Essay on "Human Resource Development Program"

Essay 10 pages (2751 words) Sources: 12

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Human Resources

HRD Development Program

Pathways is a Human Resource Development (HRD) that will be evaluated in this work. This program is structured to help employees to widen their personal as well as their organizational skills, understanding, and aptitudes. Human Resource Development is made up of things such as employee instruction, employee vocation advancement, performance administration, key employee identification, progression planning, tuition reimbursement, coaching, and mentoring along with organization improvement. Human Resource Development can be very formal such as in classroom education, a college class, or an organizational designed change effort. Human Resource Development can take a casual form such as employee coaching by a manager. Many companies often believe in the process of Human Resource Development and work hard to build programs that develop their employees (Heathfield, 2010).

A wide-ranging development plan should include training and development actions in at least three different functions. The first area is that of technical training which is intended to advance an employee's technical knowledge in their precise job. An example of this is what an employee does on a job. The second area is that of common professional improvement. This highlights the development and growth of skills and talents that contribute to how a person's job is performed. This includes such things as cooperation, customer service, diversity, management, and effective communication. The third area is that of professional development activities. This help to develop professional knowledge and endorse an environment that supports continued learning an
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d development. Examples of this would include organization contributions, ongoing education that adds to maintaining ones certifications or increasing professional development in a specific area of knowledge (Development Plans for Administrative Positions, 2008).

Program objectives

The center of all features of Human Resource Development should be on increasing the knowledge of as many of the employees as possible so that the company and each employee can attain their work goals (Heathfield, 2010). A good HRD plan should include a written viewpoint that clearly says that successful human resource development can progress performance among employees. Examples can include changing behavior, producing results or increasing productivity. The workings of an HRD philosophy should contain an appraisal of the employees and an explanation of what each employee needs in order to add to their own growth. It also needs to contain a complete statement of the importance of HRD to the organization and its potential growth and development. There needs to be a position statement that delineates the HRD staff view of the training and learning process and the instructional strategies that will be used. The last thing that should be included is a statement on the association of the HRD program to the overall organization along with key decision makers and stakeholders (Strategies for Designing and HRD Program, n.d.).

Performing an effective training program requires using a variety of techniques. The objectives of this program will be to look at what need exists for training and career development. Training and development will be designed so that the identified needs are met. There will be an evaluation of the effectiveness of the training programs, along with the use of computer systems. Other objectives will include describing how a person's life cycle effects the context of career growth, discussion of the process of adult learning, description of the individual, family, and community implications of work, description of the values of diversity, description of the main beliefs of group behavior, including the role of teams within the workplace and philosophies of fostering teamwork, description of the ideologies of effective interpersonal communication and explanation of how the HRD function is beneficial to an organization, description of techniques of quantitative and qualitative analysis and description values of organizational growth and change (Human Resource Development, n.d.).

Benefits of Program

Human resource development often has multiple effects on both the employee and the organization. Some of these include work settings being altered, attitudes improving, behavior changing and financial benefits accruing. These programs often focus on individuals and their work surroundings. Resources are often given to create structural alterations in the nature of employee's job, work tasks and supervision. This creates a more challenging and motivating work setting. The results of an HRD program can be evaluated using customary psychological and social gauges. There can be advances in the working environment that can also be reviewed using observations. More often than not these social things are measured using attitude surveys (Mirvis and Macy, n.d.).

HRD can also have financial effects on an organization. An employee's performance may be conceptualized as a judgment making process. Employees often make choices about coming to work or not and choices about how they will perform once they are there. Research has shown that employees are more likely to show up for work, rather than be absent or quit, if they have job satisfaction. They are likely produce more effort and better embrace new working techniques if they think they will be rewarded for their efforts. Therefore, as HRD programs change working surroundings and sway employee's opinion of their jobs and their satisfaction, they should also have some consequence on employee's decisions with regard to job related performance. The changes in absenteeism, turnover, accidents, and performance, are thought to affect the operating efficiency of the company. This is just one way that illustrates how a good HRD program can have an effect on a company's financial goals (Mirvis and Macy, n.d.).

Training Methods

There are thought to be two different areas that that have had influence on the theory and practice of HRD, these are Economics and Psychology. In Economics, workers are often looked at as human capital and are valued on the basis of their experience, aptitudes and talents. The value of human resources is usually measured by psychological tests, capability ratings, and assessments that are based on speculations of psychological aptitude. The human capital structure often overlooks the fact that skills and abilities of employees create the worth of human capital and any increase in this value would add to the productivity and bottom line of a company (Kandalgaonkar, n.d.).

Another theory of the Human Capital view of HRD is the way in which wage gaps, assignment, promotion and rewards are given out based on competition. It gives value to the additional output of human resources in regards to HRD investment. The Human capital model does not specifically delve into the quandary of why some employees increase certain abilities in terms of job skills because of on-the-job training while others do not. This model is also unspoken on how employees in fact learn on the job and expand their skills and work related abilities. The HRD model is very useful in determining the amount of knowledge, expertise and capabilities that a person has but it fails to make clear employee growth in regards to work circumstances. In most work places and organizations it is seen as a balanced cost-effective entity that operates in the context of ideal opposition. In economics theory it is often believed that all employees have the same access to information and other resources that could be used for progress (Kandalgaonkar, n.d.).

HRD within organizations is often swayed by economics and HRD managers are often too caught up with tools and techniques that they do not give a good look at the theoretical hypothesis that is behind HRD tools and practice. This HRD program was designed in order to take all of these things into consideration (Kandalgaonkar, n.d.).

The Pathways program will provide skill evaluation services, skill training, and career development analysis to anyone who needs it. The following areas will be addressed in the program.


1. Self appraisal

2. Employment examination

3. Academic guidance

Evaluation of a student's substance knowledge, educational history and learning inclinations helps an instructor make better choices about what a student requires to learn and how to choose and instructional approaches that will encourage and reinforce learning. Assessment for the learner offers a tool that they can use to look at themselves objectively before putting into place career and educational goals. When a person can figure out what they want, who they are, what they have to offer, and what they have to learn, they are better able to find the right place for them in the working world. Assessment will be done using Holland's Self-Directed Search along with written and oral exercises.


1. Self-Respect

2. Self Encouragement

3. Motivation

Mounting a positive self-concept is a significant element for achieving personal victory. The aptitude to accept oneself as an individual, altering, flawed, and emergent person allows one to have the ability to become familiar with their possibilities as well see their limits. Throughout this training program partakers will be trained to focus on healthy insights, hopefulness, creative options, and optimistic outlooks. The hope is that everyone will learn to reorganize their attitudes and behaviors and become more open to new things.

Employability Skills

1. Career-Educational Exploration

2. Goal Setting

The workplace is always changing and growing and as this happens, the… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Human Resource Development Program" Assignment:

Plan, design, deliver, and evaluate an original training or HRD development program that you might use in an organization.

Your assignment should include the following:


Title and brief description of the program;


Program objectives;


Discussion on how the program may benefit employees and the organization;


Training methods or HRD practices to be used, and a rationale (justification) for using them, based on HRD theory;


A training outline and a tentative list and description of training materials needed (where relevant);


An evaluation plan (including both short-term and long-term evaluation, where appropriate *****

How to Reference "Human Resource Development Program" Essay in a Bibliography

Human Resource Development Program.”, 2010, Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

Human Resource Development Program (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Human Resource Development Program. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”Human Resource Development Program” 2010.
”Human Resource Development Program”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Human Resource Development Program”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. Human Resource Development Program [Internet]. 2010 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Human Resource Development Program. Published 2010. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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