Essay on "Human Resource Management & Workplace Romance"

Essay 6 pages (1960 words) Sources: 3

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Human Resource Management & Workplace Romance

The quality of the effort that employees put forward in order to achieve the maximum effectiveness and productivity for the company is certainly reflective of their skills, the training they received, their understanding of the company's mission and their dedication to that mission. But the employees' performance on the job is also a reflection of the competency of the human resources component of the company. In large part, the professionals in the human relations department are the drivers that map out the journey (by knowing the policies and laws), start the engine (hire the employees and see to it they are trained), and steer the company through or around whatever hazards lay ahead to the destination / goal.


If the HR professionals stumble, the company falters. That the HR department is pivotal, no one will disagree; but precisely how the HR department administers fairness and justice -- while following ethical considerations, the law, yet trying to be flexible -- is where the rubber meets the road in HRM dynamics. In cases involving romance in the workplace, when it comes down to policy, the HR department can sink or swim and the water is always choppy and deep. Enlightened HR management professionals should not establish policies that ban workplace romance simply because of a fear of litigation resulting from sexual harassment.

Reflective Paper

I have had a love affair with a co-worker on the job and have been disciplined because of that relationship. We tried to keep it a secret, and we both conducted ourselves properly while at work, rarely spe
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aking to one another except for reasons of our duties. I don't think my supervisor or the company president really knew, or understood, the rules or how to handle this situation, and as a result I was transferred to another department and told that I could not date the person I had fallen in love with. I was shocked that the company could tell me what I could or could not do on my own time. That is one of the reasons this course has been interesting and informative for me, and my reflective ideas are based in part on that unpleasant experience. When you mix love with employment, many unexpected feelings and actions can result.

In fact, this course has opened my eyes, from an academic perspective, as to the many aspects -- some legal, some company policy-based -- that are important to the operations of a company. Learning about deeper issues within the HRM genre is fascinating, but sometimes frustrating as well. I will explain further as the paper unfolds.

Federal regulations and labor laws, civil rights and affirmative action guidelines, and safety and health issues are all part of the HR workplace milieu, and the more comprehensive a potential employee's understanding of those important aspects of careers is, the less downtime he or she will spend wondering what happened when the door slams shut -- or never opens to begin with. That said, while it is important that the jobseeker understand the rules of the road, it is far more crucial that the HR department knows those ropes. Indeed, the HR professional has to deal with federal, state and local laws and ordinances that relate to fairness in hiring practices and workplace supervision -- and one or two clumsy mistakes, or one key blunder because a company policy was overlooked, and serious ramifications could result for the HR employee and the company as well. The pressure on HR directors is enormous

As HR / career commentator / consultant / brand expert and author Susan Strayer explains, on any given day the HR employee relations professional might be having a heart to heart with a disgruntled employee that has been singled out from his unit and placed on an employee improvement plan. In the afternoon that same employee relations person from HR is huddled with a woman who has recently broken up with her boyfriend, another employee of the company, and she is uncomfortable being in the same department. Is she being treated fairly? Is the ex-boyfriend harassing her? Is the company policy that forbids employee dating unfair? Is it illegal to attempt to ban dating among employees? What part does the union play?

One of the principal goals of an HR professional is "zero lawsuits," Strayer explains (Strayer, 2005, p.115). Resolving issues at the "ground level before they escalate" is vital for the HR staff person assigned to employee relations. In this course the responsibilities of the employee relations person has been fully vetted, but the issues surrounding romance in the workplace often carry more weight, are often convoluted and confusing, and require handling by heavy hitters from the legal department.

Robert Mathis and John Jackson assert in their book, "…the greatest areas of HR responsibilities are worker compensation and health and wellness programs" (Mathis, et al., 2007, p. 457). Surely the emotional health and social wellness of an employee who has a broken heart is included in that context. The facts are clear though regarding romance in the workplace: over 80% of employees in the U.S. have had "some type of a romantic relationship at work," according to an article in the International Journal of Business Research (Appelbaum, et al., 2007, p. 31). The authors argue that there are reasons for the "increased frequency" of romance in the office or in the factory; one noticeable reason is that more women are entering the workplace, Appelbaum explains on page 32. The U.S. Department of Commerce reports that between the years 1970 and 1980, in executive, administrative and managerial position, the percentage of females jumped from 17% to 38%; in pharmacy the percentages rose from 12% to 24%; and in "operations and systems researchers and analysts" work, the percentage of women went from 11% to 28% (Appelbaum, p. 32).

