Thesis on "Irish and Non-Irish Complain in Ireland"

Thesis 30 pages (9155 words) Sources: 20 Style: APA

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Housing Discrimination Among Irish an Non-Irish

Is there discrimination against Non-Irish living in Ireland in the Dublin Ireland Housing Market?

The immigrant population in Ireland contributes considerably to the Irish economy. However, despite their contributions, many non-Irish live in housing conditions that are less than their Irish counterparts. Many blame discrimination as the cause of these disparities. However, there are many factors that could contribute to their condition aside from discrimination. This research examines the question of whether the non-Irish live in poorer conditions that their Irish counterparts due to discrimination, or due to other factors. This survey revealed that the non-Irish living in Ireland do face considerable discrimination, as compared to their Irish counterparts. This discrimination was more prominent in the quest to purchase homes. The non-Irish in Ireland represent a significantly underserved population. This study will help to determine how to reach this segment of the population and increase housing sales in Ireland.

Is there discrimination against Non-Irish living in Ireland in the Dublin Ireland Housing Market?

Chapter 1: Introduction

As the world moves towards globalization, racism is still an issue. Although, it is more difficult to see as it is not as openly accepted as it was in the past (Soyer, 2008). The non-Irish living in Ireland constitutes a major portion of the population. Ireland has immigrants from all over the world. They all come together in search of work opportunities. Many are educated and whey they arrive, they become contributors to the Iris
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h economy. They are affluent and work in many technical areas of the economy. Yet, only a small percentage of them ever realize the joy of home ownership. Many live in flats for their entire life, often in poorer conditions than their Irish counterparts. This study will explore the issue of discrimination among this segment of the population and will help to determine the reasons behind differences in housing conditions between the non-Irish and Irish living in Ireland.


According to Silkie (2008) perceptions of racism varied among non-Irish nationals regarding the existence of racism. This study also revealed that language played a major role in the inability of non-Irish to compete with Irish nationals. Many agree that conditions for non-Irish are poorer than for Irish nationals. However, the literature disagrees as to the reasons for these disparities.

According to the 2006 Irish census, a number of ethnic groups make up the national citizenry in Ireland. These immigrants include UK nationals, Polish, Lithuanian, Nigerian, Latvian, U.S., Chinese, German, Filipino, and French nationals (CSO, 2008). Although this is not a complete list and there are many other ethnic groups in Ireland, these groups comprise the most prominent sectors of the population. Of these groups, those originating from the UK comprise the largest non-Irish group living there today (CSO, 2008).

Immigrants living in Ireland constitute a major segment of the Irish economy and landscape.

In 2007, inward migration to Ireland accounted for approximately 50% of household formation and 60% of total population growth (Finfacts, 2008). Population and employment growth are two key factors that help to predict housing market demand. This growth due to non-national Irish accounted for approximately 30% of the total demand increase over from 2002-2006 (Finfacts, 2008). Non-Irish national accounted for approximately 70% of employment growth in the fourth quarter of 2007 (Finfacts, 2008). At this time, non-Irish nationals accounted for 16% of employment in the total economy (Finfacts, 2008).

Although, non-Irish nationals were found to be well-educated, for the most part, and met many of the requirements necessary to purchase their own home, a majority of non-Irish nationals live out their lives in flats. They never realize the dream of home ownership in Ireland. Research into the reasons for this phenomenon are speculative. Discrimination is suspected to be a responsible and there is one study that seems to support this theory. However, more research is needed to clarify the connection between discrimination and the non-Irish living in Ireland.

There are many unanswered questions regarding discrimination among non-Irish living in Ireland. Some studies found in the literature review indicated that certain ethnic groups were treated better than others. However, the amount of bias in these studies is not known. This research will compare attitudes regarding discrimination of non-Irish ethnic groups living in Ireland with those of Irish nationals.

Purpose of Study

The purpose of this study is to determine if differences in opinion exist regarding discrimination of non-Irish groups living in Ireland between Irish nationals and non-Irish nationals. It will measure differences in opinion regarding discrimination. In actuality, discrimination is difficult to prove in a manner that meets empirical standards. One person may feel that they were discriminated against, while the other party does not feel that way. Discrimination is a two-sided issue and is highly subjective.

