Corporate Writing on "Formal Human Resource Development Internal Proposal"

Corporate Writing 10 pages (2626 words) Sources: 5 Style: APA

[EXCERPT] . . . .

HRD Report

Transmittal Memo

Biographical Sketch of Employees


Figure 1 Employees Hired from Inside and Outside the Firm

Table 1 Employee Complaints as a function of Employee Biography and Complaint Type

Figure 2 Historical Established Worker Retention Rates

This report has been prepared to address the issue of established employee[footnoteRef:1] retention subsequent to an alarming number of such employees seeking termination in the past month. The findings of this research are that established employees do not believe that employees newly-hired during the recent hiring cycle meet the standards that were established by the company when they were hired. This has led to a decrease in the number of employees qualified to fill certain positions which require experienced employees, and it has diminished the ability of food services to meet their quotas. Reasons for this issue are discussed and recommendations for its amelioration are given. [1: The definition of an "established employee," and all other required definitions, can be found in the Glossary on page 12 of this report.]

Fellow Employee Attitudes and Attrition Rate

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

This is a proposal which details the retention problem that we have been having within certain areas of the company. This proposal will identify the main problem that has been occurring within the company which has caused an inordinate amount of people to leave within the last annual period, and will discuss solutions to t
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he retention issue.

1.2 Problem

1.2.1 Company Growth

During the last two quarters business has grown at a rate that has made it necessary to increase the hiring rate drastically. Although growth in revenue and business is a positive outcome of good business practices, it also causes issues within the company that are more difficult to rectify. Since company business in the food services sector is growing at an ever increasing rate, hiring criteria have necessarily been lowered to meet the demand.

1.2.2 Hiring Practices

The company has recently experienced large growth in food service which has made it necessary to hire people with less discrimination than was previously employed. These hires are people who would normally not have been considered for the positions they are applying for, but since the need has been great, there have been less stringent controls placed on the people who have interviewed for these positions. Within Company Hires

Generally, a position is initially offered within the company to those who wish to apply. This procedure ensures that employees are given the chance to both vary their employment in order to remain engaged and give every qualified person the chance for advancement. Because of the need for more individual workers, this practice has not been able to meet present needs. Hires from Outside the Company

The company generally requires a full background check of all people being hired and there is an extensive interview process. Both the background check and the interview process have been shortened due to the need for a much greater amount of workers.

1.2.3 Employee Attitudes

Managers have noticed that there has been a definite regression in production among the segments (shifts, areas of highest growth) that have hired the greatest number of outside workers. In these sectors, there is an increased amount of complaints from traditional employees regarding the negative attitudes and work habits of those newly hired.

1.2.4 Established Worker Retention

The major issue has been that workers who have been with the company for a greater than one year are leaving at an increased rate. This has been directly attributed to the incidence of complaints regarding the attitudes expressed by the new-hires and the work habits of those new employees. Figure one shows the retention numbers for the past quarter.

Figure 1

2.0 Discussion

2.1 Biographical Sketches of Personnel

2.1.1 Established Line Employees

The average employee, hired prior to the last six months, has been with the company an average of 3.7 years. These employees have had the full battery of training, they have undergone the full background check that has previously been required of all incoming employees, and they have also undergone a battery of interviews to place them in the positions they now occupy. These employees range in age from 26 to 51, in general they have some post-high school education, and, in a questionnaire handed out at a recent training, scored high in company loyalty data. These employees share diversity consistent with the demographics shown in the U.S. Census Bureau chart from Appendix a, except for the fact that there are 57% women and 43% men.

2.1.1 Newly Hired Line Employees

The newly hired employees consist of men and women hired since the increased need was felt in food services approximately six months ago. Since there was an immediate need for these hires, they did not undergo the stricture of pre-employment testing and interviews that was required of all employees prior to this hiring cycle. The new hires did undergo a scaled down background check which made sure that they had a minimal criminal background (this was consistent with the checks conducted previously), but they were not subject to the educational and credit screenings. These employees also match the demographics common to citizens of the U.S. As listed in the Census Bureau data in the Appendix section. These employees range in age from 18 to 32, they have a reported educational range just below that of a high school diploma (some of the employees are drop outs who later obtained a General Equivalency Degree (GED), and one employee never obtained either a GED or high school diploma), and they received median-range scores for company loyalty.