Add to that the fact that employees are spending more time in the workplace, and it is understandable that romance in the workplace is inevitable. Appelbaum reports on statistics that indicate the average workday for workers aged 25 to 54 (for paid and unpaid work) has increased (between 1986 and 2005) from 8.2 hours to 8.6 hours. Indeed, employees spend "the majority of their waking hours" at work, and hence, the workplace is becoming "a natural dating service" -- a "potential hub for romantic involvement" -- because people "tend to be more attracted to those like themselves" and at work they have repeated exposure to one another, Appelbaum explains on page 32.

There are positives and negatives associated with romance in the workplace. Recent research reveals that romance can have "an enhancing" effect on the quality and quantity of work output. "Maintaining an appropriate distance while feeling attracted to one another" can result in the kind of stimulation that "increases productivity" (Appelbaum, p. 33). One research project revealed that 17% of males and 15% of females surveyed reported increases in productivity, Appelbaum continues. On the other hand, "boss-subordinate" relationships ("hierarchical" relationships) tend to "impede the productivity of participants and their peers" (Appelbaum, p. 33).

My Opinion -- My Reflections

Meantime, a ban on workplace dating seems first of all unfair and antisocial and secondly it seems to be impossible to enforce. I agree with C. Boyd that dating bans are not so much directed toward the protection of female employees, but rather they are instituted to protect employers from liability claims that result from sexual harassment. It is an "employer self-interest vs. employee rights issue" (Boyd, 2010, p. 325). Naturally a company wants to protect itself against embarrassing public relations gaffs, against litigation of any kind, and companies are quite right to wish to keep peace among their stakeholders, including employees. Boyd takes ample time in his scholarly article to point out all the justifications for companies having rules regarding workplace dating. Most of them seem logical and legal on the surface. He also explains why some scholars believe banning dating should not necessarily be viewed as a hideously antisocial rule. The employer's "legitimate business interests in maintaining a peaceful and productive work environment and avoiding liability outweigh an employee's right to privacy," Boyd explains on page 329.

The radical other side of that argument for tight restrictions on employee dating was expressed by successful author and editor Helen Gurley Brown, who, Boyd explains, "…went so far as to advocate that female office workers should actively seek sexual relations in the workplace," in particular if a female worker sees relations to be in her own "best interests" (Boyd, p. 331). In this case I think Brown was referring not to "sex" in the workplace per se, but rather romantic attractions from one gender to another gender.

The more you research this issue, the more interesting the arguments become, and the more diversity in opinion you discover. On page 332, I agree wholeheartedly with Boyd's points about the frequent use of sexual harassment training by companies. Many companies (that is a vague generalization but… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Human Resource Management and Workplace Romance" Assignment:

The purpose of the Reflective Paper is for you to culminate the learning achieved in the course by describing your understanding and application of knowledge in the field of human resource management.

Focus of the Reflective Paper

The primary function of human resource management is to increase the effectiveness and contribution of employees in the attainment of organizational goals and objectives. Consider all the areas of HRM that have been discussed in class:

EEO and Affirmative Action,

Human resources planning, recruitment, and selection,

Human resources development,

Compensation and benefits,

Safety and Health, and

Employee and labor relations.

Submit a Reflective Paper in which you explain how these aspects work together to perform that primary function. Are any aspects more important than the others? Why or why not? How do you believe the HRM role can be optimized for shaping organizational and employee behavior?

The Reflective Paper must: (a) identify the main issues in the chosen area, (b) demonstrate new learning that has occurred, (c) include class activities or incidents that facilitated learning and understanding, (d) identify specific current and/or future applications and relevance to your workplace, and (e) reflect the potential impact to your future career plans or even in your personal life at home. The emphasis of the Reflective Paper should be on parts *****'d*****' and *****'e,*****' and on the application of new learning. Explore, in depth, the benefits of the new learning and understanding that has taken place.

Writing the Reflective Paper

The Reflective Paper:

Must be seven double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in your approved style guide.

Must include a cover page that includes:

Student*****'s name

Course name and number

Name of paper

Instructor*****'s name

Date submitted

Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.

Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.

Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.

Must use APA style as outlined in your approved style guide to document all sources.

Must include, on the final page, a Reference List that is completed according to APA style as outlined in your approved style guide.

How to Reference "Human Resource Management and Workplace Romance" Essay in a Bibliography

Human Resource Management and Workplace Romance.”, 2011, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Human Resource Management and Workplace Romance (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Human Resource Management and Workplace Romance. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Human Resource Management and Workplace Romance” 2011.
”Human Resource Management and Workplace Romance”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Human Resource Management and Workplace Romance”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Human Resource Management and Workplace Romance [Internet]. 2011 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Human Resource Management and Workplace Romance. Published 2011. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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