Essay on "Human Resource Management and Development"

Essay 6 pages (2157 words) Sources: 2

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Human Resource Management and Development

Most organizations need a professional HR department that seeks the best for both the employees and management. What does an organization need to do to ensure an effective HR department? What can the HR department do to ensure its effectiveness? And what role do employees play in helping to achieve this goal?

In order to generate worth and bring about outcomes, HR experts must not just center on the employment behavior or effort of HR but by setting down the expectations of that labor. The position of Human Resources in building an aggressive business include administration of strategic human assets, organization of renovation and alter, administration of firm infrastructure, and supervision of employee assistance. HR experts have main roles in making sure that an organization is successful. They have to be strategic company associates, associates, innovators and facilitators (Ramlall, 2003).

The Human Resource Departments chief purpose is to manage people. The HR division enhances the organization through recruitment events. HR departments also make certain that members of staff pursue a general course by regularly clarifying and repeating the organization's objectives. All these tasks contribute towards organizational success. Nonetheless, there are some negative features of HR. It has to tolerate the burden of responsibility if an employee performs inadequately. Development of this role can be done by putting together training for staff members, arranging activities for the organization and altering organizational culture (Bhagria, 2010).

Another feature of making an HR department succe
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ssful is that of the individual employee. Employees must be prepared to learn and do their jobs to the best of their capacity. They must be open to feedback, whether it is negative or positive. They must be willing to come to work on time and dedicate 100% of their effort into doing the best job that they can. This cooperation with the HR department will ensure that everyone is successful in the end when then leads to the company as a whole being successful as well.


Bhagria, Amit. (2010). Roles And Functions Of The Human Resource Department. Retreived September 21, 2010, from Young HR Manager Web site:

Ramlall, Sunil J. (2003). Measuring Human Resource management's effectiveness in improving performance. Retrieved September 21, 2010, from All Business Web site:

2. There are a number of changes occurring in the staffing process for both organizations and individuals. One change is the growing use of the Internet to facilitate matching employers with potential employees. Take a look for some of these web sites. What opportunities and problems do you see in using the Internet to facilitate the staffing process?

Utilizing the Internet in order to help in the course of recognizing, meeting with, and employing candidate's can be cost efficient, produce appropriate candidate choices and decrease the quantity of time that human resource personnel have to put in carrying out the administrative responsibilities that are involved in hiring. Additionally, this technology adds to enhanced contentment of present workers by recognizing individuals who are mainly entitled for promotion. The utilization of Internet technology can have a direct, constructive force on companies staffing procedures by reorganizing the recognition, meeting and employing procedures for applicants. This technology, which is identified as e-recruitment technology, facilitates human resource employees to utilize their time effectively by streamlining these procedures and presenting the needed information for facilitating proper employment choices (Marzulli, 2002).

E-recruitment knowledge presents the benefit of rapid recognition and employment of suitable applicants, which is predominantly significant given the lack of applicants for some particular jobs. Misplaced occasions to employ an appropriate new person because of an extensive and burdensome interviewing practice is exasperating and costly. Outlay for e-recruitment knowledge also expresses to possible and present employees that the company is contemporary and forward thinking (Marzulli, 2002).

A problem that can be seen in utilizing e-recruitment technology is the initial cost that is involved in setting it up. This added extra cost is something that each company must look at in order to decide if investment in this is right for them.


Marzulli, Tony. (2002). Using Internet technology to streamline healthcare recruiting. Retreived September 22, 2010, from All Business Web site:

3. Much has been written about "fair" compensation. However, there is not a consensus on what is "fair" -- how it's defined and how it should be determined. How should we define "fair" compensation? What tests/procedures would you recommend to an organization to determine whether the ways in which they compensate employees is "fair"? Why?

There's no question that fair payment is significant in regards to employee job contentment. Yet, payment can be difficult to decide, particularly when money is scarce. Talking about the issue with employees can be very complicated. Unenthusiastic workers can radically influence efficiency, turnover, and the excellence of production. Staff earnings, retirement contributions, and payroll taxes can correspond to upwards of 25% of a company's total expense. Although staff payment is an important expense a company might be enticed to cut these when funds are tight (Tumblin, 2010). This is exactly opposite of what should be done. Employees should be fairly compensated for the work that they do, regardless of the state that the economy is in. A fair compensation should be determined based upon the job being done and the abilities that are required in order to do that job.

Employers must be practical in identifying and eliminating pay disproportions in order to be successful. It is imperative for a company to analyze their pay data. This will help them to recognize problem areas that require further examination, such as pay disparities based on race, age or gender. It is also important to evaluate the amount of judgment that is given to managers when making pay decisions. It's important to decide how much more pay employees with high performance ratings receive and how those pay levels compare to other employees with similar jobs and performance ratings, to make sure that no pay inequities exist. A company should also audit past decision making actions in regards to compensation packages. Employers need to do this in order to determine if there were good reasons why employee salaries were set the way they were (Meisel, 2008).