2.2 Analysis

2.2.1 Existing Situation Manning

From the biological data, it should not be assumed that the newly hired employees are of any less present value than the established employees. Manning requires that a certain number of persons be on the floor at any one time. Break and day-off schedules insure that the production lines are properly manned and that the employees are able to enjoy their federally mandated break times. Thus, for manning purposes, the newly hired employees are just as valuable as those who have worked for the company prior to the latest hiring cycle. Teams

Each team of workers is comprised of equal parts experienced employees, who occupy the more complicated parts of the operation (maintenance, machine operator, freezer personnel, etc.), and newly hired employees who primarily occupy the less technical positions (sandwich maker, custodian, etc.). The teams of workers are divided in both occupational responsibilities and levels of supervisory responsibility. Meaning, the lowest level of employee is responsible only for himself or herself, while others (such as the machine operator) may be responsible for up to seven (7) employees including themselves. Complaint Data

The primary issue occurs when the employees are taking breaks (either fifteen "coffee" or "lunch" breaks) together and they are able to talk about the job. From the complaint data taken from Table 1, it is possible to see that established employees are concerned about how the many newly-hired employees are conducting themselves during break periods. The general complaint is that there is a general aura of distrust among the established and the newly-hired employees. The two groups tend to congregate separately, and the tenor of their conversation is different. The newly-hired employees have a tendency to disparage the company during their breaks (see table 1) and they also take longer to return to work, thus holding up the line and making the established employees wait for them.

Table 1

Complaint Issue

Established Employee

New Hire

Poor work Practices



Poor Attitude



Age Issues



Lack of Respect



Percent of complaints related to a particular issue and the employee group making the complaint Actions Taken

There has been some disciplinary action taken when either is deemed egregious by company standards, but, in general, the employees are just disruptive enough that the line is only delayed for a short period of time. However, since it can take up to ten (10) minutes for the line to return to optimal speed, this does cause an additional delay of approximately five (5) minutes each break period. This means that employees are, on average, staying 15 minutes longer than normal. In general, this does not cost the company money because it is guaranteed time, but it does cost in employee morale. Exit Interview Data

Exit interviews conducted with established employees have shown that the primary reason these employees want to leave is because of the degradation in company-wide attitude consequent to the recent hiring cycle. Established employees believe that they are being unfairly treated due to the lax attitude of the newly hired employees, and because of a general negative attitude that has infused the company. Exit interview data suggests that these employees have left because they feel that the company has relaxed its high employment standards because of the increase in business. The employees feel betrayed because they… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Formal Human Resource Development Internal Proposal" Assignment:


I am taking an intro class this semester on the Foundations of Human Resource, and I have a final project which I need your help with. This project will require you to write a formal internal proposal for a hypothetical company you*****'re working at as a human resources professional. You will need to identify a hypothetical performance problem effecting this company, and then report on it to management regarding how human resource development can solve it. You will need to follow the format laid out by professor for an internal proposal (found below), and you will also need to create 4 graphics/tables (3 in the text, 1 in the appendix) to help illustrate the problem/solution. Your writing and formatting must *strictly* adhere to APA citation guidelines. When writing please try to sound like an american student. You words need to flow in a sentence, and please try to avoid using big words that are meaningless. I will give you 16 pages to complete the assignment, which is probably more pages than I really need. You don*****'t have to make it any longer than it needs to be. I just I thought I*****'d give you a buffer just in case.

I also will include an additional 2 pages to this order because I need you to write a separate 2 page question/answer response page, known as the *****"Formal Proposal Prospectus.*****" This is actually due before the main project is due in my class, and it is meant to give my professor an idea of my plans for the Internal Proposal project. So, spend 1-2 pages answering the 9 questions below regarding what you plan to do for the main project (this is not an essay). Once again, this *****"Formal Proposal Prospectus*****" should be totally separate from the big project.

*Formal Proposal Prospectus (direct from my professor)-

All students will prepare a 1-2-page proposal prospectus in APA format. In this prospectus, please answer each of the following questions separately:

1. What is your research subject? (Ex.: Water cooler conversations)

2. Which HRD theory or model will you be using as the basis for your proposal? (Ex.: Senge*****'s foundation theory)

3. What is your work context?

4. Which source (book, article, Internet site, etc.) did you use to find this subject? (Ex.: James Joyce*****'s Finnegan*****'s Wake)

5. To which topic have you narrowed your subject? (Ex.: the influence of water cooler conversations on employee willingness to attend training)

6. What is the problem you are trying to solve? (Ex.: The negative impact of conversations at the water cooler on employee willingness to attend training)

7. Indicate which sources (books, journals, magazines, newspapers, Internet, interviews, etc.) you will use in order to find a solution, and for each source, explain why you will need it.

8. Who is your audience most likely to be? (Ex.: Managers griping about employee unwillingness to attend training)

9. What is your working thesis (i.e., the statement with your solution)? (Ex.: Lowering the temperature in the break room will keep employees away from the water cooler and thus provide fewer opportunities to spread negative attitudes.)

Keep your answers in the same order as the questions. Please DO NOT write the prospectus in essay form. I need to be able to find your response to each questions easily.

The prospectus functions as the map for your proposal. It presents a brief introduction to the subject, leads up to the problem and solution, and shows in which direction the ***** plans to go to solve the problem. It also gives your instructor an opportunity to check to make sure that you have chosen a workable topic and have thought about what you wish to accomplish with this proposal.