Previous studies that used survey techniques to measure discrimination only addressed the feelings of discrimination among those who claimed discrimination. These results were not compared to a control group, but were taken at face value. This study will extend that research and will compare feelings of discrimination in attaining housing between Irish nationals, who will serve as the control group, and non-Irish nationals, who will serve as the test group. This study will further research into the area by comparing the feelings of two groups regarding the issue.

Significance of Study

This study will extend previous research that examines the issue of housing discrimination among Irish nationals and non-Irish nationals. The study will explore the issue using comparative survey methodology. This research method will allow the researcher to isolate the variable of housing discrimination by the comparison of two groups. This study will provide an improved method for studying the topic of discrimination using a non-biased approach. It will fill the gaps created by previous research in the ability to explore the topic in a way that examined both sides of the issue. Previous studies only examined the opinions of ethnic groups that would have been considered the victims in the situation. This study will provide a more balanced approach to the topic area.


The rationale for this study stems from research conducted by the Irish Census that found patterns among non-Irish citizens that may indicate that they are at a disadvantage in terms of home ownership. The study found that a majority of non-Irish live in flats for a significant portion of their lives, while only a small proportion of Irish nationals live in flats. A majority of detached dwellings are owned by Irish nationals, with very few owned by non-Irish nationals. These statistics draw attention to the types and potential availability of housing to non-Irish nationals. It raises many questions regarding the ability of non-Irish to obtain suitable housing.

Other studies found that the non-Irish living in Ireland demonstrate several other demographic traits that would make them appear to be more suitable for home ownership than the statistics reveal. The non-Irish living in Ireland are highly educated members of Irish society, yet they never own a home. According to the literature review, there are more non-Irish living in Ireland in their senior years than Irish in some age sectors. They stay in Ireland until old age, but spend their entire lives living in flats.

These disparities in the Irish Census form the rationale for the current research study. Some research exists that indicates that discrimination may be to blame for these differences in housing. Several studies also suggest that housing for non-Irish nationals is of much poorer quality than that for Irish nationals. Information from the Census and these studies serve as the rationale for the current study.


The primary objective of this study is to examine the possibility that housing disparities between the Irish and non-Irish nationals living in Ireland are due to discrimination. The study will compare the opinions and feelings of Irish and non-Irish nationals about feelings regarding discrimination in the ability to attain housing. In addition to comparing opinions regarding housing in Ireland, the study will divided those in the non-Irish group into various ethnic classes.

The purpose of these comparisons will be to determine if one or more groups are likely to be discriminated against more than others. This comparison will help to determine if certain ethnic groups are more likely to experience discrimination than others. The objective of this research method is to provide an unbiased approach to the research topic.


This research study will use several hypotheses to determine if housing discrimination is a factor in the high number of non-Irish that never own a detached dwelling. It will use comparative data analysis to determine if differences exist between different ethnic groups. The research study will use the following hypotheses to achieve the objective.

H1: Statistically significant differences will be found between Irish nationals and non-Irish nationals regarding opinions about housing discrimination against non-Irish nationals in Dublin.

H2: Statistically significant differences will be found among various ethnic groups regarding the amount of housing discrimination that exists among different ethnic groups in Dublin.

The null… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Irish and Non-Irish Complain in Ireland" Assignment:

Most importat is this research must pretend to be doing the research in Ireland. This means the non-Irish and Irish who both are living in Ireland and we collect data from them.

It should be an *empirical* international business research.

To undertake a comprehensive literature review,based on published material

to complie a research design which incorporates *quantitative data* collection

to analysis the data collected using relevent statistical techniques

to formulate conclusions based on the analysis undertaken


students are expected to read appropriate journal articles and literature pertinent tp their chosen topic.

Research project inculde following areas:



-literature review


(1).research philosophy



4).mono method

5).time horizon (cross-sectional)

6). data collection and data analysis


-primary data collection

-data analysis and discussion

( use spss software to analysis)






How to Reference "Irish and Non-Irish Complain in Ireland" Thesis in a Bibliography

Irish and Non-Irish Complain in Ireland.”, 2009, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Irish and Non-Irish Complain in Ireland (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Irish and Non-Irish Complain in Ireland. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Irish and Non-Irish Complain in Ireland” 2009.
”Irish and Non-Irish Complain in Ireland”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Irish and Non-Irish Complain in Ireland”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Irish and Non-Irish Complain in Ireland [Internet]. 2009 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Irish and Non-Irish Complain in Ireland. Published 2009. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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