Tumblin, Denise. (2010). What's fair compensation? Retrieved September 22, 2010, from DVM

360 Web site:

Meisel, Laura. (2008). The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, Part Two: How Companies Can Protect

Themselves. Retrieved September 22, 2010, from HR Tools Web site:

4. You have all probably experienced being the "new" person in an organization or working with new employees. As college students, you experienced being the "new" person when you began studies at College or elsewhere. What helped make the transition easier? What hindered you or others?, what could the organization(s) have done to make the orientation process more effective for you and others? Please note: you can present your experiences without identifying the organization(s) involved.

Transitioning to a new job or into a new setting can be nerve wracking for anyone. Everyone has jitters and fears of failing. The good thing is that there are many things that people and organizations can do in order to make the transition a smoother one. The first thing that one should do is some research on their new employer before they start. If one comprehends more about the organization and how they will fit in, they will have a better idea of what to look forward to. People should work on constructing trusting associations with their new colleagues. They should focus on being themselves. If a person works too hard at trying to impress people, they may come off to others as being less than authentic. One should always be polite and make a point to learn people's names. One should make the most of every opportunity to make new contacts. One shouldn't be afraid to ask questions, especially if one isn't certain about what their responsibilities are (Keefer, 2009).

Successful employee orientation can have a very positive effect. It can make sure that new employees feel at home and are well equipped in their new situations, in turn presenting them the self-confidence and assets in order to make a force within the company, and in the end permitting the company to persist in carrying out its operation. The first day in a new situation has the potential to be embarrassing - from getting lost to not remembering important paperwork, to not understanding the regulations. Transitions are stages of occasions, a possibility to start anew and to make required modifications in a company. They can also be stages of fragile susceptibility, because one lacks recognized working relations and an inclusive concept of ones new role (The 10 Commandments of Employee Onboarding, n.d.).


The 10 Commandments of Employee Onboarding. (n.d.). Retrieved September 22, 2010, from Career Builder Web site:

Keefer, Amber. (2009). How to Make a Smooth Transition to a New Job. Retrieved September

22, 2010, from eHow Web site:

5. You currently are the HR… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Human Resource Management and Development" Assignment:

1. Most organizations need a professional HR department that seeks the best for both the employees and management. This is a particularly thorny issue for organizations -- in part, because most organizations follow a hierarchical structure. Acting as an *****"intermediary*****" requires that the HR department have the ability to act outside the scope of where it may fit in the hierarchy. Based on what we have covered so far in this course and information you have from experience and other coursework, I would like to explore this topic in more depth.

What does an organization need to do to ensure an effective HR department? What can the HR department do to ensure its effectiveness? And what role do employees play in helping to achieve this goal?

Be sure to support your responses with appropriate material from the text, readings and web sites.

2. There are a number of changes occurring in the staffing process for both organizations and individuals. One change is the growing use of the Internet to facilitate matching employers with potential employees. To get a better handle on this change, I would like us to spend some time examining this phenomenon and getting more comfortable with this approach. Take a look for some of these web sites. When you find a new site with a focus on staffing (the site can be specific to a particular organization or aimed at a broader audience) add the information about the site to the Shared References section. Be sure not to duplicate web sites already listed.

What opportunities and problems do you see in using the Internet to facilitate the staffing process?

Be sure to support your analysis with appropriate material from the text, readings and web sites.

3. Much has been written about *****"fair*****" compensation. However, there is not a consensus on what is *****"fair*****" -- how it*****'s defined and how it should be determined. For this discussion, I would like us to consider this issue. How should we define *****"fair*****" compensation? What tests/procedures would you recommend to an organization to determine whether the ways in which they compensate employees is *****"fair*****"? Why?

Be sure to support your analysis with appropriate material from the text, readings and web sites.

4. You have all probably experienced being the *****"new*****" person in an organization or working with new employees. As college students, you experienced being the *****"new*****" person when you began studies at College or elsewhere. What helped make the transition easier? What hindered you or others? , what could the organization(s) have done to make the orientation process more effective for you and others? Please note: you can present your experiences without identifying the organization(s) involved.

Be sure to support your analysis with appropriate material from the text, readings and web sites.

5. You currently are the HR manager of a mid-sized organization which is characterized as somewhat traditional in terms of the role HR is expected to play. In other words, the HR department is currently seen as primarily a staffing function, there to provide advice and fulfill personnel functions. Recently, however, your board of directors has asked you to inform them as to what strategic human resource management is all about and how you see your HR department (and its functions and subsequent activities) transforming to such a new role as a strategic partner. Your company decided to transform the HR role from a traditionalist function to that of a strategic partner in the organization.

Each answer gets its own bibliography. Questions 1-4 are 1 page each and question 5 is 2 pages

How to Reference "Human Resource Management and Development" Essay in a Bibliography

Human Resource Management and Development.”, 2010, Accessed 2 Jul 2024.

Human Resource Management and Development (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Human Resource Management and Development. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jul, 2024].
”Human Resource Management and Development” 2010.
”Human Resource Management and Development”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Human Resource Management and Development”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 2-Jul-2024].
1. Human Resource Management and Development [Internet]. 2010 [cited 2 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Human Resource Management and Development. Published 2010. Accessed July 2, 2024.

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