Assessment on "HRM Most of What Betty"

Assessment 4 pages (1275 words) Sources: 2

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It took mere minutes for Sue to go over Betty's head. Now because of her poor communications skills, Betty is going to have problems. Furthermore, now she has created a disgruntled employee. She did not handle the letter well. Without letting Sue talk, Betty completely mishandles the letter issue as well. This again is not a positive, because employees cannot be simply forced to sign a final written notice with no evidence and no opportunity to explain themselves. It seems that there is a good chance that something bad is happening in Sue's personal life, especially since these issues have only occurred in the past six months. That Betty does not know anything about this and seems to prefer to be willfully ignorant is again a complete mishandling of the situation. She does not have performance standards, so she is measuring Sue against arbitrary, imaginary standards -- this is also poor practice.

Furthermore, Betty did not talk to Sue about the other incidents she referenced. Then she cites them in the final written warning. That is beyond wrong. Betty cannot retroactively punish somebody for a perceived, uninvestigated and unsubstantiated action. Also, this means Betty did nothing about those incidents at the time. So overall, Betty has done nothing right in this situation.

When looking to evaluate what Betty might have done right, her actions need to be evaluated against best practices. Betty does not appear to be aware of best practices and instead chose to act in a rash, harsh manner that was not based on sound reasoning and evidence. Because she got the most fundamental things wrong in her approach to the problem, nothing she did was right. Even using a written warning w
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as inappropriate under the circumstances, partially because of the lack of evidence and partially because it was a final written warning any such warning would needed to have been preliminary. Betty seemed to be only vaguely aware of the need for a written warning, but had no idea about proper procedure for utilizing this tool.

3. The first important criterion for the corrective action policy is that it works. In this case, the actions of Betty did nothing to correct Sue, and in fact they are more likely to correct Betty. In this case, Betty has no idea what the problem is, what is causing it, and therefore her actions have done nothing to solve it. With no clear action to correct, the approach has no hope of being successful. On this outcome measure, Betty did not succeed at all. Corrective action policy must identify and correct inappropriate behavior, and that is not what happened here. The organization is worse off for Betty's intervention in this situation

The second important criterion for a corrective action policy is that it is based on specific rules. Companies must have specific policies that are being violated by the employee in order for the corrective action to be valid. That is not the case here. Betty was unable to produce any specific policy that Sue had violated, only a vague sense of inappropriate behavior. So by this standard, Betty did not succeed, because there do not appear to be any specific job requirements. Depending on the laws of the state, Betty might be able to dismiss Sue under employment at will, but not if Sue is in a union. If she is, there would be specific things in her collective bargaining agreement that outline how and why she can be disciplined. Where there should be specific formal policies, none were cited here. Betty went entirely off the grid on this one.


Ireland, T. (2011). Possible damage elements in wrongful termination litigation: Back pay, front pay and lost earning capacity. Journal of… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "HRM Most of What Betty" Assignment:

Human resources case study . *****

How to Reference "HRM Most of What Betty" Assessment in a Bibliography

HRM Most of What Betty.”, 2013, Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

HRM Most of What Betty (2013). Retrieved from (2013). HRM Most of What Betty. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”HRM Most of What Betty” 2013.
”HRM Most of What Betty”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”HRM Most of What Betty”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. HRM Most of What Betty [Internet]. 2013 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from:
1. HRM Most of What Betty. Published 2013. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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