Essay on "Human Resource Management"

Essay 6 pages (1742 words) Sources: 1

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Human Resource Management and the Green Globe Initiative

Do you believe the descriptions given for the generations above are accurate? Please state the evidence that supports your answer.

The descriptions provided for the generations are accurate if somewhat basic. They do reflect a clear connection between the identity and personality of each generation and the cultural context within which each developed. The distinctions between generations are often closely connected with the events of history and the social patterns to which they may be associated. In light of that, it is important to recognize that the descriptions offered by the primary text are pointedly brief and general, and therefore may not fully capture these patterns and connections.

An example might be the generation referred to by the literature as 'traditionalist' in nature. The description captures in little detail the relationship forged between this generation and the broader realities of American culture. For many from this generation, the challenges levied by both the Great Depression and World War II have contributed to a sense of reciprocity with the United States, its government and the notion of institutionalism. In other words, the descriptions detailing an affinity for top-down management and a proclivity not to question authority may be products of a longstanding sense of responsibility to the greater good and a resultant sense of one's needs being addressed. To this generation, traditionalism is based on the view that one has made one's contributions to society and that one therefore can trust to the hands of government that these contributions wi
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ll be repaid. This underscores the sentiment expressed by Kate, who was concerned that the new Green Globe exhibit did not make enough provisions or accommodations for its visitors. Where younger generations viewed the unstructured autonomy of the experience as being of value, Kate reflected the needs of traditionalists by recommending that the museum act with greater managerial intervention where this experience is concerned. Sitting areas reflect this sentiment as much as they reflect a physical need for patrons.

The description of Baby Boomers here is largely accurate as a portrayal of the historical experiences of the generation. However, this notion of questioning authority seems to be largely out-of-step with the shifts that have occurred as Baby Boomers have aged. Indeed, the corporate scandals and causes for cynicism experienced by the Gen Xers have been largely perpetrated by the same Boomers who so aggressively questioned authority during the Civil Rights era. While the descriptions here are therefore only marginally effective in characterizing the two groups, the rift that may exist between the two generations is especially compelling for that reason. Where the Boomers would question authority before assuming and abusing it themselves, the Gen Xers would significantly eschew the social systems supporting this authority.

The description provided of Generation Y seems only partially to capture the generations currently verging on adulthood. For those born after 1980, the importance of information technology and the impact of media saturation cannot be overstated. The expectations and instincts of the current generation are trained for instant gratification, multi-frenetic engagement and a fast-paced way of learning. Therefore, the description seems only to hint at the ways that internet technologies, mobile cellular devices and other information tools have forged a generation that is many degrees removed from the habits and experiences even of the generation immediately before it. In many ways, this is important to recognize because the way that generations are defined is not an isolated consideration but is reflective of the way that the generation relate to one another.

2. Do you believe that the survey results were accurate? Why or why not?

It seems likely to me that the results reported to the survey taken in 2004 were accurate but may not have reflected the depth of a mounting generation gap issue. The article reports that 40% of Human Resource (HR) professionals consulted had observed some level of conflict between employees that could be said to have initiated on the basis of 'generational differences.' The article would go on to report that "in organizations with 500 or more employees, 58% of HR professionals reported conflict between younger and older workers, largely due to differing perceptions of work ethic and work/life balance."

This seems to be reflected in external research as well, which finds that cultural views have changed on how to address this work/life balance on the part of human resource management. Older notions of how to satisfy this need for Traditionalists and Boomers seems to endorse the descriptions held above for the respective generations. Particularly, the tendency to withhold from questioning and to obey authority on the part of the traditionalist may be the inspiration for the traditional modes of inflating employee morale. Today however, it seems apparent that a generation which is capable of accessing work-related email on the go, which has the ability to telecommute and which is highly multi-frenetic must also find ways to protect its privacy.

This is reinforced in the research by Hall & Richter (1989) which remarks that in recent decades, employers have begun to reconsider the implications of the work-family balance. Frequently, in the past, organizations have attempted to redress what they view as the predominance of work-life by creating family functions there within. This would include such practices as company picnics, spousal social clubs and onsite daycare services. However, as Hall & Richer report, organizational theory is causing us to rethink this approach. They indicate that "while many current organizational and personal methods of coping with work/home tensions entail greater integration of the two domains, Hall and Richter find that what employees really need is to have clear boundaries and some degree of separation between their work and home lives." (Hall & Richter, 213)

This suggests that the survey findings reported to in 2004 were largely accurate and denote that the conflicts emergent between older and younger workers centered on fully divergent views on how an employing organization should treat its personnel. This may well have been a viewpoint at the base of resentment and even accusations of laziness or poor work-ethic as may have been volleyed between the generations. The survey is also probably accurate in its resolution that the effects of a generation gap are precipitously rising.

This is most assuredly because the Generation Y population is beginning to reach adulthood and to infiltrate the professional sphere. As a result, the survey finds that 28% of respondents have seen a rise in generation-driven conflict at the work place and that 33% of respondents expect to see yet a greater rise in this over the next few years. This denotes that the older generations are not being confronted with a workforce that has different needs, experiences and expectations than those which came before it. A failure to make accommodations for these changing needs and expectations may have the effect of irreparably damaging morale or interfering with the capacity of personnel to do their jobs effectively at every level. Indeed, this is to suggest that the survey findings are not only likely to be accurate but that a failure to recognize their accuracy will carry long-term negative organizational consequences.

3. If you were a member of the Green Globe Team, how would you structure the team's communications to ensure that project deadlines are met and that the communication methods utilize the strengths and preferences of each team member?

One of the most immediately apparent points of conflict for the Green Globe Team seems to emerge in consideration of the communication differences between the generations. As the counterpoints of Hans and Kate show, these differences are considerable. Moreover, the perspective of each side in this generational difference must be taken seriously. As a representative of Generation X, Hans has come of age in concurrence with the inception of new technologies. He can recall a time before email but has also developed the intuition and skills to use these new technologies adeptly as they come to market. This is the benefit for this Generation of emerging into adulthood simultaneous to the evolution of web and mobile technologies.

But it also leaves such individuals with a limited appreciation both for the value of face-to-face interaction and for the difficulty of technology adoption for those of an older generation. For Kate, at the age of 82 and clearly placed in the traditionalist category, it is difficult to conceive of predominantly using technology to interface with others. This is out of step not just with her experience but with her understanding of how organizations should function and personnel should interact. In a sense that denotes the complexity of this problem, they are both correct. Hans recommends an approach that would streamline and expedite communication; that would bring greater organization to the process; and that conforms with the modes of operations for the business world at large. By contrast, Kate desires to protect important forms of human interaction upon which good HR experiences are based.

This suggests that the cross-generational team dispatched to… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Human Resource Management" Assignment:

I had a final exam . it is due by 3 pm on Dec 7th . I want the ***** to be someone who is professional in human resource management . I want the answers to be 2 pages for every question. There is 3 questions.

it is due by 3 pm on Dec 7th , so please comlete the order by and send it before 11 am on Dec 7th.


How to Reference "Human Resource Management" Essay in a Bibliography

Human Resource Management.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Human Resource Management (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Human Resource Management. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Human Resource Management” 2010.
”Human Resource Management”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Human Resource Management”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Human Resource Management [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Human Resource Management. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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