Essay on "Human Psychology Compare and Contrast the Parental"

Essay 4 pages (1437 words) Sources: 4

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Human Psychology

Compare and contrast the parental and child behaviours commonly attributed to each attachment style in relation to the three attachment styles and the "Strange Situation" scenario.

A large volume of research was conducted during the second half of the 20th century on the different styles of psychological attachment between parents and children. The principal findings of that research suggest that there are three primary psychologically relevant attachment styles typically apparent between infants and their mothers and they are evident in experimental situations such as the classic studies of infant response to strange situations. Securely attached infants explore new situations without their mothers and are pleased to be reunited with them immediately afterwards. Insecurely attached infants exhibit fear and anxiety in new situations without their mothers and their apparent anxiety levels increase rather than decrease on their reunion.

Insecure-Avoidant infants are comparatively unaffected by brief separation and new situations and do not exhibit significant connection with their mothers on reunion (Steele, Steele, & Fonagy, 1996).

Some of the research in this area has been devoted to the relationship between parenting styles and infant attachment styles. In general, sensitivity is the quality of parenting that is most closely associated with secure attachment styles in infants and in children (De Wolff & van Ijzendoorn, 1997). By contrast, insensitivity and inconsistent responses on the part of parents are most closely associated with insecure attachment in infants and children. Furthermore, there are appa
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rently behavioral and biological (i.e. hereditary) components to psychological attachment, as demonstrated by the degree to which parenting style can result in changes in infant behavior in primate studies (De Wolff & van Ijzendoorn, 1997). However, the prospect of precisely defining the degree to which attachment styles are functions of behaviorism or biology are difficult to determine in humans because of the complexity the interrelationships between those factors and the ethical constraints that apply to human research.

Critically discuss this statement: "Personality traits change over the life course of an individual."

It is generally believed that human personality changes significantly as people age. That observation seems most obvious at particular stages or transitions, such as from young adulthood to middle adulthood and from adulthood to old age. Both anecdotal evidence and empirical studies (Roberts & Mroczek, 2008) suggest that many individuals become more socially conscious, more conformist, and more socially and personally responsible as they progress from early adulthood to middle adulthood. Likewise, empirical evidence (Helson, Kwan, John, et al., 2002; Roberts & Mroczek, 2008) strongly suggest that the degree and type of change that individuals experience with aging are substantially attributable to biological traits (i.e. heredity) as well as to the nature and quality of their experiences. More specifically, whereas many individuals become more patient, more flexible, and more socially conscientious in their later years (Helson, Kwan, John, et al., 2002; Roberts & Mroczek, 2008), that is not necessarily true, especially among individuals who have experienced significant trauma or disappointments in their lives (Helson, Kwan, John, et al., 2002).

One aspects of personality change that seems to remain consistent is the degree to which old age is typically associated with a reduction in "social vitality" (Helson, Kwan, John, et al., 2002). Individuals with positive life experiences typically continue participating in close interpersonal relationships but decrease the size of the social circle in which they participate; meanwhile, individuals with negative life experiences typically become more withdrawn, including with respect to their closest social relationships as they age (Helson, Kwan, John, et al., 2002).

Critically discuss and suggest possible reasons for this statement: "Psychological health of sole mothers is commonly poorer than it is for partnered mothers."

Empirical research indicates that single mothers are at significantly greater risk of psychological disorders than married mothers and other mothers within two-parent homes (Loxton, Mooney, & Young, 2006). While there are multiple factors at issue, economic hardship and the increased exposure to multiple psychological stressors without the same access to stable support networks as are typically available in two-parent homes are all significant contributing factors (Brugha, Sharp, & Cooper, 1998; Loxton, Mooney, & Young, 2006).

The empirical findings make perfect sense and seem to comport very closely to anecdotal evidence as well as to common sense. Infancy is widely acknowledged as a tremendously stressful time of life in the lives of… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Human Psychology Compare and Contrast the Parental" Assignment:

Below are four questions. You should regard each question as a mini essay. You are required to answer each question based on previous research. Under each question that needs to be answered, we have provided TWO article relevant to the question. In order to answer each question, you will need BOTH articles to support your argument. This means that you will need to refer to TWO articles for each question that you answer. The answer to each question should be one page 300 words.

Please note that Question one has only one article, you need to find another to support your answer. The rest have 2 articles.

1. There are three main parent-child attachment styles that are demonstrated by the observational experiment called the *****Strange Situation*****. Find a second article and compare and contrast the parental and child behaviours commonly attributed to each attachment style.

Steele, H., Steele, M., & Fonagy, P. (1996). Associations among attachment classifications of mothers, fathers, and their infants. Child Development, 67, 541-555. .

2. Personality traits change over the life course of an individual. Find a second article and critically discuss this statement in your own words.

Roberts, B. W., & Mroczek, D. (2008). Personality trait change in adulthood. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 17, 31-35.

3. Psychological health of sole mothers is commonly poorer than it is for partnered mothers. Find a second article and discuss in your own words, the possible reasons for this phenomenon.

Loxton, D., Mooney, R., & Young, A. F. (2006). The psychological health of sole mothers in Australia. Medical Journal of Australia, 184, 265-268. .

4. Cognitive ability commonly declines in old age. Find a more recent article and discuss the environmental and biological factors that have positive and negative influences on cognitive aging.

Anstey, K. (1999). How important is mental activity in old age? Australian Psychologist, 34, 128-131.


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How to Reference "Human Psychology Compare and Contrast the Parental" Essay in a Bibliography

Human Psychology Compare and Contrast the Parental.”, 2011, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Human Psychology Compare and Contrast the Parental (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Human Psychology Compare and Contrast the Parental. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Human Psychology Compare and Contrast the Parental” 2011.
”Human Psychology Compare and Contrast the Parental”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Human Psychology Compare and Contrast the Parental”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Human Psychology Compare and Contrast the Parental [Internet]. 2011 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Human Psychology Compare and Contrast the Parental. Published 2011. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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