safety problems and inspection shortages should be looked at. There may be a need to meet changing needs in the areas of innovative technology, upgrading of equipment, new equipment or programs, mission changes and laws and regulations. Career progress that encompasses employees' desires along with career improvement plans should also be looked at (Training Needs Assessment, n.d.).

3. How would you estimate the internal supply of academic staff in each department?

There are several methods that can be used to estimate the internal supply of academic staff. These techniques include: skill inventories, replacement charts, succession planning, turnover analysis and Markov analysis. A skill inventory gathers basic information on all employees within an organization and helps to identify qualified employees for different jobs. It also helps to determine which skills are present or lacking within the organization. It assesses longer-term recruitment, selection, and training along with development requirements (Stone, 2009, p.63).

The replacement chart is primarily used with technical, professional and managerial employees. Skills inventories are the source of data that is used to create these charts. The information that is included is name, age, present position, performance rating, experience and an indication of the potential for promotion. These charts summarize all this information in a pictorial form so that managers can easily identify both the present and potential replacements for given positions (Stone, 2009, p.65).

Succession planning is done around filling key professional and management vacancies. It highlights the development of high potential employees and takes a long-term view of an organization's HR needs. It is a key driver for management commitment to human resource development and performance management. It includes the information that is on replacement charts but expands on this to include additional information regarding current performance, along with promotion potential and developmental needs and long-term growth potential (Stone, 2009, p.65).

A turnover analysis of why people leave an organization is essential in order to obtain meaningful information that can be used to plan for the future. Exit interviews give management information on the reasons as to why employees leave. Labor turnover rates from past years are used as the best sources of information about the future. The amount of turnover for each job classification and department should also be calculated because turnover can vary dramatically among various work functions and departments (Stone, 2009, p.69).

Markov analysis is… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Human Resources Outline" Assignment:

Assignment 1

Weight: 50%

Length: 3000 words

Read the case study on the *****"New School of Business ***** University College*****" at the end of reading 1.1 by Stone (2009) and answer the following questions:


Outline what is human resource planning (HRP) and outline the three key steps in the process of human resource planning. What are the benefits of HRP for organisations?


With reference to the case study, and to formulate an HRP plan for the organization, what further information would you need to know about: (a) the existing staff and student body; and (b) future students? What other information would you need to gather about University College and its new School of Business?


How would you estimate the internal supply of academic staff in each department?


How would you predict the number of academic staff that will be needed?


Identify the various stakeholders involved and list their major interests?


What HRM problems could be expected to arise in this merger? As HR consultant to University College, what would you recommend (and do) to prevent or overcome such problems? PDAS313 *****

How to Reference "Human Resources Outline" Case Study in a Bibliography

Human Resources Outline.”, 2010, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Human Resources Outline (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Human Resources Outline. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Human Resources Outline” 2010.
”Human Resources Outline”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Human Resources Outline”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Human Resources Outline [Internet]. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Human Resources Outline. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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