Research Proposal on "Hospitality Management in the Church"

Research Proposal 18 pages (4912 words) Sources: 6 Style: MLA

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Hospitality Management in the Church

Hospitality is a very important aspect of the church in fulfilling the church mission and as well represents a large portion of the hospitality market each year. The purpose of this study is to examine hospitality as related to the church and the level of hospitality that the church demonstrates in its activities focused towards evangelism. The methodology of this study is of a qualitative nature, which has been conducted through an extensive review of literature in this area of study. The importance of this study is the information that will be added to the already existing knowledge base in this area of study. This study concludes that hospitality is at the core of the activities that were deemed by Jesus in his example to be worthy of the church in its mission to reach out to the world surrounding what should be a hospitable, warm, welcoming, loving, caring and ministering congregation. Hospitality runs throughout the entire fabric of the stories in the Bible and is at the very heart of the Christian faith and the church in which individuals congregate and worship

HOSPITALITY Management in the CHURCH


Hospitality is a very important aspect of the church in fulfilling the church mission and as well represents a large portion of the hospitality market each year.


The purpose of this study is to examine hospitality as related to the church and the level of hospitality that the church demonstrates in its activities focused towards evangelism.


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methodology of this study is of a qualitative nature, which is conducted through an extensive review of literature in this area of study.


The importance of this study is the information that will be added to the already existing knowledge base in this area of study.


The contemporary society is described by Henri Nouwen as: "...a world of strangers, estranged from their own past, culture and country, from their neighbors friends and family, from their deepest self and their God." (as cited in Hermanson, 2008) Hospitality is described as being more than mere "welcome programs designed to get more people into church. It is a more Christianized version of the Welcome Wagon. (Hermanson, 2008) According to Christine Pohl as cited in the work of Leithart (2007) the church in Antioch (Chrysostom) "...cared for three thousand widows and virgins daily, and in addition, cared for those in prison, sick, and disabled, and those away from their homes. The church also provided food and clothing for those who came 'casually' everyday. From 400 to 403, Chrysostom built a number of hospitals in Constantinople. These provided care for strangers and orphans, as well as for those who were sick, chronic invalids, old, poor and destitute." In fact, the church is known to have "set up various institutional forms of hospitality, including hospitals for the rejected and marginalized sick and weak." (Leithart, 2007) it is stated in the work of Pohl entitled: "Making Room" that the early church fathers instructed that the home should be just as hospitable as the church and that parishioners should turn their home into "...a guest chamber, a place set apart for Christ - a place within which to welcome the maimed, the beggars, and the homeless." (Leithart, 2007) Leithart states: "In an era before Holiday Inn and Motel 6, travelers were often dependent on the hospitality of locals, and when inns started to take over this function and turn it into a money-making proposition in the 16th century." (2008)


I. Ancient Historic Roots of Hospitality

The work of Chandler (2005) entitled: "Sacred Hospitality 'Middle Eastern Style'" relates that the custom in the Middle East of "elaborate and generous hospitality is known the world over" and that this is "particularly true of the Bedouin, whose hospitality is deservedly famous as anyone who has experienced it can witness." (Chandler, 2005) in the Bedouin culture nothing the guest might want or desire is "too good and nothing too bothersome or difficult."(Chandler, 2005) Furthermore the Bedouin host "does all in his ability to convey the honoring impression that the entertainment of his guest is the greatest happiness he has ever known." (Chandler, 2005) the model of the Bedouins was that of Abraham, "the patriarch who welcomed the three mysterious strangers who came to him in the desert. For as in Abraham's experience, in welcoming the stranger" the Church is "welcoming God among" its members. This is referred to as 'sacred hospitality', which is hospitality "pre-figured for him the stance of God himself toward human beings - the sacredness of the guest." (Chandler, 2005)