**WDED 5313 Formal HRD Internal Proposal Instructions (direct from my professor)-

Each student will research and write a formal internal proposal on an issue related to human resource development. Choose a performance problem from within your current or former employment and develop a formal proposal to management about how HRD can address the problem. Be sure to use one theory or model discussed in our class as the basis for justifying your proposal. The proposal must contain the following elements:

* Title page for formal internal proposal

* Transmittal memo (see document on memo writing for format and content)

* Table of contents

* List of illustrations

* Abstract (Problem, Solution, Benefits)

* Body (4-6 pages single-spaced)

- Introduction (Purpose, Problem)

- Discussion (sub-headings depend on topic)

- Conclusion (Conclusion, Recommendations, Benefits)

* Glossary (at least 10 terms)

* References (at least five references in APA 6 format)

* Appendix

Other requirements:

* You must include a minimum of two (2) self-generated graphics (charts, graphs, illustrations) in the text. The graphics must be to scale (no enormous sizes covering half a page) and must have proper format, captions, and labels as outlined in the APA Manual, Ch. 5.

* You must include a minimum of one self-generated table in the text. Again, the table must be properly formatted and have captions and labels as described in the APA Manual (Ch. 5).

* You must use at least one graphic or table created by someone else and place it in the appendix. Be sure to cite your source properly (see pp. 38-40 and the sample paper on pp. 41-53 in the APA Manual).

* To recap: You need a total of 4 graphics/tables--3 in the text, 1 in the appendix.

Keep in mind that this is a researched proposal, and the objective is to use sources that go beyond our textbook readings. All the information you provide must be backed up with proper citations from the literature. All your citations, references, and illustration captions must be in APA (6th edition) style. Be sure to provide a variety of current, reliable sources with particular emphasis on peer-reviewed articles. No more than two of the required five references may be websites. Proposals based on more websites are not acceptable and will receive zero credit. And please, I beg of you, never ever use Wikipedia or anything with *****"wiki*****" in the name as a source.

You can access peer-reviewed journals available online. The following is a list of useful journal titles:

1. Human Resource Development International

2. Human Resource Development Quarterly

3. Human Resource Development Review

4. Human Performance

5. Performance Improvement Quarterly

6. Journal of Human Resources

7. Journal of Performance Management

The proposal should identify and develop a solution to a performance problem, using the theories and models of HRD as a foundation.The proposal must be written in proper format and contain all required elements for a formal internal proposal. (See *.pdf files below for explanations and examples.) Be sure to use proper headings throughout the proposal.

NB: Proposals are always single-spaced within paragraphs.

Resources (see uploaded files):

-Parts of a Proposal

Attached Files:

* File: proposal_parts.pdf (2.738 MB)

This is the main document you must consult for your proposal format and structure. The document shows you title page format, table of contents and list of illustrations, abstract or executive summary, introduction, body (including suggestions on which sections and headings the body should have and what content goes under each heading), conclusion/recommendation, glossary, references, and appendix.

Follow the formatting guidelines given in this document. Remember to put citations, references, and illustration captions in APA format, though.

-Document Design

Attached Files:

* File document_design.pdf (1.183 MB)

Use this information to give your proposal a professional, easy-to-read look. The document discusses font choices, heading placement and size, use of white space, and use of bullets and bold text. If your document design looks inconsistent or crammed, here you find tips on how to make things easier to read.

-Proposal Writing Process

Attached Files:

* File writing_process.pdf (733.647 KB)

Follow the steps of this writing process (pre-writing, writing, rewriting) to give your proposal the clarity, conciseness, concreteness, and courtesy it needs to be successful.

-Memo Writing

Attached Files:

* File memo_criteria.pdf (1,018.48 KB)

Remember that we use a transmittal memo as part of our internal proposal. This document gives you the criteria for writing a good memo, including format, structure, and content. You are shown how to format the memo header and what to put in the introduction, body, and conclusion of the memo.

-Internal Proposal Example

Attached Files:

* File example.pdf (1.059 MB)

This is only an example of what an internal proposal can look like. Please do not use the formatting of this example for your own proposal.

-In-House Proposal Sample

Attached Files:

* File in_house_proposal.pdf (570.08 KB)

This document is an example of an in-house proposal. It contains ten rules for writing such proposals and then goes on to show an example of a complete proposal with a critique of what could have been done better. Again, do not use the formatting of this example for your own proposal.

How to Reference "Formal Human Resource Development Internal Proposal" Corporate Writing in a Bibliography

Formal Human Resource Development Internal Proposal.”, 2011, Accessed 4 Oct 2024.

Formal Human Resource Development Internal Proposal (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Formal Human Resource Development Internal Proposal. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Oct, 2024].
”Formal Human Resource Development Internal Proposal” 2011.
”Formal Human Resource Development Internal Proposal”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Formal Human Resource Development Internal Proposal”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 4-Oct-2024].
1. Formal Human Resource Development Internal Proposal [Internet]. 2011 [cited 4 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Formal Human Resource Development Internal Proposal. Published 2011. Accessed October 4, 2024.

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