II. Hospitality in the Bible & the Early Church

The work of Williams (2000) entitled: "Practice Hospitality" writes that Paul, in the Bible, in the Book of Romans, Chapter 12 "gives a list of all that we need to do to be genuine Christians. One of the pivotal points he makes comes in two words: "Practice hospitality." (Williams, 2000) Williams additionally relates that hospitality."..has a grand and noble tradition; but it's more than food and drink. Hospitality is all we do to welcome folks - to make room for people, to offer a free space where the guest can feel accepted and at ease." (2000) Williams notes that in the New Testament "over and over...Jesus is setting the example for hospitality...When he met the woman at the well, he knew she was ill at ease and uncertain; and he immediately accepted her and reached out to her. When he met Zaccheus, Jesus again modeled hospitality. Jesus must have already taken an assertive training course, so he invited himself home with Zaccheus. Jesus showed hospitality to Zaccheus, and that act encouraged Zaccheus' hospitality to emerge. When the disciples wanted to get rid of the children because they seemed too noisy or fidgety, Jesus said, "Let the children come to me." He made room for them. He welcomed them and made them feel accepted, at ease. Why? The children are signs of the newness of God's Kingdom. In the Bible hospitality is at the center of the good news." (2000)

Hospitality, as noted by Williams "has been in decline in recent years." (2000) Williams states that it is time for a resurgence of hospitality..." In the church. (2000) Williams notes the importance of hospitality in the church in the statement of: "When any newcomer arrives at this church, we are given a prized opportunity to offer the hospitality of which Paul speaks. We have a choice. We can move toward any new person, extending ourselves to get to know them. Or -- we can slide back into privatized personal space. If we back off, we'll miss a lot of richness. And we will miss the goodness that God wants to give us." (2000)

The qualities of a Christian are highlighted in Paul's letter to the church at Rome, which included:

1) genuine love;

2) honor;

3) zeal;

4) prayer;

5) financial support; and 6) hospitality! (Williams, 2000)

Williams notes that hospitality "is one of the under-stated missions of the church" and notes that the Bible is " filled with stories of Jesus' many meals with people. Over and over Jesus was eating with people; he was even criticized for eating with gluttons and winebibbers, sinners and tax collectors. Jesus was walking along the Emmaus Road when two strangers appeared beside him, and they invited him to eat. They didn't know it was Jesus until they broke bread together, and then "their eyes were opened, and they knew him in the breaking of the bread." He fed the 5000 people with loaves and fish. He turned water into wine at the wedding at Cana. Jesus seemed to be giving or receiving hospitality every day." (2000)

Williams relates the story in Luke 10, which finds Jesus sitting in the home of Mary and Martha. In this story, Mary " stationed at his feet, taking in every word he says, while sister Martha is back in the kitchen fixing supper. Martha gets irritated because Mary is not helping in the kitchen. But Jesus then speaks rather sternly, "Martha, Martha, you are busy about many things. But Mary has chosen the better part." (Luke 10 as cited in Liethart, 2007) Leithart states that this story is "...a hospitality story. Mary is making room for Jesus, listening to his every word, adoring him, making much over him. But Martha is back in the kitchen. Let me confess that for years I've been bothered about Martha. I really think Jesus should have commended Martha too. Somebody's got to fix the meal! We all can't sit devotedly at the master's feet. We have to eat, and somebody needs to be on the kitchen committee, the hospitality committee. Maybe we should all take a turn on the church hospitality committee. Whether we are focusing our attention on the guest or putting the meal on the table, we are practicing hospitality."… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Hospitality Management in the Church" Assignment:

Would it be possible to provide a Dissertation paper on "Hospitality Management in the Church"; a conglomeration of facts that support the assumption that Churches (regardless of doctorinal beliefs) cannot grow without Hospitality being a vital ministry.

Please include a Title page, Signature page, Footnotes, Bibliography page, References page, works cited page, and of course the bibliography page.

How to Reference "Hospitality Management in the Church" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Hospitality Management in the Church.”, 2008, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Hospitality Management in the Church (2008). Retrieved from (2008). Hospitality Management in the Church. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Hospitality Management in the Church” 2008.
”Hospitality Management in the Church”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Hospitality Management in the Church”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Hospitality Management in the Church [Internet]. 2008 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Hospitality Management in the Church. Published 2008. